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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Gregory smiled lightly, as they went on.

"Welp, it's been a while since I ate here" Gregory exclaimed, looking at Serene. How her clothing didn't grab anyone's attention?
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]







Not how it works. Picture this:


The bullets do absolutely nothing to a Sanctum.

((I never noticed this xD , it was buried by the akira post xD also this ^ depends on the super man, there are series where he still feels them, said force just does do jack shit to him xD a .50 caliber round would at least knock him back and he would feel it xD ))

Lance smirked, he liked this guy, he was at least willing to spice things up a bit.

"All right, how about the looser has to be the winner's faithful dog for a day. You know, just to add in that little bit of humiliation when I beat that cocky attitude out of you."

Hearing the instructor's call to begin sparing Lance grinned evilly as he spoke again,

"Sorry, but I'm not one to shoot second"

Diving to the right, Lance drew a pair of handguns and fired four shots off in rapid succession, two aimed at Haruo's elbows, and the other two aimed at Haruo's kneecaps. Landing and rolling two the side Lance spun his rifle off his back and flung it high up into the air.
Nona said:
Yuna was just about to grab her backpack when he spoke, causing her to pause in her movements. Blinking a few times, she looked at him, wasn't she only supposed to just go to lunch with him? Not that she was complaining, he was pretty interesting as well, far more interesting than going back to probably study. "You want me to stay?" She asked as she stopped reaching for her bag, she then smiled "Alright, I'll stay"
C4 internally breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled, "Ya, I want you to stay! you're making my day off far more interesting than if you weren't here so please don't leave!" C4 then glanced away, blushing furiously before continuing, "Besides... I haven't gotten to pet you yet..."
[QUOTE="Zon dexan](zon, he's currently wondering around looking for someone to sew his arm back on)

(Chler, walking out of the pool, wanna start?)
JJKab said:
(Chler, walking out of the pool, wanna start?)

zon was still toting his arm like it was a club. in his efforts to find someone to sew it back on he found himself at the pool"...i doubt anyone here knows how to sew..." as he was saying this he spotted a lone person walking away from the pool"sigh...another dime another dollar" he mumbled making his approach. he wondered what they would think of him so casually carrying his own arm.
[QUOTE="Zon dexan](sure)
zon was still toting his arm like it was a club. in his efforts to find someone to sew it back on he found himself at the pool"...i doubt anyone here knows how to sew..." as he was saying this he spotted a lone person walking away from the pool"sigh...another dime another dollar" he mumbled making his approach. he wondered what they would think of him so casually carrying his own arm.

Chler was slowly walking towards the exit of the pool, her hair still a little wet, as she noticed a dude.... carrying his own arm, rumbling something. She gasped quietly, and approached him

"Hey, are you okay? Your arm seems to be... d--dislocated" She exclaimed, a bit frightened
JJKab said:
Chler was slowly walking towards the exit of the pool, her hair still a little wet, as she noticed a dude.... carrying his own arm, rumbling something. She gasped quietly, and approached him
"Hey, are you okay? Your arm seems to be... d--dislocated" She exclaimed, a bit frightened
zon looked at her, surprised at first. then he was hit with a small wave of laughter"actually i was looking for someone to sew this back on" as he said this he turned his dismembered arm so that the palm faced her and moved it back and forth so that it looked like it was waving on its own.
[QUOTE="Zon dexan]zon looked at her, surprised at first. then he was hit with a small wave of laughter"actually i was looking for someone to sew this back on" as he said this he turned his dismembered arm so that the palm faced her and moved it back and forth so that it looked like it was waving on its own.

Chler was still a bit frightened, but nodded, giggling a bit when his hand waved to her.

"S---Sure... Let's go to the infirmary office, maybe?" She offered, walking him outta the pool area, and onto the main hallway
JJKab said:
Chler was still a bit frightened, but nodded, giggling a bit when his hand waved to her.
"S---Sure... Let's go to the infirmary office, maybe?" She offered, walking him outta the pool area, and onto the main hallway
zon slung his arm back over his shoulder and followed her. judging by her hair she had just left the pool prior to meeting him"by the way my name is zon...whats yours?" he asked as he had begun to toss his arm again .
[QUOTE="Zon dexan]zon slung his arm back over his shoulder and followed her. judging by her hair she had just left the pool prior to meeting him"by the way my name is zon...whats yours?" he asked as he had begun to toss his arm again .

"Chler, nice to meet you, Zon" Chler exclaimed, looking at him in a friendly manner, tilting her head lightly

"What happened that your arm was detached?" She asked
JJKab said:
"Chler, nice to meet you, Zon" Chler exclaimed, looking at him in a friendly manner, tilting her head lightly
"What happened that your arm was detached?" She asked
"ahah....ha.." there was no way he was going to tell any one his arm was pulled off by a stray dog he was running from"...it just happens from time to time. ive got stitches everywhere. even here.." he said as he lifted up his head and pointed to his neck.
[QUOTE="Zon dexan]"ahah....ha.." there was no way he was going to tell any one his arm was pulled off by a stray dog he was running from"...it just happens from time to time. ive got stitches everywhere. even here.." he said as he lifted up his head and pointed to his neck.

Chler nodded, swallowing her seliva, noticing his neck being stitched

"W---How did you lose your head?!" She asked, full of disbelief
JJKab said:
Chler nodded, swallowing her seliva, noticing his neck being stitched
"W---How did you lose your head?!" She asked, full of disbelief
"i was killed by a serial killer" he drug his thumb across his neck"cut my head clean off...a few days later i wake up in a morgue zombie-fied" he shrugged "but as you can see i still have my sentience" he looked over her "what about you whats your story?"
[QUOTE="Zon dexan]"i was killed by a serial killer" he drug his thumb across his neck"cut my head clean off...a few days later i wake up in a morgue zombie-fied" he shrugged "but as you can see i still have my sentience" he looked over her "what about you whats your story?"

Chler's mind was.... blown. Her jaw was open, as she listened to Zon.

"S----S---So.. you're a zombie?" She asked, shaking her head to return back to normality

"Uhm... m---m-m-my story isn't as big as yours... I just... y-y-y-ou know.. s---s-signed up, like any other kid" She exclaimed
JJKab said:
Chler's mind was.... blown. Her jaw was open, as she listened to Zon.
"S----S---So.. you're a zombie?" She asked, shaking her head to return back to normality

"Uhm... m---m-m-my story isn't as big as yours... I just... y-y-y-ou know.. s---s-signed up, like any other kid" She exclaimed
zon couldn't help but laugh at her response. she was the first to react in such a way."dont worry im not like any old zombie out for brains and flesh..like i said i still have my sentience..but it is fun to scare people like that sometimes plus there are perks to being a zombie, no pain, i dont need sleep, i dont get hungry either. it is howeer annoying when your wounds dont heal.."
[QUOTE="Zon dexan]zon couldn't help but laugh at her response. she was the first to react in such a way."dont worry im not like any old zombie out for brains and flesh..like i said i still have my sentience..but it is fun to scare people like that sometimes plus there are perks to being a zombie, no pain, i dont need sleep, i dont get hungry either. it is howeer annoying when your wounds dont heal.."

"O---Oh... Alright..." Chler giggled softly, smiling a little, understanding the situation

"So... We're close to the infirmary, they should sew you back up..." She exclaimed, them standing right next to the entrance to the nurse's office
JJKab said:
"O---Oh... Alright..." Chler giggled softly, smiling a little, understanding the situation
"So... We're close to the infirmary, they should sew you back up..." She exclaimed, them standing right next to the entrance to the nurse's office
zon sighed "finally i can stop carrying it around like its an actual weapon...say...you have anything planned for the rest of the day..." zon asked rather meekly








Lumina glanced over at Kenji as his form changed, trying to remember if she had seen it before or not. Was it during training, or...? Well, either way, she could tell that he was definitely more prepared for a fight now. He definitely seemed more confident and excited, and the phoenix couldn't help but wonder just how much stronger he was since they last were in a situation like this. Sure all they were doing is training, but Lumina had a feeling he wasn't going to go easy on her. After all, she wasn't completely useless in a fight anymore. Kenji was a battle-hardened man, so it would make sense he'd know how to best make her better equipped to fight, or mainly to defend herself. Lumina could never imagine voluntarily wanting to fight someone.

Soon enough, Akira made an announcement, that class was beginning, and that he and Mr. Nefearne were going to be observing the fights happen. Well, some students had already jumped the gun, having noticed a muscular boy hurriedly carrying off a limp, bleeding girl. The sight made her nervous. Wasn't this just a class? She didn't think things would get that intense... would they? Well, since class was actually starting now, Lumina guessed that she should actually start getting prepared to train with her pair. Letting go of his hand, she walked a little bit away from Kenji, turning to face him once she was about 15 or so feet away.
"I guess that means things are starting, so I should get ready, shouldn't I?"

The moment her words were done, Lumina's appearance seemed to change again. Her black hair turned to a bright red, her eyes glowing the same shade. A black jacket manifested itself and she pulled it on, in one smooth practiced motion. She held out her hands and flames appeared, moving themselves into an elongated shape. A sword soon formed from them, and Lumina grasped it, swinging it to get a better grip. Flames seemed to drip from the swords edges during its swing, highlighting the bright red hue of her eyes. She looked at Kenji with a determined expression, her stance acting as if she hadn't been overwhelmed by the idea of combat only momens before. It seemed this form held confidence that Lumina normally lacked.
"So, how are we doing this?" she asked, curious what Kenji had in store for her during their training.

no slide
no slide
[QUOTE="Zon dexan]zon sighed "finally i can stop carrying it around like its an actual weapon...say...you have anything planned for the rest of the day..." zon asked rather meekly

Chler thought for a second, and shook her head

"Nope, I'm free, why do you ask?" She asked, looking at Zon, and smiling.

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