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Fantasy The Fated Ones (Epic Fantasy)


New Member
The Fated Ones


In ancient times, there was a great prophetess who, on her death bed, gave a prophecy to a king that in the distant future a group of heroes would band together to defeat a primordial evil that many had thought was already destroyed. The prophetess died shortly after, so the king could not ask for any more insight. He decided after some thought and conferring with his council that he would hire a wizard to help them somehow keep this prophecy alive throughout the ages and it wouldn't be forgotten. When deciding which wizards to elect, as there were a handful of witches and wizards living in the kingdom, a serving maid stepped forward and informed them that a new wizard was passing through town and had performed a few miracles that exceeded anything their resident sorcerers had ever done before.

The king thanked her with a large gold coin and immediately set out to find this wizard before he could disappear. The king and a couple of his knights found the wizard in an old barn, waving his hands and singing a spell over a flock of sheep. Apparently, the farmer had paid him a bag of silver nuggets to make his sheep reproduce at a quicker rate. This let the king know that the wizard was indeed open to making transactions, so he waited to proposition the wizard when he was done with his spell. While the wizard thought it over, the king took in his dark brown skin, black hair with iron-gray stripes, and his fine blue robes. A gold ring with a bright red stone flickered and flashed on his finger when he scratched his chin in deep thought.

Alas, the wizard agreed to help for a hefty price, and the king promised to give him an enormous fortune. When they shook hands, the wizard smiled and revealed that a few of his teeth were solid gold.


Chapter One of Three:
The Prophecy Comes True

The present year is 2025.

In Ladera Heights, California, a homely English teacher dressed in a tan brown dress and beige heels walked from her car in the parking lot towards the school building. The teacher stopped at the side entrance to look in a hand mirror: her light brown face was clear and soft, her eyebrows were perfectly shaped, and her hair, well, her hair wobbled on top of her head in a sloppy bun. That's all she could manage after waking up late and rushing to get to work on time. School was back in session after Christmas break and students were standing around in groups all through the halls. Ms Ladonna made it to her own classroom, struggled with the keys for a second, then headed inside and sat her thrifted Louboutin purse on the desk.

Ms Ladonna was about to start writing the morning Warm-Up on the old school chalkboard, when she was shocked into dropping the chalk stick on the ground. The blue stone in her gold ring on her middle finger had started to sparkle like sunlight on water. Well, that's what she thought had happened, but now it was clear blue again. "Trick of the light," Ms Ladonna muttered as she cleaned up the shattered chalk bits. The ring had once belonged to an ancestor of hers that told prophecies to kings, or so that was the story her family had passed down throughout the generations. Her last prophecy was supposed to be a majorly important one and she told it to a beloved king to make sure others knew about it.

But was she even a real prophetess?

If so, what was the last prophecy?

And did the king ever make sure it would survive...?


First day of school had officially begun.


Let me know if you're interested, please! This is a group roleplay, as many people can join that want to. The story begins as all the students make it to the highschool English class on the first day in twelfth grade. As soon as a couple roleplayers confirm their interest, I'll post The Fated Ones in the Group Roleplay thread. Before your first post, message me your Character Template for approval and once approved please reposted your template in the Group Interest Checks page. Looking forward to starting this adventure with you all, this is the premise for a roleplay game that I created a few months ago to play with some friends on game night. I decided to perfect the story and bring it here.

Commonsense Rules of the Game:

-You cannot say how another person reacts to something. If you attack another character, you must end the post with "I threw the knife at" or "I stabbed at his eye" or whatever. Its up to the next person to say if they dodge or get hit or not, but you can plan out posts with other characters in DMs and then post it in the story.

-Basically all the other basic RPG rules as well.

(For your information, the story can have a few different endings depending on the choices of all the characters. Stay strong, Fated Ones. Humanity needs us.)


Full Name:

Age (17 or 18):



Appearance (if you can, find a picture online to insert below):


Your character's favorite superpower in movies/books:


Short Bio:
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Lorena Bonaventura

This was it, her one shot at rebuilding her reputation. At building some sort of human connection, even, the kind built through money that grew beyond anything material. Lorena truly didn't know how to leave an impression on people beyond her name and her fortune, so when surrounded by others used to luxury and unknowing of her father's enterprises, she was put in an uncomfortably tight spot. She considered herself an expert at the art of chamuyo - convincing others through ultimately meaningless drivel - but what if that didn't carry through languages? As she watched the Californian streets pass by through the window of her light gray Cadillac, she realized she'd been dreading being "put in her place" the way she did to her former classmates. Lorena was well aware of the irony. It didn't stop her from coming up with endless excuses for her actions over the sound of Taylor Swift's latest hits, however.

She would've liked for the car to drive past it and into a shopping mall or park, but alas, Ladera Heights Highschool eventually forced itself into the brunette's view. That's what it felt like: as if the building was approaching her and not the other way round. Her fate looming over her, inescapable and uncertain. If there was one thing Lorena despised, it was not knowing how things would play out - especially now that she felt her whole life had careened off a cliff. She let go of the sigh she didn't know she was holding back and stepped off the car without acknowledgeing the chaffeur's presence. With that, she entered the school and hoped her day would be normal... whatever that meant for the Americans. She knew it wouldn't sit right with her either way, because nothing did here, so she braced herself for impact.
"Welcome to class, Ms Lorena!" Ms Ladonna announced cheerily. She had texted the janitor, her best pal, and he brought her some coffee, so she felt fully prepared to take on the day. She stood next to her desk at the front of the class, leaning her hip against the edge and holding a steaming black cup in her hands. Ms Ladonna smiled at Lorena and told her to choose any seat she wanted and put her name on one of the nametags sitting on the desks. The nametags were attached to cord necklaces that the students would all wear to get to know each others names easier.

Sighing happily, Ms Ladonna glanced out the window, thinking she had seen a white swan flying over the parking lot. "Hmm, thats something you don't see everyday," she muttered, wondering if Lorena had seen it too.

The warm-up on the chalkboard said, "Say hi to each other and in five minutes we will take a fun personality quiz" in purple chalk. (Ms Ladonna had broken the white one so she decided to start fresh with another chalkstick.)

Blissfully unaware, Ms Ladonna didn't notice that she knew Lorena's name without even asking for it.
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