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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

JJKab said:
(Well, we can. Lena is free. Can you start, though?)

Shuu teleported back to Lena's house once today's mission was complete, already heading to the fridge to find something to eat and then just relax on the couch. All day. If possible. And maybe see Lena at some point.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu teleported back to Lena's house once today's mission was complete, already heading to the fridge to find something to eat and then just relax on the couch. All day. If possible. And maybe see Lena at some point.
Lena was slowly making her way back towards her home, almost arriving there. Her stomach was noticeably getting bigger. Her wish for seeing Shuu was fulfilled once she looked in her window, and noticed Shuu's figure heading to the kitchen. She let out a squeak, and swiftly approached the entrance of their home. She opened it silently, and went in, closing the door.

"Honeeeeeeyyy! I'm heeeeereeee!" Lena called out, with a soft giggle
TheDragoon said:
((Okay! I got a bunch of free characters, I'll give you a list :3))
Satoshi(NEW): Front Gates

Kaito: On Vacation in Hawaii with Lexi

Hiroshima: At home(With Harper if you like)

Hanran and Doragon: Making dinner at Rin's apartment

Raze: Eating lunch in the cafeteria

Oliver: The Beach
( Hiroshima and Harpwr? Can you start?)

Isuzu wasn't sure how long she was laying there before Fenris started to move against her. Her eyes opened to feel him pulling her closer, and his face nearer to hers. Yeah, this wasn't a dream, and it was great. Really, who would have thought to use smoke like he did? Good thing she happened to be into a lot of the same things he was. Otherwise it probably wouldn't have been that much fun. She couldn't really remember what led up to them ending up sleeping together, but she didn't care anymore.
"Whatever could you be talking about?~" she teased, partly truthfully because the details of whatever they did were still kind of fuzzy. Though, from what he was saying, she could guess what it was that she had done. Messing with people's senses was one of her favorite things to do, especially during times like.... like during what they did. Fenris then leaned over and whispered in her ear, cause her to raise an eyebrow before grinning slyly at him. "Oh really~ It's like you want me to stick around or something~" Well, if what he said was true, it wouldn't be a one-time thing. Which she was fine with, of course. "I suppose I can tell you, if that happens to be the case~"

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Nona said:
Yuna blinked a few times before fixing her hair a little "And you promise you aren't lying?" She asked with slightly furrowed brows. His tone seemed sincere enough that he wouldn't tell but things still didn't add up to her. Why was she still here? She should have probably ran by now. Maybe curiosity and her need for answers was getting the better of her, that and she actually did like spending to.e with him and she didn't want to get up and leave without the full story. "Why do you work for them if you aren't even allowed to be friends with people that have abilities themselves.... In fact, why work against your own kind anyways? I don't get it..." She said frowning gently.
C4 blinked. He knew Yuna wouldn't like the answer he was about to give, but he didn't care, he didn't want to lie to her as he felt that would be even worse, so taking a deep breath he mentally prepared himself before replying. "Because I'm an adrenaline junky and I like living the fast life? Every day feels like the script for an action movie. Running from the cops, fighting other supernatural beings, living life on the edge. Its a very exciting life and I enjoy it. The money is absurd and even if I left now, I could never work again and still drop a few grand on a daily basis." C4 slightly tensed as he continued to speak. "I may be a horrible person whose done horrible things, but I doubt I could change at this point."
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Lumina said:

Isuzu wasn't sure how long she was laying there before Fenris started to move against her. Her eyes opened to feel him pulling her closer, and his face nearer to hers. Yeah, this wasn't a dream, and it was great. Really, who would have thought to use smoke like he did? Good thing she happened to be into a lot of the same things he was. Otherwise it probably wouldn't have been that much fun. She couldn't really remember what led up to them ending up sleeping together, but she didn't care anymore. "Whatever could you be talking about?~" she teased, partly truthfully because the details of whatever they did were still kind of fuzzy. Though, from what he was saying, she could guess what it was that she had done. Messing with people's senses was one of her favorite things to do, especially during times like.... like during what they did. Fenris then leaned over and whispered in her ear, cause her to raise an eyebrow before grinning slyly at him. "Oh really~ It's like you want me to stick around or something~" Well, if what he said was true, it wouldn't be a one-time thing. Which she was fine with, of course. "I suppose I can tell you, if that happens to be the case~"

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((oh god xD I was going to try and lead to another fade because she's no longer drunk, but then I realized I don't want another Everest/Elyse incident xD ))

Fenris smiled and shifted into a fully smoke form, swirling around her and reforming on top of her, pinning her down on the bed. Leaning in strands of smoke curled off his body and gently caressed her. "Who knows? I'm not one to pin a girl down outside the bedroom." The strands of smoke slowly receded back into his body and he leaned in whispering into her ear a strand of smoke tickling her ear as he did so, "but if you want to stick around, I've never done any of my partners wrong... and they've always left... satisfied." Then appearing across the room in a chair fully "dressed " with a cigarette in hand, a cloud of unscented smoke spiraling up into the air he sat there staring at Isuzu, waiting to see what she would do.
Mei Junchi[/URL]



"Errr... the hike is extremely dangerous. Do you want me to demonstrate?" without waiting for an answer, Salvador walks to the window, opens it all the way, sticks his head out and screams "Look out below!" then grabbed the wall climbing rope and tried to descend the building. Unfortunately, the rope broke and Salvador tumbled down onto another windowsill flipping into a tree, and tumbling out of the tree gracelessly to the ground "Do you see what I mean?" he yelled to Junchi, then took out his phone and called a taxi to come in 20 minutes
Nico was still in Cody's room, looking over him like a good friend would. She was skipping around the room since clearly she is quite bored. She stopped in front of Cody.

"So what are your hobbies besides this?"

She said, motioning to the guns and stuff.

charleen said:
Nico was still in Cody's room, looking over him like a good friend would. She was skipping around the room since clearly she is quite bored. She stopped in front of Cody.
"So what are your hobbies besides this?"

She said, motioning to the guns and stuff.

Cody smiled, "Listening to music...posters explain it...Video games and sometimes reading a book." he said, the posters were all metal bands from Disturbed to Five Finger Death Punch, and some hard rock bands like Three days grace and breaking Benjamin.
Mayyflower said:
( Hiroshima and Harpwr? Can you start?)
((Okie! ^_^ ))

Hiro was playing video games in his room, trying to finish up Doom on his Xbox One. Even though it was bloody and full of gore he enjoyed how quick paced it was. He also knew Harper was home but wasn't sure WHERE she was exactly.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody smiled, "Listening to music...posters explain it...Video games and sometimes reading a book." he said, the posters were all metal bands from Disturbed to Five Finger Death Punch, and some hard rock bands like Three days grace and breaking Benjamin.
Nico looked over his posters, tapping her chin in slight curiosity.

"Hmmm.. The man likes screaming music,"

She snickered. Nico let out a small laugh.

"Well I know in concerts, they go like this,"

She said, trying to do the head bob and the signature hands.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.979834d3347c80d9f4f782af5fbc37ec.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138932" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.979834d3347c80d9f4f782af5fbc37ec.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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JJKab said:
Lena was slowly making her way back towards her home, almost arriving there. Her stomach was noticeably getting bigger. Her wish for seeing Shuu was fulfilled once she looked in her window, and noticed Shuu's figure heading to the kitchen. She let out a squeak, and swiftly approached the entrance of their home. She opened it silently, and went in, closing the door.
"Honeeeeeeyyy! I'm heeeeereeee!" Lena called out, with a soft giggle
Shuu beamed at the door. Oh sweet mama she was hot as usual. He waved happily as he took out some slices of pepperoni in a bag and opened it, heading to the door as he tossed his bag onto the table, giving her a big hug. He then gently pecked her forehead. "How was your day?" He asked softly.
charleen said:
Nico looked over his posters, tapping her chin in slight curiosity.
"Hmmm.. The man likes screaming music,"

She snickered. Nico let out a small laugh.

"Well I know in concerts, they go like this,"

She said, trying to head bob and the signature hands.

View attachment 307610
(Ok now I want to see the anime from Nico)

Cody nodded, "Yeah kinda like that. But there's a thing called a mosh pit...You know what that is right?" he asked, thinking back to the fights that occur in one sometimes.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Isabella smiled and nuzzled his neck as she walked with him towards the taxi happily

Elliot smiled warmly as his neck was nuzzled. "Here, we just made it to the cab, so let me help you get in." He told Isabella, the sound of a car door opening could be herd nice and clear as he gently took her hand. "Ready?"
CERBERUS177 said:
(Ok now I want to see the anime from Nico)
Cody nodded, "Yeah kinda like that. But there's a thing called a mosh pit...You know what that is right?" he asked, thinking back to the fights that occur in one sometimes.
"Uhh.. I know what an arm pit is??"

She said, jokingly. Nico raised her arm and scratched her armpit slightly. She brought it back down and laughed hysterically.

"Oh gosh, I'm such a weirdo,"

She pouted slightly.

(Love Live School Idol heheh i converted you!!!)
charleen said:
"Uhh.. I know what an arm pit is??"
She said, jokingly. Nico raised her arm and scratched her armpit slightly. She brought it back down and laughed hysterically.

"Oh gosh, I'm such a weirdo,"

She pouted slightly.

(Love Live School Idol heheh i converted you!!!)
Cody laughed, "You're alright, I don't mind weirdos really, they're funny and always are interesting to talk to. I myself am kind of a weirdo." he said and smiled at her, "Mosh pits are areas some where enar the front of the stand where the bands are. When you're in it, you are pushed around, shoved and sometimes punched, I stay away from them since...I'd like to enjoy the music." he said.

(Sly devil you! Time to get my fix now...But really, I've watched Girls Und Panzer and loved it.)
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Roman said:
Elliot smiled warmly as his neck was nuzzled. "Here, we just made it to the cab, so let me help you get in." He told Isabella, the sound of a car door opening could be herd nice and clear as he gently took her hand. "Ready?"
She nodded happily to him as she waited for him to help her into the car
@Roman[/URL] @Lumina






(((( Yeah, these post will be probably really short so we can get this over with. ))))

Roman frowned and looked back towards his bedroom where Kaori was sitting, resting. He sighed, knowing it'd probably be best to leave him out there. "I'm not lettting that happen. You can't be trusted, no matter what you say or do, Masahi. You've done enough already."


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