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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Klepto sighed as he stretched, "Being bored as hell, and ya you really do need to work on them, especially if you have to announce that they need work. Right Kieran?"


"Yeah, sorry I sort of lived in the woods for most... wait, how do you know my name?"

Seemingly out of reflex, Kieran got into his battle stance and put his hand on the hilt of Kusanagi, but didn't draw it. He had heard that the people here had some funky powers but this was ridiculous! Could he read minds? Maybe Kieran had met him before but then had his mind erased so he couldn't remember the whole thing?

"You have five seconds to explain how you know me before I slit your throat..."
[QUOTE="Kirito Kei]

"Yeah, sorry I sort of lived in the woods for most... wait, how do you know my name?"

Seemingly out of reflex, Kieran got into his battle stance and put his hand on the hilt of Kusanagi, but didn't draw it. He had heard that the people here had some funky powers but this was ridiculous! Could he read minds? Maybe Kieran had met him before but then had his mind erased so he couldn't remember the whole thing?

"You have five seconds to explain how you know me before I slit your throat..."

((gonna warn you now my friend, there are far more diverse powers than klepto's and you will find mind readers and what not.))

Klepto boredly sighed and threw out a wallet (now missing all traces of money) with Kieran's ID sticking out of the top. "See? This is why I'm so bored, no one here has anything worth taking." As for how Klepto had taken Kieran's wallet in the time they had met, that was of course a trade secret.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((gonna warn you now my friend, there are far more diverse powers than klepto's and you will find mind readers and what not.))
Klepto boredly sighed and threw out a wallet (now missing all traces of money) with Kieran's ID sticking out of the top. "See? This is why I'm so bored, no one here has anything worth taking." As for how Klepto had taken Kieran's wallet in the time they had met, that was of course a trade secret.

(Lol, I know. Just thought I'd inject some irony into the mix)

Losing his serious demeanor, Kieran frantically patted himself down and looked astonished when he noticed his wallet was gone.

"How- when did you- man, I really need to pay attention more." Kieran bemusedly shook his head and shook his head as he bent over and picked up his wallet (he didn't seem to register that the money wasn't there). "You clearly have some supernatural ability if you somehow managed to snag my wallet without me noticing. As for your problem with anyone having anything good to steal, I wouldn't know. Though, if you really wanted to, why don't you rob a bank or something?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''I'll...have a coffee with some vanilla mixed in it. Not heated up.''
...?Lune said as she soon smiled at Colin but it was more like a casual smile?...



Coffee Shop




Getting their orders



Interacting with:




~Colin Mayer~

Colin nodded "Fair enough" he said with a small smile in response to hers before he walked off, making his way to the counter to get their orders. After a while of waiting, their orders were ready. First paying for them, he then carried them both down to the table that Lune had chosen for them to sit at. "There you go" he said as he left her coffee on the table before sitting down at the table himself.

LunaCrosby said:



...........................................................................~The Scarred Light Spirit~

Asako looked around before pointing at a roller coaster, "That one first!~" she said and grinned.

More Info


Amusement Park




Talking to Kenai


Have fun

Interacting with: Kenai Yelil





Amusement park


Slightly Anxious but happy


Walking towards the rollercoaster


Have fun

Interacting with:




~Kenai Yelil~

Kenai looked at where she was pointing. A roller coaster. Which was kinda high... He had seen to many videos on the internet of rides going wrong and people flying of them... what i- Nope. He shook his head, refusing to think that way. He then looked to Asako and smiled "Looks good, Let's go" he said as he began to walk with her to the ride.

Mayyflower said:

~?Luke Shun?~

Luke looked down at Kairassi when she grabbed his hand and started tugging, he chuckled and looked to where she was pointing. "Looks perfect, Come on lets go sit down" he says before he led her towards the table.

Extra Info




Sitting down


Calm and Happy



Interacting with:










Sitting down


Fave Fun

Interacting with:

Luke Shun



~Kairassi Ikeda~

Kairassi smiled brightly at him when he said the table was perfect. Nodding slightly, she let go of his hand that she had still been holding onto and went to the table soon sitting down at it, She sat with her hands placed gently on her lap, her legs swinging back and forth slightly as she smiled, waiting for Luke to sit down as well.

@Wicked Jester[/URL]


~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna frowned "Right..." So if it wasn't his day off, she be sold off at the drop of a hat. That's why he didn't want to tell her his job. Studying his reactions, he did seem like he truly was sorry, not to mention if their really was an ulterior motive to him bringing her here, he could have just brought in his co-workers as soon as she caught o to what was happening. Her expression softened a little before she spoke again, she wanted to trust his words but was still having a bit of a hard time in trying "But, what if you just don't tell your co-workers about me? Then you wouldn't have to attack me or protect me." She asked as she looked at him, she seemed a bit more calm now, mostly because even though she was still a bit conflicted in her thoughts, she could see he was a nice guy really and was genuinely sad about the predicament he was placed in. And she felt genuinely sorry for him that he couldn't really have friends either because they could get caught up in his work.



Ollene shivered lightly, as she looked around herself, and, reading the time, looked back at Taylor

"I-----I'm s....sorry, b--but.. I h...h...have to go... now....." She exclaimed, flashing a shy smile, before rushing away from him, and off to the school, not looking where she is going



(I didn't get a reply from you, so I'm sorry, I'm breaking apart from our RP)
JJKab said:
Ollene shivered lightly, as she looked around herself, and, reading the time, looked back at Taylor
"I-----I'm s....sorry, b--but.. I h...h...have to go... now....." She exclaimed, flashing a shy smile, before rushing away from him, and off to the school, not looking where she is going



(I didn't get a reply from you, so I'm sorry, I'm breaking apart from our RP)



School grounds




On the ground



Interacting with:




~Ariel Reaver~

Ariel stretched a little as she walked around the school grounds, she felt a little ill in the study class she was in so she was allowed out to get some air. Taking a breath of fresh air as she walked she suddenly found herself falling onto the ground, landing on her behind. "Ooof!" Blinking a few times she saw a girl who must have ran into her. "...Oh, sorry~" she laughed "Are you okay?" She asked as she went to stand up.

Nona said:



School grounds




On the ground



Interacting with:




~Ariel Reaver~

Ariel stretched a little as she walked around the school grounds, she felt a little ill in the study class she was in so she was allowed out to get some air. Taking a breath of fresh air as she walked she suddenly found herself falling onto the ground, landing on her behind. "Ooof!" Blinking a few times she saw a girl who must have ran into her. "...Oh, sorry~" she laughed "Are you okay?" She asked as she went to stand up.

As Ollene ran, she didn't quite notice a girl that was standing on her way, relaxing, as she crashed into her, letting out a yelp. She landed on her side, her head quite violently hitting the sidewalk. She groaned, her eyes closed shut, as a small wound was preminent on her temple. It seemed like a bruise.

Ollene slowly sat up, grunting, as she looked over at the person who she accidentally knocked over. Noticing it was a girl, she blushed, slightly crawling backwards away.

"So....Sorry.. I.... didn't meant it" She exclaimed quietly, attempting to stand up, but falling back down to sit down, weakened by the hit.
JJKab said:
As Ollene ran, she didn't quite notice a girl that was standing on her way, relaxing, as she crashed into her, letting out a yelp. She landed on her side, her head quite violently hitting the sidewalk. She groaned, her eyes closed shut, as a small wound was preminent on her temple. It seemed like a bruise.
Ollene slowly sat up, grunting, as she looked over at the person who she accidentally knocked over. Noticing it was a girl, she blushed, slightly crawling backwards away.

"So....Sorry.. I.... didn't meant it" She exclaimed quietly, attempting to stand up, but falling back down to sit down, weakened by the hit.



School grounds




Helping Ollene up


Get to the infimary

Interacting with:




~Ariel Reaver~

Ariel stood up and walked over to the girl who was now lying on the ground, she didn't look too good at all. Frowning lightly she kneeled beside the girl "Its okay, you don't need to apologise!" She said shaking her head before helping the girl up. Ariel then noticed the bruise on her temple. "We should probably get you to the infirmary" she suggested, speaking in a soft tone, noticing how timid the girl was.

Nona said:



School grounds




Helping Ollene up


Get to the infimary

Interacting with:




~Ariel Reaver~

Ariel stood up and walked over to the girl who was now lying on the ground, she didn't look too good at all. Frowning lightly she kneeled beside the girl "Its okay, you don't need to apologise!" She said shaking her head before helping the girl up. Ariel then noticed the bruise on her temple. "We should probably get you to the infirmary" she suggested, speaking in a soft tone, noticing how timid the girl was.

Ollene was reluctant to stand up with the girls help, but she let Ariel help her stand up. As soon as she mentioned infirmary, her face paled lightly.

"I.....I'm.... okay...." She exclaimed sheepishly, trying to brush it off with a small smile, but in reality she was feeling dizzy with her legs wobbly a bit.

Her red dress was evidently old and worn out, with several tores on it's edges, and few small holes in the middle part of it. There also seemed to be a few small burns on her shoulders, implying that she was pretty adventurous. Her backpack seemed homemade, with few leather straps tightly wrapped around the light wooden cache.

JJKab said:
Ollene was reluctant to stand up with the girls help, but she let Ariel help her stand up. As soon as she mentioned infirmary, her face paled lightly.
"I.....I'm.... okay...." She exclaimed sheepishly, trying to brush it off with a small smile, but in reality she was feeling dizzy with her legs wobbly a bit.

Her red dress was evidently old and worn out, with several tores on it's edges, and few small holes in the middle part of it. There also seemed to be a few small burns on her shoulders, implying that she was pretty adventurous. Her backpack seemed homemade, with few leather straps tightly wrapped around the light wooden cache.
Ariel looked the girl over as she stood up, noticing her pale completion and tattered clothes "Are you sure? I mean...that's a pretty big bruise on your head" she said before tilting her head "Are you...scared of doctors?" She asked curiously.
Nona said:
Ariel looked the girl over as she stood up, noticing her pale completion and tattered clothes "Are you sure? I mean...that's a pretty big bruise on your head" she said before tilting her head "Are you...scared of doctors?" She asked curiously.
Ollene was quiet for a bit, wondering if she would explain Ariel what she went through, since her clothes, but decided to just not do that, yet. She lightly whimpered, and shook her head.

"N....no.... I...... g---guess we can g----go" She said quietly, shivering slightly
JJKab said:
Ollene was quiet for a bit, wondering if she would explain Ariel what she went through, since her clothes, but decided to just not do that, yet. She lightly whimpered, and shook her head.
"N....no.... I...... g---guess we can g----go" She said quietly, shivering slightly
Ariel smiled "Good, I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving you with a bruise like that" she said with a nod as she led her to the infirmary. As they walked, Ariel noticed her shiver "Your clothes look pretty damaged....did something happen to you?" She asked curiously, a slight frown crossing her face.
Nona said:
Ariel smiled "Good, I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving you with a bruise like that" she said with a nod as she led her to the infirmary. As they walked, Ariel noticed her shiver "Your clothes look pretty damaged....did something happen to you?" She asked curiously, a slight frown crossing her face.
Ollene blushed, as she looked away from the girl. She didn't want to talk about her past, neither about her current state

"N..... No.... It'.....s okay... I didn't get.... y'y'yknow...." She stopped talking, as to not drive herself deeper into the possible explanations.

Ariel could clearly see that Ollene was shy, and scared of pretty much everyone.
JJKab said:
"Alright. Watch it though, it's slippery as hell here" Gregory insisted, looking at Moonstone, as he walked back to the exit of the pool, and then lead him towards the cooking classes


Moonstone made sure to be careful walking as they were lead to the cooking classes. "What's in those classes anyways? Do they learn how to make magical food or something of the sorts?" they inquired as they followed Gregory.

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Extra Information


Fantasy High School




Talkign to Gregory


Learn about the school, Talk to Gregory

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


The Royal Keen][border=5px dotted #9D9BFF] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][h][FA]moon-o[/FA][/COLOR][COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela]Moonstone[FA]moon-o[/FA][/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#9D9BFF][/h][/COLOR] [COLOR=#9D9BFF] [/COLOR][COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela][divide=dotted-thick][/divide][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] Moonstone made sure to be careful walking as they were lead to the cooking classes. "What's in those classes anyways? Do they learn how to make magical food or something of the sorts?" they inquired as they followed Gregory.[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] [accordion=bcenter|125][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] {slide=[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela][B]Extra Information[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela]|center}[Row][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] [Column=span2][/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] Fantasy High School[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] [/Column][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] [Column=span2][/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela][B]Mood:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] Happy[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] [/Column][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] [Column=span2][/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela][B]Status:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] Talkign to Gregory[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] [/Column][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] [Column=span2][/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela][B]Objective:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=#9D9BFF][FONT=Gabriela] Learn about the school said:



"Meh. As far as I know, the only thing that you do there is practice cooking... maybe in the future you'll gain knowledge as to how spawn cakes in your hand to throw at people, but untill then... I doubt it" Gregory exclaimed, sighing softly

(On a different note, Fricka is now "Free")
JJKab said:
"Meh. As far as I know, the only thing that you do there is practice cooking... maybe in the future you'll gain knowledge as to how spawn cakes in your hand to throw at people, but untill then... I doubt it" Gregory exclaimed, sighing softly
(On a different note, Fricka is now "Free")


Moonstone already knew how to spawn cakes, but they did find the class useful in a way. They may not need to eat, but they had to admit that to food at the school was delicious and hoped the classes taught the students food like that. They also noted that if they joined cooking class, they could gain knowledge on other types of food, which would let them create them in real life instantly for the same quality they learned. "Well, that's fine. I may take that class in the future if I have the time for it. Anyways, next place?"

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Extra Information


Fantasy High School




Talking to Gregory


Learn about the school, Talk to Gregory

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Nona said:



Coffee Shop




Getting their orders



Interacting with:




~Colin Mayer~

Colin nodded "Fair enough" he said with a small smile in response to hers before he walked off, making his way to the counter to get their orders. After a while of waiting, their orders were ready. First paying for them, he then carried them both down to the table that Lune had chosen for them to sit at. "There you go" he said as he left her coffee on the table before sitting down at the table himself.

''Thank you~''

...?She said before she smiled a bit more and took a sip of her coffee?...
JJKab said:
Ollene blushed, as she looked away from the girl. She didn't want to talk about her past, neither about her current state
"N..... No.... It'.....s okay... I didn't get.... y'y'yknow...." She stopped talking, as to not drive herself deeper into the possible explanations.

Ariel could clearly see that Ollene was shy, and scared of pretty much everyone.
Ariel frowned lightly, noticing how scared the girl was "Its okay" she said softly "I'm not going to hurt you or anything" she said with a nod as they reached the infirmary. Knowing the girl was too shy Ariel called for the nurse to tell her what happened instead.
JJKab said:
Gregory nodded
"Next up: Combat class. Follow me" Gregory said, smiling at Moonstone, as he gestured them to follow, walking forward. He was whistling softly


"Well, I've already been there." Moonstone said as they followed Gregory. "Doesn't seem like the class is starting anytime soon though; I think something happened to it. Want to go elsewhere, because I'm sure I'll pick up any activity there with my hearing."

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Extra Information


Fantasy High School




Talking to Gregory


Learn about the school, Talk to Gregory

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


HimeragiSeiker said:
''Thank you~''
...⊹She said before she smiled a bit more and took a sip of her coffee⊹...
"You're welcome" he said with a nod and a smile. "See? I told you this place was nice, you look calmer already" he said with a chuckle before taking a sip of his own coffee.

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