The Experiments [Inactive]

He looked back at the cat, and narrowed his eyes. "We'll come back for you." He returned his gaze to Ara, and watch her stumble. " I'm going to carry you. Your not going to be able to keep up with my pace." He walked over to her, and crotched down in front of her. " Come on get on my back, and don't let go. We are leaving now."
Sorcha couldn't believe it. After all that they were just going to leave her. "Hey!" She hissed at the two. "You are not leaving me here. Please." She kept her voice just low enough as not be obvious. She had been rotting in this facility for far too long to just let her escape pass her by. She had learned long ago not to trust.
Mooriales' smile never left his face. His hands were gripping each other behind his back like vices. And the other doctors were now openly cowering.

"Mr. Ryan... Tell me exactly how she's 'Not available', Cause last time I checked, she was rotting in her cell where she was supposed to."

After speaking he ran his tongue along his lower jaw.
"I--" Arabella knows protesting is no use. She knows she's very light from malnutrition, so what's the harm in a little extra weight. Ara sighs and eases onto his back. Just then, the other girl speaks. "Don't worry, we WILL come back." She holds Jack's shoulders tightly, feeling unstable and dizzy.

Ryan cringes at the Doc's disapproval. "Look, it's her roommate that's the problem. He's protective of her for some reason."
Dr. Mooriales blinked, and then leaned in uncomfortably close "You're talking about the skeleton, Right?" He asked with a palpable edge of rage.

"Uh... Sir?" One of the other doctors tried to interrupt but was silenced as Dr. Mooriales held a finger towards him.
Ryan backed up a bit, laughing nervously. "Yes, the baykok. I think he's starting to care about the witch. And I don't exactly know how to handle it..."
Dr. Mooriales' face morphed into one of pure and undulating rage within a second "Are you telling me..." he said slowly as his voice grew low and deathly "That the security force that locked up dozens if not HUNDREDS OF SUPERNATURAL ENTITIES is not able to get by A WALKING PILE OF BONES?!?"
"Dr. Mooriales!" Ryan's eyes are wide. "We can't shoot him, restrain him, or hurt him in any way. He's a liability."
With Arabella on his back he stood up, and made his way to the door where he opened it with the key, then quickly closed it. He began counting in his head, as he tossed Sorcha the key to her door. Jack kept the rest of the keys with him as he quickly ran down the hall, and took many hard lefts, and rights to difference halls following the smell of the fresh air. After two minutes of running down the hall at his full speed a red door named emergency exit came into view. "We are almost there…" He lunged his whole body into the door as it slammed open, and the fire alarm went off through-out the entire building. The emergency exit was on the first floor as the exited the large prison which was isolated on a remote island near California. Jack never stopped running as the emergency door was hanging by a single hinge. After a few more meters of running a pair of wings expanded from his back,as he moved Arabella from his back into his arms. When they came to a cliff he closed his eyes, and jumped as his wings began beating, and pushed them into the dark foggy sky. " We made it.."
Dr. Mooriales walked over to a handle on the wall and pulled out an operating table with a sprite still strapped to it as he talked. "Then why'd you take him?" he asked in lecturing voice before whipping out a hand saw " You know what? Forget it... If he's such a liability, then just bury him in the iron coffin like all the other 'indestructible ones'."

Dr. Mooriales rolled his eyes before smiling down at his patient "This one here? Her wings keep growing back" he was now completely absorbed in his project "I'm planning to make a suit out of them."

Just as he prepared to cut in, an alarm blared overhead. The Doctor sighed and let his eyes bore into Ryan's.

"Mr. Ryan, I suggest you take care of that."
"Thank you." She caught the keys, her hands shaking with excitement. If she got caught she would be subjected to a much crueler punishment. Working in double time she unlocked the door and stripped. Her clothing would only tear if she kept it on during transformation, she would carry it in her mouth while in her other form. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and began the process. Moments later a caracal was careening down the passage ways at top speed trying to catch up to the other two. In a frenzied panic she busted through that same emergency exit only to be greeted with the edge of a cliff. It took all of her strength to back pedal in time. She needed a plan B. As the pair flew off into the skies Sorcha spun around and started searching for a way down to the sea. What she would do was beyond her, but she needed to get off the island somehow.
Ryan snapped out of his state of fear and ran towards the door. As soon as he turned the corner, he saw the emergency door hanging by a single hinge. "Oh shit." He ran his hands through his hair. "ALL GUARDS, PUT THE PATIENTS ON LOCKDOWN." He called through his walky talky, which caused all available iron doors to slam shut and lock. "Where did they go.."

Arabella loved the feeling of flying. She had tried levitating herself before, but it had taken a lot of effort, and she had never gone so far as this. She clung tightly to Jack's chest, finally feeling a little bit of happiness. She knew he cared about her and she couldn't help but feel guilty. "I'm sorry, Jack. I haven't been much help." She laughs, feeling a little closer to passing out.
Dr. Mooriales was not amused in the slightest.

Several of his toys were now gone, he was not amused.

Ryan had obviously been overconfident, he was not amused.

The sprite's wings had offered less resistance than he had hoped for, he was not amused at ALL.

Followed by his two doctors, Dr. Mooriales walked through the mess of guards towards Ryan, who spun around to face.

"Mr. Ryan, my patience is wearing very thin." Dr. Mooriales snarled through a smile "I suggest you tell me where they exited from, so that I may aid in their recapturing."
Now was her chance, Rachel, still in cat form grabbed the key for Chi's cell, gave it to the sleeping neko, and took off running, not knowing if she was gonna make it out or not she wandered quickly trying her best to follow the sent of fresh air and Jack but having to take many detours to avoid guards. "Don't stop. don't stop, just keep running" She didn't know where she was going or if she was even heading the right way at this point, she just knew she couldn't stop moving and avoiding capture.
Ryan chewed on his lip. "Through that door." He pointed to the broken emergency exit door. "The witch, baykok, and beast."

The other guards blocked all exits, along with iron doors, preventing any further escape, and trapping Chi and Rachel inside.

One of the rookie guards shoots Rachel with a tranquilizer, and takes her back to her cell. This time, a second set of emergency quarantine doors come down, making escape nearly impossible, and slipping through bars impossible.
Jack sighed, and kept his eyes closed. He personally was afraid of heights, and knew if he looked down he would freak out. " Yea… I..Its all good.. J…Just don't die on me." After about fifteen minute of constant flying he opened a single eye, and noticed they were approaching the beach, and he began to descend to an areas of the beach which had no citizen nearby. As they neared the ground his wings grew smaller as the bones went back to his ribs, and legs. As the touched down he quickly began to run, as he gently returned her to his back. He knew any minute now they would be following them. " We need to get to a hospital, or at least a motel room.."
Keep running. Keep going. Escape. Her thoughts had broken down from their human structures. It was basic survival now. Run and don't get caught. She could feel the earth shifting beneath her paws, and the moon bathing her in it's silver light. It had been too long since she had been outside. If she hadn't been running for her life she would have thought it pleasant. A chain link fence forced her to halt once more. In desperation she leaped and started to climb. Her paws making for difficult work, but changing back wasn't an option either. She could see the barbed wire on top. It was going to hurt, but not as much as being caught once more was.
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Dr. Mooriales growled through the teeth of his smile.

"Another cell has been found abandoned!" came the voice of another

"Mr. Ryan, your losing prisoners left and right." Dr. Mooriales' smile grew wider "I'll be submitting a letter to our superiors when I get back."

And with that he turned and pointed to both of the doctors.

"You both have just been formally promoted." He said with a cheerful smile before lashing out and squeezing both of their faces in his hands. Their muffled protests went silent once he began draining them using his power over the dead. Soon they were just walking corpses, and he released them and tore the weapons from two passing guards. He tossed them to the zombie doctors, who quickly reloaded them with practiced ease.

"I expect this mess to be resolved Mr. Ryan." Dr. Mooriales said before turning and walking out the fire escape with his two undead sentinels "Take care of it, I'm going hunting."
"I won't.." She yawns, her eyes fluttering open and shut. "..promise.." Before she falls unconscious, she spots a Motel 6 about a half a mile up the beach.

Ryan and other guards run to the fence and trace the perimeter. Ryan spots Sorcha. "Hey, Beast." He pulls a tranq gun out and shoots her twice. "Gotcha" He grins.
" Thats too close… We need to put distance between us… and that pit from hell." His voice was quite, as he arched his back making sure she would not fall off. He spotted a taxi, and hailed the taxi. Once the taxi had stopped he opened the door, and quickly, but with care put Arabella into the taxi, and would quickly get in with her telling the taxi driver, to take them to "a hotel which was a minimum thirty minutes north." He quickly closed the door as the taxi sped off. Within forty-five minutes both of them were in a four star hotel room. Jack had placed Arabella on a bed, while he sat on a couch, and would release a deep sigh which he felt he was holding in for an eternity.
Almost. She had made it to the top of the fence before Ryan had appeared. That loathe man. Her lips had curled up into a snarl as she placed her front right paw onto the top of the barbed wire, the pain she was faced with was minimal. It was when she put her weight on the paw that the blood started. She yowled when the first tranq hit her, twisting to launch herself at the warden. Already she could feel the effects spreading. No, no, no, NO. I was so close! Her claws and teeth were bared as the second tranq hit her. It was dreadful how peaceful it all was, slowly slipping into that dark dark world. Her body hit the ground with an ungraceful thud.
Rachel has been spotted a bit by some guards and is now sprinting away as fast as she can go ducking around everything trying to loos her chasers finally loosing them after ducking into a closet but is totally lost now.
Arabella woke up with a start, tears in her eyes and her nails digging into the part of her arm where the injections used to be placed. She calmed herself, "Where exactly are we?" She smiled, relief filling her as she realized that she was in a comfortable bed for once, and not in a cell. Ara stood up and almost fell over again.

Ryan and two other guards heave Sorcha back into her cell, taking much effort. Another guard follows Rachel, getting a bit lost, but finally sees her duck into a closet. With some thought, he locks the closet door.
Dr. Mooriales stepped outside the facility and traced to the position the cameras last spotted his patients. The undead sentinels stood silently as he pawed at the ground. "Hmmm, looks like they took to the air..." he stood and flicked his wrist in a different direction, towards some nearby shrubbery. At first nothing happened, but then a plethora of woodland critters were pulled towards him. They were subsequently dissected by unseen forces before their pieces flew to the doctors. Formed of the flesh and bone of living beings, the two undead doctors sprouted wings.

Dr.Mooriales gestured in the direction the two escapees had traveled. Wordlessly, they took to the air after them, hefting their machine guns along the way.

Dr. Mooriales sighed and turned back to reenter the facility. He has plans for several of those prisoners, he was about to take a lot of annoyance out on them.
Jack was in the kitchen of the hotel room, pulling out a Yingling Beer, and popped the top, and took a sip as he saw she was awake. It had been little over an hour since they had checked in to the hotel. He figured she'd be asleep for longer, but it didn't matter. " Well we are in Sacramento California, in the… " He took a second to look at and looked at an advertisement on the counter, and smiled "we are staying at the Caso Del Rio Hotel. Be careful now, you need to rest."

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