The Game ❤️

Emily smiled at the simple gesture and sat down at the booth "okay. But I'm paying for my food" she said, looking at the menu. "Hello! My name is Emma! I'll be you waitress today, would you like anything to drink?" The waitress said in a cheerful peppy voice. Emily looked up at her, she had red shoulder length hair and a big bow that was purple in her hair. She was perfect. Emily bit her lip, she felt so plain and Dan was eyeing her like a dog, wait? Why would she care? She sighed and ran a hand through her hair aimlessly and fiddle with the ends of her long brown hair.
Dan tilted her menu down so he could see her face. "Um, no, you're not," Dan stated firmly. "I'm paying for this dinner. Please." Soon, the waitress came up asking for drinks. Dan shifted his attention from Emily to the red-headed girl. "Um, I'll have a Pepsi please," he said with a kind smile before looking at Emily again. "And she'll have..." Dan said, waiting for Emily to finish the sentence.
Emily sighed and looked down at her shoes "I'll have a a Dr. Pepper please" she smiled at the girl as she wrote down the order and walked away. Emily sighed and looked up at Dan who was looking at her, she flashed him him a smile "yeah, okay.. I'm gonna pay for a tip, atleast let me pay for the tip" she sighed and nodded.
"Why do you keep sighing?" Dan asked with a smile. "Am I not satisfying enough for you?" He set his hand on her's over the table.

Sorry for short post D: 
[[ You still there? ]]
"No. I'm fine really" she smiled, and toke a sip of her drink and looked down at her lap. "Why don't we get to know each other? Like play 21 questions or something?" She asked, smiling and looking up at Dan from her lap. "Hi! Are you ready to order?" Emma asks in her high pitched voice, Emily nodded and order "I'll have the Angel hair pasta with meat sauce and that big little meat ball that is in the center." Emma nodded and turned her attention to Dan while he order.
Dan opened his mouth to answer Emily, but the waitress interrupted him. "I'll have spaghetti and meat balls please," he ordered with a smile. Dan turned his attention back to Emily after Emma, the waitress, walked away from the booth. "Sure. So, we just ask questions back and forth?" he finally replied to Emily as he took a sip of his Pepsi. The moisture of the cup swept off onto his hands when he picked up the glass to drink it.
Emily smiled and toke a sip of her drink and watched as Emma swayed away. "Yeah, like get to know each other." She said, jumping as her phone buzzed. She furrowed her eyebrows as she read the text the vanity sent her.

Vanity: hey! Hope your having a great time on you date!! Anyway, you should check you purse, there a little surprise in there. And give it to Dan it a joint gift.

Emily slowly opened her purse and she almost choked on her Dr. Pepper at what was in her purse. Apparently, Vanity had snuck a bunch of condoms in the zipper compartment of her purse. Emily's cheek flames with embarrassments and she ducked her head and hastily closed her purse.
"Okay, I'll go first. What's wrong with your purse?" Dan asked as he raised his eyebrow. He'd noticed her reaction to the condoms in her purse, but all he could see was her looking down at her purse and choking on her Dr. Pepper.
"I-um.. " Emily sighed, she better tell him now he bound to find out anyway. "Vanity put condoms in my purse.. " she blushed and looked down at her shoes, she tend to do that a lot. "Okay.. Now with a real question." She said changing the subject. She cleared her throat and saw Emma bringing them their food. Emily almost jumped out of her seat as she men and hugged her. "if you need anything else just Flagg me down." She flashed Emily a smile and a look that said - Your so lucky-.
Dan reached in her purse and pulled out a condom as he burst into a fit of laughter. "These are too small for me, but they'll work," he joked with a wink. Dan saw Emma approach them with their food, and he leaned back to allow her to put the food in front of them. "Thank you," he said as the food was placed before him. Emma soon walked away, and Dan looked back at Emily. "Hey, I asked my question! Now, it's your turn."
Emily scoffed "that wasn't a real question!" She rolled her eyes and toke a small bit of her pasta and smiled "Well. Umm, I don't know.. Tell me about your parents. Or you know home life." She said taking another bit of her pasta and wiping the sides of her mouth with her crisp white napkin the the restaurant had provided.
Dan sighed for a moment, looking down at his lap. He paused, but then shifted his eyes back up to Emily. "Well, my mom isn't actually on a business trip, to begin with," he said truthfully. "She's, well, in rehab because she's an alcoholic. My dad left my mom and I awhile ago, and that's what my mom to start drinking. And that's why I live at Tyler's house. I just tell people my mom is on a business trip so they don't know how messed up my family is," Dan finished his last sentenced with a crooked, sad smile. "And that's why I didn't really drink much when we hung out. I just wanted an excuse to hang out with you, to be honest," he stated. "Anyways, my turn... What's your biggest pet peeve?"
Emily grabbed Dan hand, she didn't know what to say.. She was shocked. "O-oh lm sorry.." She bit her lip and put on a smile before answer his question. "Pet peeve? That's a new one." She sighed, frustrated. "Oh. I know, guys who are all obsessed with their self.. And when guys don't wear sock." She laughed and toke a sip of her drink.
Dan shrugged. "It's fine," he said, looking down at their hands. "But you do have to keep your hand there," Dan ordered with a smirk. He laughed at Emily's answer to his questions. "Wait...socks? Explain," Dan said, still laughing.
Emily smiled and giggled "I don't know.. Because feet get cold easily and when we cuddle it weird, because their feet are cold.." She explained laughed, "and I can't eat with one hand" she add, trying to get back her hand, but failed hopelessly. "Okay. My turn.. Um" she bit her lip thinking. "What turns you on?" She asked, blushing.
Dan looked up for a minute, thinking of what to reply back. "What turns me on? Let's see... When girls bite their lip, blush, and when they just get the slightest bit jealous," he said, holding two fingers up to "measure" the amount of jealousness he likes. "Hmm... my turn then. Well, I can't help but ask: What turns you on?"
Emily bit her lip and thought of what to say. "Um. To be honest I don't really know.. Because I haven't you know.." She trailed off her sentence and sighed. Emily bit her lip for the thousandth time tonight and looked down at her food. "What's favorite color?" She asked looking up at him, waiting for him to answer.
Dan finished up the rest of his meal, and he sucked down the rest of his Pepsi. "Um...probably dark blue or something," he replied with a shrug. "Now, my turn. Want to come over my place tonight?" Dan asked with a smirk. "Not to do anything. Unless you want to."
Emily finished up eating, like Dan had and gulped down the rest of her Dr. Pepper. "Ah. Okay. I like purple." She smiled and reapplied her peach sheer lipgloss. "Oh, uh. Sure." She wiped the ends of her mouth. She payed for the tip, as Dan pairs for the meal and then walked out of the restaurant. "That's was good food."
Dan pulled cash out of his pocket, proceeding to pay the bill. Soon, Emily and him both exited the restaurant and headed towards the truck. "Yeah, that was really good," he agreed, turned his body towards Emily. Dan looked down at her as he towered over her in height. He leaned down, kissing her softly on her lips and picked up some of her lip gloss on his lips.
Emily smiled and nodded "yeah." She looked up at Dan as he towered over her and Leaned down to kiss her. She blushed as he kissed her softly and getting lip gloss on his lips. Emily's giggled and then whipped it off. She climbed in to the truck, waiting for Dan to get inside.

Sorry it's short)))
Dan walked over to the truck after pulling away from the kiss. He swung the truck door open and hopped in. After starting up the car, Dan backed out of the parking space and out of the parking lot. "Would you like me to stop at your place first to pick up some clothes?" he asked, looking over at Emily quickly, then shifting his focus back to the dark road.

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Emily nodded and smiled "yeah.." She replied, slowly while biting her lip. Once they got to her house, Emily toke a quick shower, pack a bag and hugged her two brothers and her mom. "Bye Sweetie! Have fun at Dan's house! Don't forget to use protection!!" Emily gasped and her face turned bright red "mom!" "What honey, I know what teenage life is like." She laughs, kissing her forehead and sways to the kitchen. Emily laughed and walked barefoot, with her things and dressed in her aéropastal short shorts and one of Dan's sweatshirts. Emily hopped into his truck, waiting for Dan.

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