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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

LunaCrosby said:
"Make's sense, though I look forward to seeing her again" she said, covering her mouth and yawning. She had stayed up a lot later than she should have, though that's expected when someone reads one book after another without paying attention to the time. "I also look forward to meeting Han, your family is full of interesting people so i'm curious as to what he's like."
"I'm pretty sure he'd be happy to meet you too." Roman said, picking up his glass of eater and twriling it around so it gets cooler faster. "I hear you yawning. You must've stayed up all night reading another book huh?" He asked, shaking his head, laughing lightly. "You should go to sleep at a more reasonable time." He joked.
JJKab said:
"Of course I would help. What kind of animal would I be to not help. After school, we're visiting her, and seeing how badly her house is damaged, and I'll see what I can do" Gregory offered, smiling widely.
"At the thought that your friend lives in poverty i get shivers down my spine" He said, shivering a little
Ariel nodded "Yeah, I'm really glad that you're helping out as well, I really want her to have a better life you know? I mean, if that were me I'd hope someone would help me out." She said softly "Its a shame to see someone so nice living that way."

Sixxx said:
Blue nodds " maybe like a nature goddess? " she said with a smirked and finished them off " im hungry i hope the rest comes soon"
Colin nodded "Yeah, maybe?" He looked at her "Yeah, You certainly look the part to be one, so it would suit you" he smiled a little.
Nona said:
Ariel nodded "Yeah, I'm really glad that you're helping out as well, I really want her to have a better life you know? I mean, if that were me I'd hope someone would help me out." She said softly "Its a shame to see someone so nice living that way."
Gregory sighed, slowly standing up, as he approached Ariel, and laid his hand on her shoulder

"Sweatie, I promise, we'll change her life. And if she wants, she can live for a bit in either your house or my dorm" He offered, with a warm smile, as he laid a kiss on her cheek.

"Also, I was thinking if you'd like to... go with me to my dorm for a night? What would you say about that?" He asked, a small blush forming on his cheeks, as he asked, his smile changing into a slightly seductive grin
JJKab said:
Lena nodded, slowly beginning to come back to her senses. The baby carrying job sure was hard..
"Thanks... I am beginning to feel better" She said, her eyes slowly opening.
"No problem," Roy said. He paused, a brilliant idea popping into his head, "You don't mind riding on a wheelchair, do you?"
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"No problem," Roy said. He paused, a brilliant idea popping into his head, "You don't mind riding on a wheelchair, do you?"

Lena looked a bit confused at Roy, but smiled softly, knowing what he meant

"I... If you have one, we can give it a shot" She exclaimed, looking into his eyes.
JJKab said:
Lena looked a bit confused at Roy, but smiled softly, knowing what he meant
"I... If you have one, we can give it a shot" She exclaimed, looking into his eyes.
"Alright," Roy runs off into the front office. After explaining the situation to the office lady there, Roy gets a wheelchair, thanks the office lady, and brings it back to Lena.
JJKab said:
Gregory sighed, slowly standing up, as he approached Ariel, and laid his hand on her shoulder
"Sweatie, I promise, we'll change her life. And if she wants, she can live for a bit in either your house or my dorm" He offered, with a warm smile, as he laid a kiss on her cheek.

"Also, I was thinking if you'd like to... go with me to my dorm for a night? What would you say about that?" He asked, a small blush forming on his cheeks, as he asked, his smile changing into a slightly seductive grin
Ariel smiled "Yeah, I can let her stay on my room, I know my mom won't mind" she said happily before he kissed her cheek and spoke again, asking her to stay over. Ariel looked at him with slightly coloured cheeks noticing his expression before nodding "I'd say, sure I will" she answered with a small smile.
Shortyshot said:
Marcus looked serious "The power of the dragon. Its joining with her...Cam has felt my power draining so we knew it was only a matter of time before the next Dragon God was chosen...But I never thought it would be Riley."
Sam blinked, Dragon God? "Is that a bad thing and what's gonna happen to you? Your power is draining.." She asks with a concern expression
HimeragiSeiker said:
''We'll just keep waking her up then~''
"Thats a lot of waking up but okay." Mayumi said before hopping up and walking towards the stairs.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]
"I mean, maybe? Sometimes i'll find a sombrero mustache man with a few suits around him, y'know?" He scratched his head. It was a Hollywood payload map, and Leo chose his favorite edgemaster salsa escapist, Reaper, with the best skin in the game, Mariachi. A sombrero adorned, Day of the Dead, Emo, Shotgun-wielding grandpa is the best character to play as.
The sound of gunshots and a few disdainful lasts breaths filled the air around him as he hit the first checkpoint.

"Is this sombrero man edgy, by any chance? Or spoopy either? I might be able to help you in those regards."

(as you know i've never played it so I wont disgrace myself by trying to write an overwatch post xD )

Suuy sighed and sat in a chair behind Leo and picked up a controller but just sat there not playing, "Ehh they're probably edgy. They may not be wearing sombreros, but they would be real stick in the ass, look like they own the place, superiority complex style people."
Roman said:
"Thats a lot of waking up but okay." Mayumi said before hopping up and walking towards the stairs.
...☆Soon, Aselia finished washing the dishes and washed her hands from the soap. She soon started walking towards the stairs as well☆...
Nona said:
Ariel smiled "Yeah, I can let her stay on my room, I know my mom won't mind" she said happily before he kissed her cheek and spoke again, asking her to stay over. Ariel looked at him with slightly coloured cheeks noticing his expression before nodding "I'd say, sure I will" she answered with a small smile.
"That's great! I'm glad you agreed!" Gregory exclaimed, with a wide grin.

"Alright, so. Tomorrow? How about we go help your friend out?" He asked

"And for now head to our classes? What class do you have?"
Kisaki said:
(Gtg .night)
"You are really pitful. It makes want to laugh " he grinned.

"I'm not giving away my freedom that easily. I guess you have to beat me , if ya want to see him again. Who am I kidding. You wouldn't hurt me because you'll hurting him " he chuckled.
Serena ran to Jack, holding him, "Jack! Listen to me! Get out of there! Come back!" she shouted, she's seen movies with this kind of problem, and worked at times, "Fight him! Fight this jerk and come back!" she shouted "It's Serena! Come back!" she shouted now pretty much crying now.
Roman said:
"So you've been out that long and you paid no attention to where you were headed... Geez kid. That isn't good at all. You could haven been taken by someone who wouldn't risk helping you and instead harm you." Akane said, shaking her head at Arbitz. "You need to pay attention to that stuff next time kid." She said, pointing her finger at him. "Understand?"
(this is the kid who can destroy dimensions xD I tink they would regret trying to capture him. Plus, CROSS would maul their sorry asses xD not that she knows this xD also how would she react if she knew he could do that? xD )

Arbitz dropped his head sadly having been scolded thoroughly. He hadnt even thought about stranger danger yet had proceeded to walk around the streets randomly for the past six hours, likely having covered miles of territory. "Yes, mam"
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]







Don't reply to this post yet, Jester. Wait for me to put out my Akira post before doing so.[/centerblock]
(remember they do still look like the eye candy. Haruo still hasn't seen Lance's true appearance yet. xD also decided to bold speech so it was a bit more identifable. if that made it harder to read, tell me and I'll change it )

Lance leaned in and smirked, replying "Right now" when she heard the teacher call for an end to class. As one of her clones appeared besides her, she passed it her phone and it walked off smiling coldly. Noticing that Akira approached Haruo and called for what seemed to be a private conversation, Lance stepped back a few feet "So as not to intrude" and created a tiny spacial distortion next to her ear, connecting to an end about 2 feet above the pair's heads. Any bit of info on Haruo she could pick up could be extraordinarily useful in killing him.

Meanwhile, off in the distance, the clone of Lance pulled out the phone and dialed a number she hadn't used in a long time. "Hello Rat." a gruff voice sounded startled on the other end of the line before replying. "Only one person was ever allowed to call me that and shes dead. Who is this?" Lance smirked slightly before replying, "A vengeful spirit who came back just to haunt your sorry ass." "Well I'll be damned. The Lance of the Family lives. They said you were dead." "They would. I gotta job to do." "Ah hell... Wait I thought that was why you left the family. you didn't want to do jobs no more..." "I dont, but someone really pissed me off." "I feel bad for them... what you need?" "I'll send you a list..."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester](this is the kid who can destroy dimensions xD I tink they would regret trying to capture him. Plus, CROSS would maul their sorry asses xD not that she knows this xD also how would she react if she knew he could do that? xD )
Arbitz dropped his head sadly having been scolded thoroughly. He hadnt even thought about stranger danger yet had proceeded to walk around the streets randomly for the past six hours, likely having covered miles of territory. "Yes, mam"

(((( She'd have taken him to Akira xD ))))

"At least you listen. Most boys your age aren't too good at that... Or any boy at all." Akane said, sighing lightly. "Not even my own son listens, and he's in his 20s!" She exclaimed, tossing her arms in the air. Akane was a really cartoonish person at times, which only played into her joyous personality.
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"Alright," Roy runs off into the front office. After explaining the situation to the office lady there, Roy gets a wheelchair, thanks the office lady, and brings it back to Lena.

Lena smiled thankfully at Roy, as she moved to sit down on the wheelchair, letting out a grunt.
CERBERUS177 said:
"Well...I'm dried out with stuff about me...what about you? Never really heard too much about you." he said, stretching his arm out and cracking his neck quietly, trying to make it look like a common muscle relaxation.
(I'm getting tired, I'll be on tomorrow, Goodnight!)


"About me? Well, I already listed off my likes and went into some detail about them, but I don't think there's much else I can explain about myself. Is there anything in particular you'd like to know?" Moonstone asked.

no slide
no slide
Extra Information


The spa, The sauna




Talking to Cody



Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


JJKab said:
Fricka sighed deeply, still giggling, as she looked over her shoulder at Junchi
"Yeah... Whew, that one was a dousie" She exclaimed, soon sitting up, her hands laying on her sides

"And also that.. red on my face is... from blushing, not from exaustion... maybe a little.." She exclaimed, blushing softly

Mei Junchi

"Blushing? What, are you into being tickled?" Junchi joked, winking at her to show they were being jokingly perverted. "Not that I'll shame you from it, but you seemed to be really into it."

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm




Teasing Fricka



Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi


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