The Experiments [Inactive]

Rachel looks at her bag anxious to open it, looking over to Chi she speaks softly "W-w-we're humans too... we're living people too... We have rights.... some one should be fighting to save up right?... to government shouldn't be letting this happen... Why are they allowed to do this to us?.."
The warden stared down at his list. "I'm under specific orders to not give you meat. My apologies, beast." He winks and carries on down the hallway, stopping in front of Rachel's cell one last time.

"You're freaks. You're a danger to society. The government won't help you. We are the government." He grins, showing his fang, and carries on, leaving the hallway.

((I'm calling it a night, guys. Please don't get into too much of the plot with out me. You're all welcome to act out the part of a warden, if you want. Good night, I'll continue in the morning!))
Chiyo shrugged. She looked down and twiddled her thunbs. "To them, we aren't humans. We're supernaturals," she said, spitting out the last word with venom. She played with the bell on her choker absent-mindedly. "I suppose they might think we might take over; you know, get rid of normal humans," she whispered quietly. Right the next moment, a warden spoke the same thing.

((OOC: I'm just going to pretend that the warden from jewlia's post came after mine... :3))
When she leaped she nearly knocked his skull off the bed, however his body quickly got up, and grabbed his skull. Then placed it on the protruding spinal column. He stood just under 6'2, and would look down at the poor girl. " Just take my bag, I'll be fine without it. But do hold still. " He crotched down behind her, and gently run his cold boney fingers down her neck. " You've been worked on… A lot…" Something did catch his eyes in her Ara's wounds. He ran his hand down her spine, and then back up to her ribs. " Your extremely malnourished, and your body is slowly going into a renal failure, and your becoming anemic… The surgeries look as if they are taking a toll on your body."
Of course. She clenched her fists around her bag, her glare intensifying. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her response. She hated the nickname. When she was 13 she had tried to become a vegetarian, and three days in she lost 15 pounds. Her parents were forced to sit her down and explain the rules of her shifting. She was responsible for feeding the beast as well as herself. As soon as the warden left her she hurled the bag at the wall. "F*cker!" She sank to the floor. No. No. No. She wondered how long she could go. This was why they were leaving her alone. They wanted to weaken her first.
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The warden and two others trudge back into the cell hallway, Ryan leading them with a sly grin. "Guess what time it is..?" He stops in front of Chiyo and Rachel's cell. "You." He points at Chiyo. The two other wardens open the cell after the buzzer sounds, and drag the neko out. They close the door, the buzzer sounding again, and begin to drag her down the hallway.

Ara gasps quietly at the cold touch, but doesn't protest. "Yes, that's part of their experiments on me. I think they want to see how long the magic can sustain me." She turns over her arm and gestures to the part where veins are visible, hers being an unnatural purple-black. "But, I can't take your meal. You'll need it... for tomorrow." Ara turns her head slightly and begins chewing on the bread.
He released a sigh, and pushed his bag in front of her, as he noise from a few cells down became more, and more apparent. " I guess it's already starting.. This isn't going to end well." His eyes peered over to her arm, and shook his head in anger. " We need to escape this wretched place, and soon.. For your sake at least." Jack's eyes looked to the bars, and he quickly moved to the door, and watched as the guards drag Chiyo off. "Why are they starting with her.. I know for a fact I was caught before her… Maybe they just don't know what to do with me yet… So far as I've seen there is two nekos, a witch, and me.. The nekos, and this witch won't last long.. I need a plan.." After he watched the wardens pull Chiyo down the hall out of his sight, he backed away from the bars, as his boney body began to combusted, and his muscles, and skin began to return after a few moment.

Once his skin, and muscle mass had regrown on his body he laid on the "Bed" which was provided in the cell. He knew we could only think when his bloody thirsty side(ae his skeletal form) was pushed away. " So what happens tomorrow?" His eyes gazed down at Ara, and his mind began to formulate a plan from what he had seen from the guards activities, and their current surroundings. " If tomorrow begins their experiments then, they are definitely starting early.. " As Jack spoke a certain thought continued to reoccur within his head. "Why am I so worried about this witch… " This constant thought began to nag at him as time went on, but like his skeletal side he just pushed it away.

Michael was a new guy on the job as a rookie warden. He was expecting to be dealing with convicted felons, not the creatures of the dark. Before he had been given the job he was an ex heroine, and cocaine dealer, and had plenty of run in's with the law. However one day when he was caught by an undercover drug bust he was given a choice. Rot within the prison system its self or work for a special system. The choice was easy join the prison guard so a small private cooperation keeping an eye on these "special" prisoners. Michael stood watch in one of the towers which had a clear vantage point over any prisoners who decided to escape. During the down time between shifts, he thought about what they were doing to these… things… or people they called themselves. So far he's seen two cat like girls, which he thought only existed in cartoons. A walking, and talking skeleton which could fly, and look like a human. A girl who he couldn't tell what was so special about her, and then another female, which once again he couldn't tell what was special about her. Soon after Michael saw Ryan beginning to take one of the Cat-like girls from the cell into another part of the prison which he had not been given clearance to. " Oh boy… This aint looking good for her.." His southern accent was thickly laced though out his speak, and he sighed shaking his head. He didn't know whether this people were actually humans or just really really f*cked up aliens.
"Wha- what! Le-let go of me! Don't touch me!" She yelled, scratching one warden across the face. ... Sh*t. I am in deep cr*p, aren't I?, she thought. As they went to try and grab her again, she stepped back. "I am perfectly capable of walking myself, you know," she said lowly.
Arabella looked at Jack in silence for a moment before taking the can of beans out of the bag and rolling it on its side over to his bed. "At least eat that. You'll need the energy." She wondered why this stranger seemed to want to keep her alive, why he seemed to care. It felt good to be taken care of for a change, but she decided to still try to be independent. Just in case Jack ended up like her last two roommates. "Many things can happen tomorrow. It all depends on your species." She sat back on her bed, facing the wall, remembering her second day. Subconsciously, she rubbed at a wound that hadn't quite healed as fast as the others, above her heart. "It goes on for hours and you can't do a thing. They inject you and poke and slice at you. I heard they cut the tail off of a werewolf once to see if it would grow back." She rolled her eyes. "It didn't, and Shane died the next day." Ara turned to face Jack once more.

Ryan led the way, opening doors and sliding his card for clearance at each one. It was an annoying process, but it was necessary to keep the subjects from escaping. Finally, they arrived in the operation room, and he turned to notice that they had let the neko girl walk herself. "That's a first." He grinned and picked her up, placing her on the metal table in the center of the room and strapping her in tightly.
"Whats the worst they will do to me, I'll just stay within my skeleton form… They can't cut,and slice me then. Best they can do is try to grind my bones, or dip them in acid.. All that happens is that they just reform.." He looked down at the can of beans, and would use his foot to gently kick the can back at her. " I guess the rats are eating tonight then.." His eyes did not make contact with her's but he could at least look at her direction. " So how many other have you been forced to watch die? "
Without thinking, she immediately replied, "Four, excluding Shane." She sighed, saddened that she knew the exact number of deaths she had watched. "Shane was my roommate, the werewolf. Then there was Hero, and she was an Angel." Ara twitched, "The other three were friends I had made in other cells. Two died of starvation, and the other one..." She trails off, "They'll find a way, you know. To torture you..." Ara grabbed the can of beans and placed it under her bed for later. She unrolled her sweater sleeves so that they covered her hands and wiped at her glistening eyes. Recently, she'd found she was unable to fully cry, perhaps due to lack of liquids, or perhaps due to all the crying she did her first week.
" By the time they find a method to actually "Torture" me, I'll be long gone, and hopefully so will you. The closest they can get to torture to me is depriving me of cigarettes, and forcing me to listen to classical music… Conventional torture has little affects on someone when they can't feel much.." He release a sigh, and began to look at the multitude of tattoos which covered both of his entire arm. " I'm sorry about your friends, but thats the problem with knowing that they are trying to kill you. It's difficult to come to the realization that these people who you befriend will eventually be killed, especially in the most inhuman manner possible. Best thing I can tell you is to learn as many patterns, and the lay out of this place as possible. Every prison has a weak point, and most of the team its within plain sight. The actual problem whether you have the attention span, and memory to see the patterns, and to find the weak spot." Soon enough he began humming a tone of a song which he always had going through his head,something which kept him calm when he felt things were slowly spiraling out of control.
"You seem oddly calm." Arabella shot a glance at her can of beans, and with minimal concentration, it opened and levitated towards her. She leaned back, pushing the bad thoughts out of her mind.
" I've been incarcerated multiple times.. The only way to actually escape is to stay calm, and access your current situation. If you sit around, and cry and waste all of your energy on things which accomplish nothing then what is the point fighting. I've gotten out of some bad situations… I think I can get out of this hell hole…" He gave a small smile, but he hated explaining his background. However sometimes it had to be done. " Now the only thing I could use right about now would be a cigarette… However it doesn't seem that wish isn't going to come true anytime soon."
Her eyes squeezed shut as she heard the guards chose to take the new girl out. The poor thing hardly had a chance. She just hoped that they wouldn't kill the neko on the first session, she had seen it happen several times before. She was still tuned into the conversation in the other cell as she retrieved the brown bag of food. Food was food after all. If she didn't eat anything she might not be able to switch forms. As she gnawed on the bread she listened to the new comer, Jack, with a slight amusement. He was going to be one of those. A big shot with a plan. It was obvious that he hadn't been handled too roughly. Soon the wardens and scientists would break him down. It happened to everyone. Alright big shot. What's your grand plan? Sorcha moved closer to the bars, so she could hear better as the conversation continued.
Ara stretched, grinning. "Well it just so happens," She lifted up her pillow, revealing a pack of cigarettes, half used, and a small bottle of vodka. "One of the wardens fancies me." She tossed it to him, setting fire to it with a glance.
Chiyo breathed heavily. She was terrified. Okay, just stay calm, Chi, she thought to herself. However as a scientist took out a scalpel, she lost it. She screamed, trashed around in her restraints, not wanting to be experimented on.
Rachel curled up in her cell her cat ears glued to her head almost even more as if she was trying to put them in her skull as she was able to hear every sound and noise that came from Chi as she was with the scientist(s). Getting scared Rachel did the one thing that she could think of to try and save the girl and stop the torturous screaming. Rachel changed her self into her cat/alternative form and slid out of the bars, and she scampered down the hall was as a little black cat. She ran and ran and wandered the halls trying desperately to find the experimentation room and save Chi from being tortured.
Cat girl on the run. The hiss of the walky talky surprised Ryan, and he gestured for the the guards to go get her. They took a cat crate and chased the black cat down the hall. One jumped in front of the cat with the crate, while the other grabbed her and shoved her in. "Please be a good kitty."

Arabella cringed at the sound of screaming.

"Don't squirm, my dear, it'll only make it worst." The scientist made a cut along her spinal cord.
Rachel, having been a very curious person before being abducted, knew the only way out at this point was risky but could work, so she went for it. Rachel changed back into a human growing too large now to be in the pet carrier and breaking it, or at least making an opening, upon making an exit she is dropped as the carrier becomes too heavy for the warden to hold as he is caught off guard. Rachel turns back into a cat and darts off towards the screams but ducks into the shadows out of the eyes of the wardens and closes her eyes ans she hides her self this way nearly invisible unless some one was REALLY looking for her in that area.
No! Stop! Let- let go of... me..., were the last things she thought before she passed out from blood loss. Even as she was unconscious, she could still feel pain.
The guards let her dart off, knowing it's no use because there's more than five levels of security clearance she would need to get through.

The scientist extracts multiple vials of blood, to be used to DNA purposes later on. He then procedes to cut a part of her ear off, hoping to get some samples from that. "I'm done for now," He motions to Ryan to bring her back to her cell, which he does.
Before the guards/wardens leave the cell hall Rachel makes her self known at the one door into and out of the hall, her head is held low so her hair hangs down concealing her head in it hiding her face. Rachel speaks to them in a low tone, one of sorrow, anger, hatred, and scaredness mixed together awkwardly: "Fix.. Her.. Fix all of us... Stop these experiments now...." Rachel doesn't look up at the men, she keeps her head lowered and in fact she begins to sing, nothing out spoken and righteous, but a soft peaceful melody, almost like she is trying to persuade them to do as she says. Her voice is cracky but it smooths out quickly turning into a rather beautiful song that seems to calm all those who hear it, or at least the prisoners anyway.
Chiyo could feel herself be lifted. The shift had her groaning from pain. Her back, legs, and one of her cat ears hurt like hell. She felt so numb, she didn't even care that she was thrown carelessly into her shared cell.
Sorcha watched the little black cat dart out of the bars with a raised eyebrow. She idly wondered how long it would take for them to catch her. Not that long apparently. The screams from the operating room made her wince. She remembered what the first time was like. The burn marks from the cattle prods still dotted her body, and the various scars were evident. She thought for sure that the wardens had caught her, but moments later she could hear the tearing noises of the cat carrier echo throughout the hall. That's when the silence struck her. There was no more screaming from the operating room. She hoped that the girl had merely passed out, and not worse. Her wondering eyes were met with the sight of Ryan carrying the limp form of the new girl. Good. What interested her more was the other prisoner, who had taken up to pleading with the guards and singing. It was a lovely song and she idly wondered if it was possible that the neko was using some sort of magic. That was when she was struck with an idea. A wild and unconventional idea. "Psst. Kitty kitty. Come here."

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