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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:

~?Mayela Loria?~

"If you were there and had saw what happened you would see that its his fault. Hes WEAK, Not me, HE IS" she says glaring at misaki

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Interacting with:



..........................................Misaki Ishida

.........................................~Daddy's Little Girl~

Misaki clenched her fists, "How is he weak?! Tell me how he's weak you little brat!" she growled.

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[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Everest laughed, "Light guns, Fighters, or racing games first?"

"Hmm, Racing, those sound like the most fun" Hakuru said and nodded.



Gregory laughed, looking at Moonstone

"Hey, calm down. I wasn't fighting on it, like, ever, that's all" He assured, smiling at them

"Mainly cause my powers are pretty much not... adequate to fighting" Greg explained, them entering the pool area.

"If ya want, you can take a dive" He said, grinning slyly.
Mayyflower said:

~☾ Origami Noire ☽~

Origami moved the covers out of the way, because it was making her even more hot, although she did lay under the sheets because they were cool, she waited for Paris to return.

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Her room


Laying down





Interacting with:



He returned with some rags and a bowl of cold water. He began to help her cool off with the rags and water. He hoped she was getting better.

Jofune Tsurabisu]He returned with some rags and a bowl of cold water. He began to help her cool off with the rags and water. He hoped she was getting better. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16519-mayyflower/ said:
Origami loved that Paris was helping her and all but all she wanted was him to lay with her and to keep her company she grabbed his arm while he was cooling her off with the rags. "Please lay with me... Thats all I need right now" she says quietly
JJKab said:
Gregory laughed, looking at Moonstone
"Hey, calm down. I wasn't fighting on it, like, ever, that's all" He assured, smiling at them

"Mainly cause my powers are pretty much not... adequate to fighting" Greg explained, them entering the pool area.

"If ya want, you can take a dive" He said, grinning slyly.


"I'd rather not get myself damp." Moonstone declined. They liked the idea of going into the pool, but they would have to make a swimsuit fit for themself, and also know how to dry themself without smelling like chlorine for the day. They just weren't in the mood to figure out how to use their powers to make that easier for them, and really, they at times hated how swimming on their skin felt, especially when they were irritated about something. From earlier events, Moonstone was definitely slightly irritated, but not enough to ruin the thought of swimming for them. "Maybe later, when I don't have to worry about drying myself off in time for my next class. So, next area?"

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Fantasy High's Pool




Talking to Gregory


Learn about the school, Talk to Gregory

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


LunaCrosby said:

..........................................Misaki Ishida

.........................................~Daddy's Little Girl~

Misaki clenched her fists, "How is he weak?! Tell me how he's weak you little brat!" she growled.

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"He cant fight his own bullies!" she growled. "He got beat up by people and I risked everything to save him and all I get was him breaking up with me?!" she says on the verge of tears. "I lost everything because of him, I swear on everything I will kill him when I see him or die trying" she growled
Mayyflower said:
"He cant fight his own bullies!" she growled. "He got beat up by people and I risked everything to save him and all I get was him breaking up with me?!" she says on the verge of tears. "I lost everything because of him, I swear on everything I will kill him when I see him or die trying" she growled

..........................................Misaki Ishida

.........................................~Daddy's Little Girl~

Misaki blinked, Alejandro was getting bullied? she really didn't know anything... she was a bad sister for not knowing that this all was going on. "....You saved him?..." was all Misaki asked, her angry attitude had suddenly vanished.

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Roman said:

Kai Mason

~ Angel and Father

Kai laughed lightly and gently rocked Victoria in his arm, hearing Violetta's comment on the name he chose made him smile a little. Made him feel like did a good job... It had been a long process of giving birth, so Kai knew Violetta was tired. As happy as she looked, he could see right through her. Kai decided to put Victoria down so she could rest and he walked towards Violetta and the bed, gently leaning on it using his hands to prop him up.

"I like it. Merrick." Kai said, smiling warmly as e watched his son and girlfriend. He then sighed lightly, "I want to know how you're feeling. From what I witnessed, it's not a thing to take lightly." He said, softly brushing a few red strands of Violetta's hair out of her face.

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Location: Hospital

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking with Violetta

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Violetta




Violetta's body was completely worn out. It had taken longer than she would have liked, but she was happy. Content. Smiling tiredly she watched how gentle Kai was with Victoria, amazed at watching such a big man softly holding such a small baby. It made her excited for what their future would hold. "Merrick and Victoria." Violetta repeated, her voice obviously worn out. There had been quite a bit of screaming on her end.

She was so tired she hadn't even noticed that Kai had put Victoria down until he came over and leaned on the bed. Her eyes slightly opened to meet him speaking to him, and a hand moving sweaty hair out of her face.
"How I'm feeling?" That was a good question indeed. "Tired... my body feels weird, everything hurts..." she wasn't going to sugar coat it. "Humans go through that on purpose... why the he- ow..." Violetta got too worked up and it hurt, and an expression of pain momentarily crossed her face. She relaxed, her eyes closing, bringing her free hand to move toward Kai's. "I don't think I'm gonna be moving for a while. Human bodies are pretty weak."

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LunaCrosby said:

..........................................Misaki Ishida

.........................................~Daddy's Little Girl~

Misaki blinked, Alejandro was getting bullied? she really didn't know anything... she was a bad sister for not knowing that this all was going on. "....You saved him?..." was all Misaki asked, her angry attitude had suddenly vanished.

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Interacting with: Name here

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May stood silently and stared at misaki, she didn't know how to answer thst
[QUOTE="Kirito Kei](Anyone free?)

((that depends on how long you may be willing to wait on replies. I have a number of interactions going, but if you would like I have a few free characters (I have a lot of characters xD )))
Kirito Kei]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/ said:
@Wicked Jester[/URL] Sure, I can wait as long as you need.)
((Sure. Some of the other RP'ers can be rather impatient when interacting. Ok I have a long list of characters so I will give names and short descriptions for you to pick from.

Dante: angle of vengeance, cocky, arrogant, cold and egotistical.

Rael: innocent as hell, kid who would do anything for cake.

Klepto:God of thieves, watch your wallet

Lance: ex mafia hitman, left for moral reasons.

I think that's it. I honestly don't remember xD ))
Mayyflower said:
Origami loved that Paris was helping her and all but all she wanted was him to lay with her and to keep her company she grabbed his arm while he was cooling her off with the rags. "Please lay with me... Thats all I need right now" she says quietly
Paris was lost, but complied. He removed his shoes and laid beside her. All words failed

Kirito Kei]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/ said:
@Wicked Jester[/URL] You can start.)
Klepto sighed and sat down on the school bench. No one at the school had anything worth stealing and he was getting rather bored. Laying down he waited for something interesting to happen.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Klepto sighed and sat down on the school bench. No one at the school had anything worth stealing and he was getting rather bored. Laying down he waited for something interesting to happen.

[/QUOTE]"I never get tired of how large this place is..." Kieran said in amazement as he walked around the campus. Suddenly, he noticed a peculiar looking boy sitting on a bench.
Since he had nothing better to do, Kieran decided to approach the boy. "Yo, what're you doing?"

"Damn, I really need help with my socializing skills..."
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[QUOTE="Kirito Kei]
"I never get tired of how large this place is..." Kieran said in amazement as he walked around the campus. Suddenly, he noticed a peculiar looking boy sitting on a bench.
Since he had nothing better to do, Kieran decided to approach the boy. "Yo, what're you doing?"

'Damn, I really need help with my socializing skills...'

Klepto sighed as he stretched, "Being bored as hell, and ya you really do need to work on them, especially if you have to announce that they need work. Right Kieran?"

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