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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"Wait...I have to change" she touched her sun necklace summoning her clothes and scythe . She sinned the scythe in hand and slammed onto the ground causing the floor to shake.

"Here I go" she swang her scythe at Roy.

(Link for new battling uniform: )

Redirect Notice

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro sighed limping towards the school as he did so. He had to admit, his sisters were pretty good, especially as a team. From whay he saw though, Assana didn't think too high of her fighting abilities which sort of upset him. Their father was a good fighter and they were pretty strong so it confused him. The boy's thoughts were quickly washed away by a sharp pain that shot through his ankle when he put his foot out in a weird position. "Damn..." He said as he kneeled down and wrapped his hands around his ankles. "That fall..." He said quietly to himself before he stood up, only using one foot to stand.

Now on the move again, Alejandro was closer to the main building than before. The limping was even more noticeable than before this time, but he came to a stop as he noticed someone going in the same direction. It was Astrid, and he found himself smiling a little at the sight of her, "Astrid? Seems you slipped up during combat class too." He said, joking about their injuries. He had stopped limping towards the school, waiting to see if the red headed girl would pay him any attention. He figured she would be upset still from how he acted earlier, but he remembered their assignment so he at least wanted to fix things.

More Info

Location: Schoolyard

Mood: Calm

Status: On his way into the building

Objective: Go to the nurse

Interacting with: Astrid

Tags: @Lumina

@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





Lance blinked and stalled momentarily, turning to gape at Haruo.

"The hell kind of fetishes do you have man?!?!? I'm not gay!!!!"

Diving to the side and out of the way of Haruo's sprint, Lance fired off a number of rounds, still worked up about Haruo's comment and it's implications.
JJKab said:
"Oh, no I won't. You're like butter: You taste good with everything" Lena exclaimed, smiling slyly, biting her lower lip teasingly
Shuu pouted and frowned. "No flirtinggggg! I'm trying to eat!" He said.
Mayyflower said:
Harper smiled. "Thank you babe" she says sweetly
Lillith crept down the stairs and peeked her head around the corner and looked into the kitchen
Hiro laughed nervously and whispered softly to Harper. "Should we try and teach her about love or should we just keep quiet?" He asked her.
@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





Lance smirked and held his gun perpendicular to his body before muttering under his breath,

"Point Blank"

Then by manipulating the space and distance between them, he fired the gun when it was an inch away from Haruo's foot. As the smoke began to clear, he muttered once more under his breath,


His presence suppressed and physical form gone, no one stood where Lance had once been in the smoke cloud.
Kisaki said:
"Wait...I have to change" she touched her sun necklace summoning her clothes and scythe . She sinned the scythe in hand and slammed onto the ground causing the floor to shake.
"Here I go" she swang her scythe at Roy.

(Link for new battling uniform: )

Redirect Notice
Roy dodges out of the way of the scythe. He doesn't attack. He plans to catch Kagami off guard.
Kagami furrows here eyebrows. He didn't attack. Her scythe glows. She pulls it apart making two guns.

"I've learned somethings while you were gone."she aimed her guns at Roy shooting dark bullets. Long range attacks don't take a lot of energy to use she thought. She'll save some energy for later.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy dodges out of the way of the scythe. He doesn't attack. He plans to catch Kagami off guard.

Kisaki said:
Kagami furrows here eyebrows. He didn't attack. Her scythe glows. She pulls it apart making two guns.
"I've learned somethings while you were gone."she aimed her guns at Roy shooting dark bullets. Long range attacks don't take a lot of energy to use she thought. She'll save some energy for later.
Roy smiles lightly. He makes a small shield where he ducks behind, the bullets missing or hitting the shield. Once again, he doesn't attack. Unless you count standing up and raising an eyebrow, "Really? That all you got?" He smiled, having the perfect plan in mind.
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"Jeez, why aren't you attacking" . She aims a shot at Roy's leg. She then summons blade weapons . They float around her with redish aura surronding them. She points her finger at Roy making the blades fly directly at him.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy smiles lightly. He makes a small shield where he ducks behind, the bullets missing or hitting the shield. Once again, he doesn't attack. Unless you count standing up and raising an eyebrow, "Really? That all you got?" He smiled, having the perfect plan in mind.

Kisaki said:
"Jeez, why aren't you attacking" . She aims a shot at Roy's leg. She then summons blade weapons . They float around her with redish aura surronding them. She points her finger at Roy making the blades fly directly at him.
Roy dodges the shot, barely, and draws his sword to try to fend off the blades, but one of them gets a cut on him

"Alright. You ready?" he asked, then thrusted out his hands. A figure forms out of dark magic, his hair curly with handsome features, and holds a giant greatsword in its hand. the dark figure swipes out at Kagami. At the same time, Roy draws his scimitar and charges at Kagami



"Oh great!" .Kagami jumps over the dark figure's attack . She summoned her blades back to her and aims her weapons at him again. She summons a dark shield waiting for the attack to hit. "Hmm...good try!"she said as she pushes her black hair back.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy dodges the shot, barely, and draws his sword to try to fend off the blades, but one of them gets a cut on him
"Alright. You ready?" he asked, then thrusted out his hands. A figure forms out of dark magic, his hair curly with handsome features, and holds a giant greatsword in its hand. the dark figure swipes out at Kagami. At the same time, Roy draws his scimitar and charges at Kagami





Nico got her nails done pretty quick since it was just a simple color and shine for the top coat. She had her nails under the thing where it dries your nails faster. She looked over towards Moonstone.

"You liking it so far?"

She smiled brightly.

"I was thinking of just going back to school since you weren't really up for the spa anyways.."

She said, biting her lower lip slightly.
charleen said:
Nico got her nails done pretty quick since it was just a simple color and shine for the top coat. She had her nails under the thing where it dries your nails faster. She looked over towards Moonstone.
"You liking it so far?"

She smiled brightly.

"I was thinking of just going back to school since you weren't really up for the spa anyways.."

She said, biting her lower lip slightly.


"Yes, we should head back to school afterwards, else we'll get in trouble for skipping out classes." Moonstone responded as the person working their nails were putting on the finishing touches. It took a few minutes for him to finally finish up, and when they were done they stood up and admired their nails.

"Would you like me to transport both you and me to the school and your car to the parking lot or... would you rather ride in the car?" they asked, hoping that they didn't have to force themself into such a tight vehicle.

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Extra Information


The spa




Talking to Nico


Go back to school with Nico

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:





"Yeah, you should transport us back,"

She said, slightly bummed. Nico had a feeling they were uncomfortable with the tight space of her tiny vehicle, but she found driving relaxing.

"Well I'm ready,"

She said, getting up and walking over to the exit. She quickly found her car and stood by it.

"Are you sure you can transport us and my car back?"

She asked anxiously.
charleen said:
"Yeah, you should transport us back,"
She said, slightly bummed. Nico had a feeling they were uncomfortable with the tight space of her tiny vehicle, but she found driving relaxing.

"Well I'm ready,"

She said, getting up and walking over to the exit. She quickly found her car and stood by it.

"Are you sure you can transport us and my car back?"

She asked anxiously.


"I wouldn't transport us if I didn't feel confident. All I have to do is imagine where I'll be transporting us and your car, and then we'll be there quickly and safely." Moonstone explained while following Nico. They made sure to do a few breathing exercises before teleporting both Nico and them to the front of the school, while teleporting the car to an empty parking space where Nico last left it before taking them to the spa.

"Are you okay?" Moonstone asked, hoping they didn't screw something up when teleporting the two.

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Extra Information


Fantasy High's Entrance




Talking to Nico, Teleporting Nico and themself to school


Get back to class before being marked off as late

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


charleen said:
Nico nodded, smiling. She gave them a thumbs up for reassurance.
"Yeah, I'm fine, but is my car fine?"

She asked, still slightly worried.


"I'm sure it is, and if it isn't for some unlikely reason, I could just make you a new one, right?" Moonstone asked confidently. "Anyways, we better get to class." they said as they began to walk away and towards the combat class area.

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Extra Information


Fantasy High's Entrance




Talking to Nico


Go to combat class, Convince Nico everything is okay

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:





Nico sighed softly.

"Make another one.. yeah sure,"

She skipped to catch up with them. Nico was sure they were going back to that combat class. Are they still partners she thought. She didn't want to ask either just in case they weren't then that would make things awkward.

"I think this time I'm ready to fight.. yeah!"

She said, happily giggling.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu pouted and frowned. "No flirtinggggg! I'm trying to eat!" He said.
Lena laughed, and soon nodded, eating her sandvich.

"Suuuuure. You're still getting teased later on" She said, smirking slyly.
charleen said:
Nico sighed softly.
"Make another one.. yeah sure,"

She skipped to catch up with them. Nico was sure they were going back to that combat class. Are they still partners she thought. She didn't want to ask either just in case they weren't then that would make things awkward.

"I think this time I'm ready to fight.. yeah!"

She said, happily giggling.


"Great! I'm a bit worried about my fighting skills when it comes to powers. I'll probably just use my physical stregnth over everything else." Moonstone admitted as they walked side-by-side with Nico.

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Extra Information


Fantasy High School


Happy, Anxious


Talking to Nico


Going to Combat Class with Nico

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:









Last time they trained together, Kenji wasn't even fighting. All he was doing was giving her instructions on how to better control her powers. He had never really used his powers against her before in a combat-like situation, so this was a totally new experience. Before he moved, Lumina could already tell how at home Kenji was in a combat environment. It was a lot different out here than where she was used to being with him, so really, she truly had no idea what to expect.

Of course, Kenji was fast. This was one thing that Lumina expected, given how powerful she could only guess he was. For the moment, seeing him move meant she had to put herself in a defensive stance for the moment. Her feet dug a bit into the ground and her gaze narrowed, trying to keep focus on his movements. Even though it was just training, any lack of focus would probably end badly. Her body instinctively noticed the buildup of heat in his fist, an idea popping into her head about how to counter it. This was what a fight was, right? An increased heart rate, higher sensitivity of what's going on around you, a rush of adrenaline, you vs. them. Lumina was still undecided on if she liked it or not. She was leaning toward not.

The fire came toward her, and Lumina's first reaction was to dodge out of the way. She looked over shoulder before making a 180° immediate turn and absorbing his fireball into her sword, merging it with her own fire before pushing off the ground and rushing toward Kenji using both the strength of her legs and wings. Her sword was held in an offensive stance that signaled she was preparing to strike back, aiming to make contact with his side as their bodies passed each other. Lumina hoped that her new burst of speed and smaller stature would allow for her to get a strike in. Even if Kenji was able to counter, which she guessed he would, at least she was trying to fight back.

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@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]





Lance blinked as the rock flew straight at him before suddenly dropping off, having fallen short of reaching him by a few dozen miles. Thinking about the situation once more, and Haruo's apparent bullet proofness, Lance thought of a solution and smirked as he began to organize plans. All around Lance, dozens of vanished copies of him began appearing and circling around Haruo, moving to different positions around him. Then manipulating distance once more, Lance trailed his fingers across Haruo's neck and whispered in his ear, "Good doggies listen to their masters you know..."

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