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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Roman chuckled lightly and took a sip of his water. "Really? I would have taken the time to sleep then... You're all tired now because you didn't... And here I thought I could take you out for dinner, but you might fall asleep on me." He said jokingly. "Unless you can oull through."
"Pfft, as if i'd fall asleep. I'm positive I wouldn't, I've stayed up several day's in a row before, I can handle staying awake to go to dinner" she said, though she knew he was just messing around.
LunaCrosby said:
"Pfft, as if i'd fall asleep. I'm positive I wouldn't, I've stayed up several day's in a row before, I can handle staying awake to go to dinner" she said, though she knew he was just messing around.
"I... Don't know." Roman said. "I'm never around that much now, and I don't want my last few days of seeing you for awhile be you sleeping." He told her, putting his arm around her. "I wanns go places and sight seeing. All thst good stuff." He said softly. "But you know... Zzzz." He teased, pointing at Mal makign snoring sounds.
CERBERUS177 said:
"You can, heat, doesn't affect me...Since I can manipulate fire and all, so really, my body is just absorbing the heat, and might use it later..." he said, implying that his powers are stronger when it's hot. "I'll meet you outside." he said, getting up and heading to the lockers.


"Okay." Moonstone said as they left the sauna. They went to the male showers to cool themself off with cold water, and before they could feel like they were getting uncomfortably cold they turned off the shower. Afterwards they dried themself, then went to the male lockers to get their clothes on. Moonstone was actually happy they took the trip to the sauna, finding it nice and relaxing, even if it was a bit too hot for their tastes.

Finishing up with clothing themself they got up and went outside where Cody told them he would meet them. They wondered what they should expect from a tattoo shop, as they never really saw many tattoos before. They've heard of teenagers like them giving themself tattoos, but Junchi would go on about how they shouldn't do it because they'll end up getting infected. Moonstone worried this would happen to Cody, but if the place was professional then they figured there shouldn't be many problems.

no slide
no slide
Extra Information


Outside the spa


Happy, Curious


Waiting to go to the tattoo parlor


Go to the tattoo parlor with Cody

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


JJKab said:
Fricka nodded silently, looking at Junchi. Maybe she could recognize the phone from earlier?

Mei Junchi

Junchi pulled out the phone from a little bag they made out of flower petals. This was to prevent the phone from getting wet when they had to save Fricka from drowning. After getting it out of the bag Junchi handed the phone to Fricka, hoping she could identify who it belonged to. Junchi themself had no knowledge on how to hack into a phone or figure out who owned it unless they could easily open it or their information was right there for the taking.

Extra Information


Female Dorms, Fricka's Dorm




Giving Fricka the phone


Figure out who took the pictures

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

Roman said:
"I... Don't know." Roman said. "I'm never around that much now, and I don't want my last few days of seeing you for awhile be you sleeping." He told her, putting his arm around her. "I wanns go places and sight seeing. All thst good stuff." He said softly. "But you know... Zzzz." He teased, pointing at Mal makign snoring sounds.
"Hmph, a nap does sound good right now so maybe i'll do that instead of trying to stay awake" she said, crossing her arm's and looking in the direction of their room.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
C4 blinked, her head was incredibly soft and just seemed to have a natural pettability to it. he really wanted to pet it again, but managed to restrain himself. "Probably the Racing games. I can drive a car, although they usually end up at destroyed, but 78% of the time it isnt my fault. So I should be able to drive fairly well."

Yuna stared at him of a moment, her ears folded back a little "Remind me to never go on a drive with you" she said with a laugh "Though, I am curious what kind of causes that 78% contains" she said as she had begun walking towards the racing game.
LunaCrosby said:
"Hmph, a nap does sound good right now so maybe i'll do that instead of trying to stay awake" she said, crossing her arm's and looking in the direction of their room.
"Alright. You take a nap, and later I'll take you out." Roman said, kissing Mal's cheek. "This would be a good time for me to go and talk to our daughter. She should be at school, did they send her home?" He asked curiously.
TheDragoon said:
((Anybody free?))
(((( We can continue with Han and Celia, along with their daughter. They all were at the amusement park ))))
Roman said:
"Alright. You take a nap, and later I'll take you out." Roman said, kissing Mal's cheek. "This would be a good time for me to go and talk to our daughter. She should be at school, did they send her home?" He asked curiously.
"Yeah, they did, though in my opinion it'd be more of a punishment if they made her stay." She said, throwing away the apple core into the trash. "But maybe they also just figured she'd cause more trouble if she stayed the rest of the day."
LunaCrosby said:
"Yeah, they did, though in my opinion it'd be more of a punishment if they made her stay." She said, throwing away the apple core into the trash. "But maybe they also just figured she'd cause more trouble if she stayed the rest of the day."
"Makes sense." Roman said, shaking his head. "You get some rest, and I'll be with you in a second. Right now, I need to speak with our daughter." He said before walking out of the kitchen, making his way to their daughter's room.
Roman said:
"Makes sense." Roman said, shaking his head. "You get some rest, and I'll be with you in a second. Right now, I need to speak with our daughter." He said before walking out of the kitchen, making his way to their daughter's room.
Mal nodded and went to their room, getting changed into more comfortable clothes and laying down.

Misaki heard footsteps approaching her room. She knew it was either her mom or her dad, because who else would it be? She kept her eye's on the door, waiting to see which parent it was.
TheDragoon said:
Drakon smiled sheepishly at the camera. It was true, he was a little camera shy so he tried not to look too bad, but at least decent enough for the photo. He was mostly just quiet, enjoying himself for the most part.
((Sorry for the late reply, I had bandcamp and I think I'm dying ;( lol jk but seriously I'm sorry))

Nico nudged him slightly.

"Aww you're cute,"

She snickered, looking at picture on her phone. Nico held her phone to and him. It showed the creating a contact information thing. She smiled sheepishly.

"Ah yeaaah.. so you should put your cellular device phone number thing on here.."

She said, feeling flustered. Nico started blusher slightly.
Roman said:
(((( We can continue with Han and Celia, along with their daughter. They all were at the amusement park ))))
((Sure, I'll start))

Mari had just gotten off that swingy ride of doom. "T-That was scary..." She shuttered as she walked up to her mom.

Her mom giggled and hugged her and brushed her hair softly. "It's okay Mari, we don't have to go on rides like that if you don't want to." She said.
charleen said:
((Sorry for the late reply, I had bandcamp and I think I'm dying ;( lol jk but seriously I'm sorry))
Nico nudged him slightly.

"Aww you're cute,"

She snickered, looking at picture on her phone. Nico held her phone to and him. It showed the creating a contact information thing. She smiled sheepishly.

"Ah yeaaah.. so you should put your cellular device phone number thing on here.."

She said, feeling flustered. Nico started blusher slightly.
Drakon blinked a few times. He was getting a girls number? N-No, no need to get flustered. He owned a phone, but it was one of those crappy phones that didn't have any apps. He put in his information and smiled. "Call me sometime." He told her.
TheDragoon said:
Drakon blinked a few times. He was getting a girls number? N-No, no need to get flustered. He owned a phone, but it was one of those crappy phones that didn't have any apps. He put in his information and smiled. "Call me sometime." He told her.
Nico smiled back, biting her lower lip slightly.

"No, you call me.."

She chuckled before turning around and walking the opposite direction from him. She gave a last wave and off she go with her whereabouts.



Cody met Moonstone outside, "Lucky us, there's a tattoo place a block away." he said, pointing down the sidewalk to a glowing sign with a skull on it that read 'Body Art'. Cody lead them to the parlor and told them what he wanted. After that, Cody was led to the back of the shop, and laid down on the table. He got the little one done first, then came the large one on his back, then the last one on his right shoulder, it hurt for the first one, but after that, he got used to the pain, and after it was done, he walked back to Moonstone, and turned around, his back was red, but had a tattoo on it that was big.

(I'm sorry that I'm VERY late!)

Hand, without black back ground




and a large USMC banner on the back, picture not needed
Kisaki said:
"That's a little mean." He said as he layed on the floor. Kagami ran toward Kuro pulling out the dagger. "I see Kuro...not trying your best aren't you"
Kagami asked. "Na! I actually had fun today...I did promise not to do anything bad. " He chuckled to himself.
(I'm sorry that I'm late!)

Serena kept guard on Kuro, since he teleportation is ready, so he's not going to win this time, "Please, hurry and get this bastard, out of Jack's body, please." she said, gritting her teeth at Kuro, and keeping her gun trained on him.

(Sorry that it's short too!)
LunaCrosby said:
Mal nodded and went to their room, getting changed into more comfortable clothes and laying down.
Misaki heard footsteps approaching her room. She knew it was either her mom or her dad, because who else would it be? She kept her eye's on the door, waiting to see which parent it was.
Roman stopped walking upon reaching his daughter's door. He sighed and shook his head, placing his hand on the doorknob. "Misaki, I'm coming in." He told her as he opened the door all the way. "Guess it's up to me to lecture you since your mother is sleeping."
TheDragoon said:
((Sure, I'll start))
Mari had just gotten off that swingy ride of doom. "T-That was scary..." She shuttered as she walked up to her mom.

Her mom giggled and hugged her and brushed her hair softly. "It's okay Mari, we don't have to go on rides like that if you don't want to." She said.
Han was walking behind Mari, laughing lightly. "Wow. That was amazing." He said, grinning happily. He saw before seeing Mari, "Oh. It seems like someone got a little scared." He said, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Just like your mother said... We dont have to get on those kind of rides anymore."
Roman said:
Roman stopped walking upon reaching his daughter's door. He sighed and shook his head, placing his hand on the doorknob. "Misaki, I'm coming in." He told her as he opened the door all the way. "Guess it's up to me to lecture you since your mother is sleeping."
"I don't see what I did wrong, I did what any sister would have done for her brother" she said, looking at him. "She's lucky I didn't punch her for saying the things she did."
LunaCrosby said:
"I don't see what I did wrong, I did what any sister would have done for her brother" she said, looking at him. "She's lucky I didn't punch her for saying the things she did."
"But Misaki... We're a peaceful family. We only resort to such acts of violence as a last resort." Roman said, shaking his head. "We don't need you getting in trouble at school and in fact, I want you to pay less attention to what others have to say about you and your brother. They don't know you nor do they know him." He explained. "Now tell me... What happened?"

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