• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"Ok love." She said cuddling the kitty happily

"what's this?" Lana asked as she climbed into the car 

Neruka nodded before she started to home.

''My car.''

She said before she went to the trunk of the car and opened it, placing her sword in a special sheath. She soon closed it before going to the driver side and getting in and starting it.
Neruka nodded before she started to home.

''My car.''

She said before she went to the trunk of the car and opened it, placing her sword in a special sheath. She soon closed it before going to the driver side and getting in and starting it.

Cova smiled as she quickly followed her hugging her arm lovingly

"oh." She said as she looked around the car curiously 
Euloria smiled "Yeah, I'm pretty excited about it too actually" she admitted "Its been a long time since I've been anywhere out of the city"

"I bet. I hope we can have fun." He said as he finished his food happily then got up walking to euloria and kissing her head lovingly before starting for the kitchen
A reserved section of a local fancy restaurant....

A lady in a red evening dress, with a coral broach was escorted by the waitstaff into the reserved dining room. Her handbag held firmly in her hand as she was sat at a long table. A glass of wine was poured for her as she was waiting for the rest of the company. Soon after, a couple, dressed straight from the Victorian era was ushered in to their seats. "Thetis." the woman said as she tapped her long stem on a handheld ashtray. "Beatrice, Randall. Nice of you to join us." Thetis chimed in. "Like wise, though it would be nice if you had a plus one." Beatrice said cattily. Soon a man dressed as a mix of SS high rank and rock star entered the reserved area. "Yo, party people. Killer first day?" Apollyon spoke as he said down. Beatrice clicked her tongue in displeasure. Randall just waved at his friend.


@Fukushima Akira


@Tobi Naefaerne


@Wicked Jester




((anyone else with an adult character may join, if they are part of the school.)

"The biggest factor in how well it works is your condition. You would not be able to heal a papercut if you are weakened or tired. So bear that in mind." he spoke as he watched her celebrate. "Though, that was a wonderful attempt for a first time user. I am impressed." he said as he began to write more in the journal. "You are a very apt pupil." he said with a smile. she was quite beautiful when she was happy. He could not help but take in her beauty as he was writing things in the journal. "Now just practice gathering your will and focus by meditating some more. The more you practice, the easier it becomes and the more you can do." he said as he stood up and left the circle. "I will return shortly. I need to check on something." he bowed to her as he left the area, deeper into the small wooded area. He had to relieve himself, and he did not want to disturb her concentration by his actions.


She smiled in a slightly bashful manner as he told her she did well "Thank you, I'll keep trying and I'm paper cut free so I'm okay for now" she said with a slight laugh as she held up the palms of her hands for a moment. After he stepped out of the circle she looked at him curiously until he said he was going to check on something, she simply smiled and nodded in acknowledgement. She didn't ask exactly where he was going but didn't ask either, she was sure he'd tell her if she needed to know. She instead watched the scuttling bug from earlier until she couldn't see it anymore. Stretching a bit and repositioning herself to sit in a more comfortable position than before in the circle, she tried to regain her focus again being distracted before by her own mini celebrations.
She smiled in a slightly bashful manner as he told her she did well "Thank you, I'll keep trying and I'm paper cut free so I'm okay for now" she said with a slight laugh as she held up the palms of her hands for a moment. After he stepped out of the circle she looked at him curiously until he said he was going to check on something, she simply smiled and nodded in acknowledgement. She didn't ask exactly where he was going but didn't ask either, she was sure he'd tell her if she needed to know. She instead watched the scuttling bug from earlier until she couldn't see it anymore. Stretching a bit and repositioning herself to sit in a more comfortable position than before in the circle, she tried to regain her focus again being distracted before by her own mini celebrations.


He relieved himself and summoned a ball of water, and pulled out a small bar of soap. He rinsed his hands clean and returned to the circle to find a gorgeous beauty trying to concentrate on meditating. Pulling out a silk parchment he spoke the words barely audible, and the image of her, bathed in light formed on the silk. it captured every beautiful feature. He rolled up the silk and hidden it in his sleeve. Once he was ready, he re-entered the circle and coughed to alert her to his arrival.

Cova smiled as she quickly followed her hugging her arm lovingly

"oh." She said as she looked around the car curiously 

Neruka giggled as they walked to their car before she opened the passenger seat for Cova.

Once Ophelia had started the car, she began to driving, going a little bit passed the speed limit.
((I think this is a thing... i bet it is...))

Rael giggled as she leaned on Junchi's arm before semi reluctantly separating and walking up to the atm before pulling her phone Rael logged into her banking account revealing an amount no person her apparent age should have in their bank account and held it up to the atm using the chip inside the phone to confirm her identity. withdrawing a few hundred dollars rael walked back to Junchi and wrapped arms back around his and leaned in before speaking seductively. "You know if you wanted I could let you do a lot more than just flipping my switch."

Mei Junchi

Location: Town, ATM
Status: Talking to Rael
Objective: Go to the gaming store
Mood: Slightly disappointed

With all this flirting, Junchi could no longer remember where he and Rael were even going to go after the ATM. He was good at hiding embarrassment, fluster, and attraction, so he didn't worry about coming off as obviously interested, but he did let some of it out for Rael. "Well, now that you got your money, where should we go next?" he asked, his voice filled with relaxation, yet interest. Finally he remembered the place he was supposed to go, then he was immediately reminded of how his last attempts at flirting went. Plus, Moonstone and his family wouldn't be pleased if they knew he was falling back into his still-very-recent sexual habits. "We were going to go to the gaming store, right?" he brought up, almost coming off awkward in speech.

Tags | Interacting With: Rael
Character Sheet
A reserved section of a local fancy restaurant....

A lady in a red evening dress, with a coral broach was escorted by the waitstaff into the reserved dining room. Her handbag held firmly in her hand as she was sat at a long table. A glass of wine was poured for her as she was waiting for the rest of the company. Soon after, a couple, dressed straight from the Victorian era was ushered in to their seats. "Thetis." the woman said as she tapped her long stem on a handheld ashtray. "Beatrice, Randall. Nice of you to join us." Thetis chimed in. "Like wise, though it would be nice if you had a plus one." Beatrice said cattily. Soon a man dressed as a mix of SS high rank and rock star entered the reserved area. "Yo, party people. Killer first day?" Apollyon spoke as he said down. Beatrice clicked her tongue in displeasure. Randall just waved at his friend.


@Fukushima Akira


@Tobi Naefaerne


@Wicked Jester




((anyone else with an adult character may join, if they are part of the school.)

((Bruh I dun have anyone who's technically associated with these peeps. I have people who's character is awesome like all them, but no one like faculty. So unless you want it to be one of Fenris' restaurants, then I wouldent have anyone to attend. And then I wouldent have any real reason to join the conversation unless I used a super bs excuse so ya...))
((Bruh I dun have anyone who's technically associated with these peeps. I have people who's character is awesome like all them, but no one like faculty. So unless you want it to be one of Fenris' restaurants, then I wouldent have anyone to attend. And then I wouldent have any real reason to join the conversation unless I used a super bs excuse so ya...))

((Why not have it be at one of Fenris' restaurants? Jofune wanted a giant interaction, Fenris is an adult (?), I don't see any reason why you couldn't be a part of it? Heck I don't really have any adult characters either but I'll think of something.))
((Why not have it be at one of Fenris' restaurants? Jofune wanted a giant interaction, Fenris is an adult (?), I don't see any reason why you couldn't be a part of it? Heck I don't really have any adult characters either but I'll think of something.))

((How about I give you Thetis to use or Beatrice? I would find it a deep honor for you to use one of them.))

He moaned painfully as his golden tail ending with a dark tan tuft of fur swished angrily?!?!? Why did he have a tail at all? He remembered very little of what brought him to the floor of the infirmary. But whatever happened, he feels twice as bad as he did after the fight in class with Kanon. He tried to grab the bed to get himself up, but his paw was having a hard time gaining traction, so he instinctively flexed his claw and his nails found purchase in the bed. When did he have paws and reflexive claw nails? Did he always have them? His head itched and he scratched behind his rounded ear and through his beaded and braided mane. Now he was concerned. "HELP ME IMMA LION!" He roared, as his human voice could only utter those words with great labor.





Kanon was sleeping peacefully, or at least it seemed like it, and Yumi had pledged to keep it that way. Her poor sister had been through far more than she should have in any case, and the younger twin wasn't okay with it. To see her sister cry like that... no. She wasn't going to allow it anymore. For once, she was going to be strong for Kanon. For so long, her sister had done everything she could to protect her, taking that responsibility on to herself when she could barely hold herself together. But now... Yumi glanced over at the figure of her sleeping sister, her hand tightening ever so slightly. Maybe she could be that person for her right now. And if not her, then-

It was at that moment that Apollyon had burst into the infirmary, dumping Achilles' battered body into the room with less than a care. Her eyes darted between Kanon's boyfriend and his courier, not understanding what was going on. "Achilles?!" And just as soon as he had appeared, he began to leave, but the stranger looked nearly as bad as the man he brought in. "Hey, what's going on??" Her voice was laced with worry, looking as both Achilles and the stranger collapsed in the room from their injuries and exhaustion. What was happening? Three people who were pretty messed up in the same room. Yumi could only really sit still, trying to figure out what to do. Call the nurse? Heal them herself? The last thing she wanted to do was leave Kanon's side, but these guys were in pretty bad shape themselves... oh, if only Han were here...

Almost as if on cue, Han appeared in the now-open door, with Yumi immediately recognizing him by the color of his hair. She'd recognize it from anywhere. "Han!" Yumi exclaimed, excited and relieved to see him. In one motion she had gotten up and ran to go give him a hug, tightly wrapping her arms around his torso for a moment. But their reunion wasn't what was important right now. "Han, do you know what's going on? I'm not really sure what's going on with everyone getting injured... b-but that's not what's important right now. I have to talk to you about Kanon. Please." Her eyes were pleading and urgent, because she knew she had to talk to her brother before Kanon woke up to stop her. It was something he needed to know, because Kanon needed him right now and Yumi knew her sister wouldn't truly allow it to happen with something so huge in the way.


Hansuke Ishida

One of The Archangels



Han had just made it to the infirmary to where his sister and the others should be. He was caught off guard by a hug from his youngest sister. Not expecting her to even be here, but it was quite the surprise. "Yumi! It's been a whi-" being cut off by a barrage of words, Han blinked and nodded, rubbing his head a little in confusion. He already knew the situation with Kanon, at least the one that had just occurred. Mainly because he had a part in it, but what else could be so important? Kanon was a good girl so it's not like she could have done something. Seeing Achilles and Apollyon behind his sister, Han called for a nurse to get the two some medical attention while he was away.  Han then looked at Yumi and motioned for her to follow hin out to the lobby. "Lets go. Whatever you need to tell me about her, we shouldn't do it close by. She might overhear us."

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A reserved section of a local fancy restaurant....

A lady in a red evening dress, with a coral broach was escorted by the waitstaff into the reserved dining room. Her handbag held firmly in her hand as she was sat at a long table. A glass of wine was poured for her as she was waiting for the rest of the company. Soon after, a couple, dressed straight from the Victorian era was ushered in to their seats. "Thetis." the woman said as she tapped her long stem on a handheld ashtray. "Beatrice, Randall. Nice of you to join us." Thetis chimed in. "Like wise, though it would be nice if you had a plus one." Beatrice said cattily. Soon a man dressed as a mix of SS high rank and rock star entered the reserved area. "Yo, party people. Killer first day?" Apollyon spoke as he said down. Beatrice clicked her tongue in displeasure. Randall just waved at his friend.


@Fukushima Akira


@Tobi Naefaerne


@Wicked Jester




((anyone else with an adult character may join, if they are part of the school.)

Taylor White



Taylor whistled too himself as he got dressed, putting on his usual attire. Being invited out to dinner with the rest of the faculty was a pretty cool thing they had set up. Thinking to himself, he began to wonder who was all going to be there. "Maybe I'll get a haircut tomorrow..." He said quietly to himself as he began making his way out of the apartment, saying bye to his daughter and the others who were there. Around twenty minutes later, Taylor was making his way inside the restaurant where the little get together was being held. He saw a few people had arrived already and he walked over to greet them. "Hey everyone." He said with a smile as he took a seat at the table. 



(((( That's one )))) 
Syo held the door open for her. "I was thinking we go out for seafood or something. Are you down for it?" He asked her curiously.

''Sure. But let's go for seafood once it's lunch time. We could do something else before that.''

She said before she smiled and walked through the door.

''Quite the gentleman you are~''

Taylor White



Taylor whistled too himself as he got dressed, putting on his usual attire. Being invited out to dinner with the rest of the faculty was a pretty cool thing they had set up. Thinking to himself, he began to wonder who was all going to be there. "Maybe I'll get a haircut tomorrow..." He said quietly to himself as he began making his way out of the apartment, saying bye to his daughter and the others who were there. Around twenty minutes later, Taylor was making his way inside the restaurant where the little get together was being held. He saw a few people had arrived already and he walked over to greet them. "Hey everyone." He said with a smile as he took a seat at the table. 



(((( That's one )))) 


She gave the young man a small wave hello. "Why hello, good of you to join us." she said as she crossed her legs and got more comfortable in her chair (correct me on how women do this. Shes trying to send a flirty signal to Taylor by her body language. Ladies please help.) She sipped her wine while watching the delicious young man.


"Come now, Thetis, is it Nymph mating season already or isn't it everyday? Fufufufu." she chortled as she too sipped her wine and puffed on her sweet tobacco. Randall gave a knowing nod to Apollyon. "Must be hard also having a son in the school. Scarlett is a handful. Maybe we should let what's his name..Achilles meet our Dear Scarlett?" he said to both his wife and Thetis. "I dont know dear, I cant stand the thought of a loser, or son of a man lusting witch getting near our pure daughter. Fufufufufu." she chortled some more.


"Another bro for the party?" he said as he ordered himself a shot of Ouzo. "Achilles? you mean that punk bastard I had to put down today? Boy has more problems than lady troubles." he said to the room.

Neruka giggled as they walked to their car before she opened the passenger seat for Cova.

Once Ophelia had started the car, she began to driving, going a little bit passed the speed limit.

Cova smiles pecking her cheek before getting in still cuddling her kitty happy they had found him

it didn't take five minuets before Lana was curled up in her sweet fast asleep cleRly exhausted from the battle as bruises and blood stains started to show all over her from cuts and gashes and places where she was hit hard

She gave the young man a small wave hello. "Why hello, good of you to join us." she said as she crossed her legs and got more comfortable in her chair (correct me on how women do this. Shes trying to send a flirty signal to Taylor by her body language. Ladies please help.) She sipped her wine while watching the delicious young man.


"Come now, Thetis, is it Nymph mating season already or isn't it everyday? Fufufufu." she chortled as she too sipped her wine and puffed on her sweet tobacco. Randall gave a knowing nod to Apollyon. "Must be hard also having a son in the school. Scarlett is a handful. Maybe we should let what's his name..Achilles meet our Dear Scarlett?" he said to both his wife and Thetis. "I dont know dear, I cant stand the thought of a loser, or son of a man lusting witch getting near our pure daughter. Fufufufufu." she chortled some more.


"Another bro for the party?" he said as he ordered himself a shot of Ouzo. "Achilles? you mean that punk bastard I had to put down today? Boy has more problems than lady troubles." he said to the room.


Taylor smiled at Thetis, "Yeah, I'm glad I can make it." He said with a nod. He then heard Beatrice say something, "M-Mating season? E-Ermm..." He slowly looked down at the table and over to Apollyon. "Yeah man. I'm pretty sure more of the guys will make their way here." He said, looking at Thetis is the corner of his eye. She was watching him and he didnt know whether to be scared, or be flattered.

@Jofune Tsurabisu
Asuka Fukushima

Witch turned Sanctum



The day was over for the newly hired teacher, who was sat within the space of her classroom putting away a stack of graded worksheet into her organized folder. School had ended earlier, but she had stayed behind to finish up with the worksheets that she promised to hand back tomorrow. It was to see whether or not the students really knew anything about potions and spells, as well as magic in general. She wasn't expecting them to know everything about it, though if they did that would be good. It was just to see what topics she would need to touch on a little more on if some of the kids didn't understand it. There were only a few things that Asuka needed to review with the class tomorrow. Getting up from the chair, her eyes glanced towards the window. It was still relatively bright outside, but the sun was beginning to set just a little. There was a slight difference in the color of the sky, once bright blue, but now gave off a small orange hint to the horizon. It had only been that long since school had been let out, maybe an hour or so. Having not looked at the clock for a while, she couldn't be too sure. Though the computer was off and she didn't want to take a peek at her phone, only to get distracted by it. Now it didn't really matter, since she was done with grading everything.


Picking up her phone, Asuka saw that there was a notification for a dinner party on the home screen and her eyes widened in surprise. She had completely forgotten about it and looking at the time, it seemed like it was about to start soon. "I have a couple minutes to spare. Maybe I can just change really quick into something less... schooly? Is that even a word?" She muttered to herself, getting up from her seat and collecting her belongings into her bag. Everything was packed up and put away into a nice file, so it was time to get changed. Pulling out her wand from the top drawer of the desk, she mumbled a quick spell as she waved the wooden thing over her head. Small, yet bright shimmers cascaded around her outfit, slowly changing the work attire to a nice flowy white dress. It wasn't anything fancy, just a simple white dress with a single flower on one strap and the dress reached just above her knees, with a set of flats. She didn't want to show up too over dressed, or under-dressed for that matter. She didn't remember whether it was formal or casual, so she went for something in between. Hopefully it would be fine. Now looking much more presentable then before (at least in her opinion), she headed out of the classroom, making sure to lock the door behind her, before heading to the restaurant to meet everyone else.


Luckily the place was only a couple minutes away, so it didn't take her long too long to arrive.  Asuka saw that there was only a few people there once she was inside, so she was pretty early by the looks of it. Though she didn't know who else was coming, or if anyone else was coming at all. Walking over to the other faculty members that she had yet to meet, Asuka gave them a small smile and wave. "Hello." She said timidly, before taking a seat at the table. 

More Info






Slightly Tired

Dinner Party


Others at the party

@Jofune Tsurabisu

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Last edited by a moderator:
Asuka Fukushima

Witch turned Sanctum


The day was over for the newly hired teacher, who was sat within the space of her classroom putting away a stack of graded worksheet into her organized folder. School had ended earlier, but she had stayed behind to finish up with the worksheets that she promised to hand back tomorrow. It was to see whether or not the students really knew anything about potions and spells, as well as magic in general. She wasn't expecting them to know everything about it, though if they did that would be good. It was just to see what topics she would need to touch on a little more on if some of the kids didn't understand it. There were only a few things that Asuka needed to review with the class tomorrow. Getting up from the chair, her eyes glanced towards the window. It was still relatively bright outside, but the sun was beginning to set just a little. There was a slight difference in the color of the sky, once bright blue, but now gave off a small orange hint to the horizon. It had only been that long since school had been let out, maybe an hour or so. Having not looked at the clock for a while, she couldn't be too sure. Though the computer was off and she didn't want to take a peek at her phone, only to get distracted by it. Now it didn't really matter, since she was done with grading everything.


Picking up her phone, Asuka saw that there was a notification for a dinner party on the home screen and her eyes widened in surprise. She had completely forgotten about it and looking at the time, it seemed like it was about to start soon. "I have a couple minutes to spare. Maybe I can just change really quick into something less... schooly? Is that even a word?" She muttered to herself, getting up from her seat and collecting her belongings into her bag. Everything was packed up and put away into a nice file, so it was time to get changed. Pulling out her wand from the top drawer of the desk, she mumbled a quick spell as she waved the wooden thing over her head. Small, yet bright shimmers cascaded around her outfit, slowly changing the work attire to a nice flowy white dress. It wasn't anything fancy, just a simple white dress with a single flower on one strap and the dress reached just above her knees, with a set of flats. She didn't want to show up too over dressed, or under-dressed for that matter. She didn't remember whether it was formal or casual, so she went for something in between. Hopefully it would be fine. Now looking much more presentable then before (at least in her opinion), she headed out of the classroom, making sure to lock the door behind her, before heading to the restaurant to meet everyone else.


Luckily the place was only a couple minutes away, so it didn't take her long too long to arrive.  Asuka saw that there was only a few people there once she was inside, so she was pretty early by the looks of it. Though she didn't know who else was coming, or if anyone else was coming at all. Walking over to the other faculty members that she had yet to meet, Asuka gave them a small smile and wave. "Hello." She said timidly, before taking a seat at the table. 

More Info






Slightly Tired

Dinner Party


Others at the party

@Jofune Tsurabisu

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First to notice, he waves back. "Come, the drink is good, and hopefully as good as the food!" he said merrily, trying not to notice the sparks between Thetis and Beatrice.


He waves to the young teacher. All the while trying not to rasie the ire of his wife.


She snorts a little, and with a forced smile, greets the teacher with a small wave.


She warmly greets the new teacher with a large wave. Her eye still on Taylor.


⊹ Himeragi Seiker ⊹

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

View attachment 167293

Himeragi nodded before she spoke softly.

''Yep. It was also relaxing too~''

She soon started to sit up yawning a bit quietly as she stretched her arms. She looked at the time knowing it was the weekends but it was a bit of a habit for her now.

''Hmmm... Maybe I could make breakfast. Kuroh, what do you feel like having?''

A reserved section of a local fancy restaurant....

A lady in a red evening dress, with a coral broach was escorted by the waitstaff into the reserved dining room. Her handbag held firmly in her hand as she was sat at a long table. A glass of wine was poured for her as she was waiting for the rest of the company. Soon after, a couple, dressed straight from the Victorian era was ushered in to their seats. "Thetis." the woman said as she tapped her long stem on a handheld ashtray. "Beatrice, Randall. Nice of you to join us." Thetis chimed in. "Like wise, though it would be nice if you had a plus one." Beatrice said cattily. Soon a man dressed as a mix of SS high rank and rock star entered the reserved area. "Yo, party people. Killer first day?" Apollyon spoke as he said down. Beatrice clicked her tongue in displeasure. Randall just waved at his friend.


@Fukushima Akira


@Tobi Naefaerne


@Wicked Jester




((anyone else with an adult character may join, if they are part of the school.)

Asuka Fukushima

Witch turned Sanctum


The day was over for the newly hired teacher, who was sat within the space of her classroom putting away a stack of graded worksheet into her organized folder. School had ended earlier, but she had stayed behind to finish up with the worksheets that she promised to hand back tomorrow. It was to see whether or not the students really knew anything about potions and spells, as well as magic in general. She wasn't expecting them to know everything about it, though if they did that would be good. It was just to see what topics she would need to touch on a little more on if some of the kids didn't understand it. There were only a few things that Asuka needed to review with the class tomorrow. Getting up from the chair, her eyes glanced towards the window. It was still relatively bright outside, but the sun was beginning to set just a little. There was a slight difference in the color of the sky, once bright blue, but now gave off a small orange hint to the horizon. It had only been that long since school had been let out, maybe an hour or so. Having not looked at the clock for a while, she couldn't be too sure. Though the computer was off and she didn't want to take a peek at her phone, only to get distracted by it. Now it didn't really matter, since she was done with grading everything.


Picking up her phone, Asuka saw that there was a notification for a dinner party on the home screen and her eyes widened in surprise. She had completely forgotten about it and looking at the time, it seemed like it was about to start soon. "I have a couple minutes to spare. Maybe I can just change really quick into something less... schooly? Is that even a word?" She muttered to herself, getting up from her seat and collecting her belongings into her bag. Everything was packed up and put away into a nice file, so it was time to get changed. Pulling out her wand from the top drawer of the desk, she mumbled a quick spell as she waved the wooden thing over her head. Small, yet bright shimmers cascaded around her outfit, slowly changing the work attire to a nice flowy white dress. It wasn't anything fancy, just a simple white dress with a single flower on one strap and the dress reached just above her knees, with a set of flats. She didn't want to show up too over dressed, or under-dressed for that matter. She didn't remember whether it was formal or casual, so she went for something in between. Hopefully it would be fine. Now looking much more presentable then before (at least in her opinion), she headed out of the classroom, making sure to lock the door behind her, before heading to the restaurant to meet everyone else.


Luckily the place was only a couple minutes away, so it didn't take her long too long to arrive.  Asuka saw that there was only a few people there once she was inside, so she was pretty early by the looks of it. Though she didn't know who else was coming, or if anyone else was coming at all. Walking over to the other faculty members that she had yet to meet, Asuka gave them a small smile and wave. "Hello." She said timidly, before taking a seat at the table. 

More Info






Slightly Tired

Dinner Party


Others at the party

@Jofune Tsurabisu

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...♆Kuroh continued to smile as he replied♆...

 Nah, I'm good~ I don't get hungry when I wake up~ 


...♅After Akira had placed the stack of paper into his drawer, he stretched lightly and cracked his neck. Looking out of the window, he saw that the sun was descending. This drew Akira's attention to the clock, which reminded him of the after-school dinner the adults had planned. Smiling slightly, Akira vanished from his position and appeared within the restaurant, towards the door. His smile remained as he walked into the reserved dining room, and addressed everyone that was present, with the aid of his body language and gestures. He then took a seat beside his wife, Asuka and placed one of his arms on her lower back, leaning in and planting a soft kiss onto her cheek in the process. As he did this, he spoke to her♅...

 Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in work. By the looks of it, I'm guessing we're waiting on a few people?~ Hi honey~ 

Character Information




Interacting With




Sitting with his wife.


The Adults.

Attend the dinner party.


@Jofune Tsurabisu



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Rosalie smiled as she was pulled up kissing him back softly for a bit before pulling away "Is that so?" She had asked as she placed a small kiss on his lips, quickly moving away again after "You know, I'm inclined to agree. I'm quite comfortable myself"

Zac Crimson Black

( Sorry, bad week on top of the fact RPN didn't post this up ._. )

Zac smirked slightly, his eyes holding a tad of mischief in them, "Well, we could do something, or nothing and just relax..." He said his smirk widening quite a bit before he wrapped his arms around Rosalies waist.

Location: Vampire Library
Status: Discussing alchemy with Evelyn and Jackson
Objective: Learn more about elemental alchemy
Mood: Hopeful

"Yes, that's how my powers work. I can't turn water into an unequal amount of air, though I can make air disappear if I'd like. I also can't turn, say, water shaped like a soda can into an actual car. All I could do there is just turn it into a normal soda can. Uh... does that make sense? I'm sorry... my explanations can be sort of confusing at times." They thought of themself having a pretty cool power, if only it didn't suck out so much of their energy for the larger stuff. As they grew older and trained they could make water, air, and other things that were bigger than them with little issues, but they still had limits they needed to overcome to be the strongest.

Tags | Interacting With: Evelyn Crimson Rose
Character Sheet

Evelyn Crimson Rose

(( Sorry, bad week and RPN deleted this >.< ))

Jackson smiled lightly, "Well, if your problem is the amount of energy it takes, alchemy is a good place to start. It requires nothing but something to link the transferred items, say a glove with the circle written into it, or a necklace." He said with the same smile as he walked over to a table, placing the books down, "If you would like to know more, i can teach you myself, but if not, i have to be getting back to my desk," He said with the same smile. Raising a hand and pushing his glasses up.

Evelyn sighed when she sat down at the table, about 10 books on alchemy and 20 on elements, she picked up the first element book and instantly read it in one foul swoop.

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