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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Ekayon Loren Sharm


Sleep was a very peaceful time for Ekayon. While he slept he never had to worry about anything. He could lazily drift atop a cloud or feel the warm embrace of the sun. It felt so real to him he would often wonder if he was really dreaming from time to time. Ekayon was something of a deep thinker though no one would be able to know that based on how he acted or how often he fell asleep. One could argue that Ekayon only ever really thinks while dreaming. They wouldn't be too far off either. His small body was curled slightly as he basked in the sunlight. The grass was warm and tickled him slightly whenever he tried to adjust his head. His hair was the perfect pillow and impromptu blanket along with his loose fitting clothes. He dreamed of the time he was with his mother as a child. Of how she would enter his dreams and teach him the wonders of nature. The faint, sweet aroma of springtime flowers. The crisp autumn winds that swirled around him. The touch of fresh snow beneath his feet. The warm embrace of the summer sun. He enjoyed every moment of it. Though it's only been a few days, he misses those days already.

Ekayon was a very lucid dreamer. He was able to speak to the spirits in his dreams and even go on little trips with them on occasion. He reached out to Undine who he had not seen all day. He was beginning to become worried. "Undine? Where are you? Where have you gone?" Still no answer. What would cause Undine to not answer him like she has done so many times before? He resolved to let things as they be for now. Undine was a very capable spirit even before they met. Worry still sat in his heart, but he felt sure that Undine had her reasons. Slyph and Salamander had stopped their bickering apparently while he slept. At least that's what they told him as he dreamed. Though it was obvious who won in the end. Salamander had a grin from ear to ear while Sylph pouted. Ekayon chuckled as he wandered what appeared to be the school in his dreams. He was floating above his slumbering body. This was a rather common thing for him when he had a lucid dream. He would appear above his sleeping body and he was able to freely roam until he woke up. At first he thought it strange that he was dreaming of the school. Then he remembered the time he dreamed he was flying through the clouds with Sylph and hung out with Undine underwater. So to him this was a rather tame lucid dream in comparison.

From his earlier glimpse of the school it looks about the same as he recalled. He turned and found that his body had a guest. A girl with crimson hair. She seemed like she was thinking hard on something. She reminded him of his friend Amalia when she was deep in thought. Her brow would furrow, her arms crossed, and she would look up at the sky as if she was casting a dove into the air to take flight. Ekayon's eyes softened and his signature gentle smile appeared on his face as he remembered her. His sleeping body also smiled. Something that Ekayon never noticed happened before. He never took the time to actually examine his own body before. So it shocked him to know that it reacted the same like in his dreams. The girl nudged his body slightly yet he did not wake up. "I suppose I should wake up huh? Wouldn't want to have someone worry about me on the first day of school." 

Ekayon closed his eyes. He tried to envision himself back in his body. He could feel his body pressed against his hair and the soft grass. The fabric of his clothes draped over him like a blanket. Finally his eyes slowly began to open. He looked up at the girl beside him. Her eyes were akin to lilacs or perhaps verbana was a more fitting flower. They shared the same dark purple hue. He slowly started to sit up and stretched as far as he could. His arms unwilling to escape the confines of his sleeves. He let out a large yawn and did his best to cover his mouth, though the sound was rather audible. He looked at the girl once more and smiled sweetly at her as he began to rub his eyes. "Good mooooorning."


Vanille just continued to stare at the boy, wondering just who he was and why exactly he was sleeping in the middle of the grass. Of course, it's not like she was a stranger to falling asleep in less-than-ideal places, back home she always found the nooks and corners and random spots around her house and hometown to take a nap in. In this way, she could understand the situation just fine; falling asleep in the grass is nothing compared to falling asleep hanging off the rafters in the atrium of the Lunar Observatory. The owner wasn't all that happy to find a sleeping witch amongst the higher telescopes. 

But perhaps that was why she was so curious, because in a way it reminded her of days long past, in a dimension both far and not-so-far away. He looked quite comfortable, and Vanille almost moved to lie down next to him to see if it was as comfortable as it seemed. A bemused smile came across her face for a moment as her eyes trailed over his figure. His frame was actually quite small, but the mane of hair on his head that was currently enveloping him made him seem a bit larger splayed across the grass. The contrasting sight was not something she was used to, but the more she looked at him the more the look seemed to fit him, and eventually she couldn't see him looking any other way. Cute boy, that was for sure.

Speaking of cute, her eyes widened in surprise to see a smile cross his face, wondering what he was smiling about. Perhaps he was having a lovely dream, or a comforting thought. Either way, it caused her to smile a big despite her confusion, like it was infectious or something. This bushy haired boy was definitely interesting for sure. Vanille couldn't help but lean in a bit closer, trying to see if her efforts to wake him up were successful or not. As she leaned in, it was then that the boy opened his eyes, and Vanille shot her body back into a straight-backed position, blushing slightly at the embarrassment from having been so close to his face as he awoke. "Ah! I'm sorry!" Though she wasn't sure exactly what she was apologizing for? Was it being so close? Or was it waking him up at all? Well, no matter what, she just felt the innate desire to apologize.

His clothes really contrasted against his body as he stretched, for no matter how far he stretched his arms were still concealed. Though, his clothes seemed to fit well enough, so maybe it was just the sleeves. Vanille understood well enough the feeling of wanting to cover your hands and keep them from being exposed. She wasn't sure what the case was in this situation. "Good morning. I apologize for waking you up, but you kind of passed out in the middle of the grass, and I didn't think I should just leave you here.." Vanille rambled a bit before blinking and extending her hand. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Vanille, and sorry if this was a bad time to wake you up."

Mustering all of the politesse he could pull, he also sat up, and responded, "Well, you finally address me? My name is Achilles. You already must know my little lamb here. Formalities aside, what brings you storming into the infirmary?" he spat out, trying to be civil, and remain calm. But his blood began to simmer and if it was not for the fact that he was concerned for Kanon, he probably would have jumped from the bed into a fight. "Kanon, my love, are you okay? where does it hurt?" he asked genuinely worried. His brain was trying to process too many emotions and it started to make even less sense.



Han frowned and looked down at the ground, finding it hard to see his sister in such a state. This made him worry about their sister's state as well. He balled his fingers into a fist, "Why are you here? Why are you all bruised up?" He asked, completely ignoring Achilles. He would acknowledge his presence if his sister wasn't so beat up. "Were you hurt like this all this time and didn't choose to tell me? If not me, even dad should have known." He said, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry I'm not even allowing you to speak... I'm internally panicking here... But just... What the absolute hell..." Han then turned his attention to Achilles. "And who are you? Why are you in bed with my sister?"

@Jofune Tsurabisu

Kanon struggled with keeping herself in check and under control, feeling like the situation was deteriorating and would combust around her any second. This wasn't the way that she wanted her brother and Achilles to meet. Hell, she hadn't even told him that Achilles existed, much less was her boyfriend? And as for his question about if she was hurt the whole time... well how could she answer that? How could she just say what those men had done to her? She could barely admit it to herself, and half the time when she tried to recall the events (which she hated when she did, always getting nauseous and anxious) she couldn't remember, like she was trying to block it out of her mind. Kanon's body trembled, tears now starting to spill on to her cheeks. Her hands grasped her hospital gown, pulling them in closer to herself as if it would do anything to cover up the scars and bruises that Han was seeing. She never wanted him to see those. She hadn't even told Yumi about any of it. "I... I c-couldn't... n-not... I..." She couldn't even get the words out, the thought of having to explain that she was molested to her own brother, in front of her boyfriend no less, wasn't something she was sure she couldn't handle. Not now, and possibly not ever. Hearing Achilles' voice made her turn her head, but she wasn't able to say anything more, feeling her throat hitch as more tears fell. The last thing she wanted was for a situation like this to happen (having to explain what had happened to her as well as explain Achilles), and yet everything she didn't want to happen seemed to be happening at once. She didn't want Han to get angry at Achilles. She didn't want Achilles to get angry at Han. She was stuck in the middle, yet she felt the most powerless to do anything. "Please..." was all she could manage out in a vulnerable voice, not even sure what she was trying to say at this point.


@Jofune Tsurabisu
Kanon struggled with keeping herself in check and under control, feeling like the situation was deteriorating and would combust around her any second. This wasn't the way that she wanted her brother and Achilles to meet. Hell, she hadn't even told him that Achilles existed, much less was her boyfriend? And as for his question about if she was hurt the whole time... well how could she answer that? How could she just say what those men had done to her? She could barely admit it to herself, and half the time when she tried to recall the events (which she hated when she did, always getting nauseous and anxious) she couldn't remember, like she was trying to block it out of her mind. Kanon's body trembled, tears now starting to spill on to her cheeks. Her hands grasped her hospital gown, pulling them in closer to herself as if it would do anything to cover up the scars and bruises that Han was seeing. She never wanted him to see those. She hadn't even told Yumi about any of it. "I... I c-couldn't... n-not... I..." She couldn't even get the words out, the thought of having to explain that she was molested to her own brother, in front of her boyfriend no less, wasn't something she was sure she couldn't handle. Not now, and possibly not ever. Hearing Achilles' voice made her turn her head, but she wasn't able to say anything more, feeling her throat hitch as more tears fell. The last thing she wanted was for a situation like this to happen (having to explain what had happened to her as well as explain Achilles), and yet everything she didn't want to happen seemed to be happening at once. She didn't want Han to get angry at Achilles. She didn't want Achilles to get angry at Han. She was stuck in the middle, yet she felt the most powerless to do anything. "Please..." was all she could manage out in a vulnerable voice, not even sure what she was trying to say at this point.


@Jofune Tsurabisu

(Damn. I got the shivers from that. +10 respect points)


As much of an oaf as he was, he was not wool brained enough not to sense that his lover was in a deep pain. Hell, he could feel it radiate off of her like a sickening heat. So he tempered himself to do the one and only thing he could think of....

He grabbed her and held her close.

He channeled all of the remaining energy coursing through him to hold and comfort her.

He wanted to shield her.

Protect her.

And most of all....

Love her.


Ansom listened to Celaena's comments intently as he drove down the street bordered by trees. After a while, the trees began to spread and a large building could be seen between each one to the left. "Finally."

He took a left and pulled into a large parking lot that looked to be fairly crowded. "It's not as busy as usual, at least." Ansom smiled and pulled into an empty spot. "We'll have to walk the rest of the way. All the good parking spots are taken."

He turned off the car and put the keys into his pocket and he opened the door and got out. He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for Celaena. "Just get the seatbelt off."

Celaena had been quiet for the rest of the ride, content with staring out the window as they drove along. The scenery was so strange here, with even more new and strange things passing by the window that she didn't recognize. Truthfully, if Celaena was being honest with herself, she wasn't sure how much she really liked all of it. A part of her was extremely curious to find out about this world, but a part of her also realized that all the technology and the things that took the place of nature didn't sit well with her. And that was just from being a fae. Perhaps it was just nerves from being in a new world.

The fae didn't really understand what he was talking about with "parking spots", but soon enough he had gotten out of the car and opened her door, mentioning something about a seatbelt. She looked up at him, her face blank for a moment before she remembered that strap of material that held her to the seat. He had locked into a plastic thing on her... ah! There it was. Looking down at it, she frowned, trying to figure out how to release it. After fiddling with it for a while, her lithe fingers pressed down on the button, and seatbelt retracted. Smiling, Celaena stood up out of the car, beaming at Ansom. "I did it!" She looked over at the building near them. "Is this the... mall?"
Vanille just continued to stare at the boy, wondering just who he was and why exactly he was sleeping in the middle of the grass. Of course, it's not like she was a stranger to falling asleep in less-than-ideal places, back home she always found the nooks and corners and random spots around her house and hometown to take a nap in. In this way, she could understand the situation just fine; falling asleep in the grass is nothing compared to falling asleep hanging off the rafters in the atrium of the Lunar Observatory. The owner wasn't all that happy to find a sleeping witch amongst the higher telescopes. 

But perhaps that was why she was so curious, because in a way it reminded her of days long past, in a dimension both far and not-so-far away. He looked quite comfortable, and Vanille almost moved to lie down next to him to see if it was as comfortable as it seemed. A bemused smile came across her face for a moment as her eyes trailed over his figure. His frame was actually quite small, but the mane of hair on his head that was currently enveloping him made him seem a bit larger splayed across the grass. The contrasting sight was not something she was used to, but the more she looked at him the more the look seemed to fit him, and eventually she couldn't see him looking any other way. Cute boy, that was for sure.

Speaking of cute, her eyes widened in surprise to see a smile cross his face, wondering what he was smiling about. Perhaps he was having a lovely dream, or a comforting thought. Either way, it caused her to smile a big despite her confusion, like it was infectious or something. This bushy haired boy was definitely interesting for sure. Vanille couldn't help but lean in a bit closer, trying to see if her efforts to wake him up were successful or not. As she leaned in, it was then that the boy opened his eyes, and Vanille shot her body back into a straight-backed position, blushing slightly at the embarrassment from having been so close to his face as he awoke. "Ah! I'm sorry!" Though she wasn't sure exactly what she was apologizing for? Was it being so close? Or was it waking him up at all? Well, no matter what, she just felt the innate desire to apologize.

His clothes really contrasted against his body as he stretched, for no matter how far he stretched his arms were still concealed. Though, his clothes seemed to fit well enough, so maybe it was just the sleeves. Vanille understood well enough the feeling of wanting to cover your hands and keep them from being exposed. She wasn't sure what the case was in this situation. "Good morning. I apologize for waking you up, but you kind of passed out in the middle of the grass, and I didn't think I should just leave you here.." Vanille rambled a bit before blinking and extending her hand. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Vanille, and sorry if this was a bad time to wake you up."

Ekayon finished rubbing his eyes and a chuckled as he listened to the girls apology. She seemed nice for a stranger. Nice enough at least to gently wake him up and not simply flip him into the air like someone he knew. He wasn't worried about being woken up honestly. He was happy that someone did. Worst case scenario he'd never get to his room before the day's end. Not exactly a great first day, but not exactly a bad one either in Ekayon's book. "No need to apologize. Really you actually did me a favor. I'd probably be stuck here all day if you didn't show up." He laughed at the thought of being out here all day. He looked up at the sky to let his eyes get used to the brightness of the day. There were few clouds and a gentle breeze blew through. His hair dragged along the with the wind. It seemed like today was going to be a kind one for the most part. He liked days like these. It felt like the world was at peace with itself. Then he felt a shifting atop his head.

That's when he remembered Gnome still inhabited the doll he had prepared. She was napping within his hair. She must still be sleeping in there. Ekayon gently nudged the doll that lay within his mane. "Time to awaken dear friend. If I'm awake then so must you be." Gnome ignored his nudging. She was not easy to wake up sometimes. If Undine was here she would have her up and about with a simple drizzle. Course that would also mean that Ekayon would get wet and he wasn't too keen on getting a shower at this moment. He nudged Gnome again. She continued to ignore his attempts. It seemed rather pointless at this rate. But he couldn't have her in his hair all day long. With a sigh he raised his still sheathed arms and reached out to the doll. Ekayon gently picked up from his head and brought it out into the open and cradled it into his left arm. He looked down at the doll and a smile appeared on his face. Gnome's possession of the doll had its sack doll eyes closed and it's body moving like it was breathing as it slept. For many people it was an odd sight to behold. For Ekayon however this was something he's used to seeing.

He looked up from Gnome to greet the girl once more. He believed she said her name was Vanille. He extended his right hand, or more exactly his sleeve, to greet here. "It's nice to meet you Vanille. My name is Ekayon and this one in my arm is Gnome. I would introduce you to the others, but I only have one doll at the moment. It's a shame really, they really wish to talk to you." Just behind Ekayon's head both Sylph and Salamander hid within his mane and looked at Vanille with piqued curiosity. 
Kenai Yelil


Kenai blinked "You'd really do all that if I was going to leave?" He glanced over at her before laughing softly "Jeez, you have this all planned out don't you" he asked as he sat forward a little he gaze still fixed on her as he then tilted his head ever so slightly "Sitting infront of the door wouldn't do much, I could always just lift you up and place you somewhere else until I get past" he joked grinning for a moment "As I already said, I'm not going anywhere any time soon, so no need to lock me out of my home and stuff" he reassured her once more.

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Saria Roux


Saria giggled when she too, felt the pulses of magic from shaking Izumi's hand " It's lovely to meet you~" She said politely before Izumi spoke. Saria waited with slight anticipation of what she was going to say before she just...stopped? Her mouth was slightly agape for a moment at the girls sudden pause in her sentence "Done a few..." She repeated, hoping the girl would finish off her words, because now she was curious. Saria wasn't the only one curious about this new acquaintance of hers. The small pitter patter of little feet could be heard from under the table as a small white cat was glaring up at Izumi, he wasn't the same kind of curious as Saria was. He was the concerned kind of curious he felt something off about her. Yes, he would keep a close watch on this one...


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Saria Roux


Saria giggled when she too, felt the pulses of magic from shaking Izumi's hand " It's lovely to meet you~" She said politely before Izumi spoke. Saria waited with slight anticipation of what she was going to say before she just...stopped? Her mouth was slightly agape for a moment at the girls sudden pause in her sentence "Done a few..." She repeated, hoping the girl would finish off her words, because now she was curious. Saria wasn't the only one curious about this new acquaintance of hers. The small pitter patter of little feet could be heard from under the table as a small white cat was glaring up at Izumi, he wasn't the same kind of curious as Saria was. He was the concerned kind of curious he felt something off about her. Yes, he would keep a close watch on this one...


Izumi looked around the cafe, wondering if anyone around was watching or listening in on their conversation. She shook her head a bit nervous wondering if Saria was an active practicing witch with powers, or just someone who studied the craft. She felt power coming from her, but that didn't mean she knew about it. Izumi looked up at Saria curious how she would react but also staying reserved. "Spells" Izumi heard the cat under the table, and wanted to pet him but didn't know if it was okay to pet him. So she stayed put waiting, nervous about what to say next.

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Camilla Radkov


Camilla pouted for a brief moment after she spoke before nodding, she supposed that made sense... Oh well, maybe one day she'd be able to do things without burning herself. She'd look forward to that. Realising that Akane had walked ahead Camilla moved to catch up with her, skipping up to her side. Listening to her words she looked at Akane with a curious expression "You changed your mind?" She asked she had caught up "Why though? Did you not like teaching?"

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#camilladesc p{
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Lance shrugged as as Haruo spoke of his father and a blank stare crossed her face as he mentioned waiting.  Boredly sighing she tilted her head at him.

"I am a sniper. Waiting is a non issue to me. I can wait in a location without eating, drinking, or moving for three solid days. You wasting time only annoy's me as I've already discovered bullets have little effect on you, and its rather hard to be inconspicuous in the middle of this vast empty court yard where we are clearly visible."

Himeragi Seiker

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

Himeragi smiled before she continued to walk towards the house as she spoke. When she got to the door, she unlocked it and opened it.

''I bought this house a month ago and so me and Kristako only lived here for about a week and a half.''

ЖHaruo FukushimaЖ

                  ~ The Prince of Euphoria ~


...≭Haruo's eyes lowered from Lance and faced the ground, shortly before he released a short sigh. He replied≭...

“ Well I dunno what to do. ”


Location:School's Main Courtyard.


Conversing with Lance.


Interacting With:Lance.


Concoct the perfect plan to embarrass Lance.


@Wicked Jester

⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 167287

...♆Kuroh nodded in accordance to Himeragi's words, shortly before he replied, his smile remaining♆...

“ Oh, okay~ It's nice~ ”


Location:City Sidewalk.


Walking with Himeragi.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Visit Himeragi's Home.


Rin finished eating and got ready herself. "Ready?" She asks Hanran who was waiting for her. Nona grabbed Rins plate and cleaned it.

Hanran Akimasu


Hanran nodded softly and smiled sweetly at her as he took her hand gently and lead her out the door. Doragon then looked at Nona and blushed lightly, remembering the times he shared with her. He waddled up next to Nona and began to help her.


Hanran later sprouted wings when they were in a clear enough area. "Grab on." He chuckled as he looked at Rin.

((Can Doragon interact with Nona? :3))

Hanran Akimasu


Hanran nodded softly and smiled sweetly at her as he took her hand gently and lead her out the door. Doragon then looked at Nona and blushed lightly, remembering the times he shared with her. He waddled up next to Nona and began to help her.


Hanran later sprouted wings when they were in a clear enough area. "Grab on." He chuckled as he looked at Rin.

((Can Doragon interact with Nona? :3))

(Sure :3)

Rin smiled back at him and followed Hanran out the door, when he told her to grab on after he sprouted wing she nodded and did what she was told. "Alright let's go" she says happily


Nona blushed when Doragon got next to her, she looked over at him and then back down to the dishes. 
(Sure :3)

Rin smiled back at him and followed Hanran out the door, when he told her to grab on after he sprouted wing she nodded and did what she was told. "Alright let's go" she says happily


Nona blushed when Doragon got next to her, she looked over at him and then back down to the dishes. 



Hanran then flapped his wings and took off at super sonic speeds into the air, now flying towards a large lake. She wondered if she could guess where they were going.


Once they were done, he looked at her before lightly pecking her cheek. He hopped she'd get the hint.



Hanran then flapped his wings and took off at super sonic speeds into the air, now flying towards a large lake. She wondered if she could guess where they were going.


Once they were done, he looked at her before lightly pecking her cheek. He hopped she'd get the hint.

Nona looked over at Doragon when he pecked her cheek, she wanted to say something but couldn't make out the words. "Um.." she hummed nervously


Rin held on to him, observing her surroundings
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Nona looked over at Doragon when he pecked her cheek, she wanted to say something but couldn't make out the words. "Um.." she hummed nervously


Rin held on to him, observing her surroundings

Doragon's face would have been red if his skin wasn't already so red, due to him being a small dragon spirit companion. He then whimpered lightly and sighed as if he was disappointed. He hopped down from the sink and used all of his strength to get the fridge open. He was just gonna drown his sorrows with the oh so beautiful pudding he loved so dearly.


Hanran touched down near the edge of the lake, letting Rin get off of him before motioning to a boat nearby. "Wanna go for a boat ride?" He laughed lightly.
Doragon's face would have been red if his skin wasn't already so red, due to him being a small dragon spirit companion. He then whimpered lightly and sighed as if he was disappointed. He hopped down from the sink and used all of his strength to get the fridge open. He was just gonna drown his sorrows with the oh so beautiful pudding he loved so dearly.


Hanran touched down near the edge of the lake, letting Rin get off of him before motioning to a boat nearby. "Wanna go for a boat ride?" He laughed lightly.

Nona watched him. "I-I'm sorry, I-I wasn't expecting you to do that a-a-an-... I'm sorry" she stutters

Rin got off of Hanran and looked around, the breeze from the lake felt amazing. She nodded and smiled. "Yea!" She says happily
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Nona watched him. "I-I'm sorry, I-I wasn't expecting you to do that a-a-an-... I'm sorry" she stutters

Rin got off of Hanran and looked around, the breeze from the lake felt amazing. She nodded and smiled. "Yea!" She says happily

Doragon hopped his way to the top shelf and stole the pudding before hoping down and setting the pudding down to close the fridge. He looked up at Nona for a second. "Sorry for what?" He asked curiously.


Hanran stepped into the boat carefully and once Rin got inside he began to row them out towards the middle. Fish swam by as the sun gently reflected against the surface of the lake.
Doragon hopped his way to the top shelf and stole the pudding before hoping down and setting the pudding down to close the fridge. He looked up at Nona for a second. "Sorry for what?" He asked curiously.


Hanran stepped into the boat carefully and once Rin got inside he began to row them out towards the middle. Fish swam by as the sun gently reflected against the surface of the lake.

Nona blinked before jumping down. "I don't know... I thought I did something to disappoint you... because you looked disappointed" she says quickly 

Rin has never been on a boat before so this was her first time and she absolutely loved it. "This is beautiful" she says looking over at the water
Nona blinked before jumping down. "I don't know... I thought I did something to disappoint you... because you looked disappointed" she says quickly 

Rin has never been on a boat before so this was her first time and she absolutely loved it. "This is beautiful" she says looking over at the water

Doragon pouted and sighed. "Of course I'm disappointed, I got rejected." He said before hopping up onto the couch and setting his pudding down. "I was really hoping you'd like me back."


Hanran smiled warmly at her. She looked beautiful when she was like this. She was almost irresistible. "I have another place I want to show you too." He said, pointing to an island across the way.
Doragon pouted and sighed. "Of course I'm disappointed, I got rejected." He said before hopping up onto the couch and setting his pudding down. "I was really hoping you'd like me back."


Hanran smiled warmly at her. She looked beautiful when she was like this. She was almost irresistible. "I have another place I want to show you too." He said, pointing to an island across the way.

Nona followed him over to the couch. "But I do like you, I really do..." 

"You do?" She asks as she looked in the way he pointed and say an island, she smiled and looked over to him.
Doragon blushed again and looked down sadly. "Then why didn't you kiss me..." He whimpered lightly.


Hanran rowed them up to the edge of the island. "This is where I met Doragon and made contract with him... We used to live in a cave here too." He explained. "But there's something in that cave that not even Doragon knows about." He smirked lightly as he began to walk into the more dense forest part of the island. A cave was barely visible nearby.

Doragon blushed again and looked down sadly. "Then why didn't you kiss me..." He whimpered lightly.


Hanran rowed them up to the edge of the island. "This is where I met Doragon and made contract with him... We used to live in a cave here too." He explained. "But there's something in that cave that not even Doragon knows about." He smirked lightly as he began to walk into the more dense forest part of the island. A cave was barely visible nearby.


"I was caught of guard..." she says looking down 

Rin followed him and listened as she looked around. "And what is that?" She asks about what he said about a thing Doragon didn't know about
Nona watched him. "I-I'm sorry, I-I wasn't expecting you to do that a-a-an-... I'm sorry" she stutters

Rin got off of Hanran and looked around, the breeze from the lake felt amazing. She nodded and smiled. "Yea!" She says happily

Doragon used his tiny little arms to pull her a little closer. "D-D-Do you wanna try again?" He asked curiously.


Hanran put a finger over his mouth. "Nope! I'm not telling you till we get there!" He laughed as they now arrived at the cave. Some cooked meat and a fire place along with bearskinned blankets were lying around. Hanran lit his hand ahead aflame to light the way for them. "It's deeper inside, come on~" He said as he walked hand and hand with her.

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