The Game ❤️

....Dan looked down for a moment or two, but then shifted his eyes back up to hers. He shrugged and furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't know. Maybe because I wanted to," Dan said.

Emily blushed and looked down "and maybe I want to do this." She pulled her face towards his and kissed him softly on the lips. Emily climbed on top of Dan straddling his waist. She moved wards his neck and nibbled at the skin.
Dan placed his hands on the small of her back before moving them down to hug her waist. He pulled away for a moment to say, "Are you sure you're not still drunk?" A smirk formed on his face. "I can't imagine you'd be doing this to me if you were sober."

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Emily smiled and continued to do what she was doing before he interrupted her "I don't think I'm drunk.. Unless you want me to be" she laughed and got off of Dan, turning back to the movie.

Sorry it short!!))
"Hey, get back over here," Dan ordered playfully with a gentle laugh. He pulled Emily back up to his chest. "You know, you can't kiss me like that and then just leave me hanging," Dan said with a smile as he looked down at Emily.

[ Hah, it's okay! :) ]
Emily smiled "but, I wanna leave you hanging, make you come back for more." She laughed and pecked his lips, turning back to the movie. She laughed at a funny part in the movie where Ana and a prince were being all romantic and singing and stuff. Emily started to hum along to the song and cuddle with Dan. She didn't know if she liked him. But like wasn't love right? She sighed and bit her lip, her eyes closing slightly before closing all the way and Emily fell into a deep slumber.
"Awe," Dan said as he jokingly popped his bottom lip out. "Fine," his said childishly. Dan placed his hand on the top of her thigh as he watched Emily's eyes slowly close. He smiled when he looked down at her. Dan had somewhat feelings for Emily, but he pushed any thought of having feelings away. He shifted his focus back to the movie.

[skip until she wakes up or?]
Emily woke up on something hard and warm. She lightly lifted her head to see what it was, she sighed because it was Dan. Emily looked up at the screen and the tv was rolling the credits, Emily grabbed the blanket that was around her and trudge to the kitchen. The house was a mess and her mom was supposed to come home later today.
Dan was sound asleep, and his hand was placed on Emily. Once he felt the weight over him shift as Emily got up from her place, Dan's eyes slowly cracked open before fully opening. "Hey," he slurred as he twisted his torso to stretch. Dan walked like a zombie when he followed Emily into the kitchen, and his footsteps were short and slow.
"Hey.." She replied slowly and rubbed her eyes. Emily stretched and rubbed her stomach "let's go out to eat tonight" she says walking over to him and hugging his torso, she smiled and looked up him. Since it was Sunday, they had school tomorrow, she was actually going to go. It was senior year and she had to get her act toga their if she wanted to go to college. Emily let go of his torso and walked up stairs, she crossed her room towards her closet, she went for more of a girler approach. She smiled as she was content of what she pick put and toke a quickly shower. Emily put on her dress and shoes then walked downstairs, trip put on the last stair because of her shoes.
It felt like a zap of electric sparks through Dan's body when Emily's skin collided with his. "Sure," Dan said with a nod and a wide small. He sneaked a kiss on her soft lips before she walked away. He waited a while before Emily came down in a nice, sexy dress. "You look nice," Dan said with a smile. "Can we stop by Tyler's real quick so I can take a shower and get dressed?" he asked.
Her outfit:


Emily nodded and pulled on her black lace cardigan and thanks him before walking outside to his car, she slipped in and waited for him to get in. Once he got in, he started the car and drove to Tyler's house. "Em!" Vanity cried for the driveway "you look gorgeous!!" She yelled throwing her arms around her torso, she smiled and hugged her back for a seconds before stepping back "Thanks!" She smiled, walking into Tyler's house "he- oh you look gorgeous.." Tyler replied, hugging her. "Thanks" she nodded and vanity grabbed her hand And ran her upstairs towards her bedroom. "I'm going to do you makeup!" She squealed making Emily Jump. "Oh brother."
Dan and Emily arrived at Tyler's house, and he hurried in to take a shower. He pulled a shower towel and set it on the toilet of the bathroom to pick up easily after he showered. Dan stripped down to nothing after shutting the door. He tugged at the shower knob, making water shoot out of the shower head and walked in. Soon, Dan hopped out of the shower and grabbed his towel before wrapping it tightly around his waist. He walked into his room, passing by Vanity and Emily beforehand. Dan threw on his outfit, and then headed to the bathroom to fix up his hair. He walked over to where Emily was after and said, "Are you ready?"
Vanity finished off Emily's makeup and turned her around, it was light with some eyeliner. She did the vintage wing thing and some bright lip stick. "Yeah." She bit her lip and smiled. Vanity gave emily a reassuring hug and patted her head "have fun you to! Don't forget to use protection!" Emily's cheeks flamed with red and she shook her head and quickly walked down the stairs.
"Oh, we won't," Dan joked back to Vanity, and he winked at Emily while smirking. "You clean up nice," he complimented as he guided Emily out the door. Dan wrapped his hand around her waist. "Where am I driving to?" he asked Emily as he looked down at her and exited through the front door. He hopped in the truck with Emily and twisted the key to start it up.
Emily thanked him and shivers as he put his arm around her waist "there this nice Italian place downtown.." She said biting her lip and hopping inside of the truck, Dan started the truck and pulling out of the driveway. Emily looked out the window watching the countless trees and house go by.
"Sure," Dan said as he pulled out of the driveway. "Punch it into the GPS," he told Emily as he put pressure towards the gas pedal. Turning the wheel out of the subdivision, he then started towards downtown. Dan pulled the GPS out of the console and handed it over to Emily, their hands brushing against each other.
Emily felt a spark of electricity through her fingertips and it pushed through her while body. She blushed, and grabbed the GPS.

This is so short. I'm sorry.
Dan looked over for a second, noticing Emily's heated cheeks. "Hey, why are your cheeks all red?" he teased, nudging her arm playfully. Dan placed a hand on her thigh that was closest to him before shifting his attention back to the road.

[ Sorry for late post... I was plucking my eyebrows lol ]
Emily sighed "it's just blush that Vanity put on me.." She lied, Emily looked out the window and waited for them to arrive at the restaurant. Once they arrived, she hoped out and waited for Dan.

((It's okay! And sorry for the shortness again!!))
"If you say so," Dan said as he raised his eyebrows. He pulled into the restaurant's parking lot before putting the car in park. Dan hopped out of the car and guided Emily into the restaurant. "Two, please," he told the hostess before being led to a booth. "Order whatever you want," Dan insisted to Emily with a smile.

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