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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Jofune Tsurabisu]"That makes me feel better. Besides I have nowhere else to be than right here helping you to get better." he said as he traced his fingers lightly on her neck. "Just relax and work on getting better." he said softly to her. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16519-mayyflower/ said:
"What about school?" She asks tiredly
[QUOTE="Kirito Kei](No worries xD )
"Ah, right..."

Kieran kept forgetting who he was dealing with. Why would someone of this person's caliber rob a simple bank? The boy had managed to go right under Kieran's nose for god's sake! "Doesn't anyone at this school have anything worth stealing? I'm sure there's a vampire or something with a magic medallion or some kind of mystical ring-" Then, a thought made it's way into Kieran's head.

With a mischievous smile on his face, Kieran leaned in closer to the boy and whispered "Wanna make a bet?"

Klepto sighed boredly before reaching behind him and pulling a phone from his back pocket, boredly surfing through the contacts. "Anyone with anything of worth either keeps it magically sealed on their person or just doesn't have it on them, so I cant... by the way, whose Kyle River?"
Mayyflower said:
"What about school?" She asks tiredly
"Honestly? you think that I would be able to concentrate with you being sick?" he said as he lightly rubbed her neck. "This is where I need to be." he said as he listened to her breathing.

Jofune Tsurabisu]"Honestly? you think that I would be able to concentrate with you being sick?" he said as he lightly rubbed her neck. "This is where I need to be." he said as he listened to her breathing. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16519-mayyflower/ said:
"Thank you.. Once again" she says as she started dozing off.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Klepto sighed boredly before reaching behind him and pulling a phone from his back pocket, boredly surfing through the contacts. "Anyone with anything of worth either keeps it magically sealed on their person or just doesn't have it on them, so I cant... by the way, whose Kyle River?"

Kieran simply folded his arms and shook his head as he observed the boy, ignoring his question. "How... how did you... never mind, I don't even want to know. Kyle Rivas is the person that built a house for my mother a while back, very skilled when it comes to carpentry and things of that nature. You know what, you seem skilled. Give me your contact information in case I need your... services."
[QUOTE="Kirito Kei]Kieran simply folded his arms and shook his head as he observed the boy, ignoring his question. "How... how did you... never mind, I don't even want to know. Kyle Rivas is the person that built a house for my mother a while back, very skilled when it comes to carpentry and things of that nature. You know what, you seem skilled. Give me your contact information in case I need your... services."

Klepto sighed boredly, "I doubt you could afford me. I'm the best at what I do, but whatever." Tossing back Kieran's phone to him with Klepto's information put in as a newly added contact, and sighed yet again before giggling slightly. "ya know what? Me and sighing is like you and social skills"
Nona said:







Attempting to hide her colouring cheeks



Interacting with:



@Jofune Tsurabisu

~Rini Yelil~

Still half giggling at her own joke and at this new appearance, she was caught slightly by surprise as she heard Misafune's comment, which made her stop moving before smiling bashfully in response to it. Just as the notion to step away from the 'mirror' was travelling to her thought process Misafune had made his way over to her without much detection, a small jolt going through her when she suddenly felt his hands placing themselves on her shoulders.

feeling his face nearing her ear as he then whispered into it, she could feel her cheeks beginning to slowly colour up at his words. Blinking a few times as the overlay shattered, only to reveal the version of herself she was used to. Antlers and all those antlers that she detested, it took a lot of energy to hide them all the time, she had even tried cutting them off once or twice at a stage before in a desperate attempt to feel normal but to no avail, they just grew back incredibly fast. Her face became even redder at his words referring to this version of herself being perfect quickly turning around after he stepped away from her and sat down so calmly. She however, had her cheek shining a dusted pink colour. Taking a moment to compose herself as her mind screamed at her face to cool down, she slowly took her seat as well.

Misafune Seimei

The Onmyouji


Misafune noted the effects of his words. But not a single syllable was a lie. He really found her natural beauty intoxicating. Human, animal, it did not matter, as to what mattered was this fragile girl, whom caught his affections. He wished the world less cruel, but at least he can shield her from most of it. "So one more spell, then some tea?" he asked her earnestly. "This next spell is a little scary. It will allow you to see an objects history. It cannot be used on a human or animal, as it could harm them and still not work. He pulled out a wrapped up smooth stone. This stone has a history. Find it out." he said as he again gotten right into her personal space, but not to hurt or scare her, but to help her created the circle in the air with her delicate hands. Once her spell circle was complete, he whispered in her ear the last words to activate the spell. Then he moved away to watch the show.

no slide no slide no slide

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[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
C4 was genuinely surprised. She thought he was actually going to tell CROSS about her? Why would he be stupid enough to do that. He generally cared about Yuna and wasn't going to do something that would kill her. So when he spoke, there was a hint of surprise in his voice, "I was never going to tell them about you. I was just going to say I ate lunch alone or that you were a normal human girl and they would have believed me." C4 really hoped she believed him when he said that. It was the absolute truth and he would be depressed if she didn't accept it and left. Even though he had mentally prepared himself for her leaving, the thought of it still saddened him.

Yuna blinked a few times before fixing her hair a little "And you promise you aren't lying?" She asked with slightly furrowed brows. His tone seemed sincere enough that he wouldn't tell but things still didn't add up to her. Why was she still here? She should have probably ran by now. Maybe curiosity and her need for answers was getting the better of her, that and she actually did like spending to.e with him and she didn't want to get up and leave without the full story. "Why do you work for them if you aren't even allowed to be friends with people that have abilities themselves.... In fact, why work against your own kind anyways? I don't get it..." She said frowning gently.
Mayyflower said:
Origami woke up all sweaty, her temperature must have broke, she looked over at Paris and God up slowly and went into the bathroom to take a bath
(Sorry cant resist: [media]

[/media] )
Paris rolled over to hold her and found her spot empty. He yawned and sat up to stretch...

JJKab said:
Ollene looked over at the nurse, as she shivered lightly. She sat down on the chair in the infirmary, and briefly explained to the nurse what happened. After a short amount of time, she came out with a small ice bag being held over her temple. The pain began to wear off, as she looked at Ariel, smiling shyly
"T....hanks.... I.... D...di...don't think I... deserve so kindness..." She exclaimed quietly.

Gregory nodded, smiling, as they walked past the combat class, since Moonstone saw it.

"Aight, so shall I get you to the exit, or walk you around a bit more? I'm honestly starting to grow tired..." He exclaimed, chuckling softly

"And I have a girlfriend to see" He added, chuckling softly at the thought of Ariel
Ariel shook her head and smiled "Sure you do. No one deserves to be treated badly" she said as she walked over and sat beside her. "You know, my home isn't far from here, I could lend you some clothes if you'd like, you look cold and that dress looks like it's seen better days" she pointed out, feeling bad for the girl for having to walk around like that.
Jofune Tsurabisu](Sorry cant resist: [media] [/media] ) Paris rolled over to hold her and found her spot empty. He yawned and sat up to stretch... [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16519-mayyflower/ said:
( xD )

Origami had filled the tub and was now sitting in the water, relaxing. Her head still hurt but it was bearable.
Nona said:
Ariel shook her head and smiled "Sure you do. No one deserves to be treated badly" she said as she walked over and sat beside her. "You know, my home isn't far from here, I could lend you some clothes if you'd like, you look cold and that dress looks like it's seen better days" she pointed out, feeling bad for the girl for having to walk around like that.
Ollene's face flushed, as she heard the blue haired girl offer her change of clothing. Somehow, she grew attached to her dress, yet... somehow got grossed out by it. After a while of thinking, she nodded bashfully, looking shyly at Ariel

"A.....Al...right" She said quietly, panting softly, as she was still recovering slightly from the hit
Mayyflower said:
( xD )
Origami had filled the tub and was now sitting in the water, relaxing. Her head still hurt but it was bearable.
Paris, being a typical human male, had to use the restroom, And also wanted to catch a shower as he smelled like love, sweat and bed. So he found the clothes that were left here and decided to strip down, figuring she was getting something to eat. He walks into the bathroom, wiping the sweat off his face, in all of his glory.

(I hope I made this funny without offending the censors.)

TheDragoon said:
((If you want to RP with Shuu, that's fine but I need to have him fight with Kelsey at some later date cause of the deal she made >~<))
(Well, we can. Lena is free. Can you start, though?)
Mei Junchi[/URL]



Salvador sighs "I'm sorry for kicking you out of my room, but I kinda need to go on a hike, insult/pun unintended." he moves towards the door, testing Junchi's intentions.
Mayyflower said:
((Okay! I got a bunch of free characters, I'll give you a list :3))

Satoshi(NEW): Front Gates

Kaito: On Vacation in Hawaii with Lexi

Hiroshima: At home(With Harper if you like)

Hanran and Doragon: Making dinner at Rin's apartment

Raze: Eating lunch in the cafeteria

Oliver: The Beach
Mayyflower said:
Origami sat up quickly when she heard the bathroom door open. Her face burning bright red. She didn't say anything, she froze so all she could do was stare.
The towel dropped from his hands as he became acutely aware she was staring at his manliness. a part of his brain short circuited, and he began to make strong man poses in an attempt to break the scary heavy mood. He flexed, he posed, he even stood like a victorious warrior, all in hopes not to be murdered out right for intruding on a ladies bath.


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