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Fandom The forbidden fruit (Supernatural CW Rp)


Magic Eight Ball
It was a time in each powerful being's life that he got the spark of creation. It was a time when it got bored and decided to do something beautiful for someone else, instead of himself. Everybody says that the first creation is the best, and they are right. God's very first creation was Heaven, and it came out beautiful. It was everything he saw in his nice dreams, it was a lovely place to the eye. The next stage in each powerful being's life is feeling lonely. What was the point of creating such beautiful places when nobody was there to see them? To praise them and take care of them? That was the moment when God created the first beasts. The first experiment didn't go too well, so he locked all of its kind away. After some time, he finally reached the result he wanted. Angels. Or, better, archangels. Firstly, it was only one. Then two. Then Three. Then four. They were beautiful, powerful, and unlike the beasts, they didn't destroy everything they saw, thus Heaven was given to them to enjoy and take care of.

Of course, this story was known by the first archangel, told by God himself. The second learnt from the first, the third and fourth as well since their Father, as they named their creator, was busy and didn't always have time to teach them everything. The four grew each other up, friendship bound by love and care. Each of them was given a Grace which possessed various skills, traits, making them unique. Raphael was created to be a healer --why, they still didn't know. Michael was strong, confident; he was born a commander, a fighter. Gabriel was to be a messenger, delivering, hopefully, only good news and Lucifer, the second eldest, was made beautiful, being the one to take care that their Father was praised, loved, write him songs and organize the others when it came to events. Many angels followed after their creation, and the four of them were left to rule over them in their Father's absence, to raise them up and teach them the way.

Though usually spending most of his time surrounded by angels, by his brothers, in the past few days one certain Angel liked being alone more than usually. His Father's absence left Lucifer missing him, wondering what could He be doing instead of spending time with them, with him, since he knew way too well that he was the favorite. His Father was busy, but what with? He had no idea. Sighing in irritation, he closed his eyes and rested against the Tree of Knowledge, on the grass, allowing himself to relax, a stack of paper and coal beside him, though long forgotten. Hearing a pair of light steps approaching him, he didn't bother to open his eyes. ''I am busy.'' he declared, wanting time alone.

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