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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nico said her goodbye to Nai and she walked swiftly back to her student dorm. After getting settled into comfier clothes, she decided to call Moonstone to see if they wanted to hang out since it has been a while. She waited for them to pick up.


Location: Euphorian High

Status: Talking to Nico on their phone

Objective: Talk to Nico

Mood: Happy

[SIZE= 14pt]Realizing now that since Junchi was gone Moonstone had pretty much nothing else to do they began to wander around the school for a bit. During one of their deep daydreams, it took them a bit to realize their phone was loudly playing pop music. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]Judging[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt] by the song it was Nico. They always loved to assign music to people they met that they felt fit their personality and status to them. For Nico her song was one of their favorite pop music songs sung in French. Finding the loud and surprising sound annoying however, Moonstone quickly picked it up and held it to their ear.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]"Hi Nico!" Moonstone answered cheerfully. While they did like being formal to everyone they met, they found it awkward and [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]inappropriate[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt] to speak to a friend formally. It was much more pleasing to raise the pitch of their voice to sound more friendly and speak in an informal but appropriate tone. "How are you?' they continued.[/SIZE]

Tags | Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet

Location: Euphorian High

Status: Talking to Nico on their phone

Objective: Talk to Nico

Mood: Happy

[SIZE= 14pt]Realizing now that since Junchi was gone Moonstone had pretty much nothing else to do they began to wander around the school for a bit. During one of their deep daydreams, it took them a bit to realize their phone was loudly playing pop music. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]Judging[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt] by the song it was Nico. They always loved to assign music to people they met that they felt fit their personality and status to them. For Nico her song was one of their favorite pop music songs sung in French. Finding the loud and surprising sound annoying however, Moonstone quickly picked it up and held it to their ear.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]"Hi Nico!" Moonstone answered cheerfully. While they did like being formal to everyone they met, they found it awkward and [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]inappropriate[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt] to speak to a friend formally. It was much more pleasing to raise the pitch of their voice to sound more friendly and speak in an informal but appropriate tone. "How are you?' they continued.[/SIZE]

Tags | Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet

Nico let out a small chuckle upon hearing Moonstone's enthusiasm.

"Hey there!" she exclaimed, feeling ecstatic that they've answered. She took a strand of her hair and started to twist out of habit.

"Oh you know.. nothing much really," she said, sighing softly. "What about yourself, Moonstone?" she asked politely. 

Caspian De Sol

Caspian gritted her teeth as she turned her head down further, "Im... Portant..." She said quietly through gritted teeth, her eyes flashed a dark gold again, as she grabbed fist fulls of Allens shirt, another shot of pain went through her system as she curled over, her face hitting Allens chest as she hissed in pain.

Allen stared at her before nodding. "Go ahead" he said, if her drinking his blood helped, he didn't mind, he didn't mind doing anything if it meant helping someone either way.
Nico let out a small chuckle upon hearing Moonstone's enthusiasm.

"Hey there!" she exclaimed, feeling ecstatic that they've answered. She took a strand of her hair and started to twist out of habit.

"Oh you know.. nothing much really," she said, sighing softly. "What about yourself, Moonstone?" she asked politely. 


Location: Euphorian High

Status: Flying | Talking to Nico

Objective: Talk to Nico

Mood: Happy

[SIZE=14.0pt]"Health class was fun today but we didn't really do much. I also just finished my homework for that class too, but now I have nothing to do so I'm just wandering to school." Moonstone continued to travel around the school, but quickly found it boring to just walk around. Flying gave them the best view of the beauty the school had to offer. With that idea in mind, Moonstone spread out their large wings and flew up, yet tried to go slowly enough to avoid Nico hearing loud wind in the phone. The view was always nice from above, and here they could see almost everything that was going on. They thought it'd be fun to see if they could find Nico on the ground to surprise her; if she was even at school.[/SIZE]

Tags | Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet

Location: Euphorian High

Status: Flying | Talking to Nico

Objective: Talk to Nico

Mood: Happy

[SIZE=14.0pt]"Health class was fun today but we didn't really do much. I also just finished my homework for that class too, but now I have nothing to do so I'm just wandering to school." Moonstone continued to travel around the school, but quickly found it boring to just walk around. Flying gave them the best view of the beauty the school had to offer. With that idea in mind, Moonstone spread out their large wings and flew up, yet tried to go slowly enough to avoid Nico hearing loud wind in the phone. The view was always nice from above, and here they could see almost everything that was going on. They thought it'd be fun to see if they could find Nico on the ground to surprise her; if she was even at school.[/SIZE]

Tags | Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet

"Yeahh same.. I'm wandering around the school grounds," she said, slightly lying. Nico was still inside her dorm, but she was trying to find her slippers. She tried looking under her bed and in the closet, but it turned out that it was by the door the whole time. She mentally facepalm herself and sighed heavily. Nico almost tripped, slipping on her shoes. Nico held her phone to her ear, "Where are you right now?" she asked curiously. With that said, she was out of her dorm, and quickly scampering to the center of the school campus.
"Yeahh same.. I'm wandering around the school grounds," she said, slightly lying. Nico was still inside her dorm, but she was trying to find her slippers. She tried looking under her bed and in the closet, but it turned out that it was by the door the whole time. She mentally facepalm herself and sighed heavily. Nico almost tripped, slipping on her shoes. Nico held her phone to her ear, "Where are you right now?" she asked curiously. With that said, she was out of her dorm, and quickly scampering to the center of the school campus.


Location: Euphorian High

Status: Standing near Nico

Objective: Surprise Nico

Mood: Happy

[SIZE= 14pt]Moonstone could hear Nico's sighs, but before they could question her about it she asked them what they were doing. "In the sky" they responded plainly as they searched for her. Their senses were much more powerful in the sky than on the surface, but they always had the issue of not learning how to filter [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]unnecessary[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt] senses. It's hard to find a person among hundreds of individuals moving and talking loudly. It was only until Moonstone landed on the roof of one of the buildings did they see her walking from the female dorms to the center of the school campus.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]This was their moment to surprise her. If only they could turn into air or water to make it easier for them to blend in. For now they had to deal with their large and difficult to conceal appearance. Changing into their owl form and keeping themself near buildings so they could hide, they swiftly approached Nico while concealing their body movements. Being as silent as an owl always came easy to people of their species, especially when they could turn into an owl-like creature. Once they felt they were close enough to surprise her they left their owl form and transformed back to their normal form. "Hi," they said in the same happy tone they [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]demonstrated[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt] earlier.[/SIZE]

Tags | Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet


Location: Euphorian High

Status: Standing near Nico

Objective: Surprise Nico

Mood: Happy

[SIZE= 14pt]Moonstone could hear Nico's sighs, but before they could question her about it she asked them what they were doing. "In the sky" they responded plainly as they searched for her. Their senses were much more powerful in the sky than on the surface, but they always had the issue of not learning how to filter [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]unnecessary[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt] senses. It's hard to find a person among hundreds of individuals moving and talking loudly. It was only until Moonstone landed on the roof of one of the buildings did they see her walking from the female dorms to the center of the school campus.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]This was their moment to surprise her. If only they could turn into air or water to make it easier for them to blend in. For now they had to deal with their large and difficult to conceal appearance. Changing into their owl form and keeping themself near buildings so they could hide, they swiftly approached Nico while concealing their body movements. Being as silent as an owl always came easy to people of their species, especially when they could turn into an owl-like creature. Once they felt they were close enough to surprise her they left their owl form and transformed back to their normal form. "Hi," they said in the same happy tone they [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]demonstrated[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt] earlier.[/SIZE]

Tags | Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet

"The sky??" she questioned, looking up in her surroundings. Nico didn't spot Moonstone since she completely oblivious to their owl form. She bit down her lower lip trying to find them.

Nico scratched the back of her head, not comprehending what they meant, "You're lying to mee... y-you're not in the," she jumped, almost dropping her phone, "air." She turned around to see Moonstone right in front of her which caused her jaws to drop and her eyes to widened greatly. She gasped, "are you trying to give me a heart attack or what?" Nico rolled her eyes slightly before smiling back at them.  

> Kristako Seiker <

Kristako soon nodded a little before she put her robot on the corner of the roof and a sphere piece down next to it. She soon looked at the two around her shoulder and began speaking.

''Well, since you're here early...I think? If I told you to meet tomorrow. Uh, I have to test this robot first...supposed to be uh...fly guy, y'know?''

"If you want to meet tomorrow, we'll just come back then." Talia said, putting her hands behind her back. "We wouldn't mind. I'm pretty sure Zenya has some important stuff she has to do, and I think my parents might be curious as to where I am. My dad is sometimes overprotective."
"The sky??" she questioned, looking up in her surroundings. Nico didn't spot Moonstone since she completely oblivious to their owl form. She bit down her lower lip trying to find them.

Nico scratched the back of her head, not comprehending what they meant, "You're lying to mee... y-you're not in the," she jumped, almost dropping her phone, "air." She turned around to see Moonstone right in front of her which caused her jaws to drop and her eyes to widened greatly. She gasped, "are you trying to give me a heart attack or what?" Nico rolled her eyes slightly before smiling back at them.  


Location: Euphorian High

Status: Talking to Nico

Objective: Hide their embarrassment

Mood: Embarrassed

[SIZE= 18.6667px]"Of course not!" Moonstone looked horrified at the very idea. "I was just trying to surprise you. I'm so sorry. It slips my mind a lot that not everyone likes surprises, despite the fact I dislike them myself." It was only until they saw her smile that they considered the thought she was joking. "Oh, were you just kidding?" Already their face was turning a light blue as they realized they probably made a simple joke seem much more serious than it was. Covering their face to hide their embarrassment, they wished they could catch onto jokes more quickly. The only people they understood the jokes of were the ones they knew for a while, not people they only knew for a short amount of time.[/SIZE]

Tags | Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet

Location: Euphorian High

Status: Talking to Nico

Objective: Hide their embarrassment

Mood: Embarrassed

[SIZE= 18.6667px]"Of course not!" Moonstone looked horrified at the very idea. "I was just trying to surprise you. I'm so sorry. It slips my mind a lot that not everyone likes surprises, despite the fact I dislike them myself." It was only until they saw her smile that they considered the thought she was joking. "Oh, were you just kidding?" Already their face was turning a light blue as they realized they probably made a simple joke seem much more serious than it was. Covering their face to hide their embarrassment, they wished they could catch onto jokes more quickly. The only people they understood the jokes of were the ones they knew for a while, not people they only knew for a short amount of time.[/SIZE]

Tags | Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet

"I mean yeaah I was kidding.." she shrugged, smiling sheepishly. Nico almost forgot what Moonstone looked like and was amazed by their colors.

She went in for a closed embrace since she felt like they both needed it. "I miss you, Moonstone," she said shyly, but happily. "I almost thought you forgot about me for good.." she sighed softly.
"I mean yeaah I was kidding.." she shrugged, smiling sheepishly. Nico almost forgot what Moonstone looked like and was amazed by their colors.

She went in for a closed embrace since she felt like they both needed it. "I miss you, Moonstone," she said shyly, but happily. "I almost thought you forgot about me for good.." she sighed softly.


Location: Euphorian High

Status: Talking to Nico

Objective: Make sure Nico is okay

Mood: Confused | Worried

[SIZE= 14pt]Moonstone knelt down to comfortably hug Nico but tilted their head slightly at her worry. "How could I forget you? Your personality isn't bland enough to be forgettable," they responded bluntly but with good intentions. Their memory was nearly perfect, with only their limited perception on everything making their memory "false" at times. So even if Nico had a bland personality, they would never be able to forget her. What they didn't understand though was why she seemed so sad. She was usually more upbeat and cheerful, and from their perception, upbeat and cheerful people were [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]desirable traits[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt]. At least, that's what Moonstone liked in a person. They always leaned towards friends who took the lead and led them to discover new things. Nico seemed like that type of person, but now something seemed off with her. "Why are you sighing so much? Are you okay?"[/SIZE]

Tags | Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet
Allen stared at her before nodding. "Go ahead" he said, if her drinking his blood helped, he didn't mind, he didn't mind doing anything if it meant helping someone either way.

(( Rushed, last post for today. ))


Caspian quickly looked up at Allen, her eyes holding only happiness and guilt, she moved herself so she was placing her head between his shoulder blades, her fangs came forward though she didn't want them to, "S-sorry..." She said quietly knowing he would hear, she quickly sank her fangs into his neck, the blood pouring into her mouth, she took sips of it as he hands rested on his chest. Tell me when you want me to stop... She said to him through a simple mind link.
"If you want to meet tomorrow, we'll just come back then." Talia said, putting her hands behind her back. "We wouldn't mind. I'm pretty sure Zenya has some important stuff she has to do, and I think my parents might be curious as to where I am. My dad is sometimes overprotective."

> Kristako Seiker <

''No it's fine. It's fine.''

She said before fixing the sphere into the robot before it exploded obliterating the robot and sending Kristako flying back a little as she yelped.

''Krahh-- ngut!''

Location: Euphorian High

Status: Talking to Nico

Objective: Make sure Nico is okay

Mood: Confused | Worried

[SIZE= 14pt]Moonstone knelt down to comfortably hug Nico but tilted their head slightly at her worry. "How could I forget you? Your personality isn't bland enough to be forgettable," they responded bluntly but with good intentions. Their memory was nearly perfect, with only their limited perception on everything making their memory "false" at times. So even if Nico had a bland personality, they would never be able to forget her. What they didn't understand though was why she seemed so sad. She was usually more upbeat and cheerful, and from their perception, upbeat and cheerful people were [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]desirable traits[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt]. At least, that's what Moonstone liked in a person. They always leaned towards friends who took the lead and led them to discover new things. Nico seemed like that type of person, but now something seemed off with her. "Why are you sighing so much? Are you okay?"[/SIZE]

Tags | Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet

"You just always know what to say huh..?" she said, jokingly. Nico shrugged her shoulders and took a step back from Moonstone.

She didn't know what to say honestly, she could lie and say she's find, but at this point, Moonstone already detected her gloomy mood. She pouted, sighing softly. "I-I.." she stuttered a bit. "I've been out of it and.. I don't know what to do." she said, trying not to tear up. 

> Kristako Seiker <

''No it's fine. It's fine.''

She said before fixing the sphere into the robot before it exploded obliterating the robot and sending Kristako flying back a little as she yelped.

''Krahh-- ngut!''

Talia had used her powers to form a force field around herself and Zenya, shielding them from the explosion. When things were okay, the force field vanished and Talia said the weapon maker.. Well not in the same spot as before. She then used her powers to gather up the pieces to the robot, setting them all down beside her as she went to the weapon maker with the intent to aid her. "That was a pretty crazy explosion. You okay?"

> Kristako Seiker <

''O-Oh! You're Talia? I told you that it was tomorrow! ...D-Did I..?''

She spoke in a bit of a more surprised expression. At the end she looked confused, looking slightly up at the sky. She seemed like a klutz at the moment. She shook her head before speaking.

''Never mind that, I apologize about my language earlier. You caught me in one of my ruthless forms...''

> Neopolitan Seiker <

Neo just kept eating. Soon she finished her food. She soon noticed Mika had food all over her. She sighed before she got a napkin and began cleaning her up.

''Mika, you got food all over you~''

> Yuki Asushima <

Yuki continued to kiss Shira before she started kissing more passionately.

"It's not my fault they didn't give up forks." She said as she held out her food covered hands for neo to clean with a smile


shira gladly kissed back as passionately as she held her close

(( Sorry! Last post for the day maybe, or so until i get home in 7 hours! Ok then boe! ))

Zac Crimson Black

Zac had a small smile on his face when she glanced back at him, "It is so," He said in a British like accent, he gave a small laugh when he finished speaking before giving another smile as Elisa came by, she sighed as she placed the plate full of food, it looked the same as Sarins right about now, "Here you go, seriously, my cousin is giving you bad advise on what tastes good..." She said sighing before she placed the plate of carbanara down in from of Rosalie, "Here ya go love," She said as she beamed a smile at the two and continued working.

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn gave a small sigh as her blush deepened, "Do you... Want to go further...?" She asked in a quiet tone as she closed her eyes as much as she could, her breathing slightly shaky.

Atrio smiled and kissed at her cheek lovingly before kissing down to her neck and nodding as he started to pull at her shirt gently showing he did want to go further


Ariel & Euloria Reaver

Ariel blinked as she looked down at the ring that was being given to her, examining the curious patterns on it before her father had spoke. She smiled in response, looking down at the ring that had now been placed on her finger before smiling a bit brighter at her father "Thank you Dad" she said in a happier tone than before.


It was then that there was a small knock on the door followed by Euloria popping her head around the slightly opened door "Is everything okay in here?" She asked curiously with a small smile.

"Anything for you my daughter." Daniel said before hugging her tightly. Then he heard euloria come in and looked to her then to Ariel to see if she wanted to tell euloria what had happened or not
Atrio smiled and kissed at her cheek lovingly before kissing down to her neck and nodding as he started to pull at her shirt gently showing he did want to go further


(( Agreed, i am very sorry if spelling errors or shit post, so tired fsr... ))


(( Uh.... I am stuck.... Like no idea what to post... If i do this wrong we can go off of yours... Cause this will be shit... ))

Evelyns cheeks where slightly aflamed as she rested her head against Atrios chest, she gave a small sigh as she moved slightly.
(( Sorry! Last post for the day maybe, or so until i get home in 7 hours! Ok then boe! ))

Zac Crimson Black

Zac had a small smile on his face when she glanced back at him, "It is so," He said in a British like accent, he gave a small laugh when he finished speaking before giving another smile as Elisa came by, she sighed as she placed the plate full of food, it looked the same as Sarins right about now, "Here you go, seriously, my cousin is giving you bad advise on what tastes good..." She said sighing before she placed the plate of carbanara down in from of Rosalie, "Here ya go love," She said as she beamed a smile at the two and continued working.

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn gave a small sigh as her blush deepened, "Do you... Want to go further...?" She asked in a quiet tone as she closed her eyes as much as she could, her breathing slightly shaky.

Rosalie Dalton

Rosalie grinned, rolling her eyes at his British accent attempt, she was pretty much the master at imitation when it came to sounds, maybe she'd teach him to do a more convincing one. It was after that that Elisa arrived with their food. Wow, that was quick, the service seed to be pretty good here. As Elisa left down her meal, Rosalie smiled back at her "Thank you~" her voice chimed as she then looked down at her meal, which smelled pretty good too. Her stomach confirming the smell as nice as it grumbled. With a slightly embarrassed expression she giggled a little "Eh, guess I really am hungry..." Her voice said quietly as she rubbed the side of her face with her hand.
"It's not my fault they didn't give up forks." She said as she held out her food covered hands for neo to clean with a smile


shira gladly kissed back as passionately as she held her close

Atrio smiled and kissed at her cheek lovingly before kissing down to her neck and nodding as he started to pull at her shirt gently showing he did want to go further


"Anything for you my daughter." Daniel said before hugging her tightly. Then he heard euloria come in and looked to her then to Ariel to see if she wanted to tell euloria what had happened or not

Ariel & Euloria Reaver

Ariel hugged him back before hearing her mothers voice, looking over at her, she nodded "Everything is okay now" she answered with a small smile. After which, she told her Euloria what had happened and that she was cheered up now.

Euloria frowned hearing the news, annoyed at the way she was left with just a not, but smiled hearing that Ariel was feeling better now, deciding not to step in too much on this since Daniel had already handled it and she didn't want him to think he's never there to deal with these kind of things "I'm going to put on some popcorn for the movie so come downstairs when you are ready~" she said happily before leaving the room again.
Last edited by a moderator:
Rosalie Dalton

Rosalie grinned, rolling her eyes at his British accent attempt, she was pretty much the master at imitation when it came to sounds, maybe she'd teach him to do a more convincing one. It was after that that Elisa arrived with their food. Wow, that was quick, the service seed to be pretty good here. As Elisa left down her meal, Rosalie smiled back at her "Thank you~" her voice chimed as she then looked down at her meal, which smelled pretty good too. Her stomach confirming the smell as nice as it grumbled. With a slightly embarrassed expression she giggled a little "Eh, guess I really am hungry..." Her voice said quietly as she rubbed the side of her face with her hand.

((Sorry if shit, so tired... ))

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a small smile before he laughed, "It's fine, i mean, you kinda slept at least six hours," He picked up his knife and fork and quickly took some of his food, eating it quickly, "Understand why this place is worth more than the planet?" He said in a joking tone before he picked another piece of food up, he gave a sort sigh, "So, what do you plan to do once you finish here?" He asked with a small smile.

(( Also, nice source code, :DD ))

Rini Yelil

Rini walked alongside Misafune as they went to discuss their homework assignment over some tea like planned. She glanced down at her hand, which was held in Misafune's, her heart fluttering for a fraction of a second at the sight. It was odd, the feeling of them holding hands. Not bad by any means of course, it was good, just...odd. Having her hand neatly fitted into his was calming to her, with all the issues and problems the two had faced with Chiharu and Miyaka, she felt safe having him with her as he had been during those times. But at the same time...this was making her nervous, having butterflies at the pit of her stomach in response to it. Luckily the nervous feeling subsided as the silence was interrupted by Misafune's voice. Her gaze moved upwards, her round, blue eyes settling on his face as he spoke. As she processed his words she felt a light pink dusting her cheeks and a gentle smile creeping onto her lips. "I feel like I should be saying the same about you" she answered softly as she used her free hand to tuck a stray piece of wavy hair behind her ear "I'm glad we can go have this tea together without fear of something going wrong this time" she pointed out as she laughed gently.




Yuna Yelil

Yuna laughed, she supposed he had a point, A boy chilling out in the park with a small bear might turn more than a few heads. The thought made her actually consider it for a brief moment, just to see peoples reaction. "I guess that would look a little odd alright..." She answered, glancing over at him momentarily before returning her gaze to the sky above her, crinkling up her nose at another thought that popped into her head "That and some people may come over to try pet me and being patted by strangers doesn't sit well with me at all" she let another laugh as she plucked a piece of grass, soon lifting the blade of grass and balancing it on her upper lip like replicating a mustache.




Rosalie Dalton

She glanced out the window as the rain continued to pelt against it, the thunderstorm still raging outside, she guessed a little sun would be nice. Maybe if there was, they could have had a nice walk outside the castle. When she was invited to come with him to get her apple and water, she grinned excitedly at him. She was now in top form for exploring this humongous castle after her nap. She nodded before hopping to her feet "I feel great so I wanna walk around, yes" she agreed as she walked over to him, smiling up at him.




Euloria Reaver

She huffed a little as he old for the meal and got ready to leave, she was trying to figure out what surprise he had in mind for them but simply smiled after. Their meal was finished now, so she'd finally find out what it was/where it was they were going.




"Thank you. I have lived a near solitary life. But meeting you well has made me see and feel things that sitting in meditation could not. I always wanted to take you to tea, but things.." he said letting it trail off as he thought of something. "For your next lesson I will teach you one of the Mudra of the Nine Cuts. No, it is not a violent attack. It is a set of nine skills that every priest or mystic knows how to use when they can channel their energy properly." he said smiling at her. "And the one I want to teach you will help you not get surprised by just about anything." he said while his cheeks were starting to crimson. "You know, I am pretty awkward around you girls. We were never allowed to speak so casually to the Miko or priestess of the temple. So I apologize if I seem nervous." he admitted his greatest weakness to her. She can monoplize on it as she sees fit.




Celaena blinked as he laughed at her question, wondering just how strangely she was coming off. Apparently she really was quite out of the loop on this world. Then again, after being sealed in a crystal for an unknown amount of years, it probably wasn't all that strange to think that she wouldn't know anything. As Ansom listed off all the things that a mall had to offer, the fae put a finger up to her chin, her gaze falling to the side in thought. "So... it's like a market of sorts? With lots of vendors?" She was familiar with that at least. So things were kind of the same, but completely different all at the same time? What a strange world she ended up in.

Of course, Celaena didn't know just what Ansom meant by all the chaos, but she wasn't particularly concerned with that anyways. Her gaze caught the arcing of the keys as he threw them up in the air and caught them, only now wondering what exactly the metal jangly things were in his hands. She was about to ask when he commented about taking his car and patting a metal contraption that she had never seen before. Once again, Celaena found herself in wonderment and confusion. "What is a... car?"

Ansom nodded. "Yeah, I suppose it is just a marketplace. A bazaar of sorts." He nodded once again. He was picking something out of his nail with the keys when he heard the girl's question. His eyes instantly lit up, turning from a deep purple to a light pinkish. "Oh, cars are the best thing mankind has ever achieved!" He exclaimed with a smile.

"Horses?" Ansom chuckled and patted the hood of the car. "This thing packs the power of about 600 of them." He nodded yet again. "They get you places. And in this case, it gets you places quickly." He grinned. "Plus, they're just so beautiful."
Fiona watched the people interact with a silent frown. She hated being around so many people. It was a quirk she shared with Ansom. She had finished her slice of cake but lost her entire appetite for more. And they kept talking about her like she was dating Sarin. It was quite annoying. "Maybe I should go." She spoke up.

Kanon was out for the rest of the school day, and even past when school was supposed to get out. Achilles really had done a number on her, and her body was doing the best it could to keep up and keep her, well, alive. Kanon was tough, but it was apparent that Achilles was much stronger. Bruises bloomed across her pale skin, the blood from where her thigh was impaled was drying to her skin and slightly dying the bedsheets red. She looked a right mess for sure. 

Soon enough one of the school nurses came in, checking on how things were going considering that school had been out for a while. She came and placed a hand on the shoulder of the obviously-worried Achilles, knowing he was doing the best he could to keep himself together. However... "sir? I'm sorry to say that the school is closing. You're welcome to stay here with her, but with her condition it would be advised to take her to a hospital. There's not much more we can do for her here. We can accommodate transportation if yo-" The nurse was cut off by the feeling of a hand on her wrist. Kanon tired opened her eyes, looking up at the two of them. "No... hospitals. If I went... you'd have to tell my brother... and..." Kanon's hand tiredly slipped back down to her side, feeling a lot of pain from trying to speak to them.

@Jofune Tsurabisu


His mind was broken. His lover was devastatingly wounded and this cursed power within was gnawing on his very soul to be released again. He felt like dropping an entire mountain on himself and school just to end the torment of watching her messed up because of him. (Dramatic much? XD) But if nothing he would stay by her side. "Nurse, I will remain by her side. Just leave me the bandages and ointments I need, and I will tend to her. If you say there is nothing here, then fetch my mother. Toss a coin into a pool of water and ask for Thetis." He said to the nurse, his voice taking on a beastial edge. "Dearest Little Lamb, are you feeling better?" he spoke to her as a worried lion to his lioness. His heart, though wavering, could hear them. At the zoo, he heard the lions speak to each other of being trapped in a small space as Humans pointed and watched them day to day. It was almost as if he could.. His head snapped back, as his mind's eye perceived one of the beasts standing over him, with his paw majestically pinning him to the rock below. "You Fear yourself? You fear your own paws, your own strength? Or is it the weakness of not being strong enough to temper it has you shaking like a newborn cub? You humans take and take, kill and kill, and not one of you can just do so without stopping and considering the righteousness of your actions. We lions care not for the feelings of what we kill and eat. We have power, and we use it. My Mate can snap the neck of a gazelle before it can react to the feeling of her jaws around its throat. Your mate is strong. What you fear, hurting her? No, you should fear losing her to your own weakness. So what, she was wounded. Wounds heal. Hearts not so much. Take her into your heart, and you will begin to get strength you so desperately seek." It spoke before vanishing like an oracle vision, leaving him sweating and holding Kanon's hand.

"My love, you were truly amazing." He spoke, not truly understanding what the older lion spoke to him about. But as he kissed her hand, all of the fatigue and pain that his mind had pushed aside began its tenuous assault on his ability to remain awake. It truly hurt. A little blood seeped out of the corner of his mouth. "Little Lamb..*cough* it looks like you got me too." he laughed painfully as he held her hand and watched her, with a smile on his face as he painfully passed out.


(Lumina, I hope you like this drama filled reply. I decided I needed a Deus Ex Machina to tell Achilles to stop being a little pansy. Sorry if it seems to contrived.)

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