The God inside [Inactive]

Jon looked over the girl. SHe was pretty in a strong and confident way. Usually, he woud just make an excuse and avoid the trouble of making friends. But she, like rest of the others, gave him a familarity that he could not quite place his fingers on. So he chose to do it the unusal way. "Jonathan Thane, at yours service." He smiled a totally fake smile. Jon was not grumpy per se, but feeling happy and cheerful wasn't in him. "How are you doing?" He asked awkwardly, not used to engaging in a conversation.
Avalynn sighed as she made her way into the gym to see several different people inside and she couldn't help but grimace a bit, that all changed when her eyes found the targets. Her feet were quick to bring her there as quick as possible; taking her bow from over her shoulder she grabbed an arrow and aimed it before letting it fly right in the middle of the target. It felt a like some of the stress she felt was slowly lifting. Practicing always helped her out.
"I'm doing just fine" She said to the guy called Jonathan, before leaning slightly out from the wall to answer the other girl who was about to walk past. "There's a library just down the hallway, there's a cafeteria upstairs, and there's quite a big area outdoors" She replied with a gentle smile, not being the most talkative person, and leaned back against the wall.

The guy next to her had this sort of dark air around him, but she still felt as if she had met him before. Gods, clearly they all had to be so.
Rich was mesmerized by the intense fight, more people had entered and Rich felt kind of embarrassed being all wet. "No, I think I'm going to find my dorm" he said back to Jocelyn. "I should changes out of these" he gestured to his drying but still wet clothes. "It was nice to meet you, Jocelyn" he said as he started on his way.

Rich's high from the swim was wearing off, and all the activity kind of made him hungry. He decided that after he changed he would find where the cafeteria, if there even is one. Rich walked past a dark haired brooding boy, leaning against the wall and talking to another girl. Lots of girls around here, Rich shrugged a smile as he passed them as he walked out.

Rich headed back to the entrance of the auditorium to find the dorm listings. I could get used to this place he thought to himself.
Jocelyn stood up and walked down the bleachers, she saw a few kids standing together and she went to them "hey! I'm jocelyn"

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"So which god are you?" Jon asked casually. Not that it mattered, he was just making conversation. Most of the time, he had felt bored more than anything. It's to find something to replace that boredom that he came to this school. "I'm Thanatos by the way. And your life force smell exceptional good." He said, the awkwardness already fading from his posture. He felt rather comfortable being there, not that his face would show any of that.
She stands up and dust her pants off not knowing if it was needed or not she watches another couple of people leave the gym so she had decided to follow them and she has no idea what has come over her but she yells for the two to wait up. "Hey I overheard that you were Rich?... And you are Kayleigh? My name is Kat!"
"Hello Jocelyn" Helena nodded towards the new girl who joined them, as she corrected how the braid fell down her back. Everything had to be perfect at any time. "I believe I'm Hera actually, peacocks, cows and a love for the ligthning and all that stuff" She answered, shrugging at that her life force smelled good. She was a goddess, of course it would do that.
"I think I may be Aphrodite. I always talk about Aphrodite in my books, so I just think." She smiles "that's cook that you're Hera. Wanna be my friend?" She smiles brightly

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Henry walked into the gym, he spent a while walking around but in the end decided that he could use a work-out. As he walked in he saw that everyone was already talking to each-other. "That's nice, it's great everyone's getting along, maybe I'll meet someone cool."
Isa had made her way to outside of the gym, but stopped at the doors, noticing how crowded it was in there. She sighed, people were definitely not her specialty. She had been thining whether or not to introduce herself to anyone but Jack, since that was kind of forced. She cringed, pushing the doors open and walking in, then silently making her way to the most isolated wall, not really wanting to bump into anyone.
"Hey there!" Henry waved and smiled as he walked over to Isa. She seem kind of lonely and afraid, but she also looked like a nice person.

"My name's Henry Mason, nice to meet you!" He extended his hand for a handshake and gave her a friendly smile.
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Isa sighed. She knew this would happen. Of course, the odds were against her wishes. Someone just had to talk to her. Did she stand out to much? That's possible, with her bright blue hair anyone could see her from a mile away, especially if she isolated herself like she always does. She shook his hand caustiously, then stuck her hand to her side, letting go. "I'm Isabella Snow, call me Isa though." This was generally how she greeted everyone, with a lack of knowing what else to say. Isa had made the conclusion that she did not know a single thing about proper human interaction, so this would be difficult.
"Nice to meet you Isa." Henry leaned onto the wall next to her. "Soooo, this whole thing is pretty crazy right? I still can't really wrap my head around the fact that I might be a god, It's really something I never thought would happen to me, ha ha" He chuckled quietly and then just sort of stood there awkwardly in silence. After a while he tried to break the awkward silence with a question. "So, uh, which goddess do you think you are? If you even thought about it I mean."
Rich heard Kayleigh's voice behind him and stopped. This girl keeps following me, Rich though to himself, he had to admit he liked the attention he received here. Compared to the grimy over populated schools in Miami, this place was like a resort. And no-one has wanted to fight him yet, It seemed like in this school Rich wasn't the proving post for tough guys.

"Yeah?" Rich said as he turned around. He liked Kayleigh, she seemed nice.

Another girl yelled from behind them pleading them to wait. She arrived introducing herself as Kat. "Nice to meet you Kat" Rich said with a smile. He wished he didn't jump into the pool with his clothes on, it was fun but not worth the embarrassment. Rich should have listened to Jocelyn and gone in, in his underwear. If I did that I'd probably scare off half the girls, Rich thought to himself with a chuckle to his self-deprecating humor.
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Isa shrugged. "I haven't really thought about, but I doubt I'm all that important… it depends. I wouldn't really mind anything I get, and it is pretty crazy, isn't it?" she said. She hadn't really taken any approach on how she'd deal with being a goddess. She had realized that it was a bit awkward, but she assumed that's how it would be with every conversation she'd have. "Who do you think you are?" she asked.
Jocelyn sighs and leaves the group, walking to the Greek dorms, she walks past Rich and flashes him a wink then keeps walking down the walkway, she gets to the dorms and sits down in the little lounge part
"I'm not a hundred percent sure but I'm willing to bet I'm either Hermes or Mercury, y'know those fast gods, I'm pretty good at running. I even had a bit of trouble with how fast I was back in Indiana." Henry sort of blurted that all out way too fast and felt sort of dumb for doing that, he was just happy he met someone to talk to in this weird situation. "That reminds me, a lot of us have some sort of freaky hidden power or talent that connects us to a god, do you have something like that?
"Nice to meet you rich. So what god are you if I can ask? Actually, I never thought I'd be asking that..." She leaned all I her weight on one foot and her arms were crossed in front of her waist. She had already noticed that everyone here had superior looks. She smiled to rich trying to get back out of her head. "Are you getting something to eat, if so can I join you?"
Isa shrugged. He had a point, well, for the second thing, as Isa had no idea about his past or what he was talking about Indiana for. She had kinda spaced out, only enough so she didn't hear enough to ask questions. She remembered the important things, that was enough at least. "I mean, I'm good at going under the radar, dissapearing, being left alone for the most part. I kinda will it to happen most of the time. Maybe I'm someone really magical or something." she said.
"Yeah well I guess we'll find out soon enough." Henry sort of stood there awkwardly again, not knowing what to say. "You're not really good at this, are you? Talking to people, I mean." He tried not to sound rude or condescending and said it in a jokey kind of way.
Isa breathed a laugh. Surprisingly, he was spot on with his observation. Most people said she was some pretty nasty things, some things she didn't want to say, and they thought that Isa thought she was better than everyone, which was far from the truth. "You are spot on, I must say." she said. She never knew why she was this anti-social, but she felt it might wear away if she made a good impression with the people at this school.
"Heh." Henry was relieved that she wasn't offended. "I'm sure there are other people here that are like that too." Henry smiled faintly. "I just hope we all open up a bit, get along and not cause a mass war like that teacher said we did all those times."
Rich watched as Jocelyn pulled off her walk-by wink. It made Rich blush, for all of his life he was more than invisible to girls, especially pretty ones.

When Kat asked Rich which god he was he was surprised he didn't think about it himself. "I don't know a whole lot about this stuff, honestly I don't even know where Greece is." Rich felt stupid and wished he payed attention in class, instead of dreaming about doing something in the water. The water! It suddenly dawned on Rich, he always loved the water. His feelings of stupidity went away with his sudden understanding. "I think I might be a water God." I cant believe I'm buying into this stuff he thought to himself.

Rich was always trying to solve a puzzle, and that puzzle was who he was. Being born an orphan and growing up in a litter of children, lacking any self identification or actualization, it was impossible for the boy to answer questions about who he was.

A puzzle piece just fell into place, and Rich could feel it. Thanks Kat Rich thought as he looked at the beautiful girl. "I have to change and put something dry on, but after I'll meet you in the cafeteria." Rich looked over to Kayleigh "You want to come too?"

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