The Experiments [Inactive]

Arabella had been diagnosed with mild insomnia when she was younger, and as much as she might want to sleep, she couldn't. "I'm really fine. Hey, pass me one of those." She grinned and sat on the edge of the bed, facing the mini kitchen. "If I fall asleep, I'll just have more nightmares about that.. place." She rubbed the back of her neck, trying hard to shrug it off. Ara looked at Jack with his beer, and was happy that he was the one she'd been placed in a cell with. Fate had been good to her.
Blood. It was the first thing sensed. She could smell it on her fur, and taste it in her mouth. The big cat spat out a gob of red saliva and growled. Anger. It filled her up, gave her strength. With green eyes flashing she stood in her cell once more, the rage of being locked back up in a cage coursing through her. She let it out in a roar, hurling herself at the cage door over and over and over. The dull pain in her shoulder meant nothing. She couldn't be back here again. When the pain in her shoulder had grown to unbearable levels she took to pacing. A beast in a cage she felt the walls closing in around her. She had tasted freedom and she desperately needed more.
He laughed lightly, and opened the fridge,and tossed her the beer. " I understand what you mean, I probably won't be able to sleep for awhile.. Oh by the way… I don't recommend showering for a day or so. I rubbed both of us down with bile weed I found in an alley before we go in the taxi.. I used it to mask our scents for awhile.. Hopefully that will cover our trail for now while we figure out what the hell we can do…" He pulled out the pack of cigarettes from his pack pocket, and pulled one out , and began to light it as he put it in his mouth. " I'm sorry if the smoke bothers you.. But I really couldn't wait, and I don't want to go outside.."
Dr. Mooriales walked through the now calm halls of the facility, thankful that Ryan had managed not to screw everything up. He notice the beast thrashing at her cage.

"Do not worry darling, everything will get back to normal soon. I even have something special planned for you since you decided to try and back out of our daily routine today." Dr. Mooriales pouted " and I thought we were friends."

The undead doctors lost the scent at a taxi, it had smelled horrid. They ended up doing comb overs of nearby residential areas looking for traces of the smell, and extend the search radius afterwards.
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She smiled, popped the cap, and downed about half the beer. "Damn that tastes good." Ara exclaimed, gasping for air after chugging a little too much at a time. She laid back on the bed horizontally so her feet still dangled. "Ugh I just want to do something, you know?!" She sipped a little bit more of the beer, awkwardly because she was laying down. "But, I don't want to get caught so we might as well be trapped in this hotel room." She waves the smoking off, in a gesture that means it's fine. "I have so much energy now, and I swear I'm going to go crazy." She laughs as she sips more of her beer.
There was only one more being in the facility that Sorcha dreaded more than Ryan. The doctor. He made Ryan look like a harmless kitten. As he approached her cell hackles rose and her lips curled up into the most threatening snarl she could manage. She still had the free air in her lungs, she still had courage. She would fight.
"Aww, why the snarl?" He asked innocently "Is it because of the special bath I made you take? Or maybe it was the razor waxings?"

Dr. Mooriales smiled in nostalgia.
Jack was not stupid, and he had been tracked down enough in his long life time. He had the taxi driver make a few stops along the way as he planted different entrances of a few hotels with bile weed , so that their tracks were covered to the best of his ability.

Jack couldn't help but laugh at the girl's reaction, and could only stop his snickering, by taking a sip of his beer as well, and shook his head at her. " Now I know why you stopped drinking heh.." He gave her a smirk, as the tone of his voice was humorous for once. " Plus your going to have more energy when you actually get a real meal, and new clothes on. Trust me these next forty-eight hours are the most important whether we stay free, and save the others, or we get caught, and we fight for our freedom once more."
The undead doctors were getting more distraught as they found traces of the strange scent at different locations, all identical. They couldn't burst into each one, too much attention on the Doctor's part. No they'd have to do the painstaking task of finding the cab again and searching for other traces. If push comes to shove, they're authorized to consume the cabbie for more information.
Ara smiled, "Exactly." She liked that he planned everything out, it made her feel a bit more safe and secure. "But these clothes are filthy, so if you don't mind, I think I'll change." Ara moved to the bathroom, where a few hotel robes hung on the shower rod. She stood on her toes and grabbed one down. Quickly, she slipped off her torn sweater and jeans, and put on the robe over her undergarments. She folded her clothes and placed them on top of the dresser, making herself comfortable on the bed afterwards. Ara finished off her beer and turned to lay on her side, looking at Jack.
At the mention of past experiments Sorcha flattened her ears and hissed at the doctor. If he thought that threats would tame her spirit at this point he was mistaken. Not again. Not ever again. She gave a warning yowl in the back of her throat as he continued talking, her claws already extended. If he were to take another step towards her, she would try her best to claw his throat out.
Ryan stood a few feet back from the scientist, listening to their conversation. "Um... Doc? Let's not forget that these experiments are for scientific research, not to torture them." He slipped a hand into his back pocket.
Dr. Mooriales sighed through his smile at her resistance, it was what made it particularly fun to study her.

He turned away and gave a trademark smile to Ryan.

"Mr. Ryan, I'm truly sorry if my methods seem a bit unorthodox to you. But it's all in the name of science I assure you. We need to understand the enemy's limitations if we wish to effectively combat them."
Jack thought about how he had planned everything out, it was on the fly, and it cost him a lot of money. But his freedom was worth it. When they had finally reached the hotel Jack gave the Cabbie a credit card from his personal wallet, and told him the card had a $155,000.00 USD limit on it, and that he would turn a blind eye when that limit was reached. He told the Cabbie to leave the state of California now. Jack personally knew any human that he interacted with had a death with on their heads, and could lead them back to him. It was funny how he some how got stuck with the Cabbie with no family, or friends. He remembered how the Cabbie spoke of his hippie past, and how he used to be homeless. In Jack's head this eliminated the final way for anyone to track them.

Jack nodded, and finished the cigarette, and took the final sip of his beer. He put out the cigarette in the as he try in "family" room of the hotel room. He had his back turned to her, as he did a final run down of the room to make sure everything was secure. When he turned around he saw she was in a bath robe. He nearly fell over from the sheer surprise of the moment. He had never seen her somewhat happy like this, nor open like this in the seven hours they were locked in their cell together. However he quickly regained his composure, and looked down at her. " Oh.. Umm.. Well then." He was a quiet, and meek. He shook his head slightly, and gave her a small smile. Personally at the time he was still wearing the same Atreyu shirt, and jeans, which were really beginning to before a little too old for his liking.
There was no sign of the cabbie anywhere, and now the doctors were infuriated. Now they had to indulge in their only option left, full Runner production and release.

It was a tricky process, one that took them precious hours to undergo. They snuck into abandoned subways and rundown apartment builldings, all the places where unidentifiable homeless people resided. They first had to infect them, properly distribute a simple set of instructions in their DNA, and wrap things around their faces to leave only their eyes, ears, and noses exposed. Nobody would miss them, and now they could serve their country from beyond the grave. Dozens of runners, posing as everyday parkour specialists, would scour the city like mobile cameras. The two doctors were pleased, the Runners could easily evade the everyday populace and they could easily check most of the residential areas. There were even some left over, they were sent to several commercial areas.

Efficiency was key.
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Ryan nodded and proceeded patrolling the halls looking for that pesky cat girl, Rachel.

Ara blushed seeing that he was surprised. "Sorry, just..." She chewed at her nails, "24 days in Hell. I want to be as comfortable and happy as possible from now on." Changing the subject, she stood up and adjusted the robe so that it covered as much as possible, "You can have the bed if you want. I'll probably be up all night."
" No No It's ok." He gave a nervous laugh, and went to turn on the television, and began to look for the local new channel. " I understand." the smile came back to his face as he sat on the ground, in front of the foot of the bed. "Oh, and you shouldn't chew your nails they look fine as they are." He voice held tones of happiness for her want to return to being "normal". He kept facing the television, so not to make her feel uncomfortable.
Dr. Mooriales waved to Ryan's retreating form before glancing back at Sorcha with a smirk before spinning on his heel and stalking back to the operating room.

He wondered if that Sprite had grown enough of her wings back to extract some more.
After about 20 minutes of sitting in silence (other than the TV), Ara spoke up, "Thank you, by the way. I'll never be able to make it up to you, but I just want you to know how grateful I am." She slid to the edge of the bed so that she could see him. She blushed again, turning her head. "So um.. thank you."
As the men left her she sank to the floor with a sigh. She was safe for the moment being. Had Ryan really stepped in on her behalf? It baffled her, but she found herself appreciating it. Maybe she would tear his throat out last. With the danger gone the adrenalin stopped pumping into her system, and she soon found it difficult to keep her eyes open. In another few moments she drifted off into a fitful sleep, plagued by nightmares.
His smile slightly grew, as he bent his head back to look up at her. " You can stop thanking me you know, I understand that your grateful. But trust me your a soul worth saving. I suppose its also ironic since you are a witch heh.. I could tell since the first moment I was pushed into that cell.. " He then turned his body to her, and began to look into her eyes as he got close to her.
Arabella listened closely, hanging on his every word. As he drew closer, she turned her head back towards him. She blushed even more, looking back into his eyes, "Don't take this the wrong way," Ara moved a bit closer to him, and breathed, "I'm glad you were pushed into my cell."
" Theres no wrong way to take it, I supposed it worked out for both of us.. " His voice was calm, and his eyes continued to stare into hers. His body moved closer to hers as if to embrace her, as his lip grew ever so close to hers, Then hotel phone began to ring. The sudden sound made his jump back ,as he began to look around. He found the phone, and remembered he had made a few important calls while Arabella was asleep. "Oh… Um.. If you will excuse me for a moment, I think that is for me.." His voice was shaky after the close, and nearly compassionate moment which was going to have with her. He swore under his voice, and knew he was going to chew out which ever one of his friends where on the line. He walked over to the phone in the kitchen, and picked it up, and placed it at his ear. " 0610 to Yukon" His voice was quite, as he waited for a moment. After a few minutes he spoke once more " Yea this is Iggy, yea we got an issue. I'm stuck in Sacramento….. Yea I know, look I've got a plus one, and possibly others… I know that is again the code, I've been through this enough times.. Look I'm asking for your help, and…" From that point in the conversation Jack was having with who ever on the phone he began to whisper into the phone. After another ten minutes on the phone he quickly hung it up, and released a sigh while rubbing his forehead.
Arabella leaned into him just as the phone rang. She jumped a little, and stood up in confusion. Who could be calling at this hour? She sat back down on the bed, figuring it was a private phone call. "You.. okay? What's going on?" Ara was surprised, confused, and a little embarrassed. She chewed her nails again nervously.
" Hmm? Oh yea I'm fine. I had to make some calls when you were asleep, and that was one of the people I called. He's one of my close friends who lives in New York… He's… not very happy that I someone got trapped, and he now has to scramble enough people out here to get you out of here, and to clear my tracks. So I have time to think of another plan to get everyone else out before they… you know what will happen." Jack thought to himself for a moment, and looked out the window for some form of inspiration. He closed his eyes for a moment, and once again rubbed his face. He hadn't slept in well over twenty hours, and it was starting to get to him.. badly.

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