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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Cova nodded to her

lana nodded as she walked over to her and hugged her lovingly

Daniel smiled happy to see her so happy. "Well that's good." He said happily to her

"Mhm!~" Ariel smiled childishly after finishing her food, which she did pretty fast since she was excited and all. Lifting her plate to clean it first, she left it beside the sink and rushed up the stairs to her room before Euloria was even near finished her food, the baby dragons scrambling up the stairs after her. "Well that went better than expected" Euloria said with a smile.
After sharing the possible complications of learning that particular cut with her, Rini stared back at him wide eyed for a moment before laughing sheepishly when she heard she wouldnt be learning that one "Oh, good job then, I don't think I could handle such a thing as that" she answered, referring the warnings he had gave, shaking her head a little.


"To be honest, time and space are kind of my sphere. Nature has its wonderful perks, but to get to the meat and potatoes of it, I want to learn as much about it as I possibly can." he said as he wrote some more into the journal. "Now comes what my master calls the healing mudra." he said as he explained it:

The mudra for sha is hands folded with index fingers, thumbs, and little fingers extended and against each other, with other fingers interlocked inwards.
Its mantra is 'on hayabaishira mataya sowaka on no oh makusanmanda'.
Sha heals and has great power over healing oneself and others.  Those who use the mudra understand that healing is a much greater power than destroying life, and sha heals on every level.

And thus you need to fold your hands like this:
and focus on who and what you want to heal. Understand all levels do not mean death. There is nothing that can cure death. even reversing time, will only delay the inevitable. If the subject is fated to die at that moment, then there is nothing one can do. But with this, you can cure poisons, calm fevers and close wounds. It also can cure some mental status' like hysteria and extreme panic. But also with everything else, this too can be abused. I have little doubt that you would make the most of this. So from now until you master it, I will train you on its proper use." he finished, letting her test it out on an injured bug that was hurt when they sat down.

''Almost. Just maybe a few more stuff to buy.''

''I've missed you too. We never saw each other lately..''

Ophelia said before she nuzzled into her neck a bit.

⊹ Himeragi Seiker ⊹

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

View attachment 167293

Himeragi began to awake as she slowly opened her eyes. Her hair a bit in her face. She never felt so warm in her sleep before. And its been a long time since she slept with someone. When she saw Kuroh, she smiled and just laid her head on the pillow, awaiting Kuroh's wake.


''Alright. I'll go ahead and make lunch. What do you wanna eat?''

Zenya asked as she tilted her head a bit.

"Alright love." She said to her happily

"in sorry I've been away. The beasts have been wandering farther than normal and I've had to keep them in line." She said softly 

"Mhm!~" Ariel smiled childishly after finishing her food, which she did pretty fast since she was excited and all. Lifting her plate to clean it first, she left it beside the sink and rushed up the stairs to her room before Euloria was even near finished her food, the baby dragons scrambling up the stairs after her. "Well that went better than expected" Euloria said with a smile.

"Yeah." Daniel said with a chuckle as he sat back and ate happily with his wife. "I hope she enjoys it there." He said to her
Cova soon grew a little restless wanting to get home with her. "Sweetheart are we almost done?" She asked

lana smiled hugging her tightly. "I've missed you baby." She said

Neruka continued to shop before she finally finished. She went to the clerk which had quite a short line in front of them.

''I see...well, at least take me with you. I have nothing better to do.''


Neruka continued to shop before she finally finished. She went to the clerk which had quite a short line in front of them.

''I see...well, at least take me with you. I have nothing better to do.''



When they got to the line cova abruptly went to the kitten area and put all the kittens back then came back

lana nodded. "Gladly baby" she said aoftly
Hyouinmaru Ishida

The Dragon of Ice and Steel


Hyou took a deep breath before exhaling moments later. He was glad she didn't ask him why he said what he had said, and just happy to see her up and wanting to go out could be enough for him right. "Alright, let's get out of here." He said with a smile, as he took her to get situated in a wheel chair. As he was doing this, he slowly placed his hand on where, Skylar last had her own hand when holding on to him for support. Realizing how soft her touch was and how calming, brought another smile to his face once again. He then told Lily that they were heading out and with that, the two were heading for yhe front doors of the infirmary. Now it was time to get rid of the awkward silence that would start building if no one said anything. "So... Skylar... How do you feel? Like... Is your recovery going well for you? You don't hurt anymore?" Hyou asked, to keep both the silence out, and his mind in the right place. It had been bugging him a ton on figuring out if she was okay or not and maybe now he'd get some answers to that question. "I just want to know... To help myself, because sometimes it's hard... Having to live with the memory of what I did... Y'know?"

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Skylar could do nothing but nod, keeping her hold on Hyou until her body was safely situated in the wheelchair. She was beginning to hate sitting in this thing, simply from how much she had been sitting in it over the last few... well, however long she had been here. It felt like months at this point, but time just kind of melded together when you do nothing but read and do therapy day after day in a hospital. But after her little stumble and her lack of stability, it was obvious that she wouldn't really be able to go anywhere without it, so it'd have to do for now. God she was so ready to just be able to walk out of here. Though, it was a good chance to spend time with Hyou... and Lily too, she supposed.

She sat in silence as Hyou wheeled her toward the hospital garden, keeping her hands clasped in front of her and resting in her lap. This was kind of nice, being outside with Hyou taking her around. Kind of like a... no. Skylar shook her head lightly, dismissing the thought from her mind. That was wishful thinking. He was just being nice and listening to her request. Yeah. Of course. As her mind was thinking on this, Hyou broke the silence, dragging her away from her distracted thoughts. "A-ah, yeah, it's um... it's going well. Y-yeah, there's not really any pain anymore, I think..." Her words were jumbled as she tried to recover from being distracted, running a hand along her arm where Hyou had grabbed her not moments before to keep her steady. He was much gentler than he looked. "I'm sorry it hasn't been easy, but really... it's okay. I'm doing okay." She took this moment to look up at  him, a soft smile on her slightly blushed face. "Don't be so hard on yourself. I don't want you to do that to yourself, holding all that blame. Please."
⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 187865

...♆Kuroh looked at Kristako in confusion as she spoke to him, shortly before he replied and smiled♆...

“ Hm? Um, sure. I'll take you to see my dad sometime when he's not busy~ ”


Location:Himeragi's Home.


Sitting on Himeragi's couch, conversing with his daughter, Kristako.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Visit Himeragi's Home.




...ΨKenji smiled as Lumina took his hand, the large screen infront of them fading to black as their hands intertwined. A large boom of voices erupted . As Kenji and Lumina made their way down the isle, to the double doored entrance, they could hear the surrounding Humans discussing the movie they'd just watched, explaining some stuff that had occurred, as well as quoting some of the jokes that were said. Walking out of the theatre room, his senses were bombarded with the sudden, and familiar, smell of popcorn and freshly cooked food. Quickly dismissing it from his mind, he looked to Lumina as she spoke to him. As they continued to walk, Kenji thought for a few moments on Lumina's question, his mind attempting to quickly think of somewhere to go, as well as making his decision seem natural, as to not seem like he was creating the date in the moment, Kenji did like to be prepared, after all. After trying to think of restaurants, Kenji finally remembered the date plans he'd set up prior to asking Lumina on the actual date. He laughed nervously and replied to his pair, his cheeks taking on a red shade of embarrassment as he did soΨ...

I think I made reservations at a nice Italian restaurant? I'm not too sure~ We can check when we get there~ ”

Character Information




Interacting With



Movie Theatre.

Walking with Lumina.



Go on a date with his pair.







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With her current mood, Lumina was hardly bothered by the crowd, more focused on the dinner than the boisterous crowd around her. There was some discomfort, of course, but right now that didn't matter. What did was the fact that she was currently on a date with her fiance, her pair, and they were on their way to dinner. Truthfully she didn't really care all that much where they went, she was just happy to be going at all. Lumina made sure to keep a tight hold of Kenji's hand as they maneuvered through the crowds, eventually finding their way to the exit and the fresh, non-popcorn-scented air. There were less people outside, but still enough to not quite eliminate the discomfort. But again, not important. She had glanced up at Kenji as he answered, noting the slight nervousness to her voice. Yeah, that wasn't going to slip by her radar. She was all too familiar with how that worked. Either he was just making things up on the fly, or he had forgotten about some plans she didn't know about. Or, it was some other reason. No matter what it still seemed like plans to go to dinner was still on, so that's what was important. As he mentioned that he thought he had plans at an italian place, her eyes lit up and she brought her arm in front of her torso again, excited about the prospect of the food. "I love Italian!~ It's been so long since I've had pasta~ I'm really looking forward to this!~" Lumina laughed softly before twirling her finger through one of her pigtails. "Yknow, you're pretty cute when you're flustered~"


Amelia moved away from Naji and soon she began to glow purple before transforming into a cat herself. Ironically a black cat, just like, Naji. "I too am able to live the cat life. It's quite fun." She said, making her way over to Naji, placing her paw on his head. "How ya doin handsome." She said jokingly. She then looked up to Elaena and nodded, "No heaven nor hell. Those who do wrong are taken by Lady Thana or her servants. Those who are good go to a place much better. At least that's what I was told."

((Ah, sorry, I must have over looked it ;-;))

Elaena flashed her usual lazy smile after Amelia transformed "Oh I do envy you, I'd love to live the life of a cat. Snoozing would be so much easier" she said, gigging softly as she kneeled down to be closer to cat level. Naji stared at the newly transformed cat before attempting to swat away the paw that was being placed on his head with a somewhat grumpy expression. "Lady Thana...I do not know who that is" Elaena answered, shaking her head a little "But it is nice to know that good people go somewhere nice" she said with a small smile.
Lance reloaded the gun and continued shooting Haruo in the head. "No, we've established bullets wont kill you. But they sure do make you more tolerable. Now do you have any idea where we can go? I mean honestly, you should have some ideas of how to make use of a maid."

⊹ Himeragi Seiker ⊹

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

View attachment 167293

Himeragi began to awake as she slowly opened her eyes. Her hair a bit in her face. She never felt so warm in her sleep before. And its been a long time since she slept with someone. When she saw Kuroh, she smiled and just laid her head on the pillow, awaiting Kuroh's wake.




With her current mood, Lumina was hardly bothered by the crowd, more focused on the dinner than the boisterous crowd around her. There was some discomfort, of course, but right now that didn't matter. What did was the fact that she was currently on a date with her fiance, her pair, and they were on their way to dinner. Truthfully she didn't really care all that much where they went, she was just happy to be going at all. Lumina made sure to keep a tight hold of Kenji's hand as they maneuvered through the crowds, eventually finding their way to the exit and the fresh, non-popcorn-scented air. There were less people outside, but still enough to not quite eliminate the discomfort. But again, not important. She had glanced up at Kenji as he answered, noting the slight nervousness to her voice. Yeah, that wasn't going to slip by her radar. She was all too familiar with how that worked. Either he was just making things up on the fly, or he had forgotten about some plans she didn't know about. Or, it was some other reason. No matter what it still seemed like plans to go to dinner was still on, so that's what was important. As he mentioned that he thought he had plans at an italian place, her eyes lit up and she brought her arm in front of her torso again, excited about the prospect of the food. "I love Italian!~ It's been so long since I've had pasta~ I'm really looking forward to this!~" Lumina laughed softly before twirling her finger through one of her pigtails. "Yknow, you're pretty cute when you're flustered~"


...≭Haruo sighed once more and looked around, as if trying to think of something to do. Coming to the same conclusion he had before, he replied, shortly before a smile formed on his face≭...

 You could just go home? I don't really need a maid, I only accepted the bet because I thought it'd be fun to annoy you at school, and now that school is over, there's nothing that I can possibly do with you. I mainly wanna go home and rest anyway, and even if my father allowed you into the estate, your powers would be negated and your weapons would experience jams every time you went to fire them, which would probably hinder your plans by a lot. 


...♆Kuroh's eyes slowly lifted to reveal his icy-blue irises, signifying his awakening from the sleep. Releasing a small yawn, Kuroh spoke to Himeragi and smiled♆...

 Good morning~ 


...ΨKenji continue to laugh nervously as Lumina spoke to him, prompting him to reply as he shifted his gaze to his left, away from his pair in even more embarrassment. He then continued to talk as they left took a left and began walking towards the restaurant. If memory served him, he'd made arrangements in the restaurant not too far away from the movies, and so, getting there was going to be relatively easy in terms of locating the establishment. He'd never really been on a date before, if that wasn't obvious, at least, not with this incarnation of his pair. Prior to ‘The Event’, as Kenji called it, he would regularly visit Lumina and go on dates, however those dates were vastly different, as the last time and location they were previously publicly engaged was Florence in 1538 AD, during the renaissance. Kenji found it fitting at the time, as the capital was seen as the most romantic location on Earth, and in most regards, is still called just that. The dates that they'd embark on would include journeys in a gondola along the intertwining rivers of the capital at night, along with the spectation of the numerous festivals that occasionally occurred. Comparing those days to the current, the art of dating, as his mother had called it, had changed drastically. Festivals hardly rolled around per year, and boat journeys weren't as common as they once were, this caused Kenji to be confused on how to perform romantic gestures that wasn't outdated. The young Sanctum had never been one to quickly adapt to his surroundings, and the idea of scouring the internet for suggestions was something his older brother, Akira had hinted to him about. Nevertheless, Kenji had become accustomed to the current era through the numerous hours of research, and because of that, here they were. Kenji smiled as he walked towards their destination and spoke, the red shade on his cheeks slowly beginning to subsideΨ...

 Oh, stop it you~ You're the cute one out of us~ The restaurant shouldn't be too far away from here~ You know, it's been a while since we last did this~ 

Character Information




Interacting With




Walking with his pair.



Go on a date with his pair.


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((Ah, sorry, I must have over looked it ;-;))

Elaena flashed her usual lazy smile after Amelia transformed "Oh I do envy you, I'd love to live the life of a cat. Snoozing would be so much easier" she said, gigging softly as she kneeled down to be closer to cat level. Naji stared at the newly transformed cat before attempting to swat away the paw that was being placed on his head with a somewhat grumpy expression. "Lady Thana...I do not know who that is" Elaena answered, shaking her head a little "But it is nice to know that good people go somewhere nice" she said with a small smile.

(((( Don't worry about it )))) 



Amelia gave Elaena a goofy look in her cat form when she said she envy'd her. "Sleeping is definitely much better." She said, chuckling lightly when Naji swat her paw away. "Awww, does Mr. Naji not like it when there are more kitties around?" She asked playfully and she laid her self on his back lazily. "Don't be such a drag Naji. I like you, your fur is soft." She said before looking up at Elaena. "She prefers the quiet life. She was the death to give life which... Is weird. I'd like a peaceful life if I had a husband and children too though."



Yuto now could see Noir clear as day. Her green hair and short stature(compared to Yuto) were unmistakeable. Tears started to flow down his cheeks. He was so confused and happy and sad... He felt a mixture of emotions bombarding him. He just shook it off and accepted the fact she was here now as he ran down from the school rooftop, heading to the courtyard and skidding to a stop in front of Noir, hugging her. "Oh g-god Noir you have n-no idea how much my h-heart hurt without y-you..." He said as he started to choke up.



The artist was really starting to get anxious, from a multitude of reasons. Not knowing where she was, not remembering anything, having no voice... Noir was beginning to feel slightly lightheaded and panicky, trying hard not to hyperventilate. That would just add on top of her growing list of problems at the moment. As she was trying and failing to catch her breath, that was when Yuto dropped down from the roof and wrapped her body in a teary embrace. Noir froze, not understanding what was going on. She didn't know who this guy was that seemed so relieved to see her... and speaking of that, how did he know her name? How did he know her?? Panicking even more, Noir found the strength to push through the growing lightheadedness and fear to push herself out of Yuto's arms, her out open as if she was screaming but with no sound coming out. Now a few feet away, Noir brought her arms to her chest, looking at the stranger in front of her with a wide-eyed, confused and scared expression. For someone to hold her so closely for what seemed like no reason was terrifying, and in a panic she moved her arm as if to push him away from a distance, causing a fairly large solid shockwave of paint to fly toward Yuto in an offensive manner. This confused Noir even more, and she stumbled back a bit, the shock getting to her from everything that was happening. No memory, strange place, some stranger that didn't know her, some strange ability... within moments, the artist succumbed to the blackness that had been creeping up with the lightheadedness and her eyes fell closed as her body fell forward, the last thing she remembered was looking at Yuto with an utterly scared look.



Kanon was sleeping peacefully, or at least it seemed like it, and Yumi had pledged to keep it that way. Her poor sister had been through far more than she should have in any case, and the younger twin wasn't okay with it. To see her sister cry like that... no. She wasn't going to allow it anymore. For once, she was going to be strong for Kanon. For so long, her sister had done everything she could to protect her, taking that responsibility on to herself when she could barely hold herself together. But now... Yumi glanced over at the figure of her sleeping sister, her hand tightening ever so slightly. Maybe she could be that person for her right now. And if not her, then-

It was at that moment that Apollyon had burst into the infirmary, dumping Achilles' battered body into the room with less than a care. Her eyes darted between Kanon's boyfriend and his courier, not understanding what was going on. "Achilles?!" And just as soon as he had appeared, he began to leave, but the stranger looked nearly as bad as the man he brought in. "Hey, what's going on??" Her voice was laced with worry, looking as both Achilles and the stranger collapsed in the room from their injuries and exhaustion. What was happening? Three people who were pretty messed up in the same room. Yumi could only really sit still, trying to figure out what to do. Call the nurse? Heal them herself? The last thing she wanted to do was leave Kanon's side, but these guys were in pretty bad shape themselves... oh, if only Han were here...

Almost as if on cue, Han appeared in the now-open door, with Yumi immediately recognizing him by the color of his hair. She'd recognize it from anywhere. "Han!" Yumi exclaimed, excited and relieved to see him. In one motion she had gotten up and ran to go give him a hug, tightly wrapping her arms around his torso for a moment. But their reunion wasn't what was important right now. "Han, do you know what's going on? I'm not really sure what's going on with everyone getting injured... b-but that's not what's important right now. I have to talk to you about Kanon. Please." Her eyes were pleading and urgent, because she knew she had to talk to her brother before Kanon woke up to stop her. It was something he needed to know, because Kanon needed him right now and Yumi knew her sister wouldn't truly allow it to happen with something so huge in the way.



Kanon was sleeping peacefully, or at least it seemed like it, and Yumi had pledged to keep it that way. Her poor sister had been through far more than she should have in any case, and the younger twin wasn't okay with it. To see her sister cry like that... no. She wasn't going to allow it anymore. For once, she was going to be strong for Kanon. For so long, her sister had done everything she could to protect her, taking that responsibility on to herself when she could barely hold herself together. But now... Yumi glanced over at the figure of her sleeping sister, her hand tightening ever so slightly. Maybe she could be that person for her right now. And if not her, then-

It was at that moment that Apollyon had burst into the infirmary, dumping Achilles' battered body into the room with less than a care. Her eyes darted between Kanon's boyfriend and his courier, not understanding what was going on. "Achilles?!" And just as soon as he had appeared, he began to leave, but the stranger looked nearly as bad as the man he brought in. "Hey, what's going on??" Her voice was laced with worry, looking as both Achilles and the stranger collapsed in the room from their injuries and exhaustion. What was happening? Three people who were pretty messed up in the same room. Yumi could only really sit still, trying to figure out what to do. Call the nurse? Heal them herself? The last thing she wanted to do was leave Kanon's side, but these guys were in pretty bad shape themselves... oh, if only Han were here...

Almost as if on cue, Han appeared in the now-open door, with Yumi immediately recognizing him by the color of his hair. She'd recognize it from anywhere. "Han!" Yumi exclaimed, excited and relieved to see him. In one motion she had gotten up and ran to go give him a hug, tightly wrapping her arms around his torso for a moment. But their reunion wasn't what was important right now. "Han, do you know what's going on? I'm not really sure what's going on with everyone getting injured... b-but that's not what's important right now. I have to talk to you about Kanon. Please." Her eyes were pleading and urgent, because she knew she had to talk to her brother before Kanon woke up to stop her. It was something he needed to know, because Kanon needed him right now and Yumi knew her sister wouldn't truly allow it to happen with something so huge in the way.


(Did you ever reply to Ansom? Or did I just miss it?)
((Oh shit, no I didnt. I'll go back and try and find it. I guess I've been so behind on replies I lost track of it .-. I'm sorry!))

(Hey! You're all good. Take your time. I was just asking because I wasn't sure if I missed it or not. Don't fret about it :D)



Kanon was sleeping peacefully, or at least it seemed like it, and Yumi had pledged to keep it that way. Her poor sister had been through far more than she should have in any case, and the younger twin wasn't okay with it. To see her sister cry like that... no. She wasn't going to allow it anymore. For once, she was going to be strong for Kanon. For so long, her sister had done everything she could to protect her, taking that responsibility on to herself when she could barely hold herself together. But now... Yumi glanced over at the figure of her sleeping sister, her hand tightening ever so slightly. Maybe she could be that person for her right now. And if not her, then-

It was at that moment that Apollyon had burst into the infirmary, dumping Achilles' battered body into the room with less than a care. Her eyes darted between Kanon's boyfriend and his courier, not understanding what was going on. "Achilles?!" And just as soon as he had appeared, he began to leave, but the stranger looked nearly as bad as the man he brought in. "Hey, what's going on??" Her voice was laced with worry, looking as both Achilles and the stranger collapsed in the room from their injuries and exhaustion. What was happening? Three people who were pretty messed up in the same room. Yumi could only really sit still, trying to figure out what to do. Call the nurse? Heal them herself? The last thing she wanted to do was leave Kanon's side, but these guys were in pretty bad shape themselves... oh, if only Han were here...

Almost as if on cue, Han appeared in the now-open door, with Yumi immediately recognizing him by the color of his hair. She'd recognize it from anywhere. "Han!" Yumi exclaimed, excited and relieved to see him. In one motion she had gotten up and ran to go give him a hug, tightly wrapping her arms around his torso for a moment. But their reunion wasn't what was important right now. "Han, do you know what's going on? I'm not really sure what's going on with everyone getting injured... b-but that's not what's important right now. I have to talk to you about Kanon. Please." Her eyes were pleading and urgent, because she knew she had to talk to her brother before Kanon woke up to stop her. It was something he needed to know, because Kanon needed him right now and Yumi knew her sister wouldn't truly allow it to happen with something so huge in the way.



He moaned painfully as his golden tail ending with a dark tan tuft of fur swished angrily?!?!? Why did he have a tail at all? He remembered very little of what brought him to the floor of the infirmary. But whatever happened, he feels twice as bad as he did after the fight in class with Kanon. He tried to grab the bed to get himself up, but his paw was having a hard time gaining traction, so he instinctively flexed his claw and his nails found purchase in the bed. When did he have paws and reflexive claw nails? Did he always have them? His head itched and he scratched behind his rounded ear and through his beaded and braided mane. Now he was concerned. "HELP ME IMMA LION!" He roared, as his human voice could only utter those words with great labor.



...≭Haruo sighed once more and looked around, as if trying to think of something to do. Coming to the same conclusion he had before, he replied, shortly before a smile formed on his face≭...

 You could just go home? I don't really need a maid, I only accepted the bet because I thought it'd be fun to annoy you at school, and now that school is over, there's nothing that I can possibly do with you. I mainly wanna go home and rest anyway, and even if my father allowed you into the estate, your powers would be negated and your weapons would experience jams every time you went to fire them, which would probably hinder your plans by a lot. 


...♆Kuroh's eyes slowly lifted to reveal his icy-blue irises, signifying his awakening from the sleep. Releasing a small yawn, Kuroh spoke to Himeragi and smiled♆...

 Good morning~ 


...ΨKenji continue to laugh nervously as Lumina spoke to him, prompting him to reply as he shifted his gaze to his left, away from his pair in even more embarrassment. He then continued to talk as they left took a left and began walking towards the restaurant. If memory served him, he'd made arrangements in the restaurant not too far away from the movies, and so, getting there was going to be relatively easy in terms of locating the establishment. He'd never really been on a date before, if that wasn't obvious, at least, not with this incarnation of his pair. Prior to ‘The Event’, as Kenji called it, he would regularly visit Lumina and go on dates, however those dates were vastly different, as the last time and location they were previously publicly engaged was Florence in 1538 AD, during the renaissance. Kenji found it fitting at the time, as the capital was seen as the most romantic location on Earth, and in most regards, is still called just that. The dates that they'd embark on would include journeys in a gondola along the intertwining rivers of the capital at night, along with the spectation of the numerous festivals that occasionally occurred. Comparing those days to the current, the art of dating, as his mother had called it, had changed drastically. Festivals hardly rolled around per year, and boat journeys weren't as common as they once were, this caused Kenji to be confused on how to perform romantic gestures that wasn't outdated. The young Sanctum had never been one to quickly adapt to his surroundings, and the idea of scouring the internet for suggestions was something his older brother, Akira had hinted to him about. Nevertheless, Kenji had become accustomed to the current era through the numerous hours of research, and because of that, here they were. Kenji smiled as he walked towards their destination and spoke, the red shade on his cheeks slowly beginning to subsideΨ...

 Oh, stop it you~ You're the cute one out of us~ The restaurant shouldn't be too far away from here~ You know, it's been a while since we last did this~ 

Character Information




Interacting With




Walking with his pair.



Go on a date with his pair.


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⊹ Himeragi Seiker ⊹

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

View attachment 167293

Himeragi smiled before she spoke softly.

''Good morning~''
Cova smiled more as she hugged neruka as they waited

"home? I've finished my mission for the night." She said to her

They finally got to the clerk and began to buy the stuff they had brought. In the end, Neruka payed for it all and they went outside.

''Now to head home.''

''Then shall we go?''
They finally got to the clerk and began to buy the stuff they had brought. In the end, Neruka payed for it all and they went outside.

''Now to head home.''

''Then shall we go?''

"Yes we sh--" cova said abruptly stoping as she had a look of terror in her eyes as she realized what she had done. Her kitten wasn't in her hands more and she must have put hers with the other kittens

"sure love." She said softly
Mei Junchi

Location: Town | ATM
Status: Waiting for Rael to finish using the ATM
Objective: Let Rael use the ATM
Mood: Emotionally confused | Still happy

As extremely hot as Rael was, Junchi found himself a bit confused on how he felt about them. They could shape-shift their body into anything, which was always a nice thing to have no matter the relationship type (unless they were on bad terms). Yet, that shape-shifting also led to a personality shift too, and that wasn't something he felt very comfortable about. One moment Rael could be a hot and seductive girl, and the next they could be a completely different person, one who was even worse than before. Maybe it wouldn't be that dramatic of a change, but seeing someone change so much that they aren't even recognizable as the person you met a few hours ago... that was creepy.

"Flipped your switch?" he said with a smile. "Can't say I'm not proud of that. I'm pretty satisfied with the girl you are right now."

There was no real reason to just ditch Rael though. Aside from their attractive features, they were still a cool person to be around, and did help him learn more about himself. They could even flirt with each other, which was always a plus in any relationship he had (asides from family or with people too old for him). With that in mind, he led Rael to the ATM and waited for them to do whatever they needed to do.

Tags | Interacting With: Rael
Character Sheet

((I think this is a thing... i bet it is...))

Rael giggled as she leaned on Junchi's arm before semi reluctantly separating and walking up to the atm before pulling her phone Rael logged into her banking account revealing an amount no person her apparent age should have in their bank account and held it up to the atm using the chip inside the phone to confirm her identity. withdrawing a few hundred dollars rael walked back to Junchi and wrapped arms back around his and leaned in before speaking seductively. "You know if you wanted I could let you do a lot more than just flipping my switch."
"My family?" She repeated, her mouth moving into a thin line before she laughed a little "Eh...they are...an interesting bunch I guess, certainly not a text book example of family, though what family is really" she said with a shrug. "I mean my mom and little sister are easy to get along with my older brother and my dad are a different story though" she answered before smiling over at him.

((I just had an image of C4 giving yuna a piggyback ride home XDD ))

C4 blinked and glanced at her before shrugging. "Huh... I guess your family seems a lot more normal than I was expecting. then again i'm using my "family" as reference so that isnt saying much considering how we're pretty much the weirdest people alive."

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