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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

((Lol yeah, on mobile data with a crap phone battery so trying to conserve battery until I get home))

She smiled she sheepishly at his comment "Mhm~ never been better" she answered, tilting her head, her smile now growing into a brighter one. She blinked a few times as he asked to move to her room, not understanding why he seemed a bit embarrassed after asking. She examined his face for a moment with a curious expression before answering "Sure, we can do that, I don't mind at all" she answered, not understanding why she would.

(( Ah, well then i shall try to speed the replies up! ))

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a small nod as he turned his head back to Rosalie and smiled, he made a portal beneath them, their feet they sank into the small black portal and appeared in a room, he guessed it was Rosalies and gave a sigh and removed one of his hands from her hip, "Well, i guess you should go get changed, he lightly pressed his lips against hers before giving a sigh, "Be quick," He said with a small laugh and removed his last hand from her hip and moved to a chair.


(( Ah, well then i shall try to speed the replies up! ))

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a small nod as he turned his head back to Rosalie and smiled, he made a portal beneath them, their feet they sank into the small black portal and appeared in a room, he guessed it was Rosalies and gave a sigh and removed one of his hands from her hip, "Well, i guess you should go get changed, he lightly pressed his lips against hers before giving a sigh, "Be quick," He said with a small laugh and removed his last hand from her hip and moved to a chair.


Rosalie Dalton

The room they landed in was in no way grand like the castle they had just left. It was simple and tidy with a few photographs of her family here and there. A desk with a stack of notepads and books at it sat neatly in the corner of the living area. A few purple themed cushions and such here and there, it wasn't hard to tell it was her favourite colour by looking around the place. "I will" she answered his words with a smile before moving to the other room to go change. Rummaging through her wardrobe for a bit, she finally settled on an outfit she liked. She changed out of her blouse and skirt and put on a nice black dress she had picked out for herself that just almost came to her knee. It wasn't overly glamorous or posh or anything like that because she didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb, but it was nice enough to go out for a meal more so than the outfit she was wearing before. Examining her self in the mirror first, she nodded in approval. She grabbed a pair of shoes that would match and ruffled her hair a little to fix it, repositioning the hair grip in it. "Alright, I'm done~" her voice chimed as she walked back into the other room again and grabbed a jacket from the corner in case she needed it.


((Its all good, take your time if you need to~))

Rosalie Dalton

The room they landed in was in no way grand like the castle they had just left. It was simple and tidy with a few photographs of her family here and there. A desk with a stack of notepads and books at it sat neatly in the corner of the living area. A few purple themed cushions and such here and there, it wasn't hard to tell it was her favourite colour by looking around the place. "I will" she answered his words with a smile before moving to the other room to go change. Rummaging through her wardrobe for a bit, she finally settled on an outfit she liked. She changed out of her blouse and skirt and put on a nice black dress she had picked out for herself that just almost came to her knee. It wasn't overly glamorous or posh or anything like that because she didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb, but it was nice enough to go out for a meal more so than the outfit she was wearing before. Examining her self in the mirror first, she nodded in approval. She grabbed a pair of shoes that would match and ruffled her hair a little to fix it, repositioning the hair grip in it. "Alright, I'm done~" her voice chimed as she walked back into the other room again and grabbed a jacket from the corner in case she needed it.


((Its all good, take your time if you need to~))

Zac Crimson Black

Zac instantly stood up, his eyes roaming over Rosalie, "Wow," He said before he snapped back into reality, "Seriously wow, but i mean, you don't have to, the restaurant is like a good couple metres from the school in a park i think, so please," He said lightly before he moved to Rosalie, "But still, you look wonderful," He said as he placed his lips lightly onto Rosalies, a smile crossing his face as he did so.

(( It is fixed fn, but i know brother and mother will continue to fight like cat and dog ( Note, my mums name is Kat which makes it all the more ironic ) ))
"I-I don't know," she stuttered a bit. "I just want to decipher you a little bit more.. ya know friends don't lie or have secrets from each other," she said smiling softly. "I know that we've only meant each other for  no more than 2 hours, but it's a start right?" she asked, smiling more sheepishly this time. Nico finished eating her icecream and ate the rest of the cone. 

Nai smiled and slowly used his free hand to chip a piece of the oce cream cone before eating it. "What do you want to know?" He askes curiously. "I'm always open to telling my friends about myself if they're interested in knowing."

Zac Crimson Black

Zac instantly stood up, his eyes roaming over Rosalie, "Wow," He said before he snapped back into reality, "Seriously wow, but i mean, you don't have to, the restaurant is like a good couple metres from the school in a park i think, so please," He said lightly before he moved to Rosalie, "But still, you look wonderful," He said as he placed his lips lightly onto Rosalies, a smile crossing his face as he did so.

(( It is fixed fn, but i know brother and mother will continue to fight like cat and dog ( Note, my mums name is Kat which makes it all the more ironic ) ))

Rosalie Dalton

Rosalie smiled at first before she glanced down at herself with red cheeks, looking rather self-concious after he spoke "Wait, this is still too much? I've worn this at normal times..." her voice muttered quietly as she swayed side to side for a moment, which was true, it wasn't even a fancy dress, just a normal one, a step down from this would be jeans and a hoodie or something...Bah, she didn't really care at this stage what she wore now, she wasn't going to change again "I'm confused..." As far as she was aware, this looked fine to her and she was confused on what exactly was the dress code to such a place now and she wasn't going to stress herself out over a silly thing like that.
((Okay, have fun))

Saria's eyes followed Hakosu as she left the room and headed towards the kitchen "Yeah, sure" she said with a smile before looking back to Levi, who had curled up to nap on the couch.

Hakosu returned moments later with two glasses of iced tea. "I don't know what you like so I hope this is fine." She said as she set one glass on the table and took a sip from the other. She followed Saria's eyes to the cat and giggled. "S'cute." She said.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave another sigh, "No, it's fine love, please," He said tiredly before kissing her on the cheek, "Come on, i have to go get dressed, if you want, we can go to your place and you can change," He said happily with little laugh

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn pushed her face further into Atrios chest and groaned in annoyance, "Stop..." She said in an annoyed tone, "I'll become a tomato if i keep blushing..." She said annoyed and gave a quiet laugh to her own joke before yawning, "There's a large one right there," She said pointing to the couch only a couple feet away from them directly to the right, "Can we please go there..." She said tiredly as she yawned again.

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin gave a quiet sigh to Elisas complaints, "Five hours is barely anything when you equivelent it to your workers, they work seven hours without break, barely any correction," He said matching her tone as before, "Oh yeah!?" She slightly shouted "Well i don't see you working here, you just take the money and disappear like you did when you fo-" She cut herself off as she lowered her head, "Sorry..." She said as she rubbed her arm, Sarin sighed before he patted her head, "Fiona, you may want to take a break sometime, surely their must be more of your kind right?" He said slightly confused.

"Oh, there are more CareTakers but I'm the only one assigned to Ansom." Fiona nodded. "We are blessed with powers that allow us to take care of the ones we are assigned." She nodded slightly. "Besides, Ansom and I trust each other. If I were to get someone else to watch over him, he'll probably strangle them with a potato chip."
(Sorry for the late reply, school got in the way)

"Night" he said quietly, so that he didn't disturb her. He looked around the room curiously, distracting himself with the objects he'd see in the room.

Mal smiled, "Well... this is the plus side of being an adult, I don't think i'd be as happy as I am now" she said and laughed lightly.

"What do I wanna do?... hmmm..... i'm not sure, we've already done so much today that nothing really comes to mind." she said, trying not to blush anymore then she already was.

Everest laughed and rolled onto his side, wrapping his arms around Hakuru and ensuring she wouldn't be able to escape. "well until we figure out what to do, I suppose I'll just have to entertain myself!" then Everest began to viciously tickle Hakuru's side with his free hand, using his other hand to make sure she couldn't escape.

Rosalie Dalton

Rosalie smiled at first before she glanced down at herself with red cheeks, looking rather self-concious after he spoke "Wait, this is still too much? I've worn this at normal times..." her voice muttered quietly as she swayed side to side for a moment, which was true, it wasn't even a fancy dress, just a normal one, a step down from this would be jeans and a hoodie or something...Bah, she didn't really care at this stage what she wore now, she wasn't going to change again "I'm confused..." As far as she was aware, this looked fine to her and she was confused on what exactly was the dress code to such a place now and she wasn't going to stress herself out over a silly thing like that.

Zac Crimson Rose

Zacs eyes widened as he put his hands up waving them around, "No no, your fine, sorry," He said quietly as he breathed out a sigh, "Shall we walk through the rain? Or i teleport us to the front. Wait one sec..." He said as he pulled out a small cellular device, he pressed a couple of times on the screen and then held it to his ear, "Yeah, hey hows it? Good, Well, i was hoping i could come to the restaurant, bringing someone with me. Sure, see you soon." He said before he beamed at Rosalie, "Yeah he's there, i was just double checking," He said as he breathed out a sigh.

"Oh, there are more CareTakers but I'm the only one assigned to Ansom." Fiona nodded. "We are blessed with powers that allow us to take care of the ones we are assigned." She nodded slightly. "Besides, Ansom and I trust each other. If I were to get someone else to watch over him, he'll probably strangle them with a potato chip."

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin gave a low chuckle, "Sounds like my friend could sort him out, what was his name again Elisa?" Elisa gave a sigh and put her head between her hands, Sarins pocket vibrated and he pulled his phone out, his face had a look of absolute stupidity, "Ironic... As ever..." He said before he answered, he pressed it against his ear, "Heya, long time no talk. Good yourself. Well, what are you calling up about? Oh, sure see you soon, seeya," He said before he ended the call and shoved it back into his pocket, "Looks like you get to see your favourite vampire again Elisa," He said mockingly as her cheeks lit up, "Shutup, i don't like him... He just teaches me how to use my powers..." She said in a low whisper as she turned her head to Fiona, "Oh sorry dear, the guys name is Zac, used to run with Sarin over when he was... well, i'm guessing you can fill in the rest..." She breathed out with a small sigh.

Zac Crimson Rose

Zacs eyes widened as he put his hands up waving them around, "No no, your fine, sorry," He said quietly as he breathed out a sigh, "Shall we walk through the rain? Or i teleport us to the front. Wait one sec..." He said as he pulled out a small cellular device, he pressed a couple of times on the screen and then held it to his ear, "Yeah, hey hows it? Good, Well, i was hoping i could come to the restaurant, bringing someone with me. Sure, see you soon." He said before he beamed at Rosalie, "Yeah he's there, i was just double checking," He said as he breathed out a sigh.

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin gave a low chuckle, "Sounds like my friend could sort him out, what was his name again Elisa?" Elisa gave a sigh and put her head between her hands, Sarins pocket vibrated and he pulled his phone out, his face had a look of absolute stupidity, "Ironic... As ever..." He said before he answered, he pressed it against his ear, "Heya, long time no talk. Good yourself. Well, what are you calling up about? Oh, sure see you soon, seeya," He said before he ended the call and shoved it back into his pocket, "Looks like you get to see your favourite vampire again Elisa," He said mockingly as her cheeks lit up, "Shutup, i don't like him... He just teaches me how to use my powers..." She said in a low whisper as she turned her head to Fiona, "Oh sorry dear, the guys name is Zac, used to run with Sarin over when he was... well, i'm guessing you can fill in the rest..." She breathed out with a small sigh.

Rosalie Dalton

Rosalie blinked a few times, what? But he had just said- she sighed softly, deciding to just forget about it. As Zac answered his phone, Rosalie went ahead and pulled on her jacket, as pretty as she thought rain was at times, she preferred watching it through a window rather than walking around in it, so just in case they were walking there, she put on a jacket. After he hung the phone up she glanced up at him "I'm guessing you were speaking to your friend then?" She asked before looking out at the rain outside her dorm window, biting her bottom lip "Uhm...I hate to sound lazy...but the weather is kinda awful to walk in right now..." Her voice spoke quietly.


Hakosu returned moments later with two glasses of iced tea. "I don't know what you like so I hope this is fine." She said as she set one glass on the table and took a sip from the other. She followed Saria's eyes to the cat and giggled. "S'cute." She said.


Saria Roux

Saria giggled "Yeah, he'll be up like a shot as soon as he smells that pizza though" she said before lifting the glass off the table "No, no, this is perfect" she said with a smile before taking a sip of it.
Everest laughed and rolled onto his side, wrapping his arms around Hakuru and ensuring she wouldn't be able to escape. "well until we figure out what to do, I suppose I'll just have to entertain myself!" then Everest began to viciously tickle Hakuru's side with his free hand, using his other hand to make sure she couldn't escape.

((Did you ever get my reply? :0))

Rosalie Dalton

Rosalie blinked a few times, what? But he had just said- she sighed softly, deciding to just forget about it. As Zac answered his phone, Rosalie went ahead and pulled on her jacket, as pretty as she thought rain was at times, she preferred watching it through a window rather than walking around in it, so just in case they were walking there, she put on a jacket. After he hung the phone up she glanced up at him "I'm guessing you were speaking to your friend then?" She asked before looking out at the rain outside her dorm window, biting her bottom lip "Uhm...I hate to sound lazy...but the weather is kinda awful to walk in right now..." Her voice spoke quietly.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a small sigh but gave a smile, "Yeah, his name is Sarin by the way, he has a cousin that works for him, her name is Elisa, there both human... Hybrids... They where forced into being monsters so to speak, Sarin is a half human half elf, meaning he can use mana, Elisa is a half vampire, she has the same power as me but more advanced," He said with a small smile, "What? Do you want me to carry you through the rain?" He asked with a sly smirk as he approached her, he placed his hands lowly onto her hips as he pecked her on the lips, he pulled back only slightly, "Or do you mean portal?" He asked with a smile.

Zac Crimson Rose

Zacs eyes widened as he put his hands up waving them around, "No no, your fine, sorry," He said quietly as he breathed out a sigh, "Shall we walk through the rain? Or i teleport us to the front. Wait one sec..." He said as he pulled out a small cellular device, he pressed a couple of times on the screen and then held it to his ear, "Yeah, hey hows it? Good, Well, i was hoping i could come to the restaurant, bringing someone with me. Sure, see you soon." He said before he beamed at Rosalie, "Yeah he's there, i was just double checking," He said as he breathed out a sigh.

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin gave a low chuckle, "Sounds like my friend could sort him out, what was his name again Elisa?" Elisa gave a sigh and put her head between her hands, Sarins pocket vibrated and he pulled his phone out, his face had a look of absolute stupidity, "Ironic... As ever..." He said before he answered, he pressed it against his ear, "Heya, long time no talk. Good yourself. Well, what are you calling up about? Oh, sure see you soon, seeya," He said before he ended the call and shoved it back into his pocket, "Looks like you get to see your favourite vampire again Elisa," He said mockingly as her cheeks lit up, "Shutup, i don't like him... He just teaches me how to use my powers..." She said in a low whisper as she turned her head to Fiona, "Oh sorry dear, the guys name is Zac, used to run with Sarin over when he was... well, i'm guessing you can fill in the rest..." She breathed out with a small sigh.

"Sort Ansom out?" Fiona laughed a bit. "That's funny." She said before tilting her head. "Nobody can sort Ansom out. It's literally in his description. He is chaos. He is enigma. Blah, blah, blah." She chuckled.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a small sigh but gave a smile, "Yeah, his name is Sarin by the way, he has a cousin that works for him, her name is Elisa, there both human... Hybrids... They where forced into being monsters so to speak, Sarin is a half human half elf, meaning he can use mana, Elisa is a half vampire, she has the same power as me but more advanced," He said with a small smile, "What? Do you want me to carry you through the rain?" He asked with a sly smirk as he approached her, he placed his hands lowly onto her hips as he pecked her on the lips, he pulled back only slightly, "Or do you mean portal?" He asked with a smile.

Rosalie Dalton

"Human hybrids? That seems kinda cool...I mean the thought itself not the uh, being forced onto it and stuff..." She rubbed her face with the side of her hand before he has approached her. His words making her laugh "Well, you know, I meant portal, but either or could work I guess" she answered with a smile after he had pulled away from her a little.

Saria Roux

Saria giggled "Yeah, he'll be up like a shot as soon as he smells that pizza though" she said before lifting the glass off the table "No, no, this is perfect" she said with a smile before taking a sip of it.

Hakosu giggled softly. "He loves food?" She nodded. "I guess most cats do." She took another sip before setting the drink on the table. There were no coasters, which made evidence of previous drinks by having rings throughout the wooden table. She sat on a chair facing the corner of the table. "Sorry, I don't have a tv or radio...." She scratched her chin.

...ΨKenji had been listening to the teacher intently, taking regular notes of the key points of his sentences and writing them into his notepad. He took occasional glances over to Lumina, noticing that she was staring out of the window the majority of class. Because of his observation, he began writing down the exact words the teacher had spoken throughout the entirety of the class, so that he could show them to Lumina at a later time. He had continued to write down on his notepad until the bell rang, and the students began to flee the room, with a loud boom of conversations and footsteps to follow. He then looked over to Lumina, who'd spoken to him, and smiled, shortly before he replied and stood up, placing his notepad into the back he'd created halfway through the class. He slung one of the straps around one of his shoulders and stood up, placing his hand over to his pair as he made it to his feet. He continued to smile as he finished talking. In the back of his mind, he knew that something was distracting Lumina during class, but he decided that he'd bring it up at a later point, as all he wanted to focus on was the date, and figuring out how to tell her that he died and was brought back recentlyΨ...

“ Yup~ Now it's date time~ ”


Location:Biology Class.


Leaving class.


Interacting With:Lumina.


Go on a date with his pair.




As Kenji responded back, a soft smile came on to Lumina's face, packing her things into the bad sitting next to the desk. It dawned on her as she flipped her notepad closed and stuffed it in her bag that she hadn't even taken any notes during the whole class. Maybe she could ask Kenji about that later. But that wasn't what was important right now. What mattered was that they were going on their first date in a long time. Standing up, Lumina allowed herself a moment to stretch her wings before zipping up her bag and slinging it on her shoulders. Her hand reached over to take Kenji's outstretched one, his touch easing her smile even further. "Yeah, let's go~"

The hallways were buzzing with students excitement of the day being over, many of them discussing plans between each other of after school activities. Getting good, hanging out, all the kind of stuff that friends would do together. Lumina was kind of jealous, deep down, as she had never been able to experience the feeling of figuring out plans for things to do after school with friends. The closest thing she got was the one time she spent the day with Autumn, but they hadn't seen each other or spoken since then. The Phoenix hoped she was doing well. Though, Lumina supposed it was alright, as now she had Kenji to spend her time with instead. As time passed, the crowds thinned as more and more students left the building to head to wherever they wanted to go, and that included them. It was a nice warm afternoon, with the sun shining high above them and a small refreshing breeze flowing through their hair. Lumina couldn't help but comment at it. "Perfect weather for a date, I think~" It was definitely helping keep her mind off the things that kept her distracted in class, which was good considering she didn't want to be all mope during their date and worry Kenji. If they were gonna talk about that kind of stuff, it was going to wait until after the dinner and movie.
"Sort Ansom out?" Fiona laughed a bit. "That's funny." She said before tilting her head. "Nobody can sort Ansom out. It's literally in his description. He is chaos. He is enigma. Blah, blah, blah." She chuckled.

[SIZE= 26px]Sarin Mortirus[/SIZE]

Sarin gave a short sigh, "Chaos can be defeated by light, and i know someone that was once an archangel of heaven, before complications arose... I think she had a daemon soul forced into hers? I'll have to check..." He said as he drifted from the subject, "So Fiona," Elisa spoke up, "May i ask if you are dating anyone? Or even how many," She said happily before she gave a yawn, Sarin moved closer to her and whispered something into her ear, Elisa gave a short sigh, "Hold that thought..." She said as she pulled out a small dark red vile, she took the small cork out and sculled the liquid quickly before putting the cork back on and shoving the empty vile back into her shirt.

Rosalie Dalton

"Human hybrids? That seems kinda cool...I mean the thought itself not the uh, being forced onto it and stuff..." She rubbed her face with the side of her hand before he has approached her. His words making her laugh "Well, you know, I meant portal, but either or could work I guess" she answered with a smile after he had pulled away from her a little.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a soft smirk before he lightly pecked her lips, "I think i can arrange that... Though i think we should get to the restaurant first..." He sad the last part sadly before he pulled his head back fully, he lightly squeezed Rosalie and he gave an innocent looking smile, "Whoops..." He said as he turned his head to the left to look away from Rosalie.

[SIZE= 26px]Sarin Mortirus[/SIZE]

Sarin gave a short sigh, "Chaos can be defeated by light, and i know someone that was once an archangel of heaven, before complications arose... I think she had a daemon soul forced into hers? I'll have to check..." He said as he drifted from the subject, "So Fiona," Elisa spoke up, "May i ask if you are dating anyone? Or even how many," She said happily before she gave a yawn, Sarin moved closer to her and whispered something into her ear, Elisa gave a short sigh, "Hold that thought..." She said as she pulled out a small dark red vile, she took the small cork out and sculled the liquid quickly before putting the cork back on and shoving the empty vile back into her shirt.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a soft smirk before he lightly pecked her lips, "I think i can arrange that... Though i think we should get to the restaurant first..." He sad the last part sadly before he pulled his head back fully, he lightly squeezed Rosalie and he gave an innocent looking smile, "Whoops..." He said as he turned his head to the left to look away from Rosalie.

"I'm not sure that's how it works. Chaos is not darkness...." Fiona pointed out. "Order is what counters it. And order isn't always light." She shrugged. "He's not just chaos though. He's the anti-God. You know, nigh-omnidestruction. Can destroy anything without limits. The only people that can stop his abilities are those of omnipotence." 

She listened to Elisa intentl before shaking her head. "No, I am not dating anyone. Like anything else, there just isn't time."

> Neopolitan Seiker <

Neo was just getting food with Mitsu. She also had the responsibility of getting food for Mika as well. She noticed Mitsu was especially close, so she decided to kiss Mitsu's cheek a bit playfully before continuing to get food for herself and Mika.

> Yuki Asushima <

Yuki just continued to kiss Shira happily. She wanted to forgive Shira. She just hoped this would be the last time that would ever happen.

Mitsu blushed happily and hugged her giggling. "I missed you." She said happily as mika pulled on neo's shirt and pointed to the desert table. "Cookies!!" She said loudly


shira hugged her tightly and kissed her deeply knowing she would never do that to her again. She meant to much to her
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Alejandro had finally gotten the brace off, after struggling a little. It seems he had gotten frustrated and just froze it to the point where it'd snap in half with a hard enough hit. He couldn't help but think about Astrid's response to his question. The color of her hair... Alejandro actually liked it. To him, it matched her fiery attitude. Tough, independent, etc. This made the blue haired boy ball his hand into a fist though. Wherever these thoughts were coming from, they needed to go. He stood up and wiggled his foot, happy to be okay once again. 


Growing up, and being so distant from everyone was how Alejandro lived. After spending time with Astrid, he began to wonder... Maybe he was doing it wrong. Maybe letting people in was a good thing. All he knew was, Astrid was different... In a good way. Not like the other people he met, but something about her just made him... Happy. Alejandro decided it was time he started opening up. Talk to more people and be a little less rude or whatever people considered him. Alejandro had looked towards Astrid, seeing that she almost fell, making an attempt to catch her, he was able to stop himself after seeing Astrid catch herself. He took a deep breath, glad she didn't fall. 


Alejandro took the last few steps he needed to be at the window. Oncw he was standing beside Astrid, looking out of the window, he looked at her. "We'll go together." He said, holding out his hand. "I don't want you falling or anything of the sort, so just take my hand. I have an idea." He said, nodding his head trying to get her to go along. 

Astrid had heard the freezing and cracking of the brace as Alejandro had removed it, raising an eyebrow at the action. Looks like he healed pretty quickly too, quicker than herself it seemed. And having the solution to taking the brace off be to freeze it and break it? Huh. A bit more... unrefined than she took him for. Kind of like herself. Maybe he was more her style than she thought. Her red hair blew in the breeze that was now coming through the window, rolling in waves behind her. She quite liked her natural color. She too thought it fit well.

Speaking of hair, she though Alejandro's blue hair fit him well too. The icy blue hue of his hair seemed to emulate how cold and distant that he was and could be, but even still... for some reason she couldn't shake the feeling that, like an igloo, it held some secret warmth and kindness within. For a moment, all she wanted was to find that warmth.

Astrid had just about recovered from her dizzy spell, her good hand gripping the ledge with a tight enough grip to make her knuckles white. She was apparently still in a pretty bad shape, worse than Alejandro (to her dismay) but she was stubborn enough to just push through anyways. A moment later and Alejandro was by her side at the window as well, extending his hand to her. She blinked as she looked down at his hand then back up to him, opening her mouth to respond when the doctor came back to check on them. His expression turned from one of calm to a worried and kind of angry expression, moving toward them to probably get them away from the window. "Hey! Where do you guys think you're going?!" At that moment, Astrid took Alejandro's hand, gripping it strongly. "Well, whatever your plan is, let's do it, now!"

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn gave a tired sigh as she drifted in and out of sleep and staying awake, "Good... Night..." She breathed out before falling asleep.

[SIZE= 26px]Zac Crimson Black[/SIZE]

Zac gave a small smile before he gave a little laugh, "Sure, so, portal?" He said happily before he lightly kissed her, he made a portal directly to the left of them, he moved them slightly to the left and they where inside his world again, "So, where exactly is it?" He said as he lowered his hand down to her hips.

"Good night." He said softly as he held her close to him and closed his eyes to rest with her as well

As the door opened, it stuck a little before opening, It was covered in a light layer of frost on the other side, in fact, almost the whole room was like that, cold like a freezer. Ariel was sitting on the edge of her bed looking at the floor in front of her. More sprinkles of ice particles near her than in the rest of the room. As she heard her father's voice she glanced up at him, her eyes red and puffy like she had been crying. "Hi Dad" she said quietly as she wiped her eyes.

Daniel immediately frowned at the sight of his baby girl crying and quickly went over. "Sweetheart what's wrong?" He asked Ashe gently brought his warm gentle hands to her cheeks as he looked straight into her eyes 
"I'm not sure that's how it works. Chaos is not darkness...." Fiona pointed out. "Order is what counters it. And order isn't always light." She shrugged. "He's not just chaos though. He's the anti-God. You know, nigh-omnidestruction. Can destroy anything without limits. The only people that can stop his abilities are those of omnipotence." 

She listened to Elisa intentl before shaking her head. "No, I am not dating anyone. Like anything else, there just isn't time."

Sarin & Elisa

Elisa stuck her bottom lips out and moved a finger down her cheek in a tear like form, "Aww, shame," She said as she rested her chin against her arms and table, "Sarin, is free though," She said and Sarin coughed on the water he just drank, he almost sputtered it everywhere before he swallowed, "See? He's good at being clean... I think..." She said before she stuck her tounge out at him.

Sarin & Elisa

Elisa stuck her bottom lips out and moved a finger down her cheek in a tear like form, "Aww, shame," She said as she rested her chin against her arms and table, "Sarin, is free though," She said and Sarin coughed on the water he just drank, he almost sputtered it everywhere before he swallowed, "See? He's good at being clean... I think..." She said before she stuck her tounge out at him.

Fiona giggled. "Oh really?" She tilted her head. "That's cool." She looked at Elisa. "But I see what you're trying to say. Sorry, I am more....." She sighed. "I don't prefer guys." She nodded a bit, her cheeks reddened for a quick second before she shook her head. "It makes the job easier."
Fiona giggled. "Oh really?" She tilted her head. "That's cool." She looked at Elisa. "But I see what you're trying to say. Sorry, I am more....." She sighed. "I don't prefer guys." She nodded a bit, her cheeks reddened for a quick second before she shook her head. "It makes the job easier."

Sarin & Elisa

"Oh?" Elisa chimed, her eyes brightening up while Sarin gave a short sigh, "I have 49,000 years to find someone, and you have over a million Elisa, be happy that you don't age," He said in an annoyed tone, "Hey! You don't age either, you'll still look and feel young but the numbers in your brain won't work so well," She said with a smile, Sarin merely cocked his head to the left, "What?" He asked as Elisa nodded her head, "Yes," Sarin merely sigh as he pulled out his phone again, he sent a quick text to Zac saying, "Hurry up! Elisa will kill me with her madness... Please..." He hit send and shoved his phone back in his pocket, "He's bringing someone with him Elisa, so don't expect him to train you, maybe in a day or so but i think he found his "Mate" or whatever it is called," He said with a short sigh.

Sarin & Elisa

"Oh?" Elisa chimed, her eyes brightening up while Sarin gave a short sigh, "I have 49,000 years to find someone, and you have over a million Elisa, be happy that you don't age," He said in an annoyed tone, "Hey! You don't age either, you'll still look and feel young but the numbers in your brain won't work so well," She said with a smile, Sarin merely cocked his head to the left, "What?" He asked as Elisa nodded her head, "Yes," Sarin merely sigh as he pulled out his phone again, he sent a quick text to Zac saying, "Hurry up! Elisa will kill me with her madness... Please..." He hit send and shoved his phone back in his pocket, "He's bringing someone with him Elisa, so don't expect him to train you, maybe in a day or so but i think he found his "Mate" or whatever it is called," He said with a short sigh.

Fiona giggled. "Oh, I'm sure you'll find someone, Sarin." She smiled sweetly. "You're really cool." She then began to mutter, almost inaudible. "But, maybe cut down on the mood changes." She shook her head and chuckled. "Do you have cake?" She asked.

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