The Game ❤️

"I-I l'm sorry, Emily," Dan said, shaking his head at what he did. "I just forget sometimes," he said, feeling the soft kiss on his lips. He placed his arms around Emily as she hugged him. "Let's just, um, go inside or something..." Dan suggested before pulling away from her grasp.
Emily sighed and ran a hand through her hair "okay.." She put a small smile. Emily put her phone in her back pocket and her wallet. "I'm sorry I disappointed you.." She sighed after a few moments of silence. "I-um I want you too, I Just don't think I'm ready to do it.. I hope you understand .." Emily walked into the mall and then into her favorite store, Victoria's secret and looked at all the boy shorts and bras. She pulled out a Lace and black bra, it had purple and pink bows, she walked over towards the dressing room and locked her self in it, taking off her clothes and putting on the undergarments stepping out to believe herself in the mirror .
"I'm a guy-of course I'm disappointed," Dan said nonchalantly with a smirk. He followed Emily into Victoria's Secret. "Hey, you should buy this," Dan teased as he held up some black laced lingerie and tossed it over the dressing room door. "So, what ever happened to your little friend-Talyor James?" he continued to tease.
Emily rolled her eyes and looked at her self in the mirror, she looked okay, she wasn't the prettiest girl in the world or I'm the whole town. Emily tossed the ugliest thing he could find to him "why don't you buy it?" She sighed and walked back into the dressing room changing it her clothes. She walked up the cash register and paid for her undergarments. "We still talk from time to time. Why do you care?" She sighed "and why are you teasing me about s*x? You are the only person I told about the accident." She flipped him off and ran away. "I hate you!" She yelled and ran into the girls bathroom, locking herself in a stall.
"Emily, get back here!" Dan yelled, following her until he reached the entrance of the girls bathroom. "What did I even do? Stop making a big deal out of a fucking joke," Dan said loud enough so she could hear him. "I'm sorry for whatever I did."
Emily slide her back on the door and sat down on the floor. Emily let the tears fall she could hold them back anymore. After being backed up into truck and let him kiss her. She hated him, Emily didn't want to see his face ever again. She unlocked the door and walked out of the bathroom. "First all you think getting r*ped by your boyfriend and then not telling anyone about it is a joke?" She stifled a laughed "you know what. I'm done"
"Emily," Dan said, putting his hands over his face, "I don't know what I even did." He leaned up against the wall outside of the girls bathroom. "You know, you're going to have to come out sooner or later," he said. "I'm your ride." He was angry. But not at Emily. At himself. Dan didn't want to lose her. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and hug her close and tight, but he wasn't sure if he could actually love anybody. "So, hurry up and let's go. I'll drop you off at your house," Dan promised. "And you're done with what?" he asked in a mean tone.
Emily sighed "you know exactly what you did.." She let more tears fall and she sniffled. Emily walked to truck, climbing into the passenger side. "You." She said after he got into the truck and started the truck.

Sorry it's so short!))
Dan sighed as he got in the truck and started the engine. It was silent all the drive to Emily's house. He pulled out a tissue from the tissue box and stuffed in on Emily's hand silently. He had a serious look on his face, and his eyebrows were furrowed. Dan soon pulled into the driveway of Emily's house, staring out the window in silence.
**1 1/2 WEEKS LATER**

Dan entered first hour, Math. He walked toward his desks as he slung his backpack over the back of his chair. He walked out of the classroom, using the last of his passing time wisely. Dan walks towards Emily's locker, hesitating to slip a piece of paper in it. Finally, Dan quickly did it and walked away as he combed his fingers through his hair in stress. The note read,


I know you hate me, and I know you don't want to talk to me, and I know that you could careless. I know it's no use now, but I just wanted to tell you that you win and I lose. And I'm sorry.

- Dan"
Emily walked into school, her backpack slung over her shoulder. She hadn't talked to Dan since there fight at the mall, she bit her lip and unlocked her locker. Emily bended down to pick up the piece of paper that had fell out of her locker. Emily got her books and walked into first period, which was Math. She sighed and put her thing on her desk and sitting down to read the note.


I know you hate me, and I know you don't want to talk to me, and I know that you could careless. I know it's no use now, but I just wanted to tell you that you win and I lose. And I'm sorry.

- Dan"

Emily's eyes welled up with tears. She had won and he lost. Meaning, he liked or loved, which means past tense. He doesn't probably like me any more. She thought in her head. She sighed and toke out a pen, writing.


I don't hate you, I never have hated you. The truth is I love you, I still do, i never hated you and I was stupid enough to let you go. I miss you touch, you kiss the way you are so gentle with me and I told my mom, about the accident. She freaked but she told the police now Hayden's has a trial later today. And I'm sorry. So, so very sorry.

Dan walked off, back into the math classroom. He stares at the board and teacher, but he wasn't paying attention at all. He was thinking about the note. About Emily. What if she didn't respond? What I'd she hated him? He tried to push the thoughts aside and focus on the lesson - but e couldn't. He just couldn't.
Emily sighed and bit her lip. Should I pass it back? What he didn't like me anymore and I was the actual one the lost? She tried to push the thought at bay, but she could she just couldn't. Emily got up from her seat and put the note on Dan's desk, hastily walking back to her desk.
Dan looked up at Emily, his eyebrows going up. He rushed to open the note when Emily walked away. He read the note in his head silently. He licked his lip, and he looked at Emily across the room when he read, "The truth is, I love you." He looked back at the note to continue to read it. All Dan wanted to do right now was to hold Emily in his arms and kiss her.
Emily bit her lip and asked to go to the bathroom, she grabbed her purse and rushed out of the room. Emily staggered her breathing as walked into the bathroom, she placed her hand on the other side of the sink and looked up at her reflection, her cheeks were rosy red and her makeup was a bit smudged. She looked through her makeup bag and found her eyeliner, she fixed her makeup and put on some chap stick. Emily puffed out a sigh and walked sat down on the bathroom floor. All Emily wanted to be was in Dan's arm and she was kissing him.
Dan watched Emily walk out of the classroom. He raised his hand up high to ask the teacher a question. He called on Dan, and Dan said, "May I go to the bathroom?" The teacher nodded his head and Dan walked out.

"But if you ditch again, Dan, you're in big trouble."

He just couldn't wait any longer to see Emily. He needed to see her. "Emily?"
Emily's ear perked up when she heard her name. She knew that voice, she smiled and walked out of the bathroom. "Hi.." She didn't really know what to say. They haven't talk in 1/1/2 weeks.

Sorry it's so short!!))
"Hey," Dan said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I-I got your note," he stated. It got silent for a moment, but Dan broke the silence. "So, I guess we both lost..."
Emily laughed, "yeah.. So? What does this mean for each other?" She said biting her lip and looked down at her shoes. Emily looked up at Dan with worried eyes.

Sorry it so short!! I'll reply longer next time !! :) ))
"Whatever you want it to mean," Dan said with a shrug. "Would it be okay if I, um, kissed you right now?" he asked and stroked his hand through his hair.
Emily smiled nodded bringing her lips towards his. Emily blushed as their lips moves in sync, in a perfect harmony. She pulled away a few minutes later and smiled "well. What do want it to mean?" She asked him, biting her lip. Emily ran a hand through her hair and smiled "you have some lip gloss on you lips.." She said with a laugh and wiped it off. She smiled and then stood on her tip toes, whispering. "If your ready then I'm ready too.." She bit her lip and then walked back into the classroom.
Dan felt her lips on her's and he moved in the same motion, putting his hands on her hips. "I think I want it to mean us," Dan whispered in her ear before she walked into class. He heard her last words and smiled in joy. He followed behind her into the math classroom and sat back down at his seat.
Emily grabbed her notebook and started to write down notes in it. She looked over at Dan and sent him a smile. She was nervous about the last part that she said, was I really ready? She asked in her head, she sighed and grabbed her drawing utensils Drawing her name in bubbly, cursive letters. Emily began to write on her hand. She wrote E+D= <3 this is what she wrote when she was bored.. She was just careful not to let him see it. I

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