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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Lumina said:


Lumina couldn't feel the excitement that Kenji could. Despite him bring here next to her, their hands intertwined, she still couldn't help but be nervous. It had been quite a while since they had trained together, she remembered having little to no control over her powers at the time and Kenji getting really angry at her for losing control of them. But, that training session had started her on the path to mastering her abilities granted to her because she was a phoenix. It wouldn't be until Ecrilia when Lumina would finally master her abilities, though it had come at the price of an eating disorder and some mental issues from feeling abandoned by Kenji at the time. But that was in the past, and it was the present now. Things were okay, though both of them were changed people.

It then dawned on Lumina that Kenji hadn't seen her fight since their last training session. So anything new that she brought out during this class would be new to him. Glancing up at his excited face, Lumina wondered how he'd react to seeing her progress since then. As much as she hated conflict and combat and wanted to shy away from it, for the most part Lumina was actually quite battle ready. So, she figured she'd at least prepare herself somewhat before the class actually began. Closing her eyes for a moment, Lumina focused, trying to rediscover those feelings she found during her long hours of solo practice. It had been quite a while since Ecrilia, so it took a lot longer than she would have liked. But soon enough, the same feeling of warmth spread over her body, and her form changed into one that she had found amidst her hours and hours of practicing. Her hair remained about the same length, but instead of its normal bright blonde color it was a soft black. Her stature seemed to shrink somewhat, leaving her half a foot shorter than she normally was. Her eyes opened to reveal dark gray irises, moving them to look up at Kenji. Her uniform had changed color and style as well, though that didn't seem to concern her. Smiling, Lumina's grip on Kenji's hand tightened just a bit as she gave him her answer.
"Sounds like a plan to me~"

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...ΨKenji smiled as he listened to Lumina talk, his red irises watching as she took her new form. In truth, he'd only seen it briefly when he'd returned from Euphoria, and he hadn't had the chance to train her in the form she now stood in. Sensing the slight change in her power's potency, his excitement only grew. He knew that he was going to see some impressive techniques, all of which he wouldn't have seen before. He also had time to train. When Kenji was killed during the extinction event that occurred on Euphoria during the battle against the Shurons, he was taken to the Throne World, a place where all Sanctum go when they die. The Throne World was created by his and Akira's mother and father, Ariadne and Ragnarok as a way to make sure that the Sanctums were rewarded for fighting and falling in battle for Euphoria. The Throne World's flow of time varied greatly against the flow of time in The Existence, given that the four hours Akira spent devising of ways to resurrect the Sanctums, twenty-four centuries had passed within the Throne World. During those twenty-four centuries, Kenji had ample time to train and create new techniques, as well as fully master all of his powers, including the knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses. This was done through the many combat instructors that were also present in The Throne World, as well as some of Euphoria's finest warriors who helped mentor and oversee his training. Kenji, using the knowledge of the centuries of training, closed his eyes and ignited a fire within his subconscious. Suddenly, his red hair began to spike upwards, leaving only two small locks to remain in place over both sides of his face. His clothing also changed, given that he was now wearing a black jacket, which featured black fur along the neckline. An earring had also manifested itself onto the helix of his left ear, which was crafted from Euphorian steel. The earring featured a red tint to it, signifying that Kenji's power was coursing through the metal. Red particles slowly descended from the sky for a short moment, promptly before vanishing. Kenji spoke to Lumina as he smiled lightly, his red irises soon moving from her and to Akira, as if waiting for the class to startΨ...

And now we wait~

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[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
C4 blinked, and blushed deeply. "Ya... I'm sorry... I was expecting him to be dressed... I'm sorry..." C4 was terribly embarrassed but didn't have anything else he could say to here...

Yuna gave an awkward laugh "Its okay really, you had no way of knowing" she said as she looked off to the side a little, quickly glancing to her finished plate beforehand "So...uh...I guess since lunch is over I should probably get going so you can enjoy the rest of your day off to relax since you only get it once every two years it seems..." She said looking back over to him.


TheDragoon said:
Nexus laughed little, trying to hold back fits of it because he was ticklish. "Stop, that tickles." He said shyly.
Ilaani stopped moving as he laughed? "Huh?, what does? This?" She asked before snuggling him again in an attempt to tickle with a mischievous smile.
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Jennete said:
Nyx: Her laughter rang out as she turned into shadows, appearing right behind Kristako to look in her eyes. Her sword raised as power loomed around her. Her eyes could see into peoples dreams and nightmares, her eyes could never be dulled. She looked into Kristakos eyes and paralyzed her in fear before her song could do the same to her. "No more singing little bird. Have fun battling me in your nightmares." She swung the sword hard, looking to cut the girl and make her fall asleep.

((hey what page is Kristakos CS on? Nyx's is 25, just wanna do some research haha.))
sorry it took so long. so many updates had to be made. Fantasy Highschool -Grand Reopening- ))))

...?Kristako's dreams and nightmares were uncertain. Though it seemed like both at the same time. Was to have endless sex. Though Kristako snapped out of it and barely dodged the sword with her huge weaponry being slashed?...
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]







((( Yes. )))[/centerblock]
((you are a physicist aren't you? You do realize the force of the bullet would still transfer and it would be like getting hit by a truck even if it couldn't "harm" him. You know that right? The laws of physics still apply...))

Lance smirked, "Sure let's go with that. I'm bored of regular fights. How about you and I make a little bet?"
Mayyflower said:
"He's not gonna kill you.." She says "You've been taken away from Riley and I so many times and I'm not gonna loose you, I'm not letting him touch you or this family" she says
Marcus smiled "I love you...Go back to sleep...I'm gonna go for a little walk." He said smiling.
Angelostar4 said:
"Well... umm... being happy is like... uh... Shoot! I can't really explain it really. You just know that you're happy. Alright?"
Sophia looks to her left, to see a boy with a detached arm trying to her. "Uh... nope. I got no experience in sowing. Especially not like that." She points to the arm

@Zon dexan
Yuuichiro looked to the boy and shook his head, "Nope" he said and looked back at Sophia, "and alright, whatever you say."
LunaCrosby said:
"Then whats the plan?..."
William stood up "Hey Hallson....You want the power of my brother right...?"

Hallson blinked "Yes, that is the reason I am currently trying to kill you. Go on."

"Well...Truth is...This necklace? It contains all his power. But it can't be removed by anyone but my own hand. Tell ya what. You want it? I want your blood."

Hallson laughed "Well this is a surprisingly easy deal. So deal."
LunaCrosby said:
Yuuichiro looked to the boy and shook his head, "Nope" he said and looked back at Sophia, "and alright, whatever you say."
"Maybe I ain't the right person to be explaining this... oh well." Sophia just shrugs her shoulders and looks up at the sky. "You'll find someone that'll teach ya how to feel things." Then she looks directly at Yuuichiro. "I promise."
Nona said:
Yuna gave an awkward laugh "Its okay really, you had no way of knowing" she said as she looked off to the side a little, quickly glancing to her finished plate beforehand "So...uh...I guess since lunch is over I should probably get going so you can enjoy the rest of your day off to relax since you only get it once every two years it seems..." She said looking back over to him.

Ilaani stopped moving as he laughed? "Huh?, what does? This?" She asked before snuggling him again in an attempt to tickle with a mischievous smile.
C4 blinked worriedly, "Noooo! You being here is far more interesting and fun than spending my day off alone. Please don't go!" C4 didn't want her to leave. He truly enjoyed her company and he would be sad if she left.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
C4 blinked worriedly, "Noooo! You being here is far more interesting and fun than spending my day off alone. Please don't go!" C4 didn't want her to leave. He truly enjoyed her company and he would be sad if she left.

Yuna was just about to grab her backpack when he spoke, causing her to pause in her movements. Blinking a few times, she looked at him, wasn't she only supposed to just go to lunch with him? Not that she was complaining, he was pretty interesting as well, far more interesting than going back to probably study. "You want me to stay?" She asked as she stopped reaching for her bag, she then smiled "Alright, I'll stay"
Shortyshot said:
Marcus smiled "I love you...Go back to sleep...I'm gonna go for a little walk." He said smiling.
Sam looked at him, she sat up and kissed him. "I love you too Marcus, be safe... please" she says whispering the last part before laying back down
Shortyshot said:
William stood up "Hey Hallson....You want the power of my brother right...?"
Hallson blinked "Yes, that is the reason I am currently trying to kill you. Go on."

"Well...Truth is...This necklace? It contains all his power. But it can't be removed by anyone but my own hand. Tell ya what. You want it? I want your blood."

Hallson laughed "Well this is a surprisingly easy deal. So deal."
Yui blinked and watched, this was his plan? well whatever, its his choice.
TheDragoon said:
Hiro finished making her taco salad and handed her the food. "There you go." He said as he went to the table with his that had cheese, lettuce and ketchup.
Harper smiled. "Thank you babe" she says sweetly

Lillith crept down the stairs and peeked her head around the corner and looked into the kitchen
Angelostar4 said:
"Maybe I ain't the right person to be explaining this... oh well." Sophia just shrugs her shoulders and looks up at the sky. "You'll find someone that'll teach ya how to feel things." Then she looks directly at Yuuichiro. "I promise."
"If that's what you think then alright, I won't deny the possibility"he said.
LunaCrosby said:
"If that's what you think then alright, I won't deny the possibility"he said.
"Sweet! I knew there was some hope in you yet." She shoots her fist into the air. "Ummm... I know this a weird to ask, but how long have you've been at this school?"



...♅Akira watched as all of the students paired up with one another, along with a few of the fights that inevitably broke loose. He couldn't help but smile in anticipation of the amusement that was to ensure from the class. Bringing his arms to his sides, he addressed the class♅...

Now that you all have paired up, you may begin sparring with one another. Mr. Neafearn and I will be spectating all of your progress, and will be evaluating you in your performance. We don't expect to see you masterfully utilise your powers, given that it's your first day, so we don't have our expectations high. Anyway, begin.

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Combat Class has officially begun. You may now fight your sparring partner.

Angelostar4 said:
"Sweet! I knew there was some hope in you yet." She shoots her fist into the air. "Ummm... I know this a weird to ask, but how long have you've been at this school?"
"3 year's, this year will be my 4th and last year here" he said and nodded.
LunaCrosby said:
"3 year's, this year will be my 4th and last year here" he said and nodded.
"Ah... so you're a third year. That's good to know. Maybe i'll come to you with any question in the future." Sophia rotates her shoulders, not wanting them to get stiff due to lack of movement. "Oh yeah, this is my first year here at this academy. Just to let you know."
zon sighed. "guess i'll continue the search then" he said hanging his severed arm over his shoulder as if it were some kind of weapon and began to wonder the grounds again"why cant i be ambidextrous..." he mumbled
Hisaki looked at the school entrance. His family dropped him off here and told him farewell. "Bye honey, I hope you'll be able to visit us on holidays". His mother drove off.

"This is it." he walked through the entrance. He looked around. There were people of different beings walking around in harmony. A familiar black haired girl ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Hisaki !" Kagami said.

"Hey, Kagami" he slowly wagged his tail. Kagami stepped back and smiled.

"This is great . I have Jack and now you are here! Now we can be besties!" she squealed.

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