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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Fiona shook her head. "I'm not going to hit you. I don't hit people unless they are being total pervs and stuff like that." She giggled and continued to make pancakes as Sarin talked on the phone.

"20 minutes?" Fiona tilted her head but did not look back. "I don't care. You can stay how long you like. I've got nothing going on."

(( RPN Being dumm soz, ;-; ))

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin smiled lightly as he lifted his head, "Guess we have something in common then," He said with a small smile, "No no, i honestly need just 20 minutes, i don't won't to bother you any longer than i have too," He said with a small smile, he moved over to Fiona and gave a small sigh, "If i can ask, do you have maple syrup?" He said as his eyes lit up slightly with hope.
(( RPN Being dumm soz, ;-; ))

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin smiled lightly as he lifted his head, "Guess we have something in common then," He said with a small smile, "No no, i honestly need just 20 minutes, i don't won't to bother you any longer than i have too," He said with a small smile, he moved over to Fiona and gave a small sigh, "If i can ask, do you have maple syrup?" He said as his eyes lit up slightly with hope.

(I am 96.3% sure that we passed this.)
Fiona looked at Sarin and shrugged. "I suppose I was forced. It's my Race's duty.  CareTakers are born and soul bound to a deity. We serve and make sure that deity doesn't cause trouble or get in trouble." She smiled. "It's no trouble. At least I got a fun deity."

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin raised his head with what looked like a smirk, "I guess we have something in common then..." He said sighing before he pushed himself off the wall and walked towards Fiona, "If i may ask... Do you have maple syrup?" He said as his eyes seemed to light up at the fact of her having maple syrup.

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin raised his head with what looked like a smirk, "I guess we have something in common then..." He said sighing before he pushed himself off the wall and walked towards Fiona, "If i may ask... Do you have maple syrup?" He said as his eyes seemed to light up at the fact of her having maple syrup.

Fiona nodded. "Of course I have syrup." She giggled and walked over to a cabinet. She opened it and pulled out a large container of syrup. She set it on the counter and placed a single pancake on a plate. "I'll let you pour it yourself."
((Two off the cockiest mofos in the rp are in the same room XDD this can't end well XDD ))

Everest laughed and rolled to lay besides hakuru, drawing her close and snuggling up against her body. "Oh? Well earlier it seemed to be you who couldn't get enough of me. I think I could recall a few choice quotes and actions to prove my point if you want."

(who knows xDD)

Hakuru looked at him, "Go ahead, I have nothing to hide right now" she said, she knew on the inside shed die of embarrassment, but she wasn't going to show it.
Roman's eyes shot open and he blinked, "MOVING ON!" He exclaimed, walking down the hall. He was glad their rooms was a nice distance away from one another's now. She wouldn't hear anything. 

"Dad. Mom!" A voice called from behind the group. "Sis! Hey. I got here as soom as I could." Alejandro walked towards them, giving each of them a hug with a smile. "I was spending time with someone..." He added, before just the thought of her made him feel all giddy and tingly inside... Ew. That's all he could say to himself. 

Misaki blinked when she heard Alejandros voice, turning around to look at him. ¨Took you long enough, I heard things I can never unhear being with them...¨ she said.

Seraph grinned, ¨Oh come one, it wasnt that bad"she said.

Mal shook her head and smiled at Alejandro, pretending to ignore the other two. ¨Im glad that you came" she said.
(who knows xDD)

Hakuru looked at him, "Go ahead, I have nothing to hide right now" she said, she knew on the inside shed die of embarrassment, but she wasn't going to show it.

Everest laughed and leaned in whispering in her ear, recounting the actions the pair took only a few hours earlier into her ear as he snuggled up against her.
Hakuru looked off to the side, her face was on fire. ¨I dont know how you can say that so easily¨ she said.

Everest laughed and groaned as he sat up in the bed before speaking, "Well all I'm doing is recalling a real fun time. Theres no real reason to be embarrassed about it unless you regret it right?"
Everest laughed and groaned as he sat up in the bed before speaking, "Well all I'm doing is recalling a real fun time. Theres no real reason to be embarrassed about it unless you regret it right?"

Hakuru could think of several other reasons why shed be embarrassed. ¨I guess, it just seems embarrassing to talk about¨ she said
Misaki blinked when she heard Alejandros voice, turning around to look at him. ¨Took you long enough, I heard things I can never unhear being with them...¨ she said.

Seraph grinned, ¨Oh come one, it wasnt that bad"she said.

Mal shook her head and smiled at Alejandro, pretending to ignore the other two. ¨Im glad that you came" she said.

Alejandro looked at Misaki and smiled, "Don't make me leave you behind." He said before looking at his mother, "When I got the call earlier, I had made it one of my plans to get here. I was busy with school stuff and got caught up with a friend so I was late... But I'm here now and that's what matters." He stated before Roman patted his son's head. "You look so much like your mother..."
Jack blinked and leaned forward, he really couldent figure this girl out. Jack could at least understand it if she had merely been bored, but Ai made it sound as if she was lonely and was planning on sticking around which Jack couldn't understand. Sighing he sat back in his chair and took a bite of his ice cream, savoring the flavors of the chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla all combined into one.Shaking his head he shrugged and returned to his original train of thought. "Well then I guess I had best be expecting to repay you in whatever form of payment you're looking for, whenever you may decide to spring it on me then huh?" Leaning back, a cold grin formed on Jacks face as he continued to speak. "Well then I suppose that once you get those files downloaded onto my phone, thats where your job will end and mine will begin. Then you can just sit back and enjoy the show I suppose."


Ai had resumed eating her ice cream after shoddily explaining why it was that she was sticking around. Thinking about it, she wasn't really sure she had much of a reason at all, as evidenced by her half-assed explanation. What exactly were her reasons for sticking around, really? Boredom, for one. The internet allows a wide variety of things to do, but when it's all available at once, it can become repetitive. Sure, she was imaginative and creative, but she doubted she'd be able to come up with a plan like the one he was thinking of. What use would she have for it? But Jack had a use for it, and he was an interesting guy to say the least, so she figured it'd at least be worth her time. "Just let me stay and give me ice cream, and I should be good." Ai stated with a nod. "Though, if you really want me to, I'm sure I can think of something later down the line." The goddess gave a smile before acknowledging his request for the files. "Sure, sure, just give me a minute." Ai placed a hand on her chest, and a small glow appeared underneath it, seeming to come from her body itself. After a moment or two, a cellphone materialized in her hand, and she set down her ice cream to begin typing and scrolling through it. It didn't take all that long to access the school's website, find the backdoor, let herself in (with a nod to herself in pride), and find the files on all the students that attended the high school. With a press of a button, the files began their transfer, with a notification appearing on Jack's phone that the files were being copied to his device for him. With this part of the request being doing, Ai placed the phone on the table and resumed eating her ice cream, glancing over at Jack for his approval.
Skylar was glad to hear that she didn't wake him up, though she was slightly worried about the fact that he said he thought he had a nightmare. She had plenty of those during her stay here, and the tossing and turning while in pain left her waking up in the middle of night often. Those times she'd be left shaking and in a lot of pain, forcing Hyou to have to calm her down before she could fall back asleep. All of those nights were why she was careful not to wake him up when he was sleeping if she could help it, because of how often she had already woken him up. Hyou was a pretty tough guy, so it left Skylar curious as to what nightmare would be so bad to where he'd be slightly upset by it. But, it wasn't her place to pry. Hyou wasn't the most open person anyways.

Skylar blinked as he investigated the chapter she was on, unable to help the blush that found her cheeks as he commented on what she was reading. It's not like she was trying to imply anything it was just... really interesting. Not because Hyou was a dragon and she was a human.... maybe... well, whatever. It didn't matter. Skylar closed the book and set it on the bedside table, noting how Hyou mentioned that dragon and human relationships were pretty uncommon. Yeah, it didn't sound like it was a normal thing that would happen, though it didn't sound like an unpleasant thing to Skylar. "Settle? High and mighty dragons stooping so low to just settle with us, huh?" The blue-haired girl laughed softly before feeling a hand on her back, the sudden familiar touch of Hyou sending a warmth through her body just like every other time he ended up having to comfort her. Looking up at him, his words helped reassure her, as she was truly glad that he was here. Her family back home would be unable to visit, and Astrid was busy doing her own thing, so Hyou was her only company for her long stay here. "I appreciate you being here. Really... thank you, Hyou." She smiled up at him, genuinely glad he was here with her. After being here with him for so long, she couldn't think of anyone else to spend her time with.

Hyou chuckled at her response, leaning back in his chair, "Stooping low? Well then, you may be the lowest on thw food chain, but it's the very fact you're able to connect with everyone. I wouldn't say you guys are weak either." He said, pointing at her as he said the last part. "You're still alive and I was hitting you with almost 75% of my power." He added. "Though, don't get me wrong, I will forever be sorry, but you're a tough one. Remember that." Hyou said, sitting back up. "And I am grateful to hear that. When you get out of here, I'm still looking forward to that coffee, so don't forget. I'll be upset if you do." Hyou said jokingly. "But no. In all honesty, I'll also be glad to help catch you up on you're schoolwork."
"Pleasure to meet you, Celaena." Ansom smiled and closed the passenger door before walking over to his own side. He wiped a smudge off the window before opening the door and climbing in himself. "Alright. To the mall we go." He nodded and turned the keys in the ignition. He smiled as the car roared to life. "Alrighty. Just uh...put a seatbelt on." He frowned when he realized that she probably had no idea what that was. "I got it."

Ansom reached over Celaena and grabbed the seatbelt before pulling it across her body and buckling it. "This'll keep you from flying out the window and dying in case I crash....which I won't." He assured. "Ready?" He began to pull out of the parking lot before the girl could answer.

While Anson was coming around and getting the car ready, Celexa sat in the car, her legs crossed in front of her in a manner that would indicate she had many lessons on how to sit properly. Bit her smile and the curiosity in her eyes at the car she was sitting in would tell an entirely different story about her personality. As much as she inherently disliked anything that went against nature and everything it stood for, it didn't change her natural curiosity and interest in the world and the things in it. She had never seen anything like this before, so as of the moment she was letting her curiosity get the better of her fae instincts.

And just like Ansom thought, Celaena had no idea what a seatbelt was, simply watching with wide eyes as he reached over her to buckle her in. A look of confusion fell over her features as she felt the strap of material laying snugly over her chest. She couldn't help but pull on it, wondering where all the material came from and what it's purpose was for. She probably looked like a child, for all she knew. Her attention was brought back to Anson as he started the car and pulled it out of the parking lot, making an unintentional sound of surprise as their speed increased suddenly. The fae blushed a bit at her lapse in composure, clearing her throat in an attempt to diffuse it. "U-uh, I apologize for that, it was uncouth of me. I was just surprised by the sudden increase in movement. This 'car' is definitely something I have never seen before."


Ai had resumed eating her ice cream after shoddily explaining why it was that she was sticking around. Thinking about it, she wasn't really sure she had much of a reason at all, as evidenced by her half-assed explanation. What exactly were her reasons for sticking around, really? Boredom, for one. The internet allows a wide variety of things to do, but when it's all available at once, it can become repetitive. Sure, she was imaginative and creative, but she doubted she'd be able to come up with a plan like the one he was thinking of. What use would she have for it? But Jack had a use for it, and he was an interesting guy to say the least, so she figured it'd at least be worth her time. "Just let me stay and give me ice cream, and I should be good." Ai stated with a nod. "Though, if you really want me to, I'm sure I can think of something later down the line." The goddess gave a smile before acknowledging his request for the files. "Sure, sure, just give me a minute." Ai placed a hand on her chest, and a small glow appeared underneath it, seeming to come from her body itself. After a moment or two, a cellphone materialized in her hand, and she set down her ice cream to begin typing and scrolling through it. It didn't take all that long to access the school's website, find the backdoor, let herself in (with a nod to herself in pride), and find the files on all the students that attended the high school. With a press of a button, the files began their transfer, with a notification appearing on Jack's phone that the files were being copied to his device for him. With this part of the request being doing, Ai placed the phone on the table and resumed eating her ice cream, glancing over at Jack for his approval.

Jack looked down at his phone and nodded his head as he scrolled through the register of students and former students, taking a number of mental notes of the students who managed to catch his attention and making a few notes on who to stay clear of. Jack knew he could take them on if he actually tried, but it wasn't worth the hassle to face them anyway. Then turning back to Ai he shrugged and rolled his shoulders back as he responded to her comments. "I'm obviously expecting you to come up with something. We live in a world where no one does anything for free." then groaning he stood and stretched as he took another bite from his half eaten ice cream and held out his hand to the girl. "Well then, shall we eat our ice cream as we go to find our new recruit?"
While Anson was coming around and getting the car ready, Celexa sat in the car, her legs crossed in front of her in a manner that would indicate she had many lessons on how to sit properly. Bit her smile and the curiosity in her eyes at the car she was sitting in would tell an entirely different story about her personality. As much as she inherently disliked anything that went against nature and everything it stood for, it didn't change her natural curiosity and interest in the world and the things in it. She had never seen anything like this before, so as of the moment she was letting her curiosity get the better of her fae instincts.

And just like Ansom thought, Celaena had no idea what a seatbelt was, simply watching with wide eyes as he reached over her to buckle her in. A look of confusion fell over her features as she felt the strap of material laying snugly over her chest. She couldn't help but pull on it, wondering where all the material came from and what it's purpose was for. She probably looked like a child, for all she knew. Her attention was brought back to Anson as he started the car and pulled it out of the parking lot, making an unintentional sound of surprise as their speed increased suddenly. The fae blushed a bit at her lapse in composure, clearing her throat in an attempt to diffuse it. "U-uh, I apologize for that, it was uncouth of me. I was just surprised by the sudden increase in movement. This 'car' is definitely something I have never seen before."

Ansom laughed at Celaena's reaction. "No worries. It usually gets anybody. Even the more experienced riders." He smiled a bit and slowed the car down a fraction, avoiding traffic. 

Driving was was definitely a favorite thing of Ansom. The sight of the scenes blurring past always left him breathless, but there were times when a slow cruise was very exhilarating as well. Sometimes it was fun just to lull about with a passenger. Even better without any destinations, but some things couldn't be helped.

"So..." Ansom took one hand off the wheel and grabbed a piece of gum from the console. "...What's your story?" He asked.
Nico pouted, nodding slowly. She didn't realize how easy it was for people to read her emotions. She really did try her best to not let it affect her. "Yeah, w-we can do that instead..." she sighed lightly. Nico quietly got up from the mattress that she was laying on. "Also.. sorry that I've been a burden to you and you're probably annoyed by me.." she added. 


Location: Euphorian High's Male Dorms | Moonstone and Junchi's Dorm
Status: Sitting on a beanbag
Objective: Cheer Nico up
Mood: Confused | Embarrassed of the state of their room

Getting up Moonstone looked towards the hallway to their bedroom, then began to walk towards it. Listening to Nico they tilted their head towards her and gave her an uncomfortable smile. "Burden? Why would you be a burden?" She did anger and hurt them earlier, and she's also depressing the mood a bit, but they figured that was a natural reaction to being sad, so there was no reason to expect her to make their day better.

When they opened their bedroom there was one large bed, many mannequins set up around the room, some wearing half made clothing on, a medium sized on the ground television, and a video game console that was only halfway set up to be used. The room was a mess with clothes laid out on the floor in random patterns, boxes everywhere, and some books on shelves while others weren't. Moonstone decided to sit down on one of two beanbags, theirs being the blue one while the other was a pink one. "Sorry for the messy room, Junchi and I are trying to evenly split the room so one side can be mine and the other can be theirs, but we ended up just sharing everything. Uh, maybe I can fix up the console if you want?"

Tags | Interacting With: Nico
Character Sheet
Lance rolled her shoulders back shrugging and blinked before bowing to the boy once more. Then as she rose she exhaled a light breath before speaking, "We shall see master. Now where are we headed?"

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi soon nodded in agreement to his comment. She soon picked up one of her shu mai and put it in her mouth and began eating it. She wondered how much the food costs. She was pretty sure it was a lot of money so they can't waste food here. Especially if the food tastes so good.



Kenji was right to assume that Lumina would be uncomfortable in the theater. Of course it didn't change the fact that she was excited to be there, bug her body had other plans and tensed up no matter how much she was looking forward to the date. Thankfully, Kenji's hold on her hand was helping her stay calm enough, though it was obvious that the amount of people in such a confined space, a good chunk of which were staring at her very obvious wings, were making the Phoenix uncomfortable. Sure, seeing nonhuman species was more normal nowadays than it used to be, but it didn't change the fact that humans were the majority population on earth, and seeing anything that was different than what was considered to be human would garner some stares. And it seems like she was the only non-human person in the theater today. This did somewhat down Luminary spirits, though she tried her hardest to ignore everyone else. She just had to...distract herself. Yeah. That would work.

However, Lumina was using the date to distract from the thoughts about herself that were continually creeping in. Trying to think about something else other than the people around her brought them fully back, and having to see families spending time with each other didn't really help any. As Kenji ordered their tickets and food, Lumina's gaze had fallen to the floor, her smile gone as well as her happy attitude. She couldn't help but feel more and more out of place, and wonder where exactly she did belong. Did she really belong anywhere? Could she belong anywhere if she had no place that she knew she came from? A slight breeze blew Lumina's hair away from her face as the door to the theater opened somewhere behind them. The Phoenix was so lost in thought that she almost didn't hear Kenji's question, and she looked up at him in slight surprise as the fact that he was talking to her finally registered in her head. "A-ah, um... no, t-that's alright, I'm good, thanks..." She managed out, plastering a forced smile on her face as she finished. Though she hoped he wouldnt, she knew Kenji probably knew something was up, and her bad acting was probably giving it away. "I-I'll go find seats." And with that, Lumina let go of Kenji's hand, walking toward the theater that was playing the movie they were seeing, trying to give herself time to calm herself down and put herself back together. She didn't want to ruin the first date they had gone on in so long just because of her dumb personal issues that probably was due to wishful thinking. Eventually, Lumina found two open seats in the theater, sliding down in one of them, trying to re-distract herself with the commercials as she waited for Kenji to follow with the tickets and food.

Extra Info


Location: movie theater

Mood: lost in thought

Status: ordering food

Objective: go on a date with her pair


Interacting with: Kenji


ЖHaruo FukushimaЖ

                  ~ The Prince of Euphoria ~

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...≭Haruo thought for a few moments, shortly before he looked over to Lance and spoke. The school's courtyard was barren, featuring only a few students still hanging around and talking with one another≭...

“ Hm, I dunno. Probably home? I have nothing else to do, unless you have any suggestions? ”


Location:School's Main Courtyard.


Conversing with Lance.


Interacting With:Lance.




@Wicked Jester

⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

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...♆Kuroh continued to eat his food as his gaze shifted between outside and Himeragi. He knew he felt something different within him whenever he looked at Himeragi, however he didn't know what it was. The restaurant was full of couples conversing and laughing, along with waiters and waitresses addressing tables. Before long, he spoke♆...

“ So, uh.. how was school?~ ”


Location:The Restaurant.


Sitting in the restaurant with Himeragi, eating his food.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Satisfy his hunger.



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...ΨKenji observed Lumina's distant gaze as he waited for his food to be given to him, noting that something seemed to be bothering her, as apparent with her stuttering and surprised expression in relation to his simple question. However just before he bought it up, Lumina was off to find their seats, and with that, Kenji released a slight sigh. When he was left alone, Kenji looked around him at the various movie posters, taking note of the ones that seemed to feature action. He sighed once more. Kenji never understood why Humans glorified destruction, and featured it in almost everything they did. He guessed it was probably due to Earth being a relatively peaceful world. While lost in thought, the cashier placed the tray full of his food onto the counter, and smiled. Kenji looked down at the food in surprise, and then smiled, shortly before he nodded his head and said the polite expression which was used for acknowledging something. With his thank you said, he turned around and walked away from the counter and continued to waled towards the large room that was where Lumina and his movie was playing. As he drew closer, he took a look down to the tray and quickly saw the small rectangular piece of paper which featured a hand written phone number. Confused by this, Kenji held onto it. He figured it may be a helpline, however it'd be best to ask Lumina, as she was more familiar with Human world aspects. Before long, Kenji entered the room and looked up at the large amount of seats which was situated in the dark room. He walked up the isle of seats, making his way up the steps trying to look for Lumina and his seat. Upon reaching the middle, he soon saw his pair, and with a smile, he walked over the empty seats and spoke to her with a smile, shortly before he unloaded most of his food onto the empty chair beside him, and placed his juice into the chair's built-in cup holder. He took the popcorn from the tray and held it out to Lumina, offering some popcorn to her. He then remembered the piece of paper, and with a look of confusion, held it to Lumina and spokeΨ...

“ I wonder what this is going to be like~ It'll be my first time experiencing something like this~ Oh, what's this for? I got it from the cashier who served me.. ”



Movie Theatre.


Going to the movies with Lumina.


Interacting With:Lumina.


Go on a date with his pair.



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