The Game ❤️

"That's fine," Dan assured Emily. "At least you didn't walk in here two seconds ago," he joked with a smirk. Dan through on his khaki pants before Emily scurried out of the room. Without putting his shirt on, Dan walked over to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He didn't want to get any toothpaste on his shirt. Dan proceeded to brush his teeth before styling his hair and throwing on his t-shirt. Soon, Dan walked into the kitchen to see Emily. 
g2g i'll be on later 
post before i get back though <3 i'll be back on at like...6:30-7:00 standard eastern time
Emily looked through the pantry, there was only a box of cereal and some muffins. She sighed and walked towards the island sitting down on one of the stools. "Hey. Let's go get some food" she said and ran a hand through her hair, sighing. Emily walked towards Dan and hugged him, "thanks for being a friend." She got on her tip toes and kissed him on the cheek.
"Okay, but we better be quick. School starts in like a couple of hours," Dan said as he looked at his watch. He picked up his backpack and turned towards Emily before her lips headed towards his cheek. Dan quickly turned his head so his lips hit her's. "Gotcha," he said with a sly smirk and a wink. Dan began to walk towards the door, allowing Emily to follow behind him, "And, hey, I like being your friend."
Emily groaned. "I wasn't aiming for your cheek" she smiled and Whipped off the kiss on her lips . She grabbed her satchel and purse then walked put of the door, trailing behind Dan. She hopped into his truck and turned on her phone, she had two miss calls and 3 texts from Vanity. She laughed at the text and decided to call her mom. "Hey mom!" She said, and smiled. "Hey sweetie! Did you have fun at your friend Dan's house? Did you do anything?" Emily groaned "No, mom why would you ask me that?." Emily could see her mom smiling on the other side. "Well, I'll be home, later tonight. I missed you" she chuckled "I missed you to sweetie! See you later tonight! I love you!" "I love you too!" With that they both hung up.
"I still got you," Dan insisted with a smirk. "Where do you want to eat at?" he asked as they both hopped in his truck. Dan backed out of the driveway after starting the car and pressing his foot against the gas pedal. "And, hey, what do I get if you lose the game?" he asked Emily after she got done with her mom.
Emily smiled and nodded "of course you did." Then she shrugged "I don't know, but I need my Starbucks" she laughed and then looked put the window when he mention what he would get if she lose "I don't know, since I got to chose you chose."
"Sure, we can go there," Dan agreed and drove down the way to Starbucks. "Well, what are you willing to do?" Soon, he pulled up into the Starbucks parking lot. They both got out of the car as Dan waited for Emily to answer his question.
Emily smiled and nodded, thanking him. Once they arrived, she got out of the truck and walked into Starbucks. She order a Carmel frappe, with whip cream and a drizzle of dark chocolate. She paid for the coffee and then walked to the truck. "I don't know, anything I guess," she shrugged and toke a sip of her drink.
"I'd doubt you'd do anything," Dan said as he walked back to the car with Emily. "I'm not good with coming up with these things... Give me an idea or something."
Emily smiled. "I don't have any idea, you think of something.." She laughed and toke another sip of coffee. "And what to do mean about I won't do anything? " she added and then looked out the window.
"I mean, I'm sure you have some limits about stuff. So give me one thing that you won't do," Dan stated before starting the truck and pulling out of Starbucks's parking lot.
Emily shrugged. " no sex. That's the only thing I won't do." She toke a sip of her drink and watch him as he pulled out the Starbucks parking lot.
"Damn, I knew there would be a limit," Dan said with a smirk. "Well, then give me an idea on what to force you to do," he ordered. Soon, Dan pulled into the school parking lot, just 30 minutes before school began.
Emily smiled "yeah there's always a limit." She shrugged, then got out of the truck as they arrived at school, only 30 minutes before school began. "I don't know, I already told you that" she laughed and grabbed her book bag, walking towards the school.
"Fine, leave me here to just struggle," Dan said in a pity voice. "I'll probably lose anyways," he said with a smirk as he walked in with her. Dan swung the door open for her, standing there as he waited for her to walk in. When she did, he followed behind her.
Emily didn't quite catch the last part, she walked into the school and was crowed around by Vanity and Tyler. "Hey! You look cute today!" Vanity yelled and grabbed Emily hand tugging her towards the bathroom, leaving the boys to talk.
Dan watched Emily walk into the girl's bathroom with Vanity, leaving Tyler and Dan alone. "So, how's you and Emily? Are you guys together?" Tyler asked.

"No, um, we're just... friends," Dan half-lied. Emily did kind of say earlier that they were friends...
"So? Are you and Dan together?" She asked excitedly, Emily halfheartedly smiled "No, were just friends." Vanity sighed and tugged on her shirt "really? So nothing happened yesterday? " vanity sighed and turned to the mirror. "My mouth is sore." Emily laughed "well. That is all you do when your with Tyler" she groaned "I know." Once enroll and vanity were done they walked out the door to the boys
"Oh, I think you two are more than friends," Tyler teased Dan friendly-like.

"Shut up," Dan said with an embarrassed smile. "Okay, maybe I do like her but-" He was soon interrupted when he saw Emily and Vanity walk out. Emily obviously had heard the part about Dan liking her.
Emily smiled and then waved at Tyler and Dan, she walked up to Tyler and hugged him before ruffling his hair "So? What this about liking me, Dan?" She gave him a sly smirk and then adjusted her book bag strap. She was going to win, this was great. But honestly she didn't want this to end, she loved being in his arms, kissing him and just plain old talking to him. She felt like she could tell him anything, like what told him last night. Emily just had the urge to kiss him and tell him that she loved him. She didn't care if she lost anymore.
"I was only kidding," Dan lied sternly. He wasn't kidding. He wanted to kiss her right here, right now. He wanted to hold her in his arms like he did when no one was watching. Dan hated this game, but he also loved it because it's what brought Emily and Dan together. "I'm still going to win," Dan said with a small smile. He probably would win. No matter how much he liked Emily, he would never admit to loving her.
Emily ran a hand through her hair and sighed "Sure you are" she laughed and then bit her lip, pushing back all the thoughts of kissing him and letting him hold her. "Well. I have to go to my classes." She said after a moment of silence, breaking it. Emily walked to her locker grabbing her things and then walking towards first period. She wasn't going to win and she knew it, she would confess her undying love towards him and look like an idiot.
Dan sighed and combed his fingers through his hair. "I have home room with Emily," He said to Tyler and Vanity before following behind Emily.

"See you guys later," Tyler said, and Vanity waved sweetly. "And you weren't kidding."

Dan placed his hand on the back of Emily's neck. His lips got close to her's before he stopped himself. "Sorry, I forgot there were people around."
Oh so how bad she wanted to kiss him right in the corridor of school. She smiled and the shrugged it off "it's okay." She walked over to her usual seat, that's was all the way in the back and sat down, put her bag on the floor. Emily rubbed the back of her neck where Dan had touch it, she smiled at the sweet reminder and then looked up at the teacher.
Dan walked over to his desk, which was in the middle of the classroom. He stuffed his backpack under his desk after pulling out his binder ad notebook for he class. He looked up at the teacher and propped his head up on his arm.

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