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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Celaena simply smiled at his comment, not really used to the way people speak here quite yet. It's not like she was truly proper through and through, things were just... different. She did notice his eyes seeming to pierce through her, as if he was trying to figure her out. Well, what she had was here, and here she was. It was slightly strange, but she didn't think much of it. Thankfully, he moved on to answering her questions. "Earth? So that's what this place is... I've only ever read books about this place... it's so much different than what I've read! And it's 2016! Wow, I really have been asleep for a long time! Hundreds of years! I wonder what the time disparity between Fae and Earth is...." Soon enough, Celaena's composed demeanor faded away and she reverted back to her excitable self, buzzing about the seemingly normal aspects of the world. Without even bothering about how she came off, she stepped toward Ansom, her hands clasped together in excitement. "I've never been here before, can you show me around and show me what Earth is like??"

Ansom took a slight step back when the girl stepped towards him. He gave a small smile to cover up his recoil. "You want me to show you around? I'm a stranger." He gave a chuckle. "For all you know, I could be insane." He tilted his head. "I'm not, of course, but just saying." He shrugged.

"Anyway, I'll show you around, I suppose." Ansom nodded. "I've got nothing going on, so, why not." He smiled again. "Where do you want to go first? Food? Clothes? Mall? Park?" He listed off some places before finishing with another shrug and a spin of his keys.

Rosalie Dalton

"Yeah I guess that would be a good idea to go to the restaur-" her voice suddenly stopping when she was squeezed. "H-Hey!" Her voice spoke as she first pretended to be huffed before she couldnt keep up the act and giggled silently. "Seriously though, I suppose we should get going, right?" She asked, looking up at him.


((Sorry, I was out with friends))

Zac Crimson Black

Zac turned his head back to Rosalie and smiled with a cheeky grin, "Sure, i'll just teleport us there, K?" He said before he lightly placed his lips on Rosalies, he pulled back and rested his head on hers, "I love you..." He said quietly with a small smirk, her opened up a portal beneath them as he lifted his head back to it's original position.

(( All good, i kinda went to sleep and just woke up XDD ))

Allen had ended up falling asleep himself but quickly woke up when he had heard her say something. His eye's being adjusted to the dark, he noticed the tear. He wiped it away and pulled her closer, It did tell me that she had bad dreams, though i'm curious as to why... he thought as he looked at her.

Caspian De Sol

Caspians eyes shot open, a deep bright red, she summoned a small light sword and was instantly holding it against Allens throat, her eyes where horrified as she took shaky breathes, when she snapped out of it, she dropped the small weapon and it disappeared plunging the room into darkness again, she turned her head away from Allen as she now noticed her position, she was sitting on top of Allen as her cheeks slightly lit up, "I'm... So sorry..." She said as she turned her head down, tear started falling from her eyes.


(( @NeoClassical Did you reply to my last post? Or did i miss a post? ))
"...Okay." Alejandro looked back to see the doctor coming their way. He quickly froze his feet to the ground, causing him to srop in his tracks. "That won't hold him long." Alejandro quickly said, as he picked Astrid up, and jumped right of the window. The plan didn't go exactly how he planned, as he was gonna make an ice slide, but the doctor caught him off guard. Soon a loud crackling sound could be heard, as if someone poured water on ice. It was the sound of Alejandro's ice wings forming. "Next stop, somewhere that doesn't have that guy." He said before stabilizing his flight pattern. He made sure he was holding Astrid tightly. 

Finally... Somewhere Alejandro felt most comfortable. Out of every place around the city, high up had to be his favorite place. Thw only weird part was holding Astrid. It was weird, but once again, her touch was warm. Why? Who knows... "Astrid.. Is it okay if we talk about something?" He asked in a slightly shy voice. It was weird for him to be shy, but he didn't care right now. His stomach felt weird, and this only happened around her. It was probably best they talk about things while they had the chance. 

(((( Sorry for the short post. ))))

((No problem.))

Astrid couldn't help but smirk as she heard and saw the doctor quite literally get frozen to the ground. His powers were impressive, she'd give him that for sure. As she was admiring his work, she felt a strong arm wrap around her, almost protectively, before her body was brought with Alejandro's as he jumped out the window. It all happened so fast she barely registered that she was flying out the window and holding on as tightly to Alejandro as he was to her until they were stable and flying steadily in the sky. Despite the disconnect between being in the nurse's office and being in the sky, Astrid felt safe and secure, being held by Alejandro and holding on to him. Her shoulder was aching from the sudden jolt from being lifted, but it was such a good moment that she didn't want to ruin it by complaining. She tried not to show it on her face too much. 

After a few moments, Astrid finally brought herself to look around, and the sight completely amazed her. Sure, the Surface was beautiful, but she had never know just how beautiful it really was until this moment, seeing it from so high up. She could see everything, or nearly everything, from an angle she never thought possible, and her eyes were glues. Hell, her eyes were probably sparkling in amazement at the view. It really made her glad that she decided to leave that shithole behind. Well, that was one of the reasons. Speaking of that, Alejandro suddenly spoke up again, and she tore her gaze away from the scenery to look at him. He seemed... nervous? Was that the word? No... well, something seemed different, but she couldn't quite place what it was. "Yeah, sure, what's up?" His voice made her completely forget about her shoulder.
"Good night." He said softly as he held her close to him and closed his eyes to rest with her as well

Evelyn Crimson Rose

(( Time paradox ( Time Skip 3 hours) ))

Evelyn slightly shuffled around, she felt something in front of her and memories flooded back into her mind, she quickly relaxed and opened her eyes slightly, she found herself resting her head in the crook of Atrios neck, a pink hue started climbing to her cheeks before she moved herself to kiss Atrio on the cheek, "Afternoon," She breathed out quietly.
   Nyx wandered into the parking lot, her crystal blue eyes wide with bewilderment. It was finally time to see what this new school was all about. It had taken her a lot of thought and self-persuasion to actually decide to enroll. She didn't know a single thing about the school, other than that it was for the supernatural. It looked quite welcoming, yet rather overwhelming as well. 

   What now? she thought, furrowing her dark brows together. Where do I go? 

   Nyx sighed, rubbing her right arm through her silky black sleeve. Her gaze wandered over to the boy and girl standing by the Lexus nearby. Without another hesitation, she made her way over to them in her little pink skirt, twirling a purple lock of hair around her index finger cheerfully. 

   "Hello!" she exclaimed, beaming at them as she waved sweetly. She blew a bubble with her gum, letting it pop before she continued to smile at the two. 
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Ansom took a slight step back when the girl stepped towards him. He gave a small smile to cover up his recoil. "You want me to show you around? I'm a stranger." He gave a chuckle. "For all you know, I could be insane." He tilted his head. "I'm not, of course, but just saying." He shrugged.

"Anyway, I'll show you around, I suppose." Ansom nodded. "I've got nothing going on, so, why not." He smiled again. "Where do you want to go first? Food? Clothes? Mall? Park?" He listed off some places before finishing with another shrug and a spin of his keys.

Upon Ansom's repeat of her question, she nodded enthusiastically, his recoil not quite clicking in her head. She was just so excited to be awake and in a new world that it really was quite hard to keep herself together. Perhaps after a while it'd get easier. Her smile matched his as she stood with clasped hands looking at him in wonder and excitement, almost like a child. When he agreed, her smile doubled in size and she stood up straighter, bouncing a bit on her toes in happiness. "Thank you very much!" She would have continued that way, but Ansom asking a question brought her back down a bit. Her head cocked in confusion at his question, bringing a finger up to her chin in thought. "What is a... mall?" She had never heard of such a thing before, so of course she'd be confused about what it was.
((No problem.))

Astrid couldn't help but smirk as she heard and saw the doctor quite literally get frozen to the ground. His powers were impressive, she'd give him that for sure. As she was admiring his work, she felt a strong arm wrap around her, almost protectively, before her body was brought with Alejandro's as he jumped out the window. It all happened so fast she barely registered that she was flying out the window and holding on as tightly to Alejandro as he was to her until they were stable and flying steadily in the sky. Despite the disconnect between being in the nurse's office and being in the sky, Astrid felt safe and secure, being held by Alejandro and holding on to him. Her shoulder was aching from the sudden jolt from being lifted, but it was such a good moment that she didn't want to ruin it by complaining. She tried not to show it on her face too much. 

After a few moments, Astrid finally brought herself to look around, and the sight completely amazed her. Sure, the Surface was beautiful, but she had never know just how beautiful it really was until this moment, seeing it from so high up. She could see everything, or nearly everything, from an angle she never thought possible, and her eyes were glues. Hell, her eyes were probably sparkling in amazement at the view. It really made her glad that she decided to leave that shithole behind. Well, that was one of the reasons. Speaking of that, Alejandro suddenly spoke up again, and she tore her gaze away from the scenery to look at him. He seemed... nervous? Was that the word? No... well, something seemed different, but she couldn't quite place what it was. "Yeah, sure, what's up?" His voice made her completely forget about her shoulder.

Alejandro sighed lightly, his heart pounding at his chest. Why would he even say that. Now Astrid is curious as to what he wants and well now he wants to back out. "W-Why..." He stuttered a little, his gaze travelling from Astrid to the blue sky. "Sorry. I know it must be odd hearing someone like myself shy away from talking to a person..." Alejandro closed his mouth, gently nipping his own tongue as a waening to just shutup while he can. Best spare himself the embarrassment, rather than mess something up if this feeling is what he thinks it is. "Later... We can talk later." 

The wind gently blowing through Alejandro's blue locks of hair felt soothing. Sort of like a therapy for what nervousness he just suffered trying to talk to Astrid. Deep down inside, Alejandro found her cute. The way she stared out into the distance before he spoke. It was quite eye catching. Soon, Alejandro slowly began to slow down. It seems like he had flew to the center of town, coming to a landing in the park. Once his feet touched the ground, he still hadn't set Astrid down. "If you want, I could... Put you down and you could walk on your own, but I personally have no problem carrying you. You're pretty light."

(((( Time to get to work on those CS's. Replies will most likely be slowed, but it shouldn't take but about 20-40 minutes to sort and gather the information. ))))
"Spring." Nai said, smiling warmly. "I live the flowers and all the other things that spring brings us." He added. "It's a nice time to go out and do things, like hanging out with friends or dates..."

"Spring is like the renewal season," she said smiling softly at him. "For me, I like that transition between fall and winter especially in California.. you can wear thigh high boots and a high waisted skirt," she giggled slightly. "Ughh! I live for that stuff!" she exclaimed happily. 
Real blinked as he saw the other kid shift away slightly. Well that was understandable, but there was only something like a .00027% chance of that specific mutation happening and it had only happened once in the past and Rael did manage to stop its progression, but the other party had lost use of their left leg. Hearing the other boys question Rael tilted his head for a moment as he thought before replying,  "chocolate! What about you? "

Mei Junchi

Location: Bakery

Status: Talking to Rael

Objective: Learn what cake size Rael wants

Mood: Happy

Junchi gave a sigh of relief in happiness that the uncomfortable conversation was over. Hearing Rael's answer to their question they smiled towards him and answered his question with, "I don't really have a favorite. If I had to choose I'd guess red velvet, however; mint chocolate is close behind it."

Junchi continued to walk towards the bakery and soon enough reached the store with minimal confusion from the signs. After entering and flinching a bit from the ding of the bell on the door, Junchi told Rael that he can go pick out a seat for them to both sit in. They also added that it was fine if he wanted to explore the store himself, though there wasn't much to explore other than the cakes. Getting a closer look at them all, there were so many different types with their own shape, size, and colors. The store also allowed people to order custom made cakes and cupcakes, which gave Junchi an almost childlike excitement for the store. They snapped out of their small happiness from the various cakes and realized they forgot to ask Rael an important question. They looked over their shoulder at him and asked, "What size do you want? Cupcake size, small, medium, large, stuff like that." Looking back at the glass, it also had signs displaying that the larger the cake and more complicated the design, the pricier it was.

Tags | Interacting with: Rael


> Zenya White <

RPN Closers Seulbi Lee Zenya.png

''Oh...right. Well, let's buy something fast? Oh. Maybe we can buy the weapon maker something too.''

Zenya added as she went to the door and flashing a credit card at Talia and smiled.

''I'll pay~''

@Roman totally forgot about her xD  Talia and Zenya are at the bakery and also on their way to the weapon maker
Upon Ansom's repeat of her question, she nodded enthusiastically, his recoil not quite clicking in her head. She was just so excited to be awake and in a new world that it really was quite hard to keep herself together. Perhaps after a while it'd get easier. Her smile matched his as she stood with clasped hands looking at him in wonder and excitement, almost like a child. When he agreed, her smile doubled in size and she stood up straighter, bouncing a bit on her toes in happiness. "Thank you very much!" She would have continued that way, but Ansom asking a question brought her back down a bit. Her head cocked in confusion at his question, bringing a finger up to her chin in thought. "What is a... mall?" She had never heard of such a thing before, so of course she'd be confused about what it was.

Ansom laughed. He should've known that this girl wouldn't know anything about a mall, but it still made him laugh. It simply wasn't what you saw every day. "Well, a mall is a place of many shops. It's sort of a conglomeration of businesses. Food, clothing, games, accessories. All in one place."

He nodded. "Too loud, in my opinion. But, they're not horrible." He smiled. "All the people walking around....there's just a certain..." He gave an ephemeral grin. "...chaos." He chuckled. Then with another spin of his keys, he threw them in the air and caught them again. "It wouldn't take too long to get there. I have a fast car." He patted the hood of his LFA.

Elisa Darthwell

As Elisa exited the view of Fiona, she quickly used her vampire speed to grab the cake and walked back to the table, she placed it down in front of her with a smile as she took her seat again, "Bon appetite'" She said as she twirled her invisible mustache, she gave a quiet laugh as she saw Sarin enter the restaurant, she gave a soft smile, "Your future husband is here," She said with a smirk as she giggled like a school girl, Sarin took the same seat he was in before, "Geez, what could they be doing..." He looked over at Elisa and she gave a smirk, "Actually, no, keep your mouth shut," He said before he crossed his arms and relaxed into the chair, "Sarin, why so mean?" She said as she pouted her lips.

Fiona shook her head. "Stop saying stuff like that." She said to Elisa before she cut herself a small piece of cake. "This looks good." She said as she took a bite. "Oh, it is good!"
Fiona shook her head. "Stop saying stuff like that." She said to Elisa before she cut herself a small piece of cake. "This looks good." She said as she took a bite. "Oh, it is good!"

Elisa & Sarin

Sarin gave a short sigh as Elisa beamed, "I made it myself," She said smugly as she kept her bright smile, "Elisa," Sarin said as he took a sip of his drink, "Don't act smug, Zac taught you how to make that anyway," He said before he sighed, Elisa bent her head slightly down, "But i made it myself this time," She said as she pouted her lips.

(( Sozzu! I was AFK doing stuff IRL, ))

Zac Crimson Black

Zac turned his head back to Rosalie and smiled with a cheeky grin, "Sure, i'll just teleport us there, K?" He said before he lightly placed his lips on Rosalies, he pulled back and rested his head on hers, "I love you..." He said quietly with a small smirk, her opened up a portal beneath them as he lifted his head back to it's original position.

(( All good, i kinda went to sleep and just woke up XDD ))

Caspian De Sol

Caspians eyes shot open, a deep bright red, she summoned a small light sword and was instantly holding it against Allens throat, her eyes where horrified as she took shaky breathes, when she snapped out of it, she dropped the small weapon and it disappeared plunging the room into darkness again, she turned her head away from Allen as she now noticed her position, she was sitting on top of Allen as her cheeks slightly lit up, "I'm... So sorry..." She said as she turned her head down, tear started falling from her eyes.


(( @NeoClassical Did you reply to my last post? Or did i miss a post? ))

Rosalie Dalton

Rosalie smiled at him in response to the grin he was showing "Okay" she answered with a nod before he had placed his head against hers. She didn't even notice the portal as he spoke, her mind had just worked on its own, pushing out words that she hadn't uttered yet "...I love you too" she answered, her cheeks colouring once she realised that this was the first time she had responded to that.

Kenai Yelil

Kenai, who was leaning back on the chair, sat up straight when she had stretched, looking over at her and smiling "Great! You're a pretty quick learner, we'll have you reading well in no time" he said as he clapped his hands together.

Rosalie Dalton

Rosalie smiled at him in response to the grin he was showing "Okay" she answered with a nod before he had placed his head against hers. She didn't even notice the portal as he spoke, her mind had just worked on its own, pushing out words that she hadn't uttered yet "...I love you too" she answered, her cheeks colouring once she realised that this was the first time she had responded to that.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a small smirk meaning that he liked the reply he got, as they sank all the way into the portal, they appeared outside a restaurant underneath a large cover, he gave a small smile as he took his hands off of her hips, "Well, come on," He said happily as he moved to the door, he held it open for her with a smirk.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a small smirk meaning that he liked the reply he got, as they sank all the way into the portal, they appeared outside a restaurant underneath a large cover, he gave a small smile as he took his hands off of her hips, "Well, come on," He said happily as he moved to the door, he held it open for her with a smirk.

((Switching to mobile for a bit))

Rosalie smiled a little before they appeared outside the restaurant. Blinking a few times, she looked around her eyes settling in the door, which was now being help open for her. She smiled a little before stepping through the door, smiling at Zac on the way past "Thank you ~" she chimed as she had walked inside.
((Switching to mobile for a bit))

Rosalie smiled a little before they appeared outside the restaurant. Blinking a few times, she looked around her eyes settling in the door, which was now being help open for her. She smiled a little before stepping through the door, smiling at Zac on the way past "Thank you ~" she chimed as she had walked inside.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac closed the door behind himself as he entered, people where talking and the place was a third full, he saw Sarin and waved over at him, "Well, that's him," He said with a smile, he saw Elisa and she waved at him, she had a huge smile on her face as she turned back to her table, "And that's his cousin," He said with a small laugh, he put his hand next to Rosalies and lightly squeezed it, "Come on," He said with a smile.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac closed the door behind himself as he entered, people where talking and the place was a third full, he saw Sarin and waved over at him, "Well, that's him," He said with a smile, he saw Elisa and she waved at him, she had a huge smile on her face as she turned back to her table, "And that's his cousin," He said with a small laugh, he put his hand next to Rosalies and lightly squeezed it, "Come on," He said with a smile.

Rosalie's eyes followed where he was waving to before waving politely at the two that were waving at Zac. She looked to Zac and smiled when he squeezed her hand. "Okay~" she answered with a nod, waiting for Zac to go ahead first since she didn't know where they were going to sit.
Rosalie's eyes followed where he was waving to before waving politely at the two that were waving at Zac. She looked to Zac and smiled when he squeezed her hand. "Okay~" she answered with a nod, waiting for Zac to go ahead first since she didn't know where they were going to sit.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave soft sigh before he lightly pressed his lips against her cheek, "It's OK, we'll be sitting just behind them, is that OK with you?" He asked as he pulled back, he beamed a smile at her, "Just relax love," He said as he walked forward, pulling Rosalie forward with him slightly, he walked over to Sarin and Elisas table, "Hey guys~" He said and noticed the third person eating cake, "Hi," He said with a smile. She's been around strong creatures... She seems dangerous... He thought in his mind as he lightly squeezed Rosalies hand.

Rini Yelil

Rini walked alongside Misafune as they went to discuss their homework assignment over some tea like planned. She glanced down at her hand, which was held in Misafune's, her heart fluttering for a fraction of a second at the sight. It was odd, the feeling of them holding hands. Not bad by any means of course, it was good, just...odd. Having her hand neatly fitted into his was calming to her, with all the issues and problems the two had faced with Chiharu and Miyaka, she felt safe having him with her as he had been during those times. But at the same time...this was making her nervous, having butterflies at the pit of her stomach in response to it. Luckily the nervous feeling subsided as the silence was interrupted by Misafune's voice. Her gaze moved upwards, her round, blue eyes settling on his face as he spoke. As she processed his words she felt a light pink dusting her cheeks and a gentle smile creeping onto her lips. "I feel like I should be saying the same about you" she answered softly as she used her free hand to tuck a stray piece of wavy hair behind her ear "I'm glad we can go have this tea together without fear of something going wrong this time" she pointed out as she laughed gently.




Yuna Yelil

Yuna laughed, she supposed he had a point, A boy chilling out in the park with a small bear might turn more than a few heads. The thought made her actually consider it for a brief moment, just to see peoples reaction. "I guess that would look a little odd alright..." She answered, glancing over at him momentarily before returning her gaze to the sky above her, crinkling up her nose at another thought that popped into her head "That and some people may come over to try pet me and being patted by strangers doesn't sit well with me at all" she let another laugh as she plucked a piece of grass, soon lifting the blade of grass and balancing it on her upper lip like replicating a mustache.




Rosalie Dalton

She glanced out the window as the rain continued to pelt against it, the thunderstorm still raging outside, she guessed a little sun would be nice. Maybe if there was, they could have had a nice walk outside the castle. When she was invited to come with him to get her apple and water, she grinned excitedly at him. She was now in top form for exploring this humongous castle after her nap. She nodded before hopping to her feet "I feel great so I wanna walk around, yes" she agreed as she walked over to him, smiling up at him.




Euloria Reaver

She huffed a little as he old for the meal and got ready to leave, she was trying to figure out what surprise he had in mind for them but simply smiled after. Their meal was finished now, so she'd finally find out what it was/where it was they were going.



C4 laughed and put up his hands like an old time cartoony boxer, doing a few jabs in the air. "you kidding me? I wouldn't let anyone you didnt want to be near you anywhere close.I shall protect the fluffy!!!!" then turning he looked at Yuna and couldent hold a straight face, Laughing he pulled a few strands of grass and imitated her. "My mustache is better"

> Neopolitan Seiker <

Neo giggled as well before setting her plate on the table and pulling a seat for Mitsu.


> Yuki Asushima <

Yuki soon went back to check over Shira. She noticed the small frown she had before speaking. 

''Shira, come on. Stop guilt tripping yourself. You're not gonna make me wait here right?''

Mika giggled happily as her face became Covered in food as she ate. "Yes neo?" Mitsu asked softly 


shira smiled a little and hugged her gently. "Let's go." She said softly 

Ariel Reaver

Ariel had moved to hugged him back, sniffling gently, feeling herself calming down a little now that she was being hugged. Even the ice in the room had receded back a bit. "I'm sorry Dad" she said after she had calmed a little "I got mad at you before, when you acted like you didn't trust him, I guess you were right..." She said quietly.

"Hey now it's alright sweetheart. That wasn't your fault. You thought he would always love you but..... He just wasn't the one." He said softly as he held her tightly

Evelyn Crimson Rose

(( Time paradox ( Time Skip 3 hours) ))

Evelyn slightly shuffled around, she felt something in front of her and memories flooded back into her mind, she quickly relaxed and opened her eyes slightly, she found herself resting her head in the crook of Atrios neck, a pink hue started climbing to her cheeks before she moved herself to kiss Atrio on the cheek, "Afternoon," She breathed out quietly.

Atrio held her quietly his eyes sealed shut in sleep as he slept with her a gentle smile on his lips as he laced with her happy to have her in his arms

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