The Experiments [Inactive]

She placed the bag in front of her. She shook off Rachel's hand, stepping back a few pawsteps. She then transformed back into a human. "Okay, so what song?"
Rachel starts to softly sing to Chi in this very estranged vocaloid voice but the effect that the tone and voice has is immense, as the song nearly instantly stuns Chi into a trance, its a foreign song which cant really be translated that well from Rachel's memory.
" I have a body you know, I at least hope you realized that. Also I never said I could get you out. I said I can get myself, and my roommate out. I can't promise you a way out. Hell you can die tonight if those two to your left don't shut up!" He looked up at her, as his eye sockets narrowed. " Now if your going to talk to me can you at least pick me up, and at least look me in the eye. Also so I don't have to stare at your crotch,because I have many things to sat, which I'm choosing not to."
"You will help me out of this forsaken place." She snapped at him, not appreciating the tone he was taking with her. She had seen it fit to just ignore the two in the cell. What they did didn't concern her, the worst case would be possible solitary confinement. With a roll of her eyes she snatched his skull from the floor in front of her cell. "What would happen if I threw your head across the way where no one could reach it?" She made eye contact and raised an eyebrow at him. She was in no mood to be pushed around.
"I can just manipulate the rest of the bones in my body to reach out and grab my skull. Mind this as well skin,and muscles hold you in this cell. I'm just bone, I slip right through these cells. If you were to throw me down the hallway, or a place where no one can reach me. You can kiss your chances of getting out of here good bye. " His voice sounded calm with a hidden undertone of annoyance. His empty eye sockets gazed at her own eyes. He gave her a slight smirk, and released a sigh. " Your motives are selfish, and your personality suggests that your quite narcissistic. Which is a detriment to trying to properly escape from this hell hole. Personally I can leave you here, and not feel bad. I'm more worried about my roommate."
"That's too bad." She sighed. Sorcha could very well pick up on his annoyance. Her pride wished her to keep at it but she knew that it would be a poor choice to piss of the man with a plan. Anger flashed in her eyes and she gritted her teeth at the comment before taking a deep breath. "The witch? Why are you so concerned about her?" She studied the odd being carefully as she spoke. He had just arrived here today after all.
" My motives have no affect on you. So I have no reason to tell you, especially with the pure amount of self centeredness within you. It seems you wouldn't understand my position with the witch. Now let us move away from my opinions, and your inner ego. My help of possibly removing you from this prison comes with a price." He looked into her eyes, and saw the anger. "This girl is a time bomb.." yet his emotionless eye sockets read her like a book. " You have been here much longer than I have. If you were smart you would have noticed who has the keys, when the guards switch positions, when the camera men switch positions, when the quarter watch starts, and end, and who is the weakest link. If you can't answer all of those questions then I can not get you out of this place."
She clenched her jaw but didn't say a word. Nobility was nothing here. Since she had been little her parents had trained her and reminded her of her noble origins, to the point where it was hard to let them go, even now. She was their hope of regaining the throne, she was the true heir. He's baiting you. Don't let him win. In this pit everyone was equal. "Each guard has at least one key that opens a certain block of cells. Only the wardens carry all of the keys. As for time shifts it's hard to tell, stay in here long enough and your perception of time gets royally screwed. I would say that it's about a three hour shift. As for the weakest link? Whoever smells the newest." She rattled off the answers to the questions, figuring that the faster this was done with the better. How long had she been in here? She hadn't thought to start a tally mark of days when she first arrived. She wasn't human then.
((I'm just gonna play it out like Ara was sleeping this whole time lol))

Arabella suddenly woke up, sweat dripping down the back of her neck. "They're coming." She said with wide, fearful eyes.

Ryan made his way down the hall with the two guards once more. He stopped in front of Cell 3, and stared into the glowing eyes of the witch girl. "Good evening, Ara." He grinned, flashing his fang.
" Now what is your background? Since you know who I am, I need a true reason to trust you. I know there is why your so self centered.. Shit…" His body would be on the bed in a pile of bones. " Put me in your bed, or under it or something. They are at my cell. If they see my skull they will go ballistic." His voice was no louder than a whisper, and his eye sockets began to show life.
She was about to tell him to mind his own business when she heard Ryan. Her eyes widened and she tossed the skull under her bed, moving the paper bag with a foot to conceal if from the view outside the bars. It would do no good for her however to be standing alone in her cell for no good reason, so as gingerly as possible she lay down on her bed, trying to not creak any of the springs, and stared up at the crumbling ceiling.
Ryan buzzed open the cell and instead of getting his guards to go grab her, he goes by himself. "C'mon, time to go. Hey.. where's skeleton man?"

Arabella backs up against the wall, not knowing how to handle this situation. "Please, Ryan..."

Ryan stops. "How did you know my name?" He shakes it off. "The Doc requested that he see you now, and personally, I don't wanna see that dude angry, so let's go." He approaches her, barely touching her arm before he is suddenly thrown against the bars. "Jesus, not again." He grumbles. "Get her, guys." The other guards go inside.

Arabella centers in on one of the guards in particular, going inside his mind, seeing every childhood memory, every heartbreak, every broken bone, every job interview, and every person he's killed.

"You monster." The other guard mutters as this guard crumples to the ground.

"Ch-ch." The sound of a gun being readied for fire alerts Ara. "Go. Now." Ryan wipes blood from his shoulder.
The headless skeletal body stood in front of Ara with its arms wide open as if to block any shoots. The skeleton head rolled out from under her bed,and through the bars, and in-between the guards into his cell, and to his body where his body picked up his head, and placed it on his spinal cord. " Don't you care shoot her, You harm her I kill all of you. Now either back down, and get out or I'll deal with you."
Ryan smirked. "You stupid boy. You don't know what you're up against, do you?" His shoulder wound seems to have disappeared. "Do you really think they'd be so stupid as to send weak little humans to try and contain supernatural beings?" He shakes his head, and drags the other guard out, followed by the third. The buzzer sounds and the door closes. "You're safe for now" His eyes quickly flash to Ara.

Ara wraps her arms around her knees and runs her fingers through her hair. "Why did you do that..?" She whispers slowly. "Why didn't you just let me go..?" Her eyes begin to glisten.
Sorcha winced as she heard the first signs of struggle. She had been next to Ara long enough to know what the witch was capable of. The first body fell and she watched as the skull rolled out from under her bed to protect Ara. She wondered what it was that made Jack so intent on saving her. As for how to react there was nothing to do but wait. She had found it was best not to get involved. As the guards backed out of the shared cell Sorcha breathed a sigh of relief. Hopefully that would be enough drama for their captors to call it a day. What she was really curious about however was how Jack was planning to answer.
He put his arms down, and stared at the man known as Ryan with a stare of hatred. Once he knew they had left, he sighed, and fell into a pile of bones in the middle of the room. He did not answer either of their questions but simple stayed quiet. His skull was face down within the pile of bones. He did not want to face the woman he was trying so hard to protect. "She's alive.. She was going to die.. Was it worth it..?"
"Thank you..." Ara whispers, her head pounding from concentrating too intensely. She pulls the little bottle of vodka from under her pillow and takes a sip. She laughs a little. "I used to drink a lot." She lets her head fall against the crumbling wall. "And I used to be a pretty good dancer. My god I miss that." She wipes a tear from her own cheek.

The next time they come for me, I won't make it.
His head stood up, and slowly turned to her within his mouth was a set of keys in his mouth. He gave her a small grin, and his body stood up, and he hold the keys in his boney hands. " Look what I snagged when I rolled in.." He gave her a small chuckle, and released a small sigh of relief. From the set of keys hung the name tag "Douglas", and "Cell block 3, and 2". "If we make it out of this.. You are going to buy me a drink.. Top shelf drinks…" His voice stayed at a small whisper as a small tear came from the corner of his eye. " I think they are switching shifts.. we need go to now.."
"HEY." A man's voice bellows. "WHERE ARE MY KEYS?!" Other guards try to calm him down.

Arabella snickers at his statement. "You're something else." She stands, her eyes glowing bright with magic. "If we get out, we'll come back for the others, okay?" She gulps down the last of the vodka.

((Got to go! I'll get back on tomorrow.))
Dr. Mooriales waited in the room for any sign of the patient he had requested. He had been giddy with excitement when he'd sent for her, but now he was annoyed at the lack of efficiency being shown by the security staff. He had his hands behind his back, smiling at the entranceway. His smile was serene, but did nothing to mask the inner rage that seeped from his being like a dense black fog. There were two other doctors there, standing at a safe distance from Dr. Mooriales and casting worried glances to him as his rage intensified.
Ryan returned to the Operation room. He grumbled the whole way there, hating the thought of having to tell that creepy scientist, Dr. Mooriales, that the patient would not be available today for experimentation. As soon as the doors opened, everyone looked at him expectantly.

"She's um... not available... today. We'll try again tomorrow. Is there anyone else you'd like, Doc?"

Meanwhile, Arabella put away the vodka bottle under her "bed", waiting for a response from Jack.
Jack was engulfed in a ball of flames, and quickly the fire was extinguished as he had he skin, and muscles back. " Yea when we get out, and we get some supplies we can return for the others.. How mobile are you right now? Good enough for me to not have to carry you?" His voice was quiet, and he wanted to get moving quickly. This whole incident had put the guards, and wardens in a very awkward situation. " We need to go like now if we want to get out alive."
Rachel her turned her self into a cat and now has taken to sauntering between the cells and had ended up in Jack and Ara's cell looking at them from the shadows silent as she listen to them talk. "Should I try and leave with them?.. CAN I even leave with them?..."
Arabella flashed a smile, "Yeah I think I'll be okay." She lied. Her head throbbed, and she felt like passing out, but she didn't want to be a burden to this boy who seemed to care about her. She stood up and stumbled a bit but regained her composure quickly. "Ready." She glanced at the cat. "Looks like we have a third."
Rachel then tried to hide her self more in but it was useless as she had already been found, so she jsut gave a soft 'meow' in response

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