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Fantasy The experiments

How should the experiments be punished

  • 2 minutes with experiment 10

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Mara continued to daydream as she gazed through the window, wondering where would be the best places to go when they did go out and about later, she seemed pretty excited, even swaying slightly to the music that was playing faintly from the other room, until something hit her that she didn't think of previously, what if there were people scouting them out from the crowds? Two white haired individuals wouldn't be hard to spot or recognise. she seemed a bit apprehensive about such a thought now...she was enjoying this adventure and she didn't want it to be cut short.

@Ira et Tenebris
Ceil stepped from the bathroom utterly silent. He notices the worried expression on her face as he sneaks up on her. "Hey whatcha thinking about?" He says suddenly.

Mara let out a squeak as the sudden sound of his voice startled her, she almost fell off where she was sitting "Ah,...just stuff" she replied chuckling nervously, her heart still racing from getting spooked "D-Dont sneak up on me like that"

@Ira et Tenebris
"Sorry it happens sometimes" He chuckles entirely forgetting that he was bare chested and still wet from the shower "So any ideas where to start our adventure?" he asks quietly while casually grabbing a shirt and trying to play it off

"Actually that's what I was having a think about" she replied as she turned to face him "oops!" she called out as she averted her eyes "I-I didnt know you were still dressing" she mumbled awkwardly, she didn't look long but she did notice the scars "...They got you too huh...brutes.." she said quietly as she gazed out the window once more.

@Ira et Tenebris
"They got all of us" he said as he pulled the black shirt back on. "And not all the scars can be seen but they can be felt" he spoke calmly like their pasts were nothing out of the ordinary. "We shouldn't dwell on the past, but focus on what lies ahead". He walked over now dressed and clean.

She turned and smiled at him "You're right" she paused for a bit her facial expression dropping slightly "But, that's the other thing I was thinking about,...what if the 'past' is following us...if you know what i mean.."

@Ira et Tenebris
"Then we give them hell" He states coldly with a surprisingly malicious grin. "We make sure we come out alive no matter what"

He stiffens " Someone is coming"

Mara obviously couldn't hear it yet, but she took his word for it "Are they close?" she whispered as she got ready to hide if she needed to.

@Ira et Tenebris
Mara sighs in relief before flopping backwards onto her bed "my goodness, im going to have a heart-attack one of these days, from the many spooks I've had" she laughed. "I was thinking...wed need a few different plans if things get bad" she clicked her fingers and she suddenly had straight blonde hair and blue eyes "what if i try hold up disguises if something goes wrong, y'know, as back up, use the crowds as our cover" she continued, standing up and making her way over to him "If we run into a crowd, I could do a little magic trick, and 'poof' it buys us a little time"

@Ira et Tenebris
"Yeah and I could throw them off with voices or other sounds" he looks at her "could work" he tries not to make eye contact. He didn't want her to see what really laid under his false self . he didn't want her to see his real feelings.

"good good, its better than no plan" she replied smiling slightly before noticing something odd about his behaviour. "are you alright?, .....is there something wrong with me?" she asked, looking at herself, noticing his gaze averting before turning back to her white curly haired, amber eyed self.

@Ira et Tenebris
"No nothing...........that's the problem...... I'm not sure how to react to this." He looks into her eyes "you are literally the first person that I have talked to that I didn't freak out"

"......why would you freak me out?, I make some pretty freaky monsters with my mind" she chuckled "you're no monster, I don't see what there is to freak out about." She said with a small shrug.

@Ira et Tenebris
She smiled back, but she wasn't a fool, she could tell he was still worried about something but she wasn't going to ask, she believed that it was none of her business. But that didn't mean she couldn't try cheer him up. "Hey, let's go have some fun, yeah?"

@Ira et Tenebris
"Yeah onward to freedom" he shouted in a mock battle cry. He gestured politely for her to go first but thought better of it. Just in case he thought as he stood form his squatted position

Mara laughed as she fixed some hair out of the way of her face in front of the mirror before leaving "hmph, I used to be a brunette you know, guess they thought a colour change would be funny" she pouted poking at her hair a bit "oh, well" she chuckled "lets get going~"

@Ira et Tenebris
"I have always had this color....I think" he walks ahead of her and opens the door utterly startling the housekeeper that was just about to knock

"You suit it that colour anyways" Mara happily followed behind him before seeing the startled housekeeper "Oh dear" she chuckled "are you alright?"

@Ira et Tenebris
After the housekeeper quickly nods and passes through the door, Mara made her way out the door and began to walk alongside him. "ayy, I haven't felt this clean and well rested in forever, this is great" she smiled as she swayed back and forth slightly "Where do you think we should go first?" she asked buzzing with excitement.

@Ira et Tenebris
"following people...does that make us creepy?" she asked tilting her head, he had a point though, any information she had about life were from books that were terribly outdated, so she didn't know what was the social norm.

@Ira et Tenebris

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