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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Kisaki said:
Kagami looked over to Serena.
"Stop crying! Your just entertaining him " yelled Kagami .Kuro clamped his hands together."A fight is the game. You , win I'll go. You lose I'll stay. Rules...I don't have any."he stepped back and bowed."You ready ladies?"he said with a cheerful smile.
Serena didn't know what to do, "Shouldn't we settle this on school grounds? As to not get in trouble?" she said looking at Kagami, "Because if we're expelled, you won't be able to see Jack...Or Kuro." she said smiling a bit, Kagami must have some commonsense, if not, it was self defense.
"Your so boring. It's not like those teachers are going to find out." Kuro sighed. He snapped his fingers. They were in a new area. Snow covered the ground and the trees around them.

"This is much better. I hope you like snow!". Kagami shook her head and then pulled out her scythe. "It's worth it if I get expelled. Now! Prepare to fight" . Kuro summoned a scythe also.

"Come and get me!"he teased.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena didn't know what to do, "Shouldn't we settle this on school grounds? As to not get in trouble?" she said looking at Kagami, "Because if we're expelled, you won't be able to see Jack...Or Kuro." she said smiling a bit, Kagami must have some commonsense, if not, it was self defense.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody shrugged, "Might as well get a tattoo. I'm thinking of one on my hand, and maybe some others, like one down my arm and on my back...Are you sure you'd want to come? We can always just go grab a bite to eat, and I can get one alone..." he said, seeing that Moonstone didn't want a tattoo, and probably wouldn't like the one's he'll get, well, the first 2, the last one will be a Tomoe Gozen samurai on his other shoulder.


"I don't mind coming along. I've never seen someone get a tattoo before, it's just another learning experience for me." Moonstone said optimistically as they stood up. "So are we done with the sauna? We can cool down in the showers before getting dressed and leaving."

no slide
no slide
Extra Information


The Spa, The Sauna




Talking to Cody



Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


[QUOTE="Wicked Jester](I think akira is busy explaining the secrets of the universe to his son xD )
Arbitz laughed. the lady was really funny. Nodding happily he followed her as she led the way to wherever... he then realized this could be stranger danger like she just said.... was she secretly planning on kidnapping him? stopping he glared at her suspiciously.

(((( I mean if he wasn't busy xD ))))

"I'll tell you now, if keep the skill of listening, you'd make it really far in life." Akane preached, pointing her finger at him. "So don't fall in with the wrong crowd if you haven't already..." She said, before noticing the look on his face, "Something the matter? Your little smile is gone." She said softly as they neared the grocery store.
JJKab said:
Fricka sighed lightly, and nodded
"Sorry for that.. I just don't know who would've... d---done this to us" She said, letting out a heavier sigh.

Mei Junchi

"I know you're stressed, and I can't blame you for it." Junchi told Fricka gently. "I have the person's phone. If I gave it to you do you think you could identify who's phone it was?"

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm




Trying to calm Fricka down


Get information on the pictures

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

Mayyflower said:
Sam blinked, Dragon God? "Is that a bad thing and what's gonna happen to you? Your power is draining.." She asks with a concern expression
Marcus smiled "Don't worry. Cam says he has a back up resource that will give me my power back, just not the transformation."



"You can, heat, doesn't affect me...Since I can manipulate fire and all, so really, my body is just absorbing the heat, and might use it later..." he said, implying that his powers are stronger when it's hot. "I'll meet you outside." he said, getting up and heading to the lockers.
Kisaki said:
"Your so boring. It's not like those teachers are going to find out." Kuro sighed. He snapped his fingers. They were in a new area. Snow covered the ground and the trees around them.
"This is much better. I hope you like snow!". Kagami shook her head and then pulled out her scythe. "It's worth it if I get expelled. Now! Prepare to fight" . Kuro summoned a scythe also.

"Come and get me!"he teased.
(Wait, I'm fighting both?)
Shortyshot said:
Marcus smiled "Don't worry. Cam says he has a back up resource that will give me my power back, just not the transformation."
"So Riley... What exactly is going to happen to her?" She asks, relaxing a bit
JJKab said:
"Thanks... And If you don't have physics lessons now.. Then.. See ya, Roy" Lena exclaimed, flashing a friendly smile at him, and slowly entering the class, and sitting down on the chair in the class
Roy nodded, regretting not getting her phone number. He shrugged, pushing the wheelchair back to the office, humming under his breath, "Waking dreams, fade away, embrace the new day..."

Next part... not part of interaction

Wylie woke up to realize that Roy had disappeared. Sitting up from the bed he was snoozing on, he headed to the front school, knowing Roy probably was preparing for the next encounter with the scythe girl.

As he headed down to the school, Wylie reflects that the girl and Roy were just wearing each other out. He was going to go have to find someone to help... maybe Jack? That bunny demon would definitely have some good advice.

Into the school he went, singing under his breath, "Sing with me a song of silence and blood, the rain falls, but can't wash away the mud...", and as he turned a left, he saw Roy at the student store, gazing over the armours being sold there. Silently, he walked up to Roy, standing next to him, looking at the armours. Finally, he said, "How about that that piece over there?" he asked, pointing to a light but sturdy looking piece of armor.
(Fire emblem :)

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy nodded, regretting not getting her phone number. He shrugged, pushing the wheelchair back to the office, humming under his breath, "Waking dreams, fade away, embrace the new day..."
Next part... not part of interaction

Wylie woke up to realize that Roy had disappeared. Sitting up from the bed he was snoozing on, he headed to the front school, knowing Roy probably was preparing for the next encounter with the scythe girl.

As he headed down to the school, Wylie reflects that the girl and Roy were just wearing each other out. He was going to go have to find someone to help... maybe Jack? That bunny demon would definitely have some good advice.

Into the school he went, singing under his breath, "Sing with me a song of silence and blood, the rain falls, but can't wash away the mud...", and as he turned a left, he saw Roy at the student store, gazing over the armours being sold there. Silently, he walked up to Roy, standing next to him, looking at the armours. Finally, he said, "How about that that piece over there?" he asked, pointing to a light but sturdy looking piece of armor.

Kisaki said:
(Kagami is your teammate)

Serena draws her handgun, and summoned an arm shield, "If I have to hurt Jack to save him." she cocked her gun, "I will!" she said aiming at him, she had non lethal rounds but they did hurt...a lot...
Mayyflower said:
"So Riley... What exactly is going to happen to her?" She asks, relaxing a bit
Marcus sighed "Nothing that bad. Nothing worse than growing pains...Unless she does transform that is....In which case....If that happens I want you to run. Fast. Me and Cam will be able to handle it but I don't want the chaos to get into you...Turn you into a demon...Well, more than the one you are right now."
Shortyshot said:
Marcus sighed "Nothing that bad. Nothing worse than growing pains...Unless she does transform that is....In which case....If that happens I want you to run. Fast. Me and Cam will be able to handle it but I don't want the chaos to get into you...Turn you into a demon...Well, more than the one you are right now."
Sam blinked before smirking. "I was about to say. I already am a demon, did you forget?.. I'm a succubus" she says before sighing. "What will cause her to transform?" She asks. She had lots of questions that needed to be answered.
Mayyflower said:
Sam blinked before smirking. "I was about to say. I already am a demon, did you forget?.. I'm a succubus" she says before sighing. "What will cause her to transform?" She asks. She had lots of questions that needed to be answered.
Marcus laughed nervously "Well....Anger."
Kuro spins his scythe . "A very determined girl aren't ya!" he runs at her with his scythe swinging it.

Kagami has plans. Sealing him would take her some time. She had a silver dagger in her pocket. It was used to seal some of the demons power.

Kagami put it back in pocket and ran after Kuro. She aimed for his legs.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena draws her handgun, and summoned an arm shield, "If I have to hurt Jack to save him." she cocked her gun, "I will!" she said aiming at him, she had non lethal rounds but they did hurt...a lot...
Shortyshot said:
Marcus laughed nervously "Well....Anger."
Sam eyes widen. "Marcus... Did you forget that our daughter absorbs feelings, as in if anyone around her is mad she switches her emotion with them to make them feel better." She says sitting down on the couch.
Kisaki said:
Kuro spins his scythe . "A very determined girl aren't ya!" he runs at her with his scythe swinging it.
Kagami has plans. Sealing him would take her some time. She had a silver dagger in her pocket. It was used to seal some of the demons power.

Kagami put it back in pocket and ran after Kuro. She aimed for his legs.
Serena blocked with both arm shields and then teleported behind him, taking her gun out and firing into his back while Kagami went for a trip, the bullets were solid rubber, pierce skin, but won't go into the body. They stung like scorpion stings.
Mayyflower said:
Sam eyes widen. "Marcus... Did you forget that our daughter absorbs feelings, as in if anyone around her is mad she switches her emotion with them to make them feel better." She says sitting down on the couch.
"Yeah...I was worried about that....Hmm......I refuse to keep her secluded but....I don't want others to get hurt.......My job is to protect this world....Time and time over I've done just that....But I never thought this would have happened..."

Ayla Harper Ayla gracefully appeared upon the school grounds, fluttering to a halt and gently placing her feet to the ground. She pulled her wings in and held her textbook against her chest. She was nervous, watching the others of the school interact and bond. She had never really been around so many who were similar to herself. The angelic Ayla stepped through the area, nervously fiddling with the edge of the textbook that was already curling upward due to old age. She had never really needed to go to school, so she just read books instead. But, today would be her first official day of high school! Due to her already excellent amount of intelligence, she was given a chance to skip her freshman year and go straight into sophomore. After feeling around, she had noticed a variety of others and decided it best to find her homeroom quietly before they noticed her. It was obvious, with her nervous expression, that she was a new student, and on top of that her bright hair often drew unwanted attention. She gulped and simply made her way inside the school, her bare feet stepping against the cool floors of the hallways as she passed large classrooms full of others. Would this be a wonderful opportunity for the new student, Ayla Harper? Or would she regret ever applying for this school?


Shortyshot said:
"Yeah...I was worried about that....Hmm......I refuse to keep her secluded but....I don't want others to get hurt.......My job is to protect this world....Time and time over I've done just that....But I never thought this would have happened..."
"Is there anyway for her to learn how to control it?" She asks

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