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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

JJKab said:
Chler thought for a second, and shook her head
"Nope, I'm free, why do you ask?" She asked, looking at Zon, and smiling.
zon blinked turning his head to the side"its just....your the first person ive managed to hold a conversation with in.....almost 2 years. i may not seem so but im actually quite shy...and being a zombie causes normal people to run away...i was wondering if we could be friends...." he gave a nervous laugh after speaking
[QUOTE="Zon dexan]zon blinked turning his head to the side"its just....your the first person ive managed to hold a conversation with in.....almost 2 years. i may not seem so but im actually quite shy...and being a zombie causes normal people to run away...i was wondering if we could be friends...." he gave a nervous laugh after speaking

Lena's eyes widened a bit, as she looked at Zon. She nodded, smiling lightly

"Sure, no problemo" She exclaimed.
JJKab said:
Lena's eyes widened a bit, as she looked at Zon. She nodded, smiling lightly
"Sure, no problemo" She exclaimed.
zon paused before giving a smile"t-thanks....after i get my arm patched up we can hang out" he was genualy happy

(i have to go for a little bit)
[QUOTE="Zon dexan]zon paused before giving a smile"t-thanks....after i get my arm patched up we can hang out" he was genualy happy
(i have to go for a little bit)

"Alrighty then, I'll be waiting here for you." Chler exclaimed, smiling softly at him, and soon she sat down on the ground next to the entrance of the infirmary, humming lightly

"So , Salvador where are you going to go next.?" Kagami asked.

"I have to do combat class Kagami and I'm going to be late". Hisaki looked at her. Kagami patted him on his head.

"Don't worry .The teachers don't even care if your late anyways."

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]((I'm back))

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Kisaki said:
"So , Salvador where are you going to go next.?" Kagami asked.

"I have to do combat class Kagami and I'm going to be late". Hisaki looked at her. Kagami patted him on his head.

"Don't worry .The teachers don't even care if your late anyways."
"I dunno." Salvador said "I'm kinda in a free period... because I'm ditching math class. First-day stuff is always boring, I'll just head over at the last minute and say I jammed the door to my dorm and I couldn't get in there to get my stuff."
Nona said:
Yuna gave an awkward laugh "Its okay really, you had no way of knowing" she said as she looked off to the side a little, quickly glancing to her finished plate beforehand "So...uh...I guess since lunch is over I should probably get going so you can enjoy the rest of your day off to relax since you only get it once every two years it seems..." She said looking back over to him.

Ilaani stopped moving as he laughed? "Huh?, what does? This?" She asked before snuggling him again in an attempt to tickle with a mischievous smile.
Nexus stared bursting into fits of laughter, unable to control himself. "Stop! It really does! Please!" He kept saying.
Hisaki shook his head while Kagami gave him a thumbs up.

"I might have to use that excuse next time at English class. Anyways we are heading to .. um..."

Hisaki finished her sentence " Combat class"

"Oh yeah... or we can go to the pool!!" Kagami chimed.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"I dunno." Salvador said "I'm kinda in a free period... because I'm ditching math class. First-day stuff is always boring, I'll just head over at the last minute and say I jammed the door to my dorm and I couldn't get in there to get my stuff."

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Kisaki said:
Hisaki shook his head while Kagami gave him a thumbs up.
"I might have to use that excuse next time at English class. Anyways we are heading to .. um..."

Hisaki finished her sentence " Combat class"

"Oh yeah... or we can go to the pool!!" Kagami chimed.
"That'd be a good idea," Salvador said, "But unfortunately I guess I can't join you guys. My last Jammer swimsuit because super grey and ripped down the middle, so I can't wear it." Other than that, putting on waterproof stuff on his gas mask is a pain in the arse.
"Aww..Wait a minute. We throw a pool party on Saturday. It will be awesome . ". The school hasn't had a party she thought. Plus she finally be able to show off her amazing body.

"I don't think we can do that Kagami. The principal won't be happy with loud music ." Hisaki turned to Salvador.

"You could always go to the student store. They sell everything in there with a low price. "

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"That'd be a good idea," Salvador said, "But unfortunately I guess I can't join you guys. My last Jammer swimsuit because super grey and ripped down the middle, so I can't wear it." Other than that, putting on waterproof stuff on his gas mask is a pain in the arse.

Kisaki said:
"Aww..Wait a minute. We throw a pool party on Saturday. It will be awesome . ". The school hasn't had a party she thought. Plus she finally be able to show off her amazing body.
"I don't think we can do that Kagami. The principal won't be happy with loud music ." Hisaki turned to Salvador.

"You could always go to the student store. They sell everything in there with a low price. "
"I'd eat a bullet before that happens. To me, student stores are just rip offs. I swear, pencil lead only costs 75 cents at most, yet, a student store sells them for 2 dollars!" Salvador shakes his head "If I'm wrong, I'm not eating a bullet. It's not healthy for the body."

Extremely bored out of his mind, and with Wylie still studying telekinesis, Roy heads outside, walking around the school campus.
"I don't have to worry about lead or pencils. I usually steal lead from students". Kagami never really spent money on school supplies. She just persuade students to give her stuff.

"It's better than nothing. And Kagami, you should be ashamed of yourself. Stealing is bad'.Hisaki sighed. Kagami can be a troublesome person. Especially when fighting.

"We must go to class" he started to drag Kagami with him.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]
"I'd eat a bullet before that happens. To me, student stores are just rip offs. I swear, pencil lead only costs 75 cents at most, yet, a student store sells them for 2 dollars!" Salvador shakes his head "If I'm wrong, I'm not eating a bullet. It's not healthy for the body."
Extremely bored out of his mind, and with Wylie still studying telekinesis, Roy heads outside, walking around the school campus.

Kisaki said:
"I don't have to worry about lead or pencils. I usually steal lead from students". Kagami never really spent money on school supplies. She just persuade students to give her stuff.
"It's better than nothing. And Kagami, you should be ashamed of yourself. Stealing is bad'.Hisaki sighed. Kagami can be a troublesome person. Especially when fighting.

"We must go to class" he started to drag Kagami with him.
"Stealing isn't exactly bad if you have a perfectly logical reason!" Salvador said, then said "If you must go now, I guess this is see you later?"

Kagami waved bye at Salvador.

"Bye !" She yelled.

Hisaki let go of Kagami's arm.

"So , I need a partner for this class?.

"Yep" replied Kagami.

"I need to finish a battle here anyway. I wonder if he's here" she added.

"So, I'm out of luck for now. I'll just watch if he comes". Hisaki sat on the grass.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]
"Stealing isn't exactly bad if you have a perfectly logical reason!" Salvador said, then said "If you must go now, I guess this is see you later?"

Kisaki said:
Kagami waved bye at Salvador.
"Bye !" She yelled.

Hisaki let go of Kagami's arm.

"So , I need a partner for this class?.

"Yep" replied Kagami.

"I need to finish a battle here anyway. I wonder if he's here" she added.

"So, I'm out of luck for now. I'll just watch if he comes". Hisaki sat on the grass.
Salvador leaves, passing by a person wearing a ring "Good afternoon." he called out in passing greeting.

Roy nods to Salvador, not realizing who it is, and continues on his way. He passes by where Hisaki and Kagami are.
Kagami was stretching. She looked to her side to see Roy.

"Hey, You!" She ran up to him.

"We have to finish that battle. " she put her hands to her hips. Hisaki looked over quickly to see who Kagami is talking to. He then layed back down on the grass and took out his book.

"Kagami " he sighed

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]
Salvador leaves, passing by a person wearing a ring "Good afternoon." he called out in passing greeting.
Roy nods to Salvador, not realizing who it is, and continues on his way. He passes by where Hisaki and Kagami are.

Kisaki said:
Kagami was stretching. She looked to her side to see Roy.
"Hey, You!" She ran up to him.

"We have to finish that battle. " she put her hands to her hips. Hisaki looked over quickly to see who Kagami is talking to. He then layed back down on the grass and took out his book.

"Kagami " he sighed
Roy gives a glance of amusement to Hiaski, raising his eyebrows as in 'wah?'

He then decides to attempt to make Kagami mad, "Battle? What battle?" he falls silent for a moment, looks downwards, then raises his head, and says "Oh, that one! Well, you already yielded, so technically it's over, with me winning." he gives a false smile. Of course, he would never gloat, but this seemed like a good prank time.
"That's not fair. I just took a break!" She pouted. " Besides , I was just holding back. I promise to give it my all " she stood there looking at Roy with her Crimson red eyes.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy gives a glance of amusement to Hiaski, raising his eyebrows as in 'wah?'
He then decides to attempt to make Kagami mad, "Battle? What battle?" he falls silent for a moment, looks downwards, then raises his head, and says "Oh, that one! Well, you already yielded, so technically it's over, with me winning." he gives a false smile. Of course, he would never gloat, but this seemed like a good prank time.

Kisaki said:
"That's not fair. I just took a break!" She pouted. " Besides , I was just holding back. I promise to give it my all " she stood there looking at Roy with her Crimson red eyes.
"..." Roy said. He wasn't sure whether to accept or deny this challenge. Kagami seemed like she wanted to kill him. Well, that would be illegal.

Roy finds something to say, "You can't 'take a break' in a tournament match. Exhaustion is something that makes people lose!" to be honest, he was exhausted himself.
"I wasn't exhausted. ..Just hungry" Kagami had vampire blood in her. She had satisfy her blood issue before she vampire crazy on her opponent.

"I promise I won't kill you " she gave him the puppy eyes.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"..." Roy said. He wasn't sure whether to accept or deny this challenge. Kagami seemed like she wanted to kill him. Well, that would be illegal.
Roy finds something to say, "You can't 'take a break' in a tournament match. Exhaustion is something that makes people lose!" to be honest, he was exhausted himself.

Lumina said:



Lumina glanced over at Kenji as his form changed, trying to remember if she had seen it before or not. Was it during training, or...? Well, either way, she could tell that he was definitely more prepared for a fight now. He definitely seemed more confident and excited, and the phoenix couldn't help but wonder just how much stronger he was since they last were in a situation like this. Sure all they were doing is training, but Lumina had a feeling he wasn't going to go easy on her. After all, she wasn't completely useless in a fight anymore. Kenji was a battle-hardened man, so it would make sense he'd know how to best make her better equipped to fight, or mainly to defend herself. Lumina could never imagine voluntarily wanting to fight someone.

Soon enough, Akira made an announcement, that class was beginning, and that he and Mr. Nefearne were going to be observing the fights happen. Well, some students had already jumped the gun, having noticed a muscular boy hurriedly carrying off a limp, bleeding girl. The sight made her nervous. Wasn't this just a class? She didn't think things would get that intense... would they? Well, since class was actually starting now, Lumina guessed that she should actually start getting prepared to train with her pair. Letting go of his hand, she walked a little bit away from Kenji, turning to face him once she was about 15 or so feet away.
"I guess that means things are starting, so I should get ready, shouldn't I?"

The moment her words were done, Lumina's appearance seemed to change again. Her black hair turned to a bright red, her eyes glowing the same shade. A black jacket manifested itself and she pulled it on, in one smooth practiced motion. She held out her hands and flames appeared, moving themselves into an elongated shape. A sword soon formed from them, and Lumina grasped it, swinging it to get a better grip. Flames seemed to drip from the swords edges during its swing, highlighting the bright red hue of her eyes. She looked at Kenji with a determined expression, her stance acting as if she hadn't been overwhelmed by the idea of combat only momens before. It seemed this form held confidence that Lumina normally lacked.
"So, how are we doing this?" she asked, curious what Kenji had in store for her during their training.

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...ΨKenji soon heard Akira's announcement to begin sparring. With the same grin remaining on his face, he turned towards Lumina who had previously spoken to him and increased the space between then by fifteen feet. To reply to Lumina's question, Kenji nodded and at that moment, he watched Lumina's form change one more. He observed her hair change from black to red, and then the manifestation of a fiery blade. Kenji couldn't help but feel his Sanctum blood boil in anticipation of the battle. He had learned a lot of techniques through his training, along with two new forms. Of course, one of them was reserved for a red alert situation, which he hoped would never occur. The form he now stood in was his standard combat form, one of which he'd used numerous times before. The main difference being that this time, Kenji had full control over his power, so there was no possibility of him accidentally releasing too much power during his and his pair's sparring session. His eyes flashed a glowing red colour as his excitement continued to grow. Without wasting any time, Kenji replied to his beloved pairΨ...

First, let's gauge your ability to fight. I'm gonna come at you, so prepare to defend yourself.

...ΨWith that said, Kenji's feet propelled his body forward, slightly cracking the ground beneath his feet. He sprinted along the ground towards Lumina, his irises burning a glowing hot red colour. It had been quite a while since he'd last felt the rush of battle, and it seemed that this sparring session would quench his thirst, regardless if it was simply a mock battle. As he charged towards her, he raised his fist and engulfed it within his fire, shortly before he threw it towards bodyΨ...

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Kisaki said:
"I wasn't exhausted. ..Just hungry" Kagami had vampire blood in her. She had satisfy her blood issue before she vampire crazy on her opponent.
"I promise I won't kill you " she gave him the puppy eyes.
"..." said Roy, once again, then he replies "Fine. Once." He glares at Kagami "You take first move."
JJKab said:
Gregory smiled lightly, as they went on.
"Welp, it's been a while since I ate here" Gregory exclaimed, looking at Serene. How her clothing didn't grab anyone's attention?
''Ah...Kind of a while here too~''

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