The Game ❤️

Dan laughed at Emily's mother's comment before walking out the door. "Nice meeting you!" he called out to her. Dan and Emily both got into his truck. "Your mom seems cool," Dan said with a chuckle. He swung his truck door shut and backed out of the driveway. 
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Emily chuckled "Sure. Even I'm not doing any of that stuff with you." She laughed again and then looked out the window. Soon they arrived at Dan's house, Emily smiled and grabbed all of stuff and then hopped put of the truck, Emily made her way towards his front door and waited for Dan.
Dan smirked before joking, "Maybe if I can get you drunk enough." Soon, Dan pulled into the driveway of his empty house. He hopped out of the car and followed behind Emily. He leaned down to grab the key that was hidden under the deck. Dan unlocked the door, holding it open for Emily. After they both walked in, Dan headed over to the fridge and grabbed a water out. "Want something to drink?" he asked, holding the fridge door open.
Emily slapped him in the arm for what he said in the car. "I'm not getting drunk tonight ." She said and sighed, she already had two glasses full of champagne and one shot, but she wasn't drunk. Emily walked into the door and put her stuff down on the floor, before putting on her mismatched socks. "Oh. No thank you," she replied and walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch. "So, what are we gonna do tonight?" She asked him, while he toke a sip of his water and she bit her lip.
"I don't know," Dan said before jumping over the arm of the couch to sit next to her. "What do you want to do tonight?" he rested his hand on the top over the couch behind her.
Emil shrugged, "I don't really know.." She bit her lip and looked over at Dan. "Ooh! Let's have a Disney magic marathon!!" She smiled and jumped up and down before, walking into the kitchen and grabbed a lot of food for the marathon. She hadn't watched Disney in for ever. Which one do you wanna watch first?" She asked him and toke the plastic off the popcorn and put it in microwave.
"I don't mind... You choose," Dan answered as he stood up and followed her into the kitchen. The microwave soon went off, and he pulled out the popcorn. He headed towards the coffee table near the couch and put down the popcorn. Dan then ran towards Emily and scooped her up in his hands in a baby position. He scurried towards the couch with her and pounced on it. 
Emily smiled and before replying "prom!" She laughed and bit her lip as Dan picked her up and positioned her into a baby position and scurried towards the couch before pouncing on it. "Put me down!!" She scream/ laughed.
"Nope!" Dan said playfully with a burst of laughter, locking her in his arms. He leaned down and kissed her hard on her soft lips. Dan let one hand go free to grab the DVD. He got up from the couch, Emily still in his arms, and walked towards the DVR. "Put the DVD in," Dan ordered playfully as he made it so Emily could reach the DVR.
Emily kissed him back with just as much passion and bit her lip playfully. She put the DVD into the DVR and smiled "let's go back to the couch now." She order playfully and tried to out of his grasp, but failed hopelessly. "Let me goo!!" She moaned and struggled to get out of his strong grip.
"Let it go, can't hold it back anymore!" Dan sang horribly. "Fine," he gave in with a chuckle. "But first, I get to do this again." Dan said before kissing her and adjusting her body so her legs were wrapped around his waist. 
Emily plugged her ears, to block put the horrible singing. "No!" Emily chuckled and kissed him back, before he adjusted her body so her legs were wrapped around Dan's waist. She bit her lip and looked into his eyes. Emily leaned down to his neck and nibbled at the skin, before giving him a hickey.
Dan let out a slight moan into Emily's ear before letting his hands wander up under her shirt. He touched her bare back before tugging at the back of her bra. Dan quickly stopped himself and removed his hands from under her shirt when he remembered that they weren't going to be doing anything tonight. "Sorry," he apologized quickly and moved his hands up to her hair. "I just can't help myself sometimes," he whispered in her ear.
Emily was turned on by his moan, she restlessly ran her hand through his hair, she bit her lip as he put his hand under her shirt and tugged at her bra. But, then Dan stopped and apologized, she smiled. "I sometimes can't help my self either." She whispered back into his ear and bit her lip again. "Let's watch the movie, now.." She was flustered at their heavy make out session and didn't think she could handle anymore, without giving in.
He got goosebumps from the feel over her breath on his ear. "Y-yeah, okay," Dan agreed, but he knew he wanted more. He set her down on the couch gently after biting his lip as he looked her up and down. Dan sat down next to Emily after leaning down and grabbing the remote. He flicked on the television.
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Emily sat down on the couch and looked over at Dan, she smiled and then turned her attention towards the TV. Emily was elbowed in the rib, when she turn towards Dan.
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"Oh, sorry," Dan apologized, placing a hand on her rib where he elbowed her. "Are you okay?" he asked with a small smile.

[ Sorry for the short post! ]
"Yeah." She nodded and smiled. Emily turned her attention towards the tv screen and watched as the movie played, Emily grabbed a hand full of popcorn and piped one into her mouth.
Dan stared at the TV screen, barely even watching the movie. He was mainly thinking about his mom. And his dad. And how he basically told Emily half of his life story. Dan wasn't sure if he was happy to let it out, or if he regretted saying anything about it at all. What if she thinks I'm crazy? Dan thought.
Emily stared at the movie. She wasn't really listening, she think about Dan, her family and the accident. She wasn't being truthful when she said she was a ******. "Dan? Are you okay?" She asked him and put her head onto his shoulder. "I'm, well- I wasn't telling the truth, l- " she stuttered her words and breathed out a compressed sigh. "I-I'm not a ******." She hadn't told anyone about the accident, because she thought they were gonna call her crazy or even sick. No one knows, not even her mother.
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"Yeah, yeah... I'm, um, fine," he said with a fake and small smile. "Huh?" Dan asked, being snapped out of his thoughts. "What are you even talking about?" he said in a confused tone before turning his head towards Emily.
Emily bit her lip and looked down. "Never mind" she said and turned her Attention towards movie.

((This is so small. I'm sorry.))

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