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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

charleen said:
Nico didn't take their hand, but instead used the watch and turned it on which knocked them out a few feet from her. She stood up, wiping her some dirt off her.
"I wanted you to feel like I was helpless.."

She said, trying not to laugh.

"Well I'm not,"

She smirked slightly. Nico stood over them and pressed down on their chest with her left foot. The whole fighting thing is slowly making sense for her. She's started to enjoy it.


Moonstone felt like their pride was hit with the shield than themself, and was almost tempted to actually get serious with their fighting against Nico. They once again had to admit that they ignorant took Nico for a weaker person than she actually was, even after she used her powers on their blood. Still, even though she had her foot on Moonstone's chest, she didn't hold down their hair or arms, and Moonstone immediately took that chance to release themself. They calmed themself down from their hurt pride and began to focus on their abilities and countering Nico.

Worrying less about their pride at this point, and more about how Nico's foot was too close to their gemstone they attempted to grab Nico's body and pick her up so her foot would be off their chest. They didn't attempt to hold her up too high, or throw her, but they did try to grip her tightly and carry her high enough so she couldn't hurt them, much less their gemstone. Moonstone regretted not telling her earlier about how their gemstone worked, and realized that if she pressed any further on their chest this combat practice would've ended with them being accidentally killed.

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Combat Class




Trying to keep Nico from crushing their gemstone


Practice combat and defense with Nico, Don't get killed by Nico

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Lumina said:


Last time they trained together, Kenji wasn't even fighting. All he was doing was giving her instructions on how to better control her powers. He had never really used his powers against her before in a combat-like situation, so this was a totally new experience. Before he moved, Lumina could already tell how at home Kenji was in a combat environment. It was a lot different out here than where she was used to being with him, so really, she truly had no idea what to expect.

Of course, Kenji was fast. This was one thing that Lumina expected, given how powerful she could only guess he was. For the moment, seeing him move meant she had to put herself in a defensive stance for the moment. Her feet dug a bit into the ground and her gaze narrowed, trying to keep focus on his movements. Even though it was just training, any lack of focus would probably end badly. Her body instinctively noticed the buildup of heat in his fist, an idea popping into her head about how to counter it. This was what a fight was, right? An increased heart rate, higher sensitivity of what's going on around you, a rush of adrenaline, you vs. them. Lumina was still undecided on if she liked it or not. She was leaning toward not.

The fire came toward her, and Lumina's first reaction was to dodge out of the way. She looked over shoulder before making a 180° immediate turn and absorbing his fireball into her sword, merging it with her own fire before pushing off the ground and rushing toward Kenji using both the strength of her legs and wings. Her sword was held in an offensive stance that signaled she was preparing to strike back, aiming to make contact with his side as their bodies passed each other. Lumina hoped that her new burst of speed and smaller stature would allow for her to get a strike in. Even if Kenji was able to counter, which she guessed he would, at least she was trying to fight back.

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...Haruo looked around at the duplicates of Lance, his purple irises constantly shifting between the combatants. He grinned just after Lance spoke, his powers soon exploding outwards into a violent whirlwind which sent the duplicates spiralling away from him and into multiple nearby trees. His grin remained as he replied to Lance, the whirlwind continuing to spin around him≭...

Let's step it up a notch.

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Nico gasped and fell on her back when Moonstone stood up. She knew that they were going to catch her or something. She still tried crawling away as fast as she can, but it was too late. She was captured in their arms. She started squirming, but their grip was too firm. She gave up, sighing heavily.

"Uhh you got me.."
charleen said:
Nico gasped and fell on her back when Moonstone stood up. She knew that they were going to catch her or something. She still tried crawling away as fast as she can, but it was too late. She was captured in their arms. She started squirming, but their grip was too firm. She gave up, sighing heavily.
"Uhh you got me.."


Moonstone let go of Nico, but not before putting a shield around themself to prevent Nico from trying to attack them. The shield wasn't well made and was just used so they could focus on what was going on around them and what they were going to say to Nico. They were so focused on their own fight and saving themself they didn't notice the other students fighting and how amazing they looked, especially compared to what Moonstone was doing. Jealous of how bright and amazing the other's students powers were, one even knocking back clones into trees, they tried to focus on what they really needed to say to Nico.

After Moonstone stopped admiring the other students fighting they sat down and relaxed, mentally relaxing more than physically. "Sorry, sorry. I should have told you this earlier, but, um, please don't touch my gemstone. It's, uh... if it gets shattered I die." they explained. "If it gets cracked I just retreat into it to give myself more time to heal myself correctly, but mostly for a break most of the time."

Once they revealed that they felt ready to continue combat training. They never liked talking about that weakness in case people tried to exploit it, and they were still figuring out ways to overcome that fatal flaw. Moonstone planned to possibly move the gemstone somewhere less obvious, and if they could, take it off of them and send it to their storage so no one could harm it. They didn't want to risk getting themself killed by their own recklessness though, so they never tried that plan. Instead, Moonstone just accepted where their gemstone was placed and was happy it wasn't on their hand or face, but instead an area they could cover with clothes or armor if necessary.

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Combat Class




Talking to Nico, Preparing themself to continue combat training


Continue combat training

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:





Nico quickly stood up again. She crossed her arms, listening to their spiel. With that said, reality came back to her. She didn't realize Moonstone death could've been cause by her. She looked down at her hands with disgust. Nico started tearing up slowly, and she even got to her knees. She was so indulged in fighting she didn't realize she went too far.

"I'm so sorry!! I can't believe I almost did that,"

She said, sobbing slightly.

"Ughhh, I hate doing this!"

She pouted. She laid back down.

"There! you can hit me back!!"
charleen said:
Nico quickly stood up again. She crossed her arms, listening to their spiel. With that said, reality came back to her. She didn't realize Moonstone death could've been cause by her. She looked down at her hands with disgust. Nico started tearing up slowly, and she even got to her knees. She was so indulged in fighting she didn't realize she went too far.
"I'm so sorry!! I can't believe I almost did that,"

She said, sobbing slightly.

"Ughhh, I hate doing this!"

She pouted. She laid back down.

"There! you can hit me back!!"


Surprised by Nico's distressed reaction and her stating she wanted to be hit, Moonstone simply declined. "I'm not going to hit you. It was a mistake and I should've told you about my gemstone earlier to prevent this." they said as they approached Nico. They sat beside her, hoping their words calmed her down and made her feel better. "Let's take a break, okay? Then we can continue on later when you feel better."

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Combat Class




Trying to calm Nico


Calm Nico

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


charleen said:
"No, we can't keep stopping!"
She whined. Nico sat up, facing Moonstone.

"Please fight me?"

She pleaded, taking their hand.

"And I mean it this time.."


"Okay, okay. I'm not going to get payback for what happened earlier, but I will spar with you still. " Moonstone sighed.

They weren't going to go easy on Nico this time now that they knew how tricky she could be, but they didn't intend on seriously fighting her either. They stood up and formed their staff into a shield similar to how the staff looked. Black with a small blue blaze circling the shield with a blue and white crescent moon in the middle, it looked like it could be used for both defense and blunt offense. They put some distance between themself and Nico, before preparing themself for sparring.

Once Moonstone was prepared they waited for Nico to also prepare themself. While they waited, they thought over Nico's previous attack, and also thought about what she would do next. They tried to plan out what they could do to fight against Nico and defend against her too from what she has shown. They were pretty excited to continue on the fight, and tried to think up new ways to fight against Nico. Though Moonstone wasn't the best at using their powers, imagining and being creative was what they were born to do.

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Combat Class




Preparing to spar with Nico


Continue combat training with Nico

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:





Nico smiled and jumped up in joy. She giggled, getting ready for her next blow. Honestly, she ran out of things to do, but she charged towards them anyway. Then, it hit her. She had the ability to communicate with animals since she was an animal fairy, so she whistled, calling small birds over. She told them to peck and annoy the best as they can to Moonstone. This is will act as a distraction, so Nico can think of something. The bird flew over towards Moonstone. The birds surrounded them, and started to peck and nip at them. They were harmless for the most part, but the birds were irritating.
Kagami walks over to Roy.

She looks down at him.

"Come on! Are you planning to lay down all day. You have a few more minutes until I start throwing my blades at you."

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Wylie, back at the dorm, was busy studying when his Skype rang. Immediately recognizing the number, he picked it up, "Hello?" he asked
"Hey," Roy said, walking off the battlegrounds to talk with Wylie privately "You remember the girl you fought earlier that day?"

Wylie, kinda lost, took a while to think before saying "Yeah?"

"She is bent on a goal to beat me, I'm certain I really don't want to get beat. I know I normally go unarmored, as that is my fighting style, but a magicked chainmail can't do too much harm, nay?"

Wylie nodded, even though he knew Roy wouldn't see, "Alright. I'll get your chain mail. Do you need anything else?"

Roy thought for a moment, then said, "Prof James Stone's Pokeballs."

Wylie nods again, and packs the items up and heads over to the battlegrounds

Roy comes back and looks at Kagami, "Give me a minute." he then plucks a blade of grass out of the ground, sticks it between his teeth, and lays down on the ground

(I can (

Jack was leaning against the wall in the main building. Occasionally, there is a few girls who are tempted to pet and touch his ears.

"Your too cute!" one of the girls poked his ears.

"mmm" Jack covered his face with his book.

CERBERUS177 said:
(You want to start or...?)
Kisaki said:
(I can (
Jack was leaning against the wall in the main building. Occasionally, there is a few girls who are tempted to pet and touch his ears.

"Your too cute!" one of the girls poked his ears.

"mmm" Jack covered his face with his book.
Serena started steak's, she decided to don a black tank top with a rise against emblem on it, and some shorts, plus an apron while she cooked. She was playing said band on her sound system, of course she'll turn it off when Jack get's here, she doesn't know if he'll like the music.
Kisaki said:
Kagami walks over to Roy.
She looks down at him.

"Come on! Are you planning to lay down all day. You have a few more minutes until I start throwing my blades at you."
"What?" Roy looks slightly alarmed for a moment. Just a moment. Wylie sprints over, almost crashing into Kagami, but not. Roy got up, nodding to Wylie. Wylie grins, dropping a sack on the ground.

"I owe you one" Roy told Wylie. Wylie, not even out of breath, runs back to the dorms to slack off.,

"Gimme a moment." Roy said to Kagami, then hides behind a bush, taking off his lab coat and putting on the shining gold chain mail, and apparently leg pads and leg armor, as Wylie didn't unpack the last items in the sack. He puts the lab coat back on, hiding pokeballs into the pockets of the coat, and steps out, sword drawn, "Alright, I'm ready. Give me your best shot!"


((Wrong version... but I don't care...))
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Jack looked at his watch.

"I have to go.And ladies ..my ears are off limits".he said as he walked away.

The group whined and turn around to leave. Jack reached his room.

He put on new clothing and headed out the door. He reached Serena's dorm and knocked on the door.

Redirect Notice

(Outfit link)

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena started steak's, she decided to don a black tank top with a rise against emblem on it, and some shorts, plus an apron while she cooked. She was playing said band on her sound system, of course she'll turn it off when Jack get's here, she doesn't know if he'll like the music.
Kagami steps away from Wylie.

"You almost ran into me!" . She then watches as Roy runs to the bush.

"You don't have a transformation phase? Every anime character at least has that". She transformed her two guns into katanas. " Come at me" as she watches Roy step out of the bish.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"What?" Roy looks slightly alarmed for a moment. Just a moment. Wylie sprints over, almost crashing into Kagami, but not. Roy got up, nodding to Wylie. Wylie grins, dropping a sack on the ground.
"I owe you one" Roy told Wylie. Wylie, not even out of breath, runs back to the dorms to slack off.,

"Gimme a moment." Roy said to Kagami, then hides behind a bush, taking off his lab coat and putting on the shining gold chain mail, and apparently leg pads and leg armor, as Wylie didn't unpack the last items in the sack. He puts the lab coat back on, hiding pokeballs into the pockets of the coat, and steps out, sword drawn, "Alright, I'm ready. Give me your best shot!"


((Wrong version... but I don't care...))

Kisaki said:
Jack looked at his watch.
"I have to go.And ladies ..my ears are off limits".he said as he walked away.

The group whined and turn around to leave. Jack reached his room.

He put on new clothing and headed out the door. He reached Serena's dorm and knocked on the door.

Redirect Notice

(Outfit link)
Serena heard the knock and turned the sound system off, took the steaks off and into the oven, on a good 85 degree heat, so they stay warm, then she took her apron off and went to open the door, smiling when she saw Jack, "Hey, come on in, make yourself at home..." She said and opened it more for him to get come inside.
Kisaki said:
Kagami steps away from Wylie.
"You almost ran into me!" . She then watches as Roy runs to the bush.

"You don't have a transformation phase? Every anime character at least has that". She transformed her two guns into katanas. " Come at me" as she watches Roy step out of the bish.
"Sorry, I'm not anime." Roy shrugs ((He actually originated in the Terraria Community Forums, so he's technically a 2-d character out of pixelated blocks. But most Terraria Community Forum characters are just like World of Warcraft characters or something. But anyways, he's Terrarian, not anime.))

Roy gracefully leaps at Kagami, sword in the position to slash horizontally at her


((Until Kagami attacks, this is his theme... because I'm lazy to go to my find the right theme))
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"Thanks for inviting me" he walks into her room. He always wondered how a girl's room looks like. He seemed similar to his. He bought a present for Serena. It was a necklace. He planned to give it to her when she was finish cooking.He sat on a chair and put his bag on the floor.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena heard the knock and turned the sound system off, took the steaks off and into the oven, on a good 85 degree heat, so they stay warm, then she took her apron off and went to open the door, smiling when she saw Jack, "Hey, come on in, make yourself at home..." She said and opened it more for him to get come inside.
" Of course , I knew that!" . She jumps toward Roy . Clashing her weapons with his. She jumps back and throws another blade at him.

(I guess I have to look at his character profile)

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"Sorry, I'm not anime." Roy shrugs ((He actually originated in the Terraria Community Forums, so he's technically a 2-d character out of pixelated blocks. But most Terraria Community Forum characters are just like World of Warcraft characters or something. But anyways, he's Terrarian, not anime.))
Roy gracefully leaps at Kagami, sword in the position to slash horizontally at her


((Until Kagami attacks, this is his theme... because I'm lazy to go to my find the right theme))

Kisaki said:
"Thanks for inviting me" he walks into her room. He always wondered how a girl's room looks like. He seemed similar to his. He bought a present for Serena. It was a necklace. He planned to give it to her when she was finish cooking.He sat on a chair and put his bag on the floor.
"N-No problem!" She said and closed the door, then took a seat somewhat next to him, "So, mom made the cake and it's waiting at the bakery. So,do you want to get it then go enjoy it in the park? Or do you want to come back here?" She asked though she thinks it's a weird question.
Kisaki said:
" Of course , I knew that!" . She jumps toward Roy . Clashing her weapons with his. She jumps back and throws another blade at him.
(I guess I have to look at his character profile)
At the close range, the blade smashes into Roy's chest, sending him flying backward. He gets back up, unharmed because of the chain mail shirt, and grins. He shoots a few darkness darts at Kagami, waiting for her next move.


((Where would you look for his profile? The Google Docs link in my signature? I need to add up a lot of stuff in that thing.))

((Noooo.... the first time, I got the wrong fricken song... Fixed now))
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"I never been to the park. I'll go with the first choice."he said. He took out a small case and handed it to Serena.

"Here's a thank you present. I enjoyed the Ice cream you bought me. My sister unfortunately stole the rest of my ice cream"

(Necklace link)

Redirect Notice

The necklace was a sliver Phoenix bird facing a red gem.

CERBERUS177 said:
"N-No problem!" She said and closed the door, then took a seat somewhat next to him, "So, mom made the cake and it's waiting at the bakery. So,do you want to get it then go enjoy it in the park? Or do you want to come back here?" She asked though she thinks it's a weird question.
Kisaki said:
"I never been to the park. I'll go with the first choice."he said. He took out a small case and handed it to Serena.
"Here's a thank you present. I enjoyed the Ice cream you bought me. My sister unfortunately stole the rest of my ice cream"

(Necklace link)

Redirect Notice

The necklace was a sliver Phoenix bird facing a red gem.
(Never thought I'd want a female necklace, wow it looks nice ) Serena's face lit up, covering her nose and mouth with both hands, "W-W-Wow! Oh my gosh! Jack this is... Wow! " she loved the way it looked, "Are... Are you sure you want me to have this?" she asked, seeing that it looked very expensive. Her heart was racing with so much feelings and emotions, she didn't know what else to do.

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