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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nona said:
Ariel frowned lightly, noticing how scared the girl was "Its okay" she said softly "I'm not going to hurt you or anything" she said with a nod as they reached the infirmary. Knowing the girl was too shy Ariel called for the nurse to tell her what happened instead.
Ollene looked over at the nurse, as she shivered lightly. She sat down on the chair in the infirmary, and briefly explained to the nurse what happened. After a short amount of time, she came out with a small ice bag being held over her temple. The pain began to wear off, as she looked at Ariel, smiling shyly

"T....hanks.... I.... D...di...don't think I... deserve so kindness..." She exclaimed quietly.




Gregory nodded, smiling, as they walked past the combat class, since Moonstone saw it.

"Aight, so shall I get you to the exit, or walk you around a bit more? I'm honestly starting to grow tired..." He exclaimed, chuckling softly

"And I have a girlfriend to see" He added, chuckling softly at the thought of Ariel
JJKab said:
"Aight, so shall I get you to the exit, or walk you around a bit more? I'm honestly starting to grow tired..." He exclaimed, chuckling softly
"And I have a girlfriend to see" He added, chuckling softly at the thought of Ariel


"Oh, I'm so sorry if I was a bother." Moonstone apologized. "Thank you for all your help, I think I can look around by myself now. Next time we see each other maybe I'll bring you a 'thank you' gift."

no slide
no slide
Extra Information


Fantasy High School


Happy, Apologetic


Talking to Gregory


Apologize to Gregory

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:





"Buddy...Don't... Apologize.. for nothing, aight? You did nothing, I just told you that soon I wanted to meet up with my girlfriend" Gregory exclaimed, looking seriously into Moonstone's eyes

"It was really nice to walk you around" He added, patting their shoulder lightly

"Welp, now I'm off. See ya" Greg waved Moonstone, and soon split up with him, heading towards the healing class where Ariel was supposted to be.
Nona said:







Sitting down


Fave Fun

Interacting with:

Luke Shun



~Kairassi Ikeda~

Kairassi smiled brightly at him when he said the table was perfect. Nodding slightly, she let go of his hand that she had still been holding onto and went to the table soon sitting down at it, She sat with her hands placed gently on her lap, her legs swinging back and forth slightly as she smiled, waiting for Luke to sit down as well.

~?Luke Shun?~

Luke sat down and looked at the menu and waited for the waiter. "Are you gonna get what you got last time?" He asks

Extra Info




Talking with Kairassi





Interacting with:




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LunaCrosby said:

..........................................Misaki Ishida

.........................................~Daddy's Little Girl~

Misaki blinked, Alejandro was getting bullied? she really didn't know anything... she was a bad sister for not knowing that this all was going on. "....You saved him?..." was all Misaki asked, her angry attitude had suddenly vanished.

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Interacting with: Name here

Tags: @

May stood there, not really sure on how to answer that
Mayyflower said:
Once Paris was laying down origami wrapped her arms around him, her head on his chest. She closed her eyes and listened to his heart beat
He held her close. He did not mind being her snuggle pillow if it made her feel better. However that did little to remove the crimson blush from his face. But this too was enjoyable.

Jofune Tsurabisu]He held her close. He did not mind being her snuggle pillow if it made her feel better. However that did little to remove the crimson blush from his face. But this too was enjoyable. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16519-mayyflower/ said:
Origami held her head and curled up besides paris
Mayyflower said:
Origami held her head and curled up besides paris
Finally able to speak, he could just ask: "How are you feeling?" The afternoon sun shining into the bedroom, as the dust motes danced in the light like a ballet, he held her close to him. He slipped out of his uniform coat and undershirt, so he can be more comfortable. But mostly to feel her warmth mingle with his. This moment, born from illness, has become a treasured moment. He stroked her head, moving strands of hair from her eyes, as he just existed there to be her body pillow.

[QUOTE="Kirito Kei](Lol, I know. Just thought I'd inject some irony into the mix)
Losing his serious demeanor, Kieran frantically patted himself down and looked astonished when he noticed his wallet was gone.

"How- when did you- man, I really need to pay attention more." Kieran bemusedly shook his head and shook his head as he bent over and picked up his wallet (he didn't seem to register that the money wasn't there). "You clearly have some supernatural ability if you somehow managed to snag my wallet without me noticing. As for your problem with anyone having anything good to steal, I wouldn't know. Though, if you really wanted to, why don't you rob a bank or something?"

((sorry about the wait. I passed out xD ))

Kelpto boredly waved his hand. "Bah... been there, done that. Too easy." Klepto had existed for many years and pulled of heists far larger than any bank robberies. He could talk a begger out of his last dollar and nobles out of fortunes. He had stolen trinkets from kings and treasures from the masses. Was it really any wonder such a thing as a bank robbery would be boring to him?
Nona said:
"You're welcome" he said with a nod and a smile. "See? I told you this place was nice, you look calmer already" he said with a chuckle before taking a sip of his own coffee.
...⊹Lune just took another sip of her coffee⊹...
Nona said:





Slightly conflicted


Talking with C4



Interacting with:



@Wicked Jester

~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna frowned "Right..." So if it wasn't his day off, she be sold off at the drop of a hat. That's why he didn't want to tell her his job. Studying his reactions, he did seem like he truly was sorry, not to mention if their really was an ulterior motive to him bringing her here, he could have just brought in his co-workers as soon as she caught o to what was happening. Her expression softened a little before she spoke again, she wanted to trust his words but was still having a bit of a hard time in trying "But, what if you just don't tell your co-workers about me? Then you wouldn't have to attack me or protect me." She asked as she looked at him, she seemed a bit more calm now, mostly because even though she was still a bit conflicted in her thoughts, she could see he was a nice guy really and was genuinely sad about the predicament he was placed in. And she felt genuinely sorry for him that he couldn't really have friends either because they could get caught up in his work.

C4 was genuinely surprised. She thought he was actually going to tell CROSS about her? Why would he be stupid enough to do that. He generally cared about Yuna and wasn't going to do something that would kill her. So when he spoke, there was a hint of surprise in his voice, "I was never going to tell them about you. I was just going to say I ate lunch alone or that you were a normal human girl and they would have believed me." C4 really hoped she believed him when he said that. It was the absolute truth and he would be depressed if she didn't accept it and left. Even though he had mentally prepared himself for her leaving, the thought of it still saddened him.
((No macro because I'm way too tired.)

Kanon grinned as she saw Achille's counterattack. He was good, she'd give him that, and she was definitely up for a challenge. She figured that her dodge wouldn't really do anything, because Achilles was much more battle-worn than she was. And all that her attempt to run behind him and kick him down did was leave her open to Achilles next attack.

His words did make her chuckle a bit though. She did quite like when he called her his little lamb, the name really had grown on her. But lioness... she kinda liked that one too.
"A lion deserves nothing less than a lioness, does he not?" She was starting to really get fired up now, and it seemed Achilles was as well. Thankfully her reflexes were quick enough and the battle had only just begun to where she had enough mental capacity to remember she could do one thing that he could not. Honestly, Kanon was surprised she could even do it herself, until Yumi had told her about it. Right as Achilles was about to close the distance and pounce, Kanon teleported herself above him, bringing her fist to connect with his back, trying to use the momentum of his pounce against him.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((sorry about the wait. I passed out xD ))
Kelpto boredly waved his hand. "Bah... been there, done that. Too easy." Klepto had existed for many years and pulled of heists far larger than any bank robberies. He could talk a begger out of his last dollar and nobles out of fortunes. He had stolen trinkets from kings and treasures from the masses. Was it really any wonder such a thing as a bank robbery would be boring to him?

[/QUOTE] (No worries xD )
"Ah, right..."

Kieran kept forgetting who he was dealing with. Why would someone of this person's caliber rob a simple bank? The boy had managed to go right under Kieran's nose for god's sake! "Doesn't anyone at this school have anything worth stealing? I'm sure there's a vampire or something with a magic medallion or some kind of mystical ring-" Then, a thought made it's way into Kieran's head.

With a mischievous smile on his face, Kieran leaned in closer to the boy and whispered "Wanna make a bet?"
Mayyflower said:
Origami looked at him. "My head still hurts.." She says quietly, she closed her eyes when he started stroking her hair, it made her relax and feel much better.
"That makes me feel better. Besides I have nowhere else to be than right here helping you to get better." he said as he traced his fingers lightly on her neck. "Just relax and work on getting better." he said softly to her.

Lumina said:
((No macro because I'm way too tired.)
Kanon grinned as she saw Achille's counterattack. He was good, she'd give him that, and she was definitely up for a challenge. She figured that her dodge wouldn't really do anything, because Achilles was much more battle-worn than she was. And all that her attempt to run behind him and kick him down did was leave her open to Achilles next attack.

His words did make her chuckle a bit though. She did quite like when he called her his little lamb, the name really had grown on her. But lioness... she kinda liked that one too.
"A lion deserves nothing less than a lioness, does he not?" She was starting to really get fired up now, and it seemed Achilles was as well. Thankfully her reflexes were quick enough and the battle had only just begun to where she had enough mental capacity to remember she could do one thing that he could not. Honestly, Kanon was surprised she could even do it herself, until Yumi had told her about it. Right as Achilles was about to close the distance and pounce, Kanon teleported herself above him, bringing her fist to connect with his back, trying to use the momentum of his pounce against him.
He felt her fist connect and could do little to stop his sudden shift in direction. He met the ground with both fists, causing energy to crackle from the sudden impact to his armor. His back stung harshly. Impervious, Check, Cannot feel pain, negative. He used the impact to spring launch himself upwards by way of sacrificing any chance of surprising her, by frog leaping upwards. His armors tail assisted, but when he was going up and she coming down, before she can do that teleporting thing, his fist connected with her solar plexus. "Love you too, little lamb lioness." he whispered to her as he grabbed her in a bear hug and was intent on pile driving her into the ground.


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