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The Greedy Mermaid (closed w/ Teadhem)


New Member
Otherwise affectionately known as PATS <3

We know the drill, don't we?
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As soon as she reached the first booth at the market, Cornelia stopped. She took a deep breath and slightly wrinkled her nose at the smell of the sea, before turning to Anny. "So, this is the marketplace. You can find all sorts of strange treasures here. I have to admit I am not too often down here myself, usually only a few times during summer with my younger sister, but it can be quite entertaining. They have some gorgeous wooden carvings further down, for instance. Shall we?" She smiled at the doctor's daughter and nodded towards the booths as she moved her basket further up on her forearm. 


The marketplace was overflowing with noise and energy this afternoon Elysa noticed, as she wandered between the booths. Out of old habit, she was toying with her cross necklace while she was scouting for the booth selling those lovely macarons she'd grown so fond of. 


He let out a small sigh as he made his way through the masses. He kept an eye on Mali and his brother as he moved. Suko's eyepatch was well hidden, and he'd managed to convince him to at least put on a vest and groom his hair a little. He made a slight chuckle at the sight, before moving his gaze back to the booths. 


The heat felt unbearable, and he couldn't wait to get back on the ship and take off the ridiculous vest Nico had made him wear. The ground still felt as if it was moving as he stood in the middle of the market. It had been so long since their last stop, even solid land felt like being out at sea. He let his eyes wander, searching for the foods Chester had gone on and on about them needing. He hadn't realised just how tired he was of dried fish until now that all sorts of smells coming from freshly made food reached his nose.


As all the "important people" went to the market, and the Merlady was currently in a good shape, Bernhard couldn't see why he shouldn't take the opportunity to rest a little. The sun was simply begging him to give it some attention, so eventually he'd given in and lied down on the deck with his shirt covering his face. A faint humming could be heard from underneath it. 

The doctor's daughter let her eyes wander over the crowds of people and booths at the marketplace, with a subtle overwhelmed, but excited feeling in her stomach. She slid to a halt as the bank manager's daughter stopped, struggling to pull her gaze away from the scenery, though they slowly focused on the blonde lady in front of her. "Yes please," she agreed quietly and returned the friendly smile. Her hands were pulled up to her stomach - her right thumb and forefinger fiddling with her left forefinger. 


"Fresh fish! Fish for sale!" A voice yelled above the noise. "Right 'ere, caught in this very ocean!" the young man made a curve with his hand, holding it up to his mouth. The fisherman gestured to his booth, smiling as an older gentleman approached him. "Something for dinner, sir? Best fish in all of England!" He put his hands proudly on the edge of his table, leaning forward. Man. This was going to be a great day! He had a feeling in his gut, and his gut had never been wrong before.


He walked through the crowd with his chin held high, glancing down on the fruit and bread they walked past. His outfit was stripped down to his simple white shirt, pants and boots. His darling hat, coat and belt were all left back on the ship, all for the sacrifice of looking civilian. This might be the best weather they had had in months - made him feel like he was back in Spain again. The Spaniard put his hands in his pockets, whistling silently as he eyed the goods. Were they supposed to bring back alcohol? Well, who were they kidding. They should always bring back alcohol. 

Yi Wei

With her scarf pulled up to over her head like a hoodie, the tall woman walked mainly in shadow. Her type of style was very hard to cover up, and the less people she had to plow through the better. She took on the job to look out for trouble instead, keeping a watchful eye on the crowd they passed. 


Very light foot steps were heard tapping across the deck, from the tip of the ship and all the way back to the rudder. There was a few seconds pause before the tapping started again between each lap, where the young boy climbed up on the railings and stuck his neck out. How long was this going to take? When were they going to be back? Why couldn't he go? He climbed down from the railings and started running towards the front of the ship again, hoping to see them from there. It made in anxious when everybody left like that. Especially when he couldn't come too!

Amused by the girl in front of her's excitement, her smile widened and small wrinkles formed on the sides of her mouth. She nodded and started to walk at a slow pace. "Is there anything in particular you are looking for, miss Labelle?" She looked over at the doctor's daughter. She reminded her of her baby sister, with her admiration for the world around her. 


The fisherman's yelling brought her back from her macaron-daydreaming and she turned her head looking for the source. As she remembered that sweets do not count as dinner, she started walking towards his booth. 


He stopped by one of the booths selling bread, as his longing for something fresh took over. His mouth watered at the sight of them, and he thightened the grip around his bag. 


As he noticed his brother had stopped by the bread booth, Nico rolled his eyes. He switched his course and came up to his brother's side. "Faible", he mumbled, before looking up at the gentleman on the other side of the booth. "This sure is a fine batch, Mr.", he said, and put on his most charming smile. 


"Oy! Boy, they ain't leaving you", the carpenter mumbled from under his shirt, as the boy's footsteps interrupted him from dozing off. "They'll be back before you know it, maybe with a treat or two as well. You'll see"

She tilted her head to her shoulder in a subtle shrug and matched her pace with Cornelia. "Oh no, I've never been to these kinds of markets before," she admitted in a hushed tone. "I'm not used to these crowds. My family and I lived outside of Paris, where it was a lot quieter." She looked around, breathing in all the scents. "Nothing like this." 


"Good choice, good sir!" he praised as the gentleman decided. He pulled out a couple of salmon fillets and wrapped them separately in each their little thin sheet of paper. "That'll be three pence, please." He held his hand out for payment as he handed over the fish, serving up a big ol' grin. The thin coins dropped into his hands and disappeared into a clenched fist, the cheerful guy dipping his head to his customer. "Thanks so much, sir! Hope to see you again soon!" An enthusiastic hand waved him off, ignoring the eyes that were rolled at him. Yup. A great day, indeed! 


He tilted his head up to face the sun, letting it warm his skin. Next his head turned to the brothers, who were obviously preoccupied already. Great. Suppose he should find something to do too then. He rolled his shoulders and stopped walking. Potatoes. Did the cook want potatoes? Well, he was getting some. He hauled his bag further up on his shoulder and headed for the first vegetable booth he spotted. 


The tapping ceased for a moment as he stopped to listen to the old voice coming from underneath the shirt. He went quiet for a long time, unsure what he had just said. "...Treat?" he imitated with an accent. Now that was a word he did know! 
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"Oh, I see", she answered, and took a moment to look around and try to imagine what miss Labelle was seeing. "I have to pick up some vegetables, and maybe a fresh fish or two for tonight, but just tell me if there is anything you want to take a closer look at. I can imagine it might would be nice to bring a sort of souvenir back home from your travel?" 


She kept her eyes on the fisherman and had to smile as she watched his enthusiasm. Still fiddling with her necklace, she stopped by his booth. She let her gaze lower down to the fish, and started seeking out the lucky guy who would get to follow her home


As the baker replied, Nico answered in a fascinated voice, and dug deep into his memory in order to find every piece of information that could be used in a discussion about something as exciting as bread. He moved his bag a little to the side, covering his brother's arm. 


He smiled as soon as his brother joined. Knowing exactly why Nico was there, he kept his head low. He waited a little while until his brother had caught the salesman's full attention, before he carefully opened his bag while looking another way. Almost by itself, a bread slipped down into it.


The carpenter lifted his shirt with two fingers, and peeked out at the boy with one eye closed. "Yes, treat. Goodies. Hopefully something sweet. So you just sit down and wait". A yawn interrupted him and he slowly let his shirt fall back down. His arm snuck back in underneath his head, as he yawned again. "Just wait and see. They'll be back soon", he repeated, as he started dozing off. 

She offered a gentle smile and nodded her head. "Naturally." She kept holding gently on her forefinger. "Perhaps, if there's time, you could show me a small bookshop on the way home?" 


Several seconds after the man had left, the smile was still glued to the young man's face. He turned around and stuck his head inside the house behind him, yelling; "Third sale already, ya hear? No Barney Rubble today!" He chuckled to himself and returned to his booth, raising his eyebrows as he spotted the lady in front of him. "Top of the mornin', good lady!" he grinned, wiping his hands on a towel attached to his apron. "What can I do ya for?"


He stopped by the side of the booth and did a quick look around, before bending down to put his bag lie on the ground. On his way up again, he stabbed his knife into the nearest sack of potatoes, ripping a huge hole in it. "Oh no!" he exclaimed loudly, releasing the small pocket knife into his tall boots, putting his hands to his head as the potatoes spilled out everywhere. "Ah, I am so sorry, sir! I don't know what I did!" He put up a distressed face as the confused booth owner came over. "I'm so sorry!" 

Two big brown eyes watched the man curiously. Most of what he said went in one ear and right out the other, but one thing stuck. Treat. There was only ever one person with lots of treats. The big blop of black hair turned in a swish and soon footsteps were heard tapping over the deck again. A few seconds, and a stair, later the big black head stuck through the door of the ship's kitchen. Where the treats were kept ... 

She stopped by a vegetable booth and picked up a garlic to inspect it. As Anny asked her question, Cornelia looked up. "Yes, of course. There is one not far from here. I can take you there as soon as-", she stopped as a sack of potatoes suddenly ripped open, and the potatoes tried to run away as far as possible. "Oh, goodness", she uttered and let her hand rest on her chest. Her eyes went from the potatoes to the man who was apologising, and then to the salesman. 


"Good morning", she replied smiling. "I am in need of something nice to serve this afternoon, but I am out of ideas. Do you have anything to recommend?" Her eyes wandered across the booth before meeting the fisherman's. 


Two or three more bread magically fell into his bag, before he yawned and turned to his brother. "I'll let you discuss further in peace, I'll go ahead", he said and patted his brother's back twice before leaving the booth. 


He nodded to his brother, and started wrapping the converstation up with promises of coming back the day after


He was just about to put some wooden cups in place, as he heard a small creak from the door. A smile spread across his face as he continued to put the cups where they belonged, with his back facing the door. "Matìas?", he said, quite unsurprised. "Is that you?"

She kept looking around, studying all the people passing them while Cornelia spoke. Things seemed to be moving so fast here. Her eyebrows raised slightly as Cornelia stopped mid-sentence. "What?" she asked, before following her eyes to the potatoes and the two men. Oh no. She took a step back from the mess, not knowing whether she should help or stay back.


With a bowed head he kept apologizing, quickly rushing down to his knees again. "Here, let me help you clean this up!" He forced forward a little stutter, thinking it would add a nice touch to his performance. His hands started gathering all the potatoes he could hold and shoved them all into his empty bag, all the while dropping a few here and there to keep the salesman busy. "I'm so clumsy, I'll clean it all up!" As the bag was filling up to a suitable amount, he tied it closed and threw it over his shoulder - "accidentally" hitting the man in the back of his head. The man was pushed forwards, his forehead colliding with the booth corner. "Oh no!" Mali exclaimed, loosening his grip on the bag after a quick, reassuring glance behind his back. Then he just dropped it and put his hands on the mans shoulders. "Are you okay?!"

Yi Wei

With quick and light steps the woman approached the chaotic potato scene, lining up to walk straight past it all. As soon as the captain let go of the bag, she snatched it up and hauled it on her shoulder. Then, without so much as a glance on the ladies standing right by and not even a pause in her step, she kept walking as if nothing had happened. 


His grin grew two sizes. "Of course I do, madam!" He gestured to his selection of salmon and cod. "Now, all this is brand new, see? Our boats were out all morning getting these beauties, and I promise ya, ya won't find better fish 'ere or anywhere else. Fresh outta the water." He pointed to a nice, big cod fish. One of the better catches that morning. "I always recommend slow roasted cod with a selection of cooked vegetables if ya don't know what ya want. Ya can't go wrong," he said and gently tapped his booth once. 


The big, black head moved from the door and into the room. With anticipating eyes he studied Chester. "Hola," he greeted, tilting his head to scratch it, closing one eye in the process. 

She raised her eyebrows as she watched the bag hit the salesman and fall down behind the two men. A concerned look spread across her face when the tallest woman she had ever seen picked the bag up as she walked past. It took a moment of confusion for her to react, but eventually her eyes narrowed and she took a step forward. Who was this woman? Did she just steal both the man's bag and the salesman's potatoes? Or did the man and the woman work together? Surely you would have to be below average intelligent to be that clumsy. She quickly cleared her throat and raised her voice. "Excuse me!" She kept her eyes on the woman who was about to disappear in the crowd. 


"Oh, cod sounds wonderful!", she uttered and took a closer look at the one he had pointed out. "What a nice catch. I think I might should go for a smaller one, though, as we are only two at the table tonight."


With all the cups in place, he turned around. The little boy in front of him looked just as excited as always. He shook his head lightly with a smile on his face while tightening his apron. "Looking for something to eat, are we?" It was almost fascinating how such a small kid managed to always stay hungry no matter how small amount of time had past since their last meal. 

His ice blue eyes popped up from the ground as a woman spoke. What? As he tilted his head up to see the woman stepping forward, he let out a small: "mierda" and stood up, letting go of the salesman, who staggered to his feet and took a clumsy step back behind his booth, holding his head. Luckily that guy wasn't going to think straight for a while. He caught a glimpse of the Raccoon as she walked off, quickly stepping in front of the blonde lady in front of him. "Shut it," he snapped silently, glancing around. Dammit, that had brought about some attention, hadn't it? He put up a calm smile, nodding to a few passerby's as nonchalant as possible. "You had to open your mouth, didn't you?" he muttered as his attention returned to the lady and his eyebrows lowered. Huh. Lady indeed. Not exactly far from pretty either. Nevertheless ... He pulled his knife from his boots, pushing the flat side up into his sleeve until only the blade stuck out a few inches past his fingers. He smiled and looked around again, slowly stepping closer as he lay his arm around her shoulders. While curling his arm, he let the blade poke lightly on her collarbone. A warning. "Stay still."


She watched the dizzy man return behind his vegetable booth and leaned slightly over it, turning her body to face him. "My goodness, are you okay, sir?" she reached a careful hand towards him, wrinkling her eyebrows. Miss Cornelia's words went unnoticed and she forgot about the other man. "Does it hurt?"


The thick eyebrows lifted from the small, friendly eyes and he gave an insightful "aah". Just so! "No problem, ma'am! We got a fish for every family 'ere!" he reassured her and pointed to a selection of smaller fillets. "Something like this then, perhaps?"


Small, dirty hands rubbed his stomach and he smiled big. "Treat," he said. "Quiero un convite." This might be his favourite place on the entire ship. Maybe sometime the cook could give him one of those delicious oranges again. The one they collected in Spain. 

The man caught her off gaurd. She was just about to gather herself and reply to his rude comment, when he put his arm around her. She froze for a second, as something sharp caressed her collarbone. Her neck was stretched away from him, and she could feel the tiny hairs rise. The lively crowd around her grew silent, the only sound came from her heart, which was trying to escape through her esophagus. Her eyes widened, and she could not seem to gather her thoughts. What in the world was going on? Who was this man? She felt dizzy. "What do you want?", she finally managed to utter.


She pressed her hands mildly towards her stomach with a lowered gaze while awaiting his reply. For a short moment, her thoughts went to the big table with all the empty chairs at home. His response brought her back, and she looked up. He had one of the most honest smiles she had ever seen, and she  took notice of how contagious it was. "Something like that would be just perfect", she answered after a quick look at the fillets. 


He chuckled when the boy opened his mouth. "A treat now, ey?" He rubbed the back of his head while looking at the boy with a crooked smile. "Couldn't wait 'til the captain came back with some food to fill our empty storage with, could we?", he couldn't help but tease the boy a little. Behind his back, he grabbed the knob on one of the doors on the cubboard. 

The pirate smiled happily at the shaken lady. Great, she knew what a threat was. Then he might still be able to save this situation. "Honestly I just wanted the potatoes," he admitted with a snicker, raising his chin. "Though your interfering .. eh. We're going for a little walk towards my ship." He ran his eyes up and down the distracted friend of hers, raising an eyebrow, for she seemed to finally turn her attention their way again. The blonde Spaniard smiled at her, then turned his head towards the lady on his arm. "Well, she can come too." 


A mumbling salesman waved her off and walked away from them, probably to sit down somewhere until the world stopped spinning. She kept a worried glance on him for a while, until she eventually turned back to quite a startle. Two times she blinked, but everything remained what she had first seen. What on earth was going on? Did Cornelia and the man .. know each other? My, that hardly seemed appropriate ... His smile made her uneasy, but not half as much as the look in miss Cornelia's face. Her stomach dropped with a sudden feeling of caution as she looked to Cornelia for answers to the puzzle. "I'm sorry, Miss, come where?" She attempted a polite smile. "Is this a friend of yours...?"


"Good choice, madam," he nodded his head and reached over for a thin sheet of paper, quickly and tightly wrapping the fish up. "That rounds up at exactly two pence," he informed cheerfully. 


He smiled to the cook's chuckle, taking it as good news. "Capitàn won't know," he said whilst showing off his gap tooth. Someone on the ship had taught him that sentence, but he always forgot how you said captain in English. 
Waves of anger pulsated through her body as the filthy barbarian beside her spoke. "You are scum", she hissed and clenched her fists. As Anny turned to them, she tried to swallow the lump in her throat. A few seconds past, as she processed the swine's words. She cleared her throat once again, and looked at the sweet Miss Labelle without properly seeing her. Her gaze lowered as she opened her mouth. "Yes", she said with a hint of a squeak in the beginning. "This is a, well... acquaintance... of mine. He is the son of a friend of my dad. He just arrived with some new stock, and is very excited to show it to us." Her chest hurt so bad she barely managed to breathe throughout her sentence. She closed her eyes for a moment and tried to take a deep, shaky breath. "And he says that you are more than welcome to join." 


She reached for her purse and started searching through it. It didn't take long before she managed to find the three pence she was looking for. "Two pence. And a penny for good service", she said. As the fisherman was busy wrapping, she put it on the booth beside him. As she was waiting, her eyes began to wander. A sudden flash of blonde hair between all the people passing her, caught her attention. Could it be...? She slowly turned away from the booth and started searching for it again.


After bumping his fist on his brother's shoulder for a job well done, they had went to different booths. He was just about to start a conversation with a woman selling eggs, whose voice sounded just like the chickens she so proudly had bragged about to another customer, when he noticed Mali. He slightly tilted his head, puzzled by why the captain's arm was wrapped around some girl in an expensive looking dress. 


With a heavy load of salted meat in his bag, he turned around and raised his brows as he became aware of the captain's situation. His eyes quickly found his brother in the crowd, and they exchanged a brief look. Did he know anything about this? Of course he didn't. He never knew what was going on. Ever.  


He knew this sentence would come, but it always gave him a laugh nonetheless. "The captain won't know, eh?" He lightly shook his head again, still with a smile on his face. Behind his back, he opened the cubboard and snuck his arm in. It didn't take long before his hand found the small jar he was searching for. "Well, alright then, if the captain won't know, and you don't tell anyone where my secret hiding spot is-" he pressed the forefinger on his free hand towards his lip, "- then I guess it might would be okay to give you this." He pulled out the jar and took off the lid. "Now, I know it's not an orange or a fresh piece of bread, but... As I have said before, or... At least tried to explain: this cabbage is magical, and will keep you healthy and strong." He handed the small jar of sauerkraut to the boy. He had a few more of these small jars, just in case. He always did this every time they refilled their storage, saving some of it in small jars. It was just in case a day came when they did not have any more left. If the boy got sick with scurvy, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. 

Confusion and this intruding feeling of nervousness, though she had no idea what for, dominated her body. Cornelia looked incredibly uncomfortable, but the man kept smiling. "Oh." She tilted her head down in an attempt to catch her eye. Her hands held each other to the height of her chest and she nodded slowly. "I suppose," she answered quietly. What else was she to do? Of all things, she surely couldn't let her go alone with the man! Oh dear. Perhaps it was the grip he had on her that made her sound so stiff ...She'd better go with them.


A smile turned into a satisfied grin. Ah, looked like this situation was fixing itself. Kind of. "Great! It's not very far." He tightened the grip around the woman's neck every so slightly for a second, touching the blade to her throat again. Until he could find the others, this depended on that the blonde lady kept cool and cooperated. He leaned his head towards hers and whispered quietly; "be a bit more original with the insults, love." Moments later he straightened up again and gave her a careful nudge, starting to lead them forward. He began searching for the twins in the copious amounts of people. Now would be a good time for those two goldfishes to pop by!


He lit up in a big, bashful grin at the generous tips and started rubbing his neck. "A penny? Madam, that's almost too much!" He exclaimed. "Thank ya so much! Not everyday ya have great customers like these!" He looked up from the cutting table where he had finished wrapping the fish, chuckling slightly. "It's much appreciated, my lady."


Once more a quick tapping of feet were heard as the boy scurried closer to the cook. His eyes widened with anticipation at the mention of oranges. The few centimeters he gained from balancing on his toes did nothing to help him see behind the mans back, so he tried hunching down instead - but that was no good either. Just as the cook brought forward a jar, he straightened right back up again and held his hands out. Confusion drenched his little face when he saw that he hadn't gotten an orange at all. This wasn't even a fruit. This was .... that weird stuff the cook always talked so much about. He still had no idea why he babbled so much for this weird, not orange-y jar, but since he kept giving it to him he would eat it. He always ate it. He never ever ever turned down food!  

She forced herself to send a stiff smile to Anny as they started moving. A cascade of swear words went through her mind as the man spoke, and she had to bite her lip to prevent herself from showing him exactly how creative she could be. With stiff steps, she let the man lead her further into an uncertain future. 


Certain her eyes hadn't just played a trick on her, she had already dived into the crowd of people when the fisherman was about to hand her the wrapped up fish. She was absolutely sure it had been her, and was too focused on her task to have heard the boy's words. 


Becoming aware that his brother didn't know anything about the captain's situation either, he tried to make eyecontact with Mali. What was he doing? Bringing them back to the ship? He gave his captain a confused look, and hintet towards the two ladies he was bringing along with him. Was this part of the plan? 


He smiled as the boy accepted the jar. He hoped there was someone selling it at the market, so the captain could bring some back with him. There wasn't much left in the storage, and he knew the vegetables they most certainly would find down there, would only last so long. Perhaps they would have to go on a bigger raid soon? He sighed and sat down on a stool. 

She adjusted her pace to that of the two besides her. If ... If she was being positive, at least this meant she could see a big, lovely ship up close. She really wanted nothing more than to talk to miss Cornelia in private for a moment, to ask her what was really going on. Was it really okay to leave the market with an ... Acquaintance?


Finally, he saw the two familiar goldfish heads sticking up from the crowd. Suko's look was answered with a totally non-suspicious grin. Like between two friends who recognised each other at the market one afternoon. "Ladies," he turned his head to the two women and  waved the twins over with his free hand. "My friends will be joining us. These two work with me," he smiled stiffly at the blonde one. 


He raised his eyebrows at the woman. "Madam?" His voice raised as she seemed completely oblivious. "Madam, excuse me! Hey!" 


His hands gripped tightly to the lid and he struggled to open it, even with all his force pushing on it. After a few more seconds of trying he let out a big sigh and held the jar up to Chester again. "Demasiado apretado!" 

Her eyes narrowed as she heard the news, and she searched the crowd for his so called friends. 


Hesitantly he started walking towards Mali and the ladies as he saw the captain wave. As he came closer, he got a better look at the two Mali was talking to. Was that a knife he caught a glimpse of, hiding in Mali's sleeve? The blonde girl's facial expression quickly confirmed his suspicion. After exchanging a last look with Mali, he put his fist up to his mouth and cleared his throat. "Captain", he nodded towards Mali and then turned to the girls. "M'ladies", he said with a short bow. As he got back up again, his eyes met the brunette's. Something about her caught his attention, and he couldn't help but keep eye contact with her for a few seconds. "Are you going to give the ladies a tour of the ship, Captain?" He didn't turn to Mali before the last word in his question.


While making her way through the crowd, she managed to spot the lady again. She didn't realize the strange situation the lady was in, before she had already opened her mouth. "Miss Cornelia!", she exclaimed as she was getting out of the masses. She slowed down her pace the moment she noticed the man holding his arm around Miss Cornelia.


He looked at Matìas struggling and couldn't help but finding it quite entertaining. When the boy gave up, he asked a quick "are you sure?", before taking the jar. He put his hand on top of it and puffed out his cheeks, pretending the jar was almost impossible to open. After a minute or so, he quit his act and sent the boy another crooked smile. He opened the jar with ease, before handing it to the boy. "Here you go, pal" 

He returned Suko's nod. "Exactly," he nodded and raised an eyebrow. Well, it looked like keeping the brunette oblivious might be easier than he originally thought. "They so terribly wanted to see it for themselves. Lets round up the rest and see what we can do, aye?" 


Her thought bubble was burst with the man's words and she lifted her head just as another man bowed in front of them. As he straightened up again and looked directly at her, she widened her eyes a little. Her eyebrows lifted and her lips parted just a touch. All of a sudden she caught herself staring at the tall man with the half covered face, even for several seconds after he looked away. Oh. She quickly turned her face down to the side, brushing a lock of hair from her face. Remembering her manners, she did a polite courtesie back.


Seeing the yelling prove pointless didn't stop him from trying again. The fisherman stepped out from his booth, still holding the fish in his hands. He stretched his neck to see where on earth the lady had gone off to. "Madam! The fish!" He finally spotted her in the crowd. "What on earth..?" he muttered to himself, hesitant to leave his booth. Instead he raised his voice further: "Ya didn't get the fish!" 


The boy crossed his arms in front of his chest, giggling a bit at the little display. The cook was so silly! He took the jar in both hands again once opened and grinned crookedly. "Gracias, señor," he muttered through a mouthful of cabbage. Maybe orange next time ... Mid-chewing he turned around and started walking towards the door, satisfied with his catch and fairly preoccupied with eating it. 
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"Aye, Captain", he said, and looked over his shoulder at his brother coming up behind them. 


Her heart skipped a beat as she heard someone calling her name. Who had recognised her? Was someone here to save her? Her brother perhaps? Her eyes started to desperately search for the person who had called her. Just as she was starting to think she had imagined it, she noticed Elysa. A horrible chill went down her spine, and she looked at the lady with sorrow in her eyes. She wanted to tell her to run. Far away. But all she could do, was stand still and watch. 


She watched her shaken friend and started to sense the uncomfortable atmosphere. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. As she was looking for answers in Cornelia's expression, a sudden, small flash of light caught her attention. She stared at it for a moment, before realising the man was pressing a knife towards Cornelia's neck. Her mouth fell open, taken by surprise. What was going on? She grabbed her necklace and clenched it harshly. "Excuse me, Sir", she said. "Why are you threa-"


Caching up with the group a little late, he came up behind the lady who now was beginning to ask problematic questions to the Captain. After a quick analysis of the situation, he took the liberty of interupting the woman. "Well, this is a fine tour group you've gathered here, Captain. Are we all set to head for the ship?" Gently, he placed his hands on the woman's shoulders. 

That old, dreadful feeling of unease began creepy it's way into her body once she recovered from the odd moment with the man. She remembered where she was again and who these people were; strangers. More and more strangers. The interruption made her turn her head to the scene and she firmly pressed her hands to her stomach, as if to keep this growing sensation of fear in chess. Oh dear ... So many things played into her wish to go home. The slightly indecent hand around miss Cornelia, the strangers ... And the tense atmosphere. 


His head snapped to the new woman who spoke, but - as often was - Nico fixed the problem before he had time to even stress about it. He nodded to goldfish number two. Just to be sure, he took a quick look around. No scene. No fuss. Even better, he saw the Raccoon nearby. "Sì, amigo. That we are." Looked like they'd be a few more returning than had left. He began walking again, carefully pushing the blonde with him. 


There was something about the people the lady had just walked up to, that made him wary. Three lovely ladies dressed in expensive gowns, with the likes of those guys? Something didn't add up there. He might be totally in the wrong, but that couldn't possibly be the madams husband! Though, well, that wasn't really his business. He looked back and forth between his booth and the group several times. He couldn't just leave it ... Well, he should maybe .. As soon as he saw the group started moving, he made a quick decision: She should at least get her fish! He would be back in no time. With that in mind, the salesman left his booth and started walking towards them - as quick as he could through the masses - with his fish in hand.  

As Mali started to walk, he turned his attention to the brunette again. He noticed her discomfort, and gave her a friendly look. "May I?" he asked, and offered her his arm. 


He gave the woman a gentle push as the Captain started moving, and snuck his arm underneath her's. "Shall we?" He took advantage of her shocked state, and started escorting her behind the captain.


The man who had suddenly put his hand on her shoulders, caught her off guard. It felt like she'd just been caught red handed in a crime. Speechless and confused, she followed the stranger. 


Her anger and fear was starting to turn into panick. Her eyes flickered from side to side, and her heart was racing. She was looking for a way out, a familiar face, anything, but it was all so blurry. Every time she got the impulse to run, the cold piece of iron reminded her to stay still. 

She looked up at the tall man from before with hesitation. After a quick glance at miss Cornelia's back, she nodded slightly and carefully took his arm. Any other day she might have remembered to smile, but manners like that were not her main focus. 


"Don't loose it now," he murmured quietly to the lady. He could hear her heartbeat against his arm while he studied the crowds they passed. They wouldn't have to go very far before they were down on the harbor again. "You were doing so good earlier." 


He kept moving through the crowd, careful not to push anyone or well, slap them in the face with a fish. "Hello!" His voice was drowned out by the indistinct talking around him. Sheesh! 

He smiled as she took his arm. As he escorted her after the others, he looked down at the worried, little lady. He had a bad feeling about this himself, but he kept his reassuring smile. "Are you fond of ships, miss?" he asked, as he couldn't come up with anything better to start a conversation with. Even though his brother was walking in front of him, he just knew he was rolling his eyes at him. 


The man's words was not even slightly comforting. It just reminded her of how she had gotten both Anny and Elysa into this mess as well. What was going to happen to them? Would they all be killed as soon as they got on the ship? Raped by the entire crew? Sold to a brothel? Would they ever see their families again? She tried to remember the last thing she said to them. The lump in her throat grew. 


She closed her eyes. Still clenching her necklace, she whispered a small prayer. She did not dare to resist the man escorting her, afraid of what could happen to Cornelia if she tried.

She kept her eyes in front of them, on miss Cornelia's back and the small flashes of the sea she spotted every now and then. It would usually sooth her to hear waves crashing. "Very much. It is my favorite way to travel," she admitted and paused for a moment. A question was stuck in her throat, but for whatever reason she was hesitant to ask. "Do you ... Pardon, I mean ..." She looked up at him. "You are merchants, then?"


The streets started to clear out and grow quieter and quieter. As they walked, his brain worked quickly with the little situation at hand. He didn't expect the brothers, or the crew for that matter, to be super excited about this minor inconvenience, but hey - what was a poor guy to do? They just had to get away from the harbor. 


He began to catch up with them as they reached the end of the market and turned down the street leading to the dock. The man stopped walking and raised his eyebrows. Something smelled fishy. He began walking again, following at a safe distance. Man, his gave him a weird feeling. How could the lady just forget that she was in the middle of a purchase..?

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