The God inside [Inactive]

Jack took a step back letting her arms go and lifted his hand up to his head. He now had a headache, but that didn't slow him down. He rushed forward and tackled Faythe to the ground and pinned her arms against her sides. Jack smirked and ask," you give up?"
Faythe groaned as she was tackled and even though it didn't really hurt, she wasn't really use to being tackled to the ground, a smile formed on her lips now. Positioning her legs a bit she began thinking about how much Jack must weigh before putting strength into her upper thighs and bucking her hips up to throw Jack off.
She smiles to him she had a big smile when she did. "So you are Poseidon! No wonder your a water lover. I do believe your suppose to carry a trident... And your god, I mean you once, believed that Aphrodite belonged to you because she was born from a shell from the sea.... Sorry my family is big into Mythology. It was my father's job." She stopped talking realizing she was talking to much. She looks down and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. Then she nods to him listening to meet him job the cafeteria. She turns and starts walking to a different still exploring her new surroundings. Then Kat starts to wonder who the heck am I?
Jack got up, dusted himself bad walked over to Faythe and held out his hand," I'm going to call this a draw. You make a good sparring partner Faythe." he smiled and wonder what god she was
"As if, you practically had me on defense, I never got to really hit you," Faythe snorted with a playful roll of her eyes as she took his hand and shook it, she had to admit that he was really good.

"Oh and so you know, you seem like an Ares to me. Don't get to cocky though," Fay had a smirk on her face before she began wondering where a vending machine or something was. She was feeling a bit thirsty now.
Jack chuckled and said," I can see how I am Ares, but then who are you? I mean you have to be a goddess that could fight." he pondered this for a sec and then decided to figure it out later. He looked around for a vending machine ad saw one at the other side of the pull. " You want to go grab a drink." he pointed to the vending machine
Faythe had to think about it for a minute and actually wanted to know what the answer to that was.

"Ah, who knows? I'm guessing I'm someone awesome," Fay spoke, taking the gloves off her hands Faythe flexed her wrapped fists to check the condition of her wounded hand. It was a bit numb but it wasn't really anything special, she would just put on some ooze before going to sleep tonight.

"Let's go get that drink. March!" Faythe grinned as she playfully marched toward the vending machine, she would probably start coming to the gym at night for a good exercise. Just thinking of that reminded Fay of how she use to sneak out at night to go practice at her friend's gym.
Jack couldn't help, but chuckle as he walked beside her," you know you sort of act like a kid." he smiled and stuck his hands on his pockets. He looked over at the weapons rack and notice that there were more modern weapons too. He then thought to himself that he would need to come back sometime and train a bit
Rich listened patiently to Kat, she seemed to know a lot about this god stuff subject. A father who studied ancient religions must have been an interesting person to talk to, Rich thought.Poseidon, The name sounded strong and powerful, and a trident! Another piece of the puzzle fell into place. After Kat nodded to Rich, he left to go change. Rich was extremely hungry and if there is a pattern to this place, the food will be good as well.

Quickly Rich found the posted dorm assignment and headed over to his dorm. While he was walking, Rich tried to remember if there was a trident at on the weapon rack in the gym. All he could remember was the pool, and truthfully food was at the forefront of the boys mind.

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Kat went up and order food for two people and she grab two water bottles. She turned to find a good seat then she smirked and walked with the food to the pool and she set the food on a plastic table that was in there. She was sure the rich would be by the water again if everything her dad told her was true about herself and the other god a this is where he would want to be. She pulls her shoes off and rolls her pants legs up and put her feet in the water. She takes a bite of her sandwich and kicks her feet it was actually nice. Kat smiles and looks straight ahead gets the feeling she's actually going to like this place.
"Like kid? That's the first time that's happened, most people say I'm an intelligent delinquent," Faythe laughed as they reached the vending machine. Taking change out of her pocket she put it into the machine and pressed the button for water, when it fell to the bottom she grabbed it and moved out of the way so that Jack could get his drink.

"If I was a kid again I'd so kick butt out of all the other kids," Fay grinned, when she was younger she had been into several fights through out elementary to high school but she always wanted the chance to be a kid again.
Jack got his drink and leaned against the machine and chuckled," you wouldn't beat up all the kids because you couldn't beat me." he grinned and stuck out his tongue playfully. " you know if you act the same way mow as you did when you were a kid you must have gotten into a ton of fights." he chuckled and sipped his water
Rich finally had some dry clothes on. It felt nice. Rich hated the chlorine crust he could feel on him skin and hair. The water wasn't supposed to be like that but nothing can be perfect.

Rich made his way back to meet Kat. He was so hungry he couldn't tell If he was more excited for the food or hang out with a pretty girl.

Rich sat on his bunk and started to have those feelings again, the ones that made him seek isolation. The same feelings he felt when he knew he was going to move. Don't allow yourself to grow attached Rich told himself. Everything is temporary, the bunk he sat on, the people he met, everything eventually dies. Rich did something different from his usual song, he fought those feelings. Rich picked himself up and headed to eat with Kat.

Rich found the girl dipping her feet into the water. He thought it was a good idea and did the same. He made sure not to get his clothes wet again, taking off his shoes and sock and hiking up his jeans awkwardly. Rich grabbed a sandwich. "Thanks" he said holding it up and looking at Kat. He took a big bite and started chewing.

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She started to laugh then quickly hushed herself. "You look decent in dry clothing sir... Oh I got you some water too. And just so you know I'm a Roman goddess not a Greek one. I'm Bellona... She's the goddess of war for the Romans. My dad knew before I did...- she hands him the water bottle and she smiles to him. Then she splashes her feet and looks to her red painted toe nails.

"Yea, back then I was just a sweet little girl," Faythe smiled and knew that was total BS, it was actually a bit worse when she was small because she would always get into fights without a second thought. She had even kicked her teacher a in the balls when he had been lecturing her about her blunt and uncaring attitude in class.

"They use to call me an angel in elementary," At this point Fay wanted to laugh and say it was a joke but she wanted to see if he believed it or not.
Jack couldn't help but chuckle a bit and step forward so he could whisper to her," if I was that gullible than do you think I would have lasted as long as I did against you." he took a step back and smiled at her." I guess your like the opposite me I hardly ever got into any fights and the fights I did get into were to help someone weaker than me. Man I must really sound like a soft Ares." he chuckled and down the last of the water
"Worth a try," Faythe shrugged her shoulders with a small smile on her face before drinking some more water, she didn't think he was easy to trick or anything but it didn't hurt to try.

"So, did you get tricked into coming her or did you come willingly?" Fay asked him with a raised eyebrow as she leaned against the vending machine with her bottle pretty much empty of water.
" willingly, they just said I was accepted. So I came and the rest is history. Why do you ask? Did they trick you into coming here?" he couldn't imagine that happening, but you never know
"Well last week I got in a bit of trouble and on my court day the judge said I would be sent to to a boot camp. Of course I found a bit weird since my foster father always finds ways to get me out of court trouble. Unfortunately I didn't fight it and ended up here... I don't know if I should call it being tricked or just accepting that I was going somewhere," Faythe thought about it for a moment because when she had gotten into the car to leave she hadn't cared where she was going... so probably both.

"So where'd you learn how to fight?" She asked him with a change of subject and a small tilt of her head so she could roll her shoulder around a bit.
Jack shrugged," I went to a few martial arts school, but everything else just sort of just came natural to me. Its weird, but its also very interesting to me." He looked her up and down," so where did you learn?"
Kayleigh walked behind Kat and Rich, silently. They were both talking about who they were, as gods. And she didn't know who she was. There was nothing she could do, apart from start fights. Wait. Start fights? Wasn't there a goddess for that? Her name was... Eros? No, that's cupid. Eris! That's right. If starting up arguments was really her power, she was Eris.

"I think Greeks were better than the Romans." She commented absentmindedly. When she realized what she had said, it confirmed her suspicions. She was Eris. And she probably had just begun a Roman-vs-Greek arguments with the only two people who spoke to her.
Jocelyn got lonely in the dorm so she got up and went to look for Rich since he seemed to be the only one who wants to talk to her. She went looking around and found them at the pool? (Not sure) and sits beside "hey!"

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