The Experiments [Inactive]

Rachel continued to sing her heart out and hearing the other prisoner's beacon call she began to do a little make shift dance twirling and moving around moving towards the shifter a bit an ear slightly raised to hear the girl's voice but continues to sing out louder to hide the girl's words not stopping her dance either as to not draw too much attention towards the shifter.
A smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "As long as you're free make yourself useful. You see that guard down there? He has the keys. Swipe them." It was too simple perhaps. But she would try anyway. If she worked fast she could attempt to release everyone at once and overload the guards. She had just enough strength to change forms. She wouldn't do it straight away, she would wait for the night shift.
The singing neko with her head still lowered seemed to shake her head 'no' not wanting to steal the keys, but rather wanting to persuade men into releasing them on their own will and have them fix every one up as well. Rachel danced away though moving more about the halls now going up and down both sides continuing her song looking a little at all the other prisoners seeing what they might be thinking/doing upon hearing her song.
It hurts... Everything hurts... I'd rather be dead, to be honest... Am I dead?, were the things floating around in her mind. She slowly opened her eyes, wincing as the light shone on them.
"Fool." She hissed, as the other shook her head. Did she really think that a song and some kind words would have that much of an effect on the guards? These were heathens whose moral compasses had been smashed to smithereens. A sweet song was not going to have that great of an effect. She glared at the cat as it danced away, instantly disgusted.
Ryan snapped out of his trance. "Shut the fuck up." He said, taking a tranquilizer gun out of his leg strap and shooting Rachel. Before she falls, another warden catches her and tosses her into a nearby cell, not the same one as Chiyo.

"Please continue drugging her. She's a liability." Ryan says to the warden and walks away.
Rachel lands on her face and stays there on the floor for a good 3 hours before even beginning to stir, as she does she sits up first and looks around and her ears flatten against her head again as she realizes she isn't with Chi anymore. She soon curls up and starts to hum, her voice carrying through out the cell but not really putting any one into a trance or making them calm, her humming actually seems to have a saddening effect making all who really listen a little sadder. "Why wont they listen to reason?... Aren't all cops supposed to listen to reason and live for justice?..."

(Italics = thoughts)
Jack looked at the cigarettes, and pulled out a pack of matches from his boot, and took a cigarette into his mouth slowly as he light it. He watched the commotion from the other cell, and shook his head. How ever he learned many things about the guards, they were small things, but were something. He smoked the cigarette very slowly, and flicked the ashes onto the ground. "These people aren't very smart, and don't seem to understand the extent of the advantages we have on them." He blew out a large cloud of smoke, and gave a small laugh. " I think I know how exactly where the weakness is…" He whispered quietly, and would stand up. " The Nekos acted to hastily… We needed to wait, known who can do what.. most likely they will die here because of those actions.." He kept his voice low, and he looked at the bars at the front of the room, and began to plot.
She watched the cat fall into custody once more and cursed. "What a waste." She muttered unscrewing the cap of her water bottle. The only hope she had left was if the other neko could do the same thing. Maybe she had more sense. Sorcha rolled her eyes at the little fool began to hum her sad song. Sympathy won't get you anywhere here. As she was about to tell the other to can it her picked up the low tones from the other cell. They had grown considerably more quiet since the commotion. If she strained against the bars she could just barely hear what they were saying.
Something caught Jacks ear's something he didn't hear before breathing from someone next cell over. It sounded close to his cell, as if someone was trying to listen to him. "Maybe someone with some sense..? Nah… Is it worth a shot trying to make contact…? Most likely not… I already have to worry about a feeble witch.. Anyone else may become a burden.." Jack took another hit from the cigarette, and decided to see if someone was there. He moved close to the left side of the bars, and exhaled the smoke from his mouth in a manner which majority of the smoke would flow into the next cell. After the smoke was exhaled he took a step back and waited.
Getting up shakily to her feet, Chiyo looked around her (Basically empty) cell. She took one of the water bottles from the bag, taking a sip of the (Luckily) cold water. Her muscles ached. She felt her ear, feeling the patch where the fur was missing.
The smoke burned as it gusted into her face. She tried to keep composure but failed, falling into a very brief coughing fit. Jerk. She glared at the next cell over as she batted at the smoke with a hand, hoping to quickly disperse it. What she hoped was that the other simply hadn't known that she was there.
Rachel,having fallen silent about 5 minutes ago and having been sitting there thinking the whole time she was silent. She decided after those five minutes that she was going to be the first one in that hall way to break that silence speaking up loud enough so that every one around can hear her "E-e-e-excuse me.... C-c-c-can every one hear me?...." She would wait a few second. "I-i-i have an idea of sorts that Sorcha first came up with.... C-c-c-chi?.... C-c-can you hear me?..."
" How about we all just shut up, for a moment that way we don't have wardens coming down our throats." He spoke loud enough for everyone to get the memo that since the morons two cell blocks down had tried to escape that they were now on heighten security. " Who ever's brilliant idea it was to try, and jump ship. Good going you just put this whole place on lockdown for at least a week." After he took the final hit of his cigarette, and then did the same action as he did before. Blowing his smoke in the cell block next to him. He obviously heard the coughing before so someone was their. After the final breath of smoke had left his lungs he gently flicked the cigarette butt into the same cell block.
Hearing Rachel's faint voice, she paused to cough. Clearing her throat, she responded, "yeah, I can hear you." Her voice cracked halfway. Her tail flicked as some dust landed on it, effectively causing more pain.
Sorcha was starting to like this Jack fellow. Whatever he was he still had some sense left in him. She gritted her teeth as more smoke made its way into her cell, this time she was more aptly prepared for it and managed to retain her composure, aside from making faces. It was when the still cigaret butt bounced into her cell that she had the notion that it was some kind of message. Picking it up and making a face she flicked it back into his shared cell.
Rachel would smile to her self in her cell and towards Chi but she wouldn't be able to see the smile. "N-n-next time there is a chance... we need to harmonize a duet together and double trap them in a trance like stun, steal the keys, and get out.... Are you in?..."
When the cigarette butt was flicked back he smiled, and his body steam, and turned to his skeletal form. Once all of his skin, and muscle had dissipated he gingerly removed his skull,and held it in his left hand. With the skin, and all of the muscles surrounding his head gone Jack was able to slip his skull through the bars, and would have his body gently push the skull into the next cell block over where he found himself staring up at a woman. " Well it looks like your a bit shorter than I expected, but I suppose your the person who was listening to my conversations for the past hour." The black sockets of his eyes stared at Sorcha, and began to study her. " I believe you already know who I am."
Smiling a little to her self Rachel nodding some and moved to sit on the bed in the cell "Okay.. Now.. To get us back in the same cell so we can practice..."
Sorcha's hair stood up on end as the her cell neighbour revealed himself. It was the most grotesque and purely unnatural thing she had ever seen. It took her a few moments to adjust to his shocking appearance but soon she regained her composure. After all nothing here was natural or appealing. "That would be right." She replied taking a moment to truly look at the head. "You're the big shot who thinks he can get us out. I'm wondering if you really are as capable as you make yourself sound."
"Hold on," she said. She closed her eyes and transformed into a black cat. She picked up the bag that had food with her mouth, then slipped in between the bars. She located the cell Rachel was in, hid in the shadows, then slipped inside.

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