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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 173308

...♆A blush quickly formed on his face as Himeragi kissed his lips. Placing his hand onto his cheek, Kuroh spoke with a confused expression♆...

“ Wh-what was that for?~ ”


Location:The Restaurant.


Sitting in the restaurant with Himeragi, waiting for their food.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Satisfy his hunger.



> Himeragi Seiker <

''What? Can't I do that?''

Himeragi asked as she giggled.
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C4 blinked and looked away from her slightly downcast, "I guess I kept you away from something important huh? I'm sorry."

Yuna Yelil

 Yuna stared at him, blinking a few times as he looked away from her. Great, now she had said something to lower his mood. 'Good job Yuna, you always say the wrong things...' She thought to herself, a slight frown forming on her face. "N-No, no, It's okay I swear" she said, waving her hands in front of herself. "If I really wanted to go back to school that badly, I would have already left before we even got as far as the arcade!" She said honestly, in an attempt to reassure him. It was true though, if he was boring to her, she'd have no qualms about leaving. She had been having loads of fun, so much so that if she were to get a detention for ditching her last classes of the day, it would be worth it. "Besides, sitting through an introductory health class isn't that important to me, I wanted to give you a fun day off instead" she smiled at him, hoping he wasn't going to still seem so glum about it.
"Something like that. It's also a pleasure to meet you, Camilla." Akane said, laughing lightly as she placed her hands on her hips. A wind blew pass, blowing Akane's black hair along with it, "I just focus on the students and try to correct what behavior issues there having, and I'm the person you can talk to about any problems. I'm like... Your mother away from home.. Just only you'd see me here.. And you don't have to actually call me mother."

Camilla Radkov

 Twirling a strand of her hair around her finger, Camilla stared somewhat blankly at Akane as she explained her job to her. A mother away from home, huh. Camilla didn't exactly understand her meaning by that, as straightforward as it was. This was because Camilla's own mother was...well... She wasn't a horrible person by any means, Camilla had the utmost respect for both her parents. It was just that her mother wasn't the type one would share problems with she would have said something like "Go swim it off dear you'll feel fine in a while" while she was busy applying her make up to herself or leaving the house to attend a function. She didn't have time to give advice on problems or anything like that. So as a result, Camilla didn't associate mothers with such a roll from the get go. But she guessed from that explanation, that must be what everyone else's mother do. Letting go of a piece of her hair, Camilla smiled at Akane, her head tilted ever so slightly "I see. Then I shall come to you if I ever feel I need to tell someone things" she said with a nod, making a mental note for herself to do that too. It was after this that Camilla's stomach let another growl "Oh dear" she said with an embarrassed laugh and slightly pinked cheeks as she looked down at her nagging stomach "It seems as though my stomach is reminding me I skipped lunch..." She said, smiling sheepishly.

Location: Euphorian High's Male Dorms | Junchi and Moonstone's Dorm
Status: Throwing three pillows at Nico
Objective: Pillow fight Nico
Mood: Competitive

"You don't sound over it," Moonstone told her quietly. Before they could move onto their next topic, they were nearly hit in the face with one of their pillows. By reflex they knocked it away with one of their wings, yet when they looked back at Nico they saw her smiling at them. Quickly they connected the dots and understood she was the reason that pillow almost hit them, and that she was obviously challenging them to a pillow fight. Instead of responding in a threatening manner, they gave a polite but obviously devious smile as they levitated three pillows behind them. They weren't angry, but they did love a challenge when it didn't seem too threatening or annoying. By manipulating the air around the pillows Moonstone threw all three of them at Nico at the same time, yet made sure they didn't get too rough with her as to cause her harm.

Tags | Interacting With: Nico
Character Sheet

Nico fell on her back as she was  pummeled down with the three pillows. She quickly sat up and gasped. "You play dirty!!" she exclaimed, laughing uncontrollably.

Nico grabbed two pillows closest to her, one as a shield and another one for her fire. She threw her "fire" and quickly hid behind her mighty shield as if it were actually going to protect her. 
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He laughed a little. "But would you say the same if I was the Big Bad Wolf in disguise?" he half joked and half innocently flirted. "Well, the Mudra would technically allow you to feel or sense the presence of people or animals with a radius defined by the amount concentration you apply to it. But it takes alot of practice and mastering to get it to be a fined tuned radar. But it is very handy if you are in a new area and you want to know if anyone is around you." he explained with a smile on his face. Misafune had picked up on her timidness, but always attributed it to her deer half. "It would be perfect for say a prey type to have to know if there is a predator stalking them, but kind of silly as you need hands like yours to use it. My master had it down to the point where he could tell individuals separately apart. Although he also used it for not so pure purposes, which made him the target of the Head priestess and Miko for weeks. Since he could infact see actual bodies in their current state of dress, undress or position." he tried hard to not blush at the memory of being hit with brooms as his master forced the image of what he was seeing into his mind and the subsequent nosebleed. "But I will teach you after some good tea." He spoke happily as he held the door open for her.


Rini Yelil

 Rini giggled quietly at his comment, well if that were the case, either the big bad wolf was a wonderful actor, or he had been wrongfully titled this entire time. As he spoke of how the technique he was planning on teaching her worked, she found herself mystified and intrigued by the notion of being able to sense and see all around you, not to mention excited to learn. All these thought and emotions were easily spotted on her beaming face as he spoke, until he mentioned his grandfathers ill use of the technique, her face seemed yo colour ever so slightly as she placed a hand to her face "Oh, no, I definitely wouldn't be doing that with the technique at all" she said with a sheepish laugh. It was then that arrived at the doors, smiling as he mentioned the tea, she had then walked through the doorway which was being held open for her. "Thank you" she said softly as she smiled over at him before looking around as they crossed into a different environment.

> Seoul Haeundae <

''I would have to bite you like a vampire...''

Serenity nodded slowly. "Okay. I suppose that is better than kissing." She held out her arm. "Go ahead."


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> Himeragi Seiker <

''What? Can't I do that?''

Himeragi asked as she giggled.

⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 173308

...♆Kuroh kept his hand on his cheek, shortly before he replied to Himeragi. It wasn't long before he blushed lightly♆...

“ Y-yeah, you just caught me off guard is all~ ”


Location:The Restaurant.


Sitting in the restaurant with Himeragi, waiting for their food.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Satisfy his hunger.


Nico fell on her back as she was  pummeled down with three pillows. She quickly sat and gasped. "You play dirty!!" she exclaimed, laughing uncontrollably.

Nico grabbed two pillows closest to her, one as a shield and another one for her fire. She threw her "fire" and quickly hid behind her mighty shield as if it were actually going to protect her. 


Location: Euphorian High's Male Dorms | Junchi and Moonstone's Dorm
Status: Knocked back by Nico's pillow
Objective: Be faster than Nico
Mood: Happy | Surprised

Moonstone gave a mixture of a feminine but masculine laughter, switching between high pitched to low pitched with each chuckle. Playing dirty was a skill they loved to do. Despite them hating lies and holding true to their promises, they were not against manipulating their words and pulling out tricks most wouldn't agree with while still playing "innocent". It was a natural hobby they enjoyed doing since they were capable of memory, and since then they continued to practice and build upon those skills. They weren't an expert as they would like to be though, but they were getting better, especially when it came to controlling their own emotions and others'.

Picking up some more pillows, this time with both their hands and aerokinesis. The pillows in their hands and their wings were for defense while their aerokinesis was for offensive use. Finding it a bit unfair to use their wings though, they slightly folded them and decided to just use their hands for offense. It was more fun and fair that way. Before they could throw one of their pillows they were knocked back and out of their thought by Nico's own pillow. They didn't land roughly, and instead just fell backwards into a bunch of other pillows. Arjean sighed with a giggle, not expecting that to happen. They needed to be faster than her to win. How silly, I'm taking a fun game and adding words like "winning" to it, they thought to themself. It's just a game. No need to take it so seriously. They knew it was a game and knew to not take it seriously, but they couldn't help but find it fun to think of it as a competitive and serious activity. The sport of pillow fights.

Tags | Interacting With: Nico
Character Sheet
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⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 173308

...♆Kuroh kept his hand on his cheek, shortly before he replied to Himeragi. It wasn't long before he blushed lightly♆...

“ Y-yeah, you just caught me off guard is all~ ”


Location:The Restaurant.


Sitting in the restaurant with Himeragi, waiting for their food.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Satisfy his hunger.



> Himeragi Seiker <
View attachment 167293

Himeragi just giggled a bit more before she looked to the direction of the kitchen in the restaurant. It seemed to be taking a long time to prepare their food.

''Hm...Our food's taking its time huh?''
Rini Yelil

 Rini giggled quietly at his comment, well if that were the case, either the big bad wolf was a wonderful actor, or he had been wrongfully titled this entire time. As he spoke of how the technique he was planning on teaching her worked, she found herself mystified and intrigued by the notion of being able to sense and see all around you, not to mention excited to learn. All these thought and emotions were easily spotted on her beaming face as he spoke, until he mentioned his grandfathers ill use of the technique, her face seemed to colour ever so slightly as she placed a hand to her face "Oh, no, I definitely wouldn't be doing that with the technique at all" she said with a sheepish laugh. It was then that arrived at the doors, smiling as he mentioned the tea, she had then walked through the doorway which was being held open for her. "Thank you" she said softly as she smiled over at him before looking around as they crossed into a different environment


"You are quite welcome. I do not doubt you would be so forward as to use such a power for that reason. But with all power it has its temptations." He said as he entered after her, and the hostess sat them down in a quieter part of the tea house. "Although, if I knew it was you, I may not mind so much if such use was in the name of practice. Because like becoming stronger in body, this power only gets better with practice and use." he spoke as he looked over the menu, not hiding the blush very well. "Besides, I am not much to look at, I am not like the other boys who pursue physical prowess, opting more for a mental prowess." He commented, judging himself a little harshly. A worrisome thought crossed his mind. "You mentioned siblings. Do you think they would mind you spending time with a lowly human?" He asked as he realized he might be a brother. He was whisked away to the temple pretty early in life, and his parents may or may not have had another child..

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> Himeragi Seiker <
View attachment 167293

Himeragi just giggled a bit more before she looked to the direction of the kitchen in the restaurant. It seemed to be taking a long time to prepare their food.

''Hm...Our food's taking its time huh?''

⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 167287

...♆Kuroh looked around, taking note of the growing humans eating and talking around them. His blue irises returned to Himeragi as he replied, shortly before he smiled gently♆...

“ Yeah, I think it's because the restaurant is busy. It should be here soon~ ”


Location:The Restaurant.


Sitting in the restaurant with Himeragi, waiting for their food.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Satisfy his hunger.


⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 167287

...♆Kuroh looked around, taking note of the growing humans eating and talking around them. His blue irises returned to Himeragi as he replied, shortly before he smiled gently♆...

“ Yeah, I think it's because the restaurant is busy. It should be here soon~ ”


Location:The Restaurant.


Sitting in the restaurant with Himeragi, waiting for their food.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Satisfy his hunger.



> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi nodded, agreeing to Kuroh's reply. The restaurant is really busy. Must be a bunch of orders piling up. She soon moved a strip of hair away from her face and off to the side and then took a sip of her drink.

Location: Euphorian High's Male Dorms | Junchi and Moonstone's Dorm
Status: Knocked back by Nico's pillow
Objective: Be faster than Nico
Mood: Happy | Surprised

Moonstone gave a mixture of a feminine but masculine laughter, switching between high pitched to low pitched with each chuckle. Playing dirty was a skill they loved to do. Despite them hating lies and holding true to their promises, they were not against manipulating their words and pulling out tricks most wouldn't agree with while still playing "innocent". It was a natural hobby they enjoyed doing since they were capable of memory, and since then they continued to practice and build upon those skills. They weren't an expert as they would like to be though, but they were getting better, especially when it came to controlling their own emotions and others'.

Picking up some more pillows, this time with both their hands and aerokinesis. The pillows in their hands and their wings were for defense while their aerokinesis was for offensive use. Finding it a bit unfair to use their wings though, they slightly folded them and decided to just use their hands for offense. It was more fun and fair that way. Before they could throw one of their pillows they were knocked back and out of their thought by Nico's own pillow. They didn't land roughly, and instead just fell backwards into a bunch of other pillows. Arjean sighed with a giggle, not expecting that to happen. They needed to be faster than her to win. How silly, I'm taking a fun game and adding words like "winning" to it, they thought to themself. It's just a game. No need to take it so seriously. They knew it was a game and knew to not take it seriously, but they couldn't help but find it fun to think of it as a competitive and serious activity. The sport of pillow fights.

Tags | Interacting With: Nico
Character Sheet

Nico sat back down closer to Moonstone. She smiled softly, feeling glad that a simply pillow fight ended their pathetic feud between who knows what at this point. "Soo are we good now..?" she asked, looking down at her shaky hands. "Cause you know I wouldn't want to lose this friendship.." she added, feeling more shy. "And what I said was uncalled for when all you wanted to do is help me.. like what's wrong with me?!" she exclaimed, seeking back into their knees and hiding her red face

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi nodded, agreeing to Kuroh's reply. The restaurant is really busy. Must be a bunch of orders piling up. She soon moved a strip of hair away from her face and off to the side and then took a sip of her drink.

⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 167287

...♆Kuroh continued smiling, shortly before he took another drink of his juice. The waiter then returned, placing the two dishes onto the table and nodding, shortly before he went to another table. Kuroh placed his cup onto the table and spoke as he placed his hands together, shortly before he began eating♆...

“ Thanks for the food~ ”


Location:The Restaurant.


Sitting in the restaurant with Himeragi, eating his food.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Satisfy his hunger.


Hakosu's eyes widened at the new limbs in the cat. "That's kinda freaky." She said before slowly taking a bite of her own pizza. "But still cool." She nodded and giggled a bit. "Like, that doesn't ever freak you out?" She asked before shaking her head. "Eh, you're probably used to it, right?"

Saria Roux

 Saria glanced down to the cat like creature beside her for a moment. Levi simply sniggered, wiggling his newly grown thumbs and grinning in Hakosu's direction. Saria giggled lightly as she looked back to Hakosu "Yeah, I guess I'm used to it, though compared to other things he's turned into to freak me out for fun, growing little cat thumbs is itty bitty" she said with a smile before picking up her own slice of pizza and taking a bite after she had shook of thoughts on past events. His 20 legged spider impression was pretty accurate and scary. She'd rather not have him show it off without a warning.
⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 167287

...♆Kuroh continued smiling, shortly before he took another drink of his juice. The waiter then returned, placing the two dishes onto the table and nodding, shortly before he went to another table. Kuroh placed his cup onto the table and spoke as he placed his hands together, shortly before he began eating♆...

“ Thanks for the food~ ”


Location:The Restaurant.


Sitting in the restaurant with Himeragi, eating his food.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Satisfy his hunger.



> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi Seiker Finale10.png

Himeragi did the same before she was about to eat. She ate one of the shu mai on her plate before remembering what she had said to Kuroh a while back. She soon used her chop sticks to grab a piece of shu mai and hold it in the air and using her free hand to cup under it before she held it in front of Kuroh face.

''Say ahhhn~''


Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a soft smile before he sighed lightly, "Of course love," He said as he kept the smile on his face, Elisa came and took the plates but not before giving Zac a quick thumbs up, Zac sighed lightly when she did this, "I feel sorry for her..." He said out loud as he looked over at her talking to come customers, "She doesn't have a mate... Nor will she ever... And she most likely will scare away most mythical creatures for the pure fact she is a mutant." He said out loud quietly before he sighed.

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn sighed lightly as a small blush climbed to her cheeks again, "I-i know... I just..." She stopped mid-sentence as she moved her self around slightly, "Never mind..." She said quietly as she drew small circles around on Atrios chest (?). 

Rosalie Dalton

 Rosalie glanced over to Elisa as she moved around the tables, serving customers. Listening to Zac's words, she frowned ever so slightly. "That's sad." Her voice answered softly as she played with a piece of her hair "But at the same time, you don't know that, someone may see how she actually is and not just what she is, y'know?" She answered, looking over at him with a hopeful smile "Not everyone is horribly judgemental like that" Elisa did seem really nice, so she hoped her words became true for her.


Rosalie Dalton

 Rosalie glanced over to Elisa as she moved around the tables, serving customers. Listening to Zac's words, she frowned ever so slightly. "That's sad." Her voice answered softly as she played with a piece of her hair "But at the same time, you don't know that, someone may see how she actually is and not just what she is, y'know?" She answered, looking over at him with a hopeful smile "Not everyone is horribly judgemental like that" Elisa did seem really nice, so she hoped her words became true for her.

(( Noice BBCode ya got there... Short posts but noice looking aesthetics. ))

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a small sigh before giving a small laugh, "Yeah, i hope... For her sake..." He said before he turned his head back to Rosalie a small still on his face, "So, now that you're finished eating, want to head back? It should have stopped raining by now..." He said as he turned his head to look out the window, the droplets seeming to fall down a slight bit away from the actual window.
"Hmph, well it's not your fault they couldn't handle the truth~" she said and laughed.

Kenai Yelil

 Kenai laughed "Yeah, exactly" he answered, smiling over at her "Though I refrained from saying that to them too...I mean, I was I enough trouble already, I didn't want to piss the teacher off more than I had already had, it would have been just pushing it"
(( Noice BBCode ya got there... Short posts but noice looking aesthetics. ))

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a small sigh before giving a small laugh, "Yeah, i hope... For her sake..." He said before he turned his head back to Rosalie a small still on his face, "So, now that you're finished eating, want to head back? It should have stopped raining by now..." He said as he turned his head to look out the window, the droplets seeming to fall down a slight bit away from the actual window.

((Thank you C':))

Rosalie Dalton

 After Zac had asked her about heading back, she had stared out the window for a moment watching the water droplets, there was definitely somewhat of an improvement in the weather it seemed, with that she smiled over at Zac and nodded "Sure~" her voice followed as she fixed her jacket on and went to stand up.
((Thank you C':))

Rosalie Dalton

 After Zac had asked her about heading back, she had stared out the window for a moment watching the water droplets, there was definitely somewhat of an improvement in the weather it seemed, with that she smiled over at Zac and nodded "Sure~" her voice followed as she fixed her jacket on and went to stand up.

(( Welcome! Also "Tanky" is a word you can use for both "thank" and "you" just a little inglish from the master inglish peersson ))

Zac Crimson Black & Sarin

Zac smiled brightly again before he stood, he walked over to Rosalie and moved his head down to hers, "We have to go outside... Not allowed to use powers in here..." He said as he laced his fingers with hers, walking towards the outside door, the one where Fiona and Sarin where at. They exited the restaurant into the small outside area for people, Zac smiled as he exited the place and sighed, "Guess we'll have to do this again sometime... He said to Sarin as he looked over at Fiona, he rubbed the back of his head before he placed the spare hand across his heart, "I deeply apologise if i offended you in any way before," He said as he raised his head and looked at Sarin, "It'll be night in a couple hours here, you guys should head home, especially you Sarin..." He said before laughing a bit, "Or do whatever you want, i'm not your parents..." He said before giving a small sigh, "Um, Fiona? Sorry, but if you want, i can make a portal straight to your house, free of charge," He said laughing slightly.
 @NeoClassical (( Don't worry, i will make sure this interaction continues if you want... )) 

"You are quite welcome. I do not doubt you would be so forward as to use such a power for that reason. But with all power it has its temptations." He said as he entered after her, and the hostess sat them down in a quieter part of the tea house. "Although, if I knew it was you, I may not mind so much if such use was in the name of practice. Because like becoming stronger in body, this power only gets better with practice and use." he spoke as he looked over the menu, not hiding the blush very well. "Besides, I am not much to look at, I am not like the other boys who pursue physical prowess, opting more for a mental prowess." He commented, judging himself a little harshly. A worrisome thought crossed his mind. "You mentioned siblings. Do you think they would mind you spending time with a lowly human?" He asked as he realized he might be a brother. He was whisked away to the temple pretty early in life, and his parents may or may not have had another child..


Rini Yelil

 Rini stared at him, slightly wide-eyed as he spoke...Did he just give her permission to look under his clothes? Her face coloured up at the thought, nothing hiding the pink hue that resided on her cheeks. There was no way she would do such a thing to anyone, even if she was attracted to them. She quickly shook the notion out of her mind. Hearing what he had said next caused her to frown. Why was he saying those things about himself? Granted she was a bit of a hypocrite in that sense bit she didn't want him saying those things. Asking about her siblings she tilted her head...what? She smiled reassuringly and shook her head. "Lowly human? Don't say such things! Of course they wouldn't mind me spending time with you, were all basically human too you know" she said as her gaze moved to the side shyly "And for the record, you're very handsome, don't assume you don't look like much" she said quietly.
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Rini Yelil

 Rini stared at him, slightly wide-eyed as he spoke...Did he just give her permission to look under his clothes? Her face coloured up at the thought, nothing hiding the pink hue that resided on her cheeks. There was no way she would do such a thing to anyone, even if she was attracted to them. She quickly shook the notion out of her mind. Hearing what he had said next caused her to frown. Why was he saying those things about himself? Granted she was a bit of a hypocrite in that sense bit she didn't want him saying those things. Asking about her siblings she tilted her head...what? She smiled reassuringly and shook her head. "Lowly human? Don't say such things! Of course they wouldn't mind me spending time with you, were all basically human too you know" she said as her gaze moved to the side shyly "And for the record, you're very handsome, don't assume you don't look like much" she said quietly.


(Its not that he gave her explicit permission, but in the future if she mastered it enough to do so accidentally, he would not be upset. :) )

"I apologize. I am in constant awe that such a beautiful girl such as yourself would enjoy time with me. It is a little strange to me, though we had been on many adventures together." He spoke with remorse. "I fear disappointing you more than other things." he admitted. He truly liked her and enjoyed every second with her. "So how was your first day of school?" He asked genuinely interested in her day.

Nico sat back down closer to Moonstone. She smiled softly, feeling glad that a simply pillow fight ended their pathetic feud between who knows what at this point. "Soo are we good now..?" she asked, looking down at her shaky hands. "Cause you know I wouldn't want to lose this friendship.." she added, feeling more shy. "And what I said was uncalled for when all you wanted to do is help me.. like what's wrong with me?!" she exclaimed, seeking back into their knees and hiding her red face


Location: Euphorian High's Male Dorms |  Junchi and Moonstone's Dorm
Status: Talking to Nico
Objective: End Nico's apologies
Mood: Neutral, leaning towards unhappy

Moonstone didn't want to talk about that. They'd much rather forget it and pretend it never happened. Despite that desire, they never forgot things, especially when they had a strong emotional attachment to a memory. Instead, they'd just store it away for later use, whether it was for good, bad, or their own pleasure. Often times they considered anything they found entertaining to be in the good category, which would usually lead to them being lectured that something they were doing was morally wrong, disgusting, evil, or all of the above.

They sighed, forcing themself out of their deep thoughts. When they turned to Nico they gave her a kind and gentle smile. "Yeah, we're good," they answered her, once again raising the pitch of their voice to sound friendlier and younger. "Yes, it was uncalled for, but you were going through tough times. We all do things that are wrong, especially when we're emotional." Saying they forgave someone often times felt like they were losing. They knew they were going to be betrayed next time, so there was no point in telling people who apologized that they were forgiven. Best Moonstone could do was try to twist their words to avoid stating forgiveness, but also not start an argument and ruin a friendship they wanted. Only until they better knew a person would they allow themself to forgive them on accidents that were obviously genuine mistakes.

Tags | Interacting With: Nico
Character Sheet

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