The God inside [Inactive]

Kayleigh rushed into the auditorium where everyone was gathered. "I'm sorry I'm late! My car broke down on the way here." She apologized, smiling sheepishly as she walked up to the large group of people. "I'm Kayleigh. And I heard whatever was said, so I got everything. I think."

She grinned, showing off her pearly whites.

Although she was smiling, inside, she couldn't believe what she had just heard. Gods? They're all gods and goddesses? She never expected the to be real! Gods and goddesses were things made up to give society a reason to do the things they did! What did this person mean by telling them they were supernatural beings who had powers? And how did any of this make any kind of sense? She was panicking.

Conceal, Leigh. She thought to herself as she took a deep breathe and smiled at everyone around her.
Devon was waiting for the punchline. He wasn't sure where the joke was going, but it kept going... Wait, are they serious? A sudden smile came across his face. Now this was going to be interesting. Whether it was true or not was a different story.
Rich sat there silently as more people filled the room. Looking at each individual who entered he noticed how incredibly different each person looked. There was no recurring theme to any of the young people who took seat around him. Why am I here?, Rich was surprised that he didn't think about that sooner.

Once it seemed like everyone had walked in the man with glasses started to speak. Gods, that word was frozen in Rich's mind. All of these people are gods? it was beyond anything Rich could have expected. In all honesty, Rich didn't even know the first thing about Greek or Roman gods, he didn't even know where Greece was. The only God Rich ever learned about was the one the nuns in the orphanage would talk about, but they only talked about one God not Gods.

So far this whole trip didn't make any sense and this new information didn't change that. Some of the other kids asked some questions about which gods they were, Could I really be a God? and of what? who would want to praise me? Afraid of being stupid Rich didn't ask any questions. Rich noticed on girl standing by the entrance who looked uncomfortable being noticed, Rich knew the feeling. She said her name was Kayleigh, like most of the people around him she was beautiful, almost god-like when Rich thought about it.

Standing up, Rich realized being in the middle was a bad idea after all. If he stood up he would be noticed, and he was. In a quick panic he walked passed the people still seated and out of the auditorium to find his dorm and think. Rich passed Kayleigh on his way out, he focused his gaze squarely on the ground in front of him trying not to make eye contact.
A boy walked past Kayleigh. She sighed, he was so beautiful. Then again, all of these people are. They were gods for... godsakes? She chuckled at her own stupidity.

Turning around, she watched him walk towards the door of the auditorium. She scrunched up her eyebrows and decided to follow him. Running up to him to catch up, she tapped the boy on the shoulder. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" She asked.
"Richard, please sit down again." Mark spoke with authority, which was not very common for him to do. "There's still the rules of this school to tell about"

Mark knew that most of the students would have troubles with adapting to the news, but it usually worked better, if everyone recieved the sae info at the same time.

Turning back to a young female who had spoken, he nodded. "Yes, showing extra attention, or interest in one God or Godess will very often be a cue to what god you may be"

As he spoke, a brunette came walking in, her hair in a simple braid and with a creamy coloured cotton shirt and black trousers. She had walked straight past the boy in the hall, and the girl who had been walking up to him, and just sat down on one ofthe front seats. She had arrived earlier than most of the other students, but had been lost as she sat in the library, reading about the story of Zeus and Hera.
Jonathan opened his eyes, feeling a tension in the room. Everyone seemed either excited or nervous. The guy in front of them was talking animatedly. Already there was one guy leaving the room. What the hell? He hadn't heard anything over the loud music of the headphone. As he pulled it out of his ears, Jon heard pieces of the conversations around the room. Gods and goddesses, every one in there? Well if that was true, he knew which god he would be. Jon accepted the news with indiffernce, store it as need-to-process-later, and went back to his favourite metal music.
Rich was almost to the door before he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. A voice spoke directly behind him, which he recognized as Kayleighs, Rich stopped nervously and stood for a while before turning around. His eye's met the inquisitive gaze coming from the girls blue-grey eyes for a second he looked back before shifting his eyes to look just past her. Rich wasn't used to talking to girls, in fact he couldn't remember a time when ever directly talked to a girl his age. It was even harder to talk to one who looked like a goddess.

"I'm going to find my dor" Rich was interrupted by the man named Mark. Quickly Rich walked back to his seat in the middle. He didn't want to cause any trouble and kicked himself for getting up.
"I have a question! When all this teaching and awakening comes to an end, what'll happen to us? Will we go back to normal lives?" Faythe asked as she had her wrapped hand up as her eyes stayed on the man who was most likely in charge. Fay began to wonder what sort of things they would be learning here and how fast or slow it would take them to get their memories back.

"Oh yea and when this is all over can you have someone bring me to a gym?" Faythe added a question that didn't have anything to do with the current subject but she hadn't worked out in a gym for a few days.

"One more question, are we allowed to leave campus with intentions of coming back?" She had to make sure she at least knew this rule, maybe sneaking out wouldn't be that bad of an idea if she was going to come back anyways. Staying stuck here with a bunch of people she's never been around didn't suit well with Faythe, she had to have at least somewhere she could temporarily escape to.
Jocelyn claps excitedly, then she asks again, "What if I know who I am then?" While she waits she looks around at all the cute boys, flashing Jonathan a wink then turning her attention back to the man speaking.
Jack listen to all of this carefully. He could believe he was once a god, but he just didn't believe it. He got up and went out of the auditorium, hoping no one noticed him. He stepped out side and breathed heavily. He found a nice shade tree and sat under it, to think
Quite so many questions that girl had at once.

He held up a hand to sign how many questions the girl had asked and answered them all in order.

"When it comes to an end, it will be up to you all what you wish to do. Our mission is just to avoid another world crisis. You'll all also be helped into the sort of carrer you'll want" Two fingers down. "There is a gym here at campus which you can use should you wish for that, and it should be equipped with whatever you should need, whether it is weights or a pool. No, you are not allowed to leave campus without a signature by a teacer, in most circumstances me, or unless you bring a teacher. Only times you are allowed to leave campus other than that, is in emergencies in near family, death, weddings, or a new addition to the family, excluded pets. " that should be all the questions the first girl had asked, and then the other girl was to be replied.

"Then we can discuss that when you are meant to be in a one on one class to discuss how to use your powers, and call your memories back"
I must be Hermes or Mercury then, I just know it! Am i going to have to wear a goofy winged helmet now? Does this mean I can move between the underworld and the human world? Oh my god, if this true then it's amazing, I could even be able to fly!

Henry looked around the room again, a boy just walked out. I think that guy's my new roommate, If I heard his name correctly when he was talking to that girl earlier. A few of the students were already flirting with each-other, this whole god thing seemed more and more likely by the second.
She nods and stays quiet listening to other people chatter at the same time, the ones who believe start talking with each other and the ones who don't argue with the ones who believe, Jocelyn rolls her eyes and stands up going to leave the gym, she walks outside and down a sidewalk towards the Greeks dormitory
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Wade stood up and nodded, "Alright then." He said to the teacher, "Time to wonder around then." Just like that he started to walk outside, and maybe like the others started to head to the gym. Sometimes even the geek needs some exercise. As he went back to walking the sounds were heard yet again from him, and they stopped when he left the room.
Jack woke up with a start. He got up and stretched. He walked back to the auditorium and leaned back against the wall next to the door and listened to anything else that the teacher said
Henry watched as the auditorium emptied, he wondered what to do next. He got up and nodded at the teacher, in a see you later kind of way,

I guess it's time to socialize. He said to himself and walked out of the room.
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Mark walked out, and headed in a different direction, hoping not any of the kids would drown or something as soon as no one looked at them.

He also knew that as soon as they entered their dorms, the names of who would share room would be on the doors.

Helena, still sitting on the fromt row, felt bored. She would have to deal with all of these people, and not one of them had seemed like Zeus. Or maybe she just hadn't managed to catch a feel of him.

She was for certain clear on one thing. Hera had to be her goddess. Noone of the other gods had a love for peacocks, or cows, or were quite as uninterested in the whole love and fooling around business.

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"Alrighty then," With that Faythe stood up and made her way to the gym like a few other students, she needed to hit something and getting the numbing sensation away from her hand. She didn't want any part of her body being totally useless, she then decided that after making herself sweat that it would be a good idea to read some poems and books.

Walking toward the direction of the gym she smirked when she entered it and looked at all the equipment. She could probably get use to this. With a sigh she grabbed a pair of red gloves before making her way over to a punching bag. Her hits were clean and sharp as she concentrated on getting a bit of feeling back into her hand. Pain usually worked out for that.

With a frown on her Avalynn's face she left the auditorium and decided to go to her dorm to fetch her archery gear, she had been practicing for her entire life and it was like a way of life for her now. If Ava had to actually think about what God she might be, she probably had one in mind but then again she could never truly be certain.
Jack decided to head to the gym like every one else and when he got there he was drawn to the ancient weapons rack. He picked up a spear and a huge round shield. When he stabbed the spear in the air it felt so natural. He decided to grab a hoister for it and grabbed a sword with a scabbard and went over to a training dummy he saw. He stood about 30 feet from it. He grabbed the spear and hurled it into the dummy's chest. He grinned and couldn't help but noticed how natural his moments had felt with the weapon. He then pulled out his sword and started to practice a bit with it on another dummy
Rich waited for Mark and the rest of them to leave, Rich didn't want to get up prematurely again.

When one of the girls asked about a gym the word, Mark mentioned a pool. The prospect of being in the water gave Rich a smile, the whole time on the bus up here, the only thing he wanted to was swim. Rich followed the signs on the wall to the gym. Once he arrived he was shocked by how big it was and all of the equipment.

One of the girls was working the punching bag and she looked like she knew what she was doing. Rich had been in a lot of fights, most of them were unstructured street brawls between stupid kids, but once in a while a true fighter shows up. Rich didn't consider himself a good fighter, he knew the basics of boxing but lacked any real technique. Rich was just tough and could take it, he outlasted his opponents, attrition was his tactic. One of the other boys was swinging a sword at dummy, he too looked trained. The blade cut through the dummy like butter, each swing was as fluid and strong as the next. Gods of combat probably Rich though to himself.

Then Rich noticed the pool, at the far end of the gym. It was a massive circle of water imprisoned in the ground. The water was a clear blue, the pool itself was completely made of marble, bottom, sides and edges. At the far end stone steps slowly sank into the water, step by step. Rich walked along the edge and looking into the water, at one side the light couldn't touch the bottom. This is AMAZING The boy thought to himself.

Unable to restrain himself Rich just jumped in, clothes and all. The water was warm and had a slight current pushing him to the deep end. The boy swam and dove, swimming in circles and investigated the bottom. For the first time in ages, Rich forgot about the troubles of life and simply had fun.
Jocelyn gets a little lonely in her room alone so she gets up and walks around campus, curiously she walks to the gym that everyone is thriving about and she slowly walks in, seeing everyone with amazing skills she frowns a little bit and goes to the top of the bleachers, she sits down and watches their skill, she thinks to herself 'they're lucky to even have skills...' She looks at the pool area and scoots down the bleachers to watch a boy swimming and having fun.
After a bit jack put the sword away and pulled out his spear. He looked over at the girl on the punching bag and smirked he drew back and let the spear fly through the punching bag, and as it went through he leaned against the dummy and smirked at her
Faythe stopped punching the bag when she seen something flying toward it. A spear. Fay turned around to see a guy with brown hair smirking at her. Faythe couldn't help but raise an eyebrow with a look interest on his face, it was obvious that he knew his way around a good fight... maybe a good fighting partner would be good.

"Is this a sign of challenge or your way of greeting me?" Faythe laughed as she grabbed the spear and with one good yank, pulled it out of the punching bag she would now have to change. The feeling of her hand was barely coming back but using the punching bag to get some feeling in it had actually helped out a bit.
Rich walked up the marble step of the pool with a gigantic smile. Rich's clothes were completely soaked, and smelled of chlorineI should have packed a swim suite he thought. He turned around to notice a girl watching him, she looked rather sad. Seeing her put a damper on his spirits. The fighters had found each other but he couldn't tell if they were about to fight or talk.

Rich waved at the girl who watched him and started walking towards her, leaving a trail of wet footsteps behind him.

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