The Game ❤️

Emily sighed and put her head on to the desk, letting her eyes droop a little bit. Emily grabbed her notebook and started jotting done notes for the class. Emily grabbed her phone and texted Dan.

Emily I'm so bored. Ditch?
Dan felt his phone vibrate against his leg. He pulled out his phone as he read the text. "Dan, phone away. Now," the teacher ordered.

"Sorry, may I go put it in my locker?" Dan asked.

"Please do."

Dan stood up from his desk and began to walk towards the door. He winked at Emily and walked out of the classroom. As soon a he was away from the classroom, Dan texted Emily back.

Dan: ask to go to the bathroom or something
Emily smiled and nodded "May, I use the bathroom please?" she nodded then went right on teaching the most boringest lesson ever. Emily grabbed her purse and then walked out of the classroom. As soon as she got out the classroom and connected her lips with his "That's for this morning" she smirked and headed towards the front door, leaving Dan behind. "Are you coming?"
Dan kissed her back, his back bending over to reach her. "Yeah, I'm coming," he said as he followed behind her. "Where are we going to go?" Dan asked before hopping in the truck. He started up the truck and buckled his seatbelt.
Emily smiled then shrugged " i don't know, im still hungry..lets go get food" she replied happily and the hopped into the truck, not bothering to put on her seatbelt. Emily turned up the radio,to her favorite station, that was 97.3 the eagle. and i want crazy by hunter hayes was blasting out. She smiled,hunter hayes was her favorite country boy singer and he was young, so that made her happy too.
"Where would you like to eat?" Dan asked and pulled out of the school parking lot. He pressed down on the car pedal gently and put the car in reverse. Dan saw that Emily's seat belt was unbuckled, so he reached over and buckled it for her. "Click it or ticket."
Emily groaned and rolled her eyes, "whatever .." She laughed and scrolled through her Instagram feed. Emily mischievously grinned and toke a picture of Dan when he wasn't looking and uploaded it to Instagram, with a caption saying.

Ditching with this dude!

Then she tagged him in it and then laughed as his Phone beeped, notifying him that he had a notification. "Oh and, let's go to the little diner, that my mom works at. " her mom didn't really care that she wasn't at school, she already knew she ditch almost everyday.
Dan glanced at his phone quickly when it beeped. "Emily tagged you in a photo," he read before shifting his eyes back to the road. "Did you just take a picture of me?" Dan asked with a smile spreading across his face and poked her playfully in the side. Soon, he pulled into the parking lot of the small diner. He hopped out if the truck and walked over to the other side if the truck to open the door for Emily.
Emily grinned and then nodded, getting out of the truck as he held the door open. "Hi momma!" Emily grinned and ran up to her mom, giving her a big hug. "How are you sweetie? Do want some pie that I made this morning? " Emily early nodded and grabbed Sans hand as he stood there awkwardly.
Dan felt Emily's hand grasp his. "Hello, ma'am," Dan greeted Emily's mother with a small smile. He stepped a bit closer to Emily. Dan stood there awkwardly, and he squeezed Emily's hand.

(Sorry for the short post)
Emily smiled at sat down at the bar and piled the whip cream on her pice of peanut butter pie. "You want some?" She asked Dan, holding out a pice for him in her fork. She smiled and squeezed his hand back, a little while later, "what's wrong?" She asked him in a soft whisper so only he could hear. "Do you like the pie, honey?" She smiled and nodded "yes. Mom it's really good! You should bring some home and save it for the twins and me."
"Sure," Dan accepted her offer and leaned in and bit the piece of pie off of her fork. He swallowed the pie and asked, "So your mom is totally okay with you skipping school and having sex and stuff? And that pie is really good, by the way." Dan grabbed the fork off of the table and took another bite of Emily's mom's pie.
Emily glanced over Dan as he took another bit of her pie. "Go get your own!" She shooed him away and slapped his hand. "Oh. And yeah, she doesn't really care. As long as I don't get pregnant and stuff, she okay doing it." She bit the inside of her cheek and then finished off her food. She walked into the back and into the kitchen. "Oh! Miss Emily! I haven't seen you ages" the chief, Lenny says, ruffling my hair. "It good to see you too, Lenny."
Dan kissed Emily's lips gently, laughing against her mouth and tasting the pie. "Can't I just share your's? I don't want my own pie," he asked after pulled away from her lips. Dan grasped her hand and picked up the fork to feed the pie to her. He brushed the band out if Emily's face and smiled sweetly with kind eyes. She then got up from the table and eased back into the kitchen. Dan sneakily took another bite of her pie.
"Don't feed me. I'm not a one year old." She chuckled, "and, I don't like sharing!" She laughed and picked up the empty plate, giving it to her mom. "Thanks again, that was delicious." She hugged Emily again and then kissed the top of her forehead. "Oh, this totally slipped my mind, but can you watch the twins tonight?" She asked, Emily sweetly. "Yeah, sure. But why?" Emily asked her. "I have a date tonight, he is a nice man I'm pretty sure you'll like him." Emily shrugged, all the guys that her mom went out with trash guys. She just hoped this is one too.
Dan silently overheard true conversation as he took a few more bites of Emily's pie. He picked up a napkin and swiped it across his mouth to pick up any crumbs or whipped cream off of his mouth.
Emily smiled and then Shrugged "fine, I'll watch them, but you have to pay me" she said crossing her arms around her chest. Her mother sighed "how much?" "24 per hour" "can I get I family discount?" Emily sighed "fine 22 per hour" she laughed and hugged her mom. "Love yah!" Emily skipped away towards Dan " you wanna go to the mall?" She asked him with a smirk.
"Sure, I guess," Dan said as he got up for his chair. He picked up the empty plate which once had pie in it and tossed it in the garbage.

(Sorry for short post)
Emily grabbed his hand and his truck keys from his pocket and got in the drivers side "I'm going to drive, I've never drove a truck before." She smiled turned the ignition on. She wait patiently for Dan to get. "Hope you don't mind me driving " she said biting her lip and looking at him.

Sorry for short post and sorry I haven't replied! I got busy with school!!))
"Are you sure?" Dan asked Emily, as he held his arm out in front of her body to stop her. I let her walk by and get in the truck, and Dan followed behind her. He hopped in the truck, but this time he went in the passenger's side. "Do you know how to drive it? I'm not really into dying right now because then won't be able to do this." Dan leaned over the console, turning Emily's cheek so he could kiss her. He passionately kissed her, caressing her cheek.

(( Its okay! In glad you're back. ))
Emily smiled and kissed him back as just as much passionately as he did, why was he toying with her emotions? Did he really like her or?. Emily pushed the bad thoughts back into her mind and pulled away, breathlessly "I'm pretty sure I can figure it out" she backed out the driveway and pulled onto the dirt road. She turned on her favorite station 97.3 and Lauren Alainia 'eighteen inches' was blasting out. She smiled and started to sing along. "It's about Fifth teen hundreds miles to Californa, they Friday if they leave to night. She sneaks out in 3:30 in the morning, he doesn't know, so she won't see her daddy cry. He stops the engine we coast in the driveway, she slides and kiss him one kiss for the road. No friends and no family no job out there waitin', but they gotta go. Cuz when your love and in love yeah you might do something that don't seem all that smart, cuz there ain't no better distance in eighteen inches from your head to heart-t!"

Thanks!! Glad to be back!! And that's my favorite song ever!!))
"I love kissing you," Dan whispered as he pulled away from her lips. Emily pulled out of the parking lot, and Dan bucked his seatbelt. He placed a hand on her thigh, stroking his thumb back and forth.

[sorry for the short post. They should get into a fight to make things interesting. Also, do you have a kik?]
Emily smiled and continued to listening to music and flinched a little when he put his hand on her thigh and started stroking his thumb back and forth.

Sorry for short post and yeah, I do! ))
Soon, they both arrived at the mall, and Dan jumped out of his truck. He walked over to Emily's side an opened up her car door for her. Dan grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the car playfully. He pressed her body up against the truck and kissed her hard. "I want you so bad," he whispered softly up against Emily's ear.
Emily soon arrived at the mall, she stop the truck. She watched Dan jumped put of the truck and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the car playfully. She jumped as he pushes her against the truck and started to kiss her hard. She bit her lip, as he lips started to leave wet kisses in her neck. I want you. She reacted the words over an over, but then a horrible flash back came into view and her whole body started to hurt for what he was doing. Emily put her hand on his chest and pushed gently. "I'm sorry, I-I just don't think i-I'm ready.." Tears welled up into her eyes and she bit her lip. She kissed him softly and then hugged him, her arms around his torso, hugging him tightly.

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