The God inside [Inactive]

Jack chuckled and said," a little bit of both I guess. I'm not good at regular greetings so what do you say. Want to spar." he grinned its been a while since he was in his fencing finals. He looked the girl up and down trying to judge her strengths and weaknesses. For some reason he found reading a person very easy
She watched as he got closer, she giggled a little bit at his trail of footsteps, "You know, you would have been faster at swimming if you had trunks, not a full outfit" She said toward him.
"Hm... alright but go a bit easy on me, I messed my fist up last night," Faythe smirked as tightened the boxing gloves before stretching her arms out a bit, he would be a good challenge and it interested Fay into not backing down from his offer.

"Faythe Harper," Fay introduced herself as she placed his spear on the floor beside the punching bag. Walking over to him she began to observe how he looked and wondered what God he was.
Jack grinned and said," names jack, jack Roberts. Nice to meet you Faythe, and ill keep that in mine about your hand." he had just found one of her weaknesses now was the part of fighting that he was ready for. He stretched, unhooked the sword, and put the shield down." so you ready. If you are its the lady's move first." he chuckled and got down in a karate stance
"I don't have any." Rich replied with a shrug. "and I'm not about to jump in there naked" he added with a chuckle. The swim put in him a sociable mood. As Rich walked closer to the girl addressing him he realized how beautiful she was. Her blonde hair and bright eye. If this whole god thing is true he wondered which god she was.

Rich stopped in front of her and held out his hand. "I'm Richard, you can call me Rich" He smiled as naturally as he could.
"I'm Jocelyn" She takes his hand and shakes it smiling, "y'know. Underwear isn't a very bad idea" she giggles jokingly, obviously flirting "substitute for swim trunks" she giggles again and smiles up at him brightly, her teeth pearly white and straight. Her smile perfect like a girl in a magazine.

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There was no way she was going to let her hand get in the way, if it wasn't broken then it was still good to use. In a quick movement Faythe did a round house kick with a bit of weight behind it, she made sure there was more speed though. She could feel her blood pumping a bit with the excitement of practicing with someone since most people she went up against just weren't any good.
Jack blocked the kick and grabbed her ankle to pull her towards him. From there he turned her around and pushed one arm up against her back. He leaned close to her ear and said," your slow." he then pushed her forward, smiled and changed his stance to judo
This flirtatious girl made Rich blush. "I guess it does, Jocelyn" he said with a chuckle. This girl had an attraction about her that seemed unnatural, unlike most girls interacting with her was effortless.

Rich heard a few thuds come from behind him, he glanced over to see that the fighters were greeting each other in their own way. "It looks like they're having fun" Rich said looking back at Jocelyn, he pointed to the fighters behind him with his thumb. Rich thought about sitting beside Jocelyn but remembered he was soaking wet.

This even the people here are nice Rich thought to himself. He gave Jocelyn a warm smile and stood there awkwardly.
Faythe couldn't help but smile at this, before rolling her eyes at him; moving in toward him Fay lifted her fist and swung but before her fist made it her foot flew toward his stomach. She wasn't planning actually hitting him hard since this was practice but she was pretty sure he could handle himself with something so simple.
Wow Rich thought as he witnessed the finesse of the girl fighter as she kicked the other boy. "She's good!" he said to Jocelyn.
Jack took a step back when she hit him. He grabbed her ankle and use it to pulled himself towards her and juke to the side so he could get behind her and grapple her from behind locking her arms above her head. He smirked and said," you leave yourself to open, but you are pretty good." he held her there ready form her next move
Without another thought as she used him holding her arms behind her, using the strength in arms she lifted the lower part of her body until she was able to swing back down and slam the back of her body against his harshly.

"Wow, I'm starting to think I know what God you are already," Faythe laughed as she was enjoying this already.
He still had her arms locked, but he winced as she hit him with her back," well say it if you think you know then. Because I have an idea too, but I want to see if we are on the same page." he laughed and as payback for hitting him he used his elbow to strike her should not hard, but he knew she could feel it
"So, are you going to take a seat?" Jocelyn smiled and scooted a bit, then patted the seat next to her, "the fight is better to watch when sitting." She giggled and patted the seat again.
Kayleigh walked into the big gymnasium and saw a couple of people there. She walked up to them, and waved at the girl with the blond hair and the boy who she had ran after earlier. "Hi. Um, I'm Kayleigh." She said.
Feeling bored, and as if she had spent enough time just sitting still, Helena chose to move a little bit, to look around. She already knew where her dormroom was, she just didn't know about her roommate. Quite honestly, she hoped she didn't have to share room with someone, they could interfere with her beautysleep.

Walking into the gym after most of the others, she looked around, just keeping to herself. She didn't tend to like people, so why get off on the wrong fot with everyone already?
Fay winced a bit from his elbow but couldn't keep the smirk off her face, this was getting pretty fun. All's fair in a little game of practice right? In a quick movement Faythe lifted her foot up and slammed it down on Jack's foot before slamming her head backwards but not hard enough to draw blood. Or at least she hoped not. She wasn't really one for delicacy and whatnot after all.
She looked back to her parents as they drove away, nothing like starting school late. She rolled her eyes at the thought of that then she walked toward the school where a woman met her and grabbed her belongings. The woman began to explain to her about when she met with your first teacher they catch her up on all the news. Katerina gave this new one woman a very confused look. The woman pointed to the center building and told her to walk through the doors and she'll find where she's going. Kat pushes the gym doors open to find a few students.
When Jonathan opened his eyes again, the room was empty. He had dosed off in the back of the room, oblivious to everything, lost in the deafening music in his ears. It wasn't entirely suprising that no one else had noticed enought to wake him up. When Jon wanted to, others just pass right by him like he doesn't exist, and if he was engaged in a boring conversation, the other person would just stop and walk away, never remember that he was there. Jon was like a shadow, imposing and threatening when he wished, and invisible as a background image when he willed it to be. As he stood up and step outside, his mind started to process the information. A god, him? Interesting. Though really it didn't make a damn different to Jon. He was himself no matter what name he is called by.

He heard sounds coming from a large building a distance away. It seemed that except a few others he saw who went to check their dorm, everyone else were in the gym. And they were hitting stuff too, he could felt the activity all the way accross the campus. It was another talent of his. Jon could sense the presence of others around him, like steam radiating from their body. The more intense their emotions get, the more steam they emit. That was the reason why he always prefer deserted areas, especially graveyards. The nonexistence of life calm him more than anything. But these teenagers, there were something different about them. While ordinary people's presences made him uncomfortable and hard to breath, like inside of a steam room, the presences of his new school mates were more soothing, and vaguely familiar somehow. Jon shrugged and head toward the gym, running at it in a straigh line, and using parkour to jump over and avoid all the objects on the way. Parkour was another of his hobby, as he felt free and strong leaping through the air, and also because he never seemed to run short of breath.

Jon entered the gym, noticing kids hitting stuff. He hated kids hitting stuff. So he casually leaned against a wall and watched with indifference.
Helena noticed another guy walk into the gym, and chose to start a talk with him. Perhaps that wouldn't be too bad. Maybe she could even manage to make friends for once.

Walking over to him, leaning against the wall next to the guy, she presented herself. "Hello, I'm Helena, and you are?" she asked teh guy with dark hair, who didn't seem like he fit in there in the gym. Everyone else was being physically active, which did not match her interest. Hitting or kicking things would just ruin her nails, or her hair.
As she entered the gym she perked a brow as to people hitting stuff and acting a tad crazy she notices a female walking toward the guy leaning on the wall she walks over to the bleachers and climbs up a few step and sits down. She looks around a mutters to herself. "Yah, I totally know what I'm doing here..." She leans back on the next seat and crosses her legs in front of her.
Kayleigh sighed. This was getting boring. She walked away from these people, towards the doors. While walking, she noticed a guy and a girl on the side. "Do you guys know what else there is around here? I kind of missed the introduction." she asked awkwardly.

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