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Fantasy The Good Life (Always open)

Phoenix Youngblood

A Rare Species Of Myra
This is a roleplay set in modern times, but there are still ancient creatures and legends still lurking about, anything is allowed, from Sirens,, and Phoenixes, to Vampires, and ghosts, anything your heart desires, romance is allowed, but if it gets heated, fade to black, no god-modding, try not to make your character too powerful, no killing other characters unless, the owner of the character agrees, and most important of all, have fun, and enjoy!
November opened her eyes, rolled over, and fell off of her bed "Eep!" she shrieked falling off of her bed. She shook her head, and pushed herself up off the ground and stood up, she shook her head and walked over to her closet, she found a loose and flowing dress towards the back of her closet, grabbed it, and headed into the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, she unlocked her phone, which she always left plugged in on the bathroom counter at night, and started blasting a playlist with Fall out boy, and other similar bands, as she got dressed and ready for the day. Checking her phone and realizing she would be late to her weekend job at library, she grabbed her bag and ran out of the door to her apartment. she hopped into 67' impala, which she had saved up for years to buy, and sped off towards the library, arriving fifteen minutes before opening, and greeting the head librarian before taking her place behind the counter at the information desk.
Grace was suprised to wake up to her big brother poring a glass of ice scold water on her she pushed him out the way and exclaims " What in the world was that for Justin !". She storms in to the bathroom puts on her black skinny jeans and rolls them into Capri's and her brother explained " Well , I wanted a fun way to wake my sister up so I thought of water and at least I didn't poor it on your head.". "Yeah yeah..." , she sighs pulling her white tank with a tabby cat on it over her head. Then she runs out the bathroom door and rushes to the vanity table and throws her hair into a nice clean sock bun. Then apply's her mascara, lip gloss, blush, eyeshadow, and eyeliner. And runs and gets in her 2014 Dodge ram 2500 8" lift kit and bds suspension and drove to her library interview.
Alexis was at the library looking for books to read she wasn't a reader but she try to pretend she is twilight books was a joke to her she was listing to her ipod she stole from one of her victims she wore contacts since everone will know she's a vampire she got her library card out as she checked out her library Lexi looked at the girl as she smirked" hi i like to check these out" she said coldly she wasn't in the mood to be friendly she wanted something to drink
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Ember smiled, and scanned the girls books, and library card "There ya go, have a nice day' she said cheerfully, pushing the girls books to her and turning back to the computer desk were she had been doing some research and continued reading and scrolling through the sites, occasionally jotting down notes.
Alexis went outside she don't have a place to stay all the years she been a vampire she just moved to this town she was fairly new to this place she looked around not sure where to go she went back inside the library" um do you have any openings for jobs you see i just moved her i don't have a place to stay yet i can't afford to get a place yet so do you have a opening or something for interview i'm very good with books and stuff" she to the girl nervous not sure what to say to her
Ember turned around and looked back to the girl, she looked younger, but she remembered what it was like when her parents died, leaving her and her sister, who had died not too long ago, and took pity on the girl "I'll see what I can do, but I'm not sure, we're already having another girl come up for an interview today, but I'm sure I could pull a few strings here and there, and get an opening for you, name and number please" Ember replied meaning every word she had rambled.
Alexis smiled"thank you" she said as she wrote down her phone number and name she bite on her lips not sure waht she do now she just sighed" see you around i guess" she say as she started to walk away again she just sat in alley way reading her books looking around kinda scared she was a vampire but she also gets scared easily she was reading the hunger games books as she smiled a bit someone droped water on her they just laugh walking away she just sighed while she punched a wall she didn't want to live like this but she had to find a job at her young age
Ember spent the next hour or so researching, helping library patrons, checking in books, and putting them back onto their shelves, when it was finally time for her lunch break, she set up the sign, gathered up her notebook and pencils, before heading out, she looked around for the Alexis, the girl who came to check out the books and inquire for a job. After searching for a little while, she gave up "She's probably long gone" she muttered shaking her head, she decided to go to the coffee shop not too far from the library, she walked throught the people until she reached the alleyway connecting the street with the coffee shop and the street she was currently on, as she was walking, she thought she could see someone sitting on the ground reading, and as she got closer, she saw that the person, was in fact, Alexis "Hi there" she chimed, "You're Alexis, right?" she questioned leaning against the wall.
Alexis looked up at the girl" y...Yeah your right" she said as she smiled" Hey whats your name" she say smiling as she closed her book standing up she had to lie about what happen to her why she was so lonely she stood up as she noticed she was hungry not for blood but for food" you can call me Lexi everyone used to call me that until my parents died it been tough" she say lying to the girl who was talking to her" i'm sorry you don't need to know that" she say brushing back her hair with her hand
Ember frowned, "No, it's alright, I understand, my parents died when I was twelve, I had a sister then, but she's gone too, and my name is November, but I prefer to be called Ember" she said, and smiled sympathetically
Alexis was confused what was a sister" this might be a stupid question but what's a sister i don't understand is it a person or a thing" she asked her it was getting cold outside as she was rubbing her body with her hand she just wanted to be with someone a person to care about her for once" please don't feel bad for me its okay somehow i will find a place to live yeah i'm only 13 but i can handle it i'm tougher then i look" she say smiling to ember
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Ember almost laughed, " A sister is a person, a girl, and she's generally born from the same parents as you, unless she's adopted, but even then, she's still your sister, and you're supposed to look after each other, even if she drives you insane, which mine, always did, we were polar opposites" she said with a nostalgic, faraway tone, and an almost sad smile
Locket watched the two from a far, he heard their voices as he was practicing his powers. He sat down and started eating an apple as he watched. "Wonder what they're doing." He quietly said to himself.
Ember frowned, she felt like she was being watched, she didn't like the feeling this gave her, and decided it would be best to find out who, or what, was watching them "Alright Lexi, it's been nice talking to ya, but I've gotta go now, see ya real soon" Ember stated before walking away and out of the alley, as soon as she was out of there, she found a discreet place, and quickly shifted into the fiery bird that was her Phoenix side, and flew up above the roofs of the city she spotted a male, seemingly human, and he was in a place where he could have seen and heard Alexis and herself, she flew to a spot near him, but where he could not see her, and shifted back to her human form, quickly patting down the few sparks still clinging to her clothing, and approached him "Who are you" she asked, sitting next to him.
Alexis felt lonely after ember left as she just hugged the book she had she just walked to the park looking for food to eat she couldnn't find anything she wanted to eat she looked at some bread as one of the bakers pushed her she just ran to the park" i'm so hungry i feel weak" she said to herself on the bench she wanted to cry but everyone will see she didn't want to make a scene at the park in front of all these people after she sat there for a while she got up and went back to the alley way as she lay down as she were having a panic attack she cried herself to sleep
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He looked at Ember. "I don't believe I gave you permission to sit there." He said rudely as he looked up at the sky. Obviously bored.
"And I don't recall asking for your permission" she retorted, slightly annoyed, but tried not to show it. she inspected her nails, the black and red polish was chipped, she sighed and began scraping the nail polish off, she didn't care how rude this guy would be to her, she was stubborn, and wouldn't make any unnecessary movements until she got her questions answered.
"You are the rudest I've ever met. What were you doing? Stalking me?" he asked her. He was annoyed by her prescense. He came to this spot for some much needed alone time. His day had been crazy so far. So many errands he had to run.
"Eh, technically, I guess, I felt someone watching me, and wanted to know who it was, and you're the only one around with a vantage point, of where we were, so I figured it was you" she shrugged unapologetically, continuing to scrape the nail polish.
Kazuichi walked through the town yawning Yukari ran in front of him. "Getting tired of walking I told you that I would carry you." She said proudly Kazuichi scoffed. "I'd rather avoid unnecessary contact with you. Touching you may make me a weirdo like you." Yukari blushed and shook her head. "Oh my god of course how could I be so stupid I should had known I'm too dirty to touch master I almost tainted him oh no forgive me master." Yukari fell to her knees begging Kazuichi looked around red from embarrassment. "Yeah yeah okay okay I forgive you get up already!" She stood up and Kazuichi sighed. "Let's just find a library or something."
"I saw you two while I was trying to have a peaceful point in my day. So I just decided to watch you guys." he said as he shrugged his shoulder. "Who was that other girl? She seemed pretty sad."
"Her name is Alexis, I believe she's just lonely" she said looking away, she closed her eyes and whispered almost silently "I understand her on that point" she thought of how just six months ago, she and her sister had been dancing around the kitchen in costume and making sandwhiches, she smiled and stuck in the reverie, that maybe she would go home and find her waiting on the couch, after all, that was what happened when the first time she had died, but Ember realized she was gone for good this time, and blinked back tears.
Locket looked at Kazuichi. "What a jerk. Making a girl call him master. What has this world come to? I should put an end to this." He stood while holding his sword. He looked down at Amber and wiped away her tears. Then he looked down at Kazuichi. "It's show time." he said with a bright smile.
Kazuichi sighed looking around. "Hey mutt see any libraries." Yukari shook her head. "Nope sorry master." She said Kazuichi sighed again then he saw Locket walking over. He gave a slight glare to him. "What do you want I'm busy hey mutt let's keep moving." He said to Yukari and then looked at Locket again. "On second thought. What do you want?" He asked grinning.

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