The Game ❤️

Dan frowned and looked over at Emily. "No, what were you going to say?" he asked, grabbing at her wrist gently. "C'mon, you can tell me."
Emily sighed and bit her lip, looking over at Dan. "I used to live in California, before I moved here..." She trailed off her sentence, tears welling up in her eyes. "My boyfriend toke advantage of me, I wasn't ready.. And he j-just.." She was hyperventilating now and her body shook with tears and fear, that would ever happen again.
Dan squeezed her hand gently. "Please don't cry," he said. He didn't really know how to deal with people crying, and he felt awkward letting his emotions out as well. "Emily..." Dan placed his hand on her cheek, wiping up all of the salty tears that fell. "Who was he?"
Emily looked up Dan as he squeezed her hand gently. She didn't really like showing her emotion towards anybody, not even her mom. "H-his name was Hayden Anner." She sniffled and put her arms around him, snuggling her head into his chest. She sighed, "he was the most popular guy in school, and I was just a nobody. I though my dreams had come true, until that night at the party." She sobbed Into Dan's chest.
"Is he still in California?" Dan asked, hugging her to his chest tightly. He tilted her head up by lightly pushing up her chin and pressed his lips to her's softly.
Emily nodded and sniffled. "Yeah.." She bit her lip and hugged Dan closer. She jumped a bit as he pushed up her chin and pressed his lips to hers. She smiled, this wasn't the motionless kissing they always do, this was something more. She kissed him deeper and blushed.
Dan stroked her cheek gently, rubbing his thumb against her blush. "What do I have to do for you when I lose the game?" he asked quietly with a smirk. Dan gently brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. "Because you might want to decide soon," he told Emily before kissing her softly on the forehead.
Emily smiled, and then shrugged. "How about, you change your player ways." She said with a small smile. "And why would I have to decide soon?" She added, biting her lip as he kissed her softly on the forehead.
"Sure," Dan agreed with a small smile. "Because the game might be over soon," he replied with a sly smile. "I'm surprised you haven't bit your lip off yet," Dan teased with a laugh before kissing her bottom lip.
Emily smiled and nodded. It was great to know that he wasn't gonna be a player anymore. "Why would the game be over soon? " she inquired and laughed "I just like biting my lip." And blushed as he kissed her bottom lip.
Dan ignored her question, and he mocked her biting her lip exaggeratedly. A gentle laugh escaped from his lips as he mocked the biting of her lip. "Do I look hot?" Dan asked jokingly. 
Emily smiled and let out a small laugh and nodded "very hot" she smiled and said Jokingly. "And why are you ignoring my question?" She asked halfheartedly and then sighed. "Do you think I'm crazy or weird?" She add and then but her lip.
"No reason," Dan lied with a smirk plastered on his face. "And, yes, I do think you're crazy and weird," he joked with a laugh and poked Emily's stomach gently and playfully. "But I also think that you are beautiful," Dan complimented with a no-teeth smile before pressing his lips to Emily's deeply.
Emily smiled and thanked him, "thanks.." She smiled again and then blushed, as he kissed her deeply. Emily ran her Hands through his hair restlessly as they kissed, "I'm pretty sure that the movie is over by now. Can we sleep? I just wanna sleep." She smiled and laid her head down on to his chest, closing her eyes.
"Sure," Dan answered in agreement. "But let's go upstairs in my bed," he suggested before picking her up like he was holding a baby. He carried her over to his room and flung the covers down. Dan placed Emily into the bed before pulling the covers over her slim body. He laid down next to her after he flicked the light switch down to dim the room.
Emily smiled and nodded. The bed was a lot more comfortable than the couch. She snuggled into the covers as he laid her down onto the bed and covered her up with the covers . "Dan? " she asked she felt the dip.
"Yeah, Emily?" Dan asked as his eyes flickered open. He propped his body up with his elbow, making the bed mattress slightly cave in.

[sorry for short post]
Emily smiled and bit her lip sighing. "Goodnight" she turned around towards him and kissed his lips softly. "And thank you." She wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes, slowly drift to sleep.
"Thank you for what?" Dan asked Emily, but she was already drifting off into a deep sleep. He let his head rest on the pillow, and he soon fell into a deep sleep as well.


Dan's alarm on his phone went off, signalling that it was time for him and Emily to get up to go to school. It was a Monday, the day he—and I think everyone—dreaded during the week. "Emily," he slurred, tapping on her shoulder to wake her up. "Time to get up." Dan through the covers off of them and hopped out of the bed. He headed towards the bathroom and stared at his reflection in the mirror. In his reflection, he saw his hair scrambled in a bunch and tired bags under his eyes.
Emily lifted her head off of the pillow and groaned, it was Monday- which means a school day - she sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She walked downstairs, quietly and grabbed her bags, walking back up the stairs. Emily dropped her stuff down and shuffled through her clothes finding what she should wear. She finally found a pair of black tights, her jean shirt and beige cashmere sweater. She walked into the bathroom and looked at Dan. "I had to take a shower.." She replied, with a smile and then waited for him to get out.

Her outfit:
Dan sighed and brushed a hand through his hair. "Okay, I'll go in my mom's bathroom," he said, taking a step out of the bathroom. Dan pulled his shirt over his head beforehand and tossed it in the bathroom hamper. He walked into his room and shuffled through his drawers until he found a pair khaki pants and a blue, graphic t-shirt that had a picture of a black and white tiger on it. He laid it on his bed for after he got out of the shower. Dan walked over to his mother's bathroom and stripped his clothes down before hopping in the shower.
Emily smiled and nodded, she stripped from the clothes she wore the night before and started her shower. She washed her hair and body before stepping out. Emily wrapped the towel firmly around her body and dried off. She put on her clothes and put on her makeup, just a little bit of it and her usual hair routine.
Dan washed his body and his hair before turning the shower head off and stepping out. He grabbed the towel and wrapped it tightly around his waist and walked over to his bedroom, which was across from his bathroom. Dan kicked the door shut and dropped his towel from his body. He grabbed his boxers and began to put them on.
Emily smiled at her reflection and then walked out of the bathroom, only to See Dan only In his boxers. She blushed deeply and turned around. "In sorry." She spoke and bit her lip, she quickly walked to her bag and grabbed her brown shoes and her beige socks. Emily walked out of the room and down the stairs. She put on her shoes and sick and walked into the kitchen.

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