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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

(( @Daniel reaving Can i please just have something a bit different? Please? ))


atrio sat there in the bed next to her relaxing as he layer by her side

A few hours later, Ansom woke up to find that Shira was still asleep. He stood up and stretched with a yawn before walking into the kitchen.

Shira groaned in her sleep as she rolled falling off the couch and onto the floor with a loud thud

Alejandro didn't know why, but just the way he was holding Astrid's hand felt natural. It felt like he had to hold her hand or something bad would happen. He noticed that she looked away, but her face was still red, though his pale skin showed the same reaction from the beginning. He had been blushing for quite the while now and didn't know of any ways to make it stop. Pushing thw whole blushing thing to the side, he instead embraced the fact his face was red as a cherry, courageously looking Astrid in the eyes with his face in it's current state. "I look funny with my face like this don't I? Feel free to laugh, cause I'll be doing the same." He said before chuckling. 

Things seemed to be going well for the two. Alejandro didn't have the tense feeling he had around Astrid anymore, but instead it was replaced with a feeling of... Happiness... And comfort. After that thought, he really wanted to just slap hinself. Astrid was cool and all, but that could never be... Being her friend and well... Being somewhat attracted to the person he despised moments ago wouldn't work out... Then again... Nothing around this place is normal, not even the blue haired boy himself or his red head friend. All he could do is wish himself good luck. 

Alejandro had been thinking on what he would do to get rid of this blush when he heard Astrid's voice, causing him to look up at her with curiosity. So she was already to leave? Alejandro figured it was time to take off the brace anyways. He leaned over and undid the brace, letting it drop to the floor. "I didn't want to worry the doctors and nurses... When I saw you on my way here, I was fine. Just wanted to spend time with yo- I mean, did you say something about leaving? W-W-We can go n-now. H-How about th-the window?" He asked, looking to the side like none of that just happened and he was just being his natural cold natured self. 

Astrid Finchett

Astrid wasn't one to normally be in these kinds of situations. Feeling vulnerable wasn't something she ever allowed herself to do, so being in this situation was completely new to her. Also Alejandro making her feel this way was also new, but that was another issue entirely. Without really meaning to, Astrid's grip tightening on Alejandro, their fingers lacing even closer together. As embarrassing as it was, it actually was really nice, to have someone close... though she'd never admit that to anyone, especially not him. Looking back she noticed that Alejandro was looking at her, which only made her heart race a little bit faster. Astrid internally cursed herself until she heard him laugh and ask if he looked funny. A smile found her own lips amidst her red face as she gave her own response. "No, not at all. I'm probably the one that looks weird with a face that matches my hair."

Weird was definitely the right word. Growing up, thinking of being in a school nurses office holding hands with a boy would have been a weird thought. She was never the type to imagine herself in any... domestic situations of any kind. Her life and childhood just didn't allow for that kind of normalcy. Then again, they lived underground in fear of the surface, so it's not like anything was normal anyways. When she was a little girl, she had dreamed of maybe finding a boy and settling down and doing all the things a normal family would do. Obviously that dream was dashed real quick, and her mindset changed to "do whatever it takes to survive, no matter what." Silly things like love didn't really matter where she came from. Hell, she was pretty sure her parents didn't love each other, much less her. But that was a time long in the past. This was right here, right now.

As she had mentioned leaving, Astrid took note of how Alejandro let go of her hand to start taking off the brace, getting ready to leave. She also noticed how cold her hand was, now that he had let go. For being so cold, both literally and in temperament, his hands were actually nice and warm. His words snapped her back into the reality of them leaving the nurses office, and she blinked as he rambled on about something before asking about leaving again. "Yeah, the window sounds perfect. I think school is out now so we should be able to slip away without the doctors noticing." With that, Astrid moved to get out of bed, sliding her legs over to the edge of the bed where they would touch the floor. She knew her arm wasn't healed enough yet to take it out of her sling yet, so she couldn't join Alejandro in the disassembling of the medical supplies stuck on them. It sucked, but she was pretty sure she knew her own body. Standing up, Astrid starting making her way over to the window, only to feel a wave of dizziness come over her as she moved away from the bed. She knew her body, but seemed to forget that she had a concussion. The redhead stumbled forward a bit, losing her balance, but thankfully the window ledge was close enough to the bed that she was able to catch herself with her good arm before she bit the floor with her face. Regaining her posture, Astrid took a moment to lean on the windowsill for a moment to catch her breath and let the dizziness subside. Damn those assholes from earlier. She wasn't necessarily a stranger to concussions, but she wasn't a fan of what they did to her. After another moment or two, she unlatched the window lock and pushed open the glass panes, a fresh breeze rushing into the room. "Yup. Window will work great. You wanna go first or should I?" Astrid asked as she turned back around toward Alejandro, completely dismissing the fact that she had almost fallen over or passed out not a minute before.
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atrio sat there in the bed next to her relaxing as he layer by her side

(( FANKY! ))

Evelyn turned her gaze down and calmed down instantly, a small smile appearing on her face, she laid back back, placing her head on Atrios chest, "Hey," She said quietly before she closed her eyes.
(( FANKY! ))

Evelyn turned her gaze down and calmed down instantly, a small smile appearing on her face, she laid back back, placing her head on Atrios chest, "Hey," She said quietly before she closed her eyes.

Atrio was pulled from his thoughts by the feeling of Evelyn's body against his and her head resting against his chest. "Hey." He said back smiling as he hugged her tightly and smiled
Atrio was pulled from his thoughts by the feeling of Evelyn's body against his and her head resting against his chest. "Hey." He said back smiling as he hugged her tightly and smiled


Evelyn snuggled against Atrio and giving a small laugh keeping the smile on her face, it slowly faded as she looked up at him, "What... Happened...?" She asked referring to the fact they where now in her room, "I know the fighting is over... but what happened after i passed out?" She asked again as she cocked her head.

(( Just put something along the lines of you fed her blood and took her to another room a guard showed you to, then went back to the current room when the guard came back, or not, your choice. ))
 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh stood up from his chair and smiled as he replied to Himeragi. He then walked over to his door and opened it, preparing to leave♆...

“ Sounds good~ Let's get going~ 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Conversing with Himeragi and Dante.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Satisfy his hunger.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker

View attachment 151718


...ΨKenji waited for Lumina to reply, noting that she seemed to be in a day dream. Upon her reply, Kenji nodded and replied, shortly before he threw his arm upwards and called out, a large smile on his face as he did so. He had only begun one class when he was called away to Euphoria. The remainder of the time he was dead from the explosion. He was only revived shortly after lunch had begun, so his classroom experience was very limited, if he even had any. After he'd spoken out and the teacher had marked him down as attending, Kenji sat back down in his seat, and waited for the lesson to beginΨ...

“ Thanks~ I'm here! ”


Biology Class.[/SIZE]


Sitting in class.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Lumina and the Teacher.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Attend class.[/SIZE]




Lumina smiled lightly at Kenji as he understood what she was telling him. His lack of knowledge on how classes worked made her wonder again just how much schooling he had gotten on earth. She figured he had gotten some schooling back where he was originally from, but had he gotten any in this world? It didn't really seem like it, but it was kind of cute, in a way, how she could actually teach him things as well. The roll call continued, and the moment Lumina heard her name she immediately spoke up "here!" before she could find out if she had a last name or not. She didn't feel like fretting over it all day. She just wanted the school day to be over so she and Kenji could go on their much-needed date. 

The class seemed to fly by pretty quickly. There wasn't really much to go over in class, as it was the first day, so it was mainly the teacher talking about the things they'd go over in class and how the grading system worked and all that stuff. Lumina's mood had slightly worsened from thinking on her name situation, so she barely paid attention in class, mainly looking out the window or staring up at the front with a far-off expression, like something and nothing was on her mind all at the same time. Before she had realized it, the bell had rang to indicate the day was over and all the students were filing out to go home for the day. Lumina blinked as the sound of the bell hit her ears, and she looked up around the classroom to see everyone getting up and leaving. "Oh, class is over already?" she commented, apparently having lost track of time. Her eyes moved to her pair next to her, wondering if he was ready to go. "I guess... we can leave now?"

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi giggled a bit as he did what he did.

''If you do squats, then you must have a nice ass as well~''

Himeragi joked a little bit before looking at the door and back at Kuroh.

''Let's go?''

⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh blushed lightly at Himeragi's words, shortly before he laughed lightly and replied. As he did so, he walked over to the door and pulled it open, shortly before he swung his arm towards the restaurant's interior and continued talking♆...

“ You would know~ Ladies first~ ”


Location:The sidewalk.


Standing just outside of the restaurants entrance with Himeragi and Dante.


Interacting With:Himeragi and Dante.


Satisfy his hunger.


@Wicked Jester@HimeragiSeiker

Lumina smiled lightly at Kenji as he understood what she was telling him. His lack of knowledge on how classes worked made her wonder again just how much schooling he had gotten on earth. She figured he had gotten some schooling back where he was originally from, but had he gotten any in this world? It didn't really seem like it, but it was kind of cute, in a way, how she could actually teach him things as well. The roll call continued, and the moment Lumina heard her name she immediately spoke up "here!" before she could find out if she had a last name or not. She didn't feel like fretting over it all day. She just wanted the school day to be over so she and Kenji could go on their much-needed date. 

The class seemed to fly by pretty quickly. There wasn't really much to go over in class, as it was the first day, so it was mainly the teacher talking about the things they'd go over in class and how the grading system worked and all that stuff. Lumina's mood had slightly worsened from thinking on her name situation, so she barely paid attention in class, mainly looking out the window or staring up at the front with a far-off expression, like something and nothing was on her mind all at the same time. Before she had realized it, the bell had rang to indicate the day was over and all the students were filing out to go home for the day. Lumina blinked as the sound of the bell hit her ears, and she looked up around the classroom to see everyone getting up and leaving. "Oh, class is over already?" she commented, apparently having lost track of time. Her eyes moved to her pair next to her, wondering if he was ready to go. "I guess... we can leave now?"


...ΨKenji had been listening to the teacher intently, taking regular notes of the key points of his sentences and writing them into his notepad. He took occasional glances over to Lumina, noticing that she was staring out of the window the majority of class. Because of his observation, he began writing down the exact words the teacher had spoken throughout the entirety of the class, so that he could show them to Lumina at a later time. He had continued to write down on his notepad until the bell rang, and the students began to flee the room, with a loud boom of conversations and footsteps to follow. He then looked over to Lumina, who'd spoken to him, and smiled, shortly before he replied and stood up, placing his notepad into the back he'd created halfway through the class. He slung one of the straps around one of his shoulders and stood up, placing his hand over to his pair as he made it to his feet. He continued to smile as he finished talking. In the back of his mind, he knew that something was distracting Lumina during class, but he decided that he'd bring it up at a later point, as all he wanted to focus on was the date, and figuring out how to tell her that he died and was brought back recentlyΨ...

“ Yup~ Now it's date time~ ”


Location:Biology Class.


Leaving class.


Interacting With:Lumina.


Go on a date with his pair.


⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 167287

...♆Kuroh blushed lightly at Himeragi's words, shortly before he laughed lightly and replied. As he did so, he walked over to the door and pulled it open, shortly before he swung his arm towards the restaurant's interior and continued talking♆...

“ You would know~ Ladies first~ ”


Location:The sidewalk.


Standing just outside of the restaurants entrance with Himeragi and Dante.


Interacting With:Himeragi and Dante.


Satisfy his hunger.


@Wicked Jester@HimeragiSeiker

> Himeragi Seiker <

RPN Himeragi Seiker.png

Himeragi giggled a bit before she walked inside the restaurant which Kuroh kindly had opened the door for her. She looked back at Kuroh before complimenting him.

''Such a gentleman, Kuroh~''

atrio sat there in the bed next to her relaxing as he layer by her side

Shira groaned in her sleep as she rolled falling off the couch and onto the floor with a loud thud

Ansom heard a noise so he walked back into the living room with an apple. "You okay?" He stifled a laugh.
(( @NeoClassical Can't find it T-T Sozzy, i'll just re-write it. ))

Sarin gave a short sigh before he entered the restaurant, the restaurant was a third full with people being lively, multiple races talking and chatting up each-other, as well as some couple dotted around, a woman dressed in all white came towards Sarin and gave a smile, "Hey boss, long time no see, like what I've done with the place? Well, i guess the usual and the woman...?-" She said as she looked at the woman with a smile, "I'll grab her are menu, see you in a bit sir," She said before she walked off, "Sorry about her, she was the one i gave the restaurant to," He said sighin before he walked over to an empty table, some people saying 'Hi' seeming to know him, he said hi back with smiles before he reached his seat, his smile disappeared as he relaxed into the seat, the rain hit the window harder and harder as thunder and lightning kept coming.
(( @NeoClassical Can't find it T-T Sozzy, i'll just re-write it. ))

Sarin gave a short sigh before he entered the restaurant, the restaurant was a third full with people being lively, multiple races talking and chatting up each-other, as well as some couple dotted around, a woman dressed in all white came towards Sarin and gave a smile, "Hey boss, long time no see, like what I've done with the place? Well, i guess the usual and the woman...?-" She said as she looked at the woman with a smile, "I'll grab her are menu, see you in a bit sir," She said before she walked off, "Sorry about her, she was the one i gave the restaurant to," He said sighin before he walked over to an empty table, some people saying 'Hi' seeming to know him, he said hi back with smiles before he reached his seat, his smile disappeared as he relaxed into the seat, the rain hit the window harder and harder as thunder and lightning kept coming.

Fiona followed Sarin to the seat, looking away from the smiles and waves. It made her anxious to be around a lot of people. She settled into a seat across from Sarin and smiled a bit at him. "Yes, very nice interior." She tilted her head and shrugged. "Not worth the money offered, but hey, I'm not a businesswoman. What does a babysitter know, right?" She giggled.

Evelyn snuggled against Atrio and giving a small laugh keeping the smile on her face, it slowly faded as she looked up at him, "What... Happened...?" She asked referring to the fact they where now in her room, "I know the fighting is over... but what happened after i passed out?" She asked again as she cocked her head.

(( Just put something along the lines of you fed her blood and took her to another room a guard showed you to, then went back to the current room when the guard came back, or not, your choice. ))

(Yeah that's a good idea)

"a guard brought me some blood and I gave it to you then brought you here with the help of the guards." He said softly as he held her lovingly

Ansom heard a noise so he walked back into the living room with an apple. "You okay?" He stifled a laugh.

She groaned sprawled out on her back in pain as she layed on the floor
(Yeah that's a good idea)

"a guard brought me some blood and I gave it to you then brought you here with the help of the guards." He said softly as he held her lovingly

She groaned sprawled out on her back in pain as she layed on the floor

Ansom sighed and took a large bite of the Apple before setting it on the table and walking over to Shira. He gently kicked her side, an action of teasing. "Come on, Lazy Bones. Get up." He laughed.
Fiona followed Sarin to the seat, looking away from the smiles and waves. It made her anxious to be around a lot of people. She settled into a seat across from Sarin and smiled a bit at him. "Yes, very nice interior." She tilted her head and shrugged. "Not worth the money offered, but hey, I'm not a businesswoman. What does a babysitter know, right?" She giggled.


Sarin smiled back at Fiona and then gave a small laugh, "Well, you at least know how to spend your money," He said and smiled again, "But hey, you need anything just ask, i have to much of it anyway and i see you as a friend, not much of them around anymore," He said the last part in a low whisper as he clenched his fist underneath the table, grinding his teeth as well.

(Yeah that's a good idea)

"a guard brought me some blood and I gave it to you then brought you here with the help of the guards." He said softly as he held her lovingly


Evelyns face turned sad, "Oh..." She said almost silently as she closed her eyes again and rested her head against his chest, her eyes went a dark crimson as she looked back up at Atrio, "Can i... Have some... Of your blood?" She said in a low whisper as she turned her head away.

Sarin smiled back at Fiona and then gave a small laugh, "Well, you at least know how to spend your money," He said and smiled again, "But hey, you need anything just ask, i have to much of it anyway and i see you as a friend, not much of them around anymore," He said the last part in a low whisper as he clenched his fist underneath the table, grinding his teeth as well.


Evelyns face turned sad, "Oh..." She said almost silently as she closed her eyes again and rested her head against his chest, her eyes went a dark crimson as she looked back up at Atrio, "Can i... Have some... Of your blood?" She said in a low whisper as she turned her head away.

Fiona nodded. "I know what you mean." She looked around slightly. "I only keep a few people close to my heart. It's better that way. Safer." She smiled.
Fiona nodded. "I know what you mean." She looked around slightly. "I only keep a few people close to my heart. It's better that way. Safer." She smiled.


Sarin cocked his head at what Fiona said, "Really? You seem like someone who would have a lot of people as friends, but, i doubt you would be hanging out with me if that was the case.-" He looked at the window outside, "-Correction, forced to hang out with me," He said as he gave a small laugh, the woman came back with a red book with gold like string laced around the whole thing, "Here you re ma'dam, when i bring this dumbo over here his food," Sarin gave a small sigh at the nick-name, "Pig ears," He said in a low whisper as she gave a sigh, "When i get this GNOMES food over here, you can order, or if you want, i can stay and you can order now," She said happily.

Sarin cocked his head at what Fiona said, "Really? You seem like someone who would have a lot of people as friends, but, i doubt you would be hanging out with me if that was the case.-" He looked at the window outside, "-Correction, forced to hang out with me," He said as he gave a small laugh, the woman came back with a red book with gold like string laced around the whole thing, "Here you re ma'dam, when i bring this dumbo over here his food," Sarin gave a small sigh at the nick-name, "Pig ears," He said in a low whisper as she gave a sigh, "When i get this GNOMES food over here, you can order, or if you want, i can stay and you can order now," She said happily.

Fiona looked between the two and chuckled. "Wow...you two seem to know each other relatively well." She looked down at the menu. "Geez. Fancy." She sighed. Fiona hated fancy. She was a simple gal. "Do you have hamburgers?" She asked.
Fiona looked between the two and chuckled. "Wow...you two seem to know each other relatively well." She looked down at the menu. "Geez. Fancy." She sighed. Fiona hated fancy. She was a simple gal. "Do you have hamburgers?" She asked.


Sarin snickered before he simply looked over at the woman's way, "Never again," He said in a low tone as she gulped, "Y-yes sir," She seemed to brighten when she asked, "Uh, strange request but we can make it, sure, just bacon cheese and a patty?" She said with a small chuckle, "Yeah sure love, just ask and i am pretty sure we can make it," She said as she took out a notepad and pencil.

Sarin snickered before he simply looked over at the woman's way, "Never again," He said in a low tone as she gulped, "Y-yes sir," She seemed to brighten when she asked, "Uh, strange request but we can make it, sure, just bacon cheese and a patty?" She said with a small chuckle, "Yeah sure love, just ask and i am pretty sure we can make it," She said as she took out a notepad and pencil.

Fiona frowned at the event before looking at the girl. "Oh, yes, that's perfectly fine." She nodded and began to pick at her fingernails. "So, what do you do in your free time?" She asked Sarin.
Jack laughed at Ai's reaction and half wished she was still in her physical form hanging off his arm so he could have poked her in her actual side, plus he would feel a bit less awkward. Disregarding that fact Jack smiled and carried on his speech as he neared the ice cream shop. "So you know how I have my gang CROSS right? " Jack figured she did. Ai had completely invaded his phone and there was a looooooot of incriminating evidence on there so he assumed it was safe to say she knew. "Well I'm kinda bored of them. So my solution is to of course start a new gang! I'm thinking I might like to run this one a bit more third street saints style, but for that I would need your help. I was thinking a good candidate pool for members was FHS' current and former student as , so I was thinking you could help me out with this! Oh. I was also hoping you might be able to help me create some kind of chat app for our phones that was secure and would allow for quick information exchange. Oh and hoping you might be able to pull up building blueprints and what not... oh and!... actually you know there was a lot I was hoping you could help me with... starting a gang is hard work. Anyway, would you be interested in helping me,  oh and what kind of ice cream do you want? I was thinking maybe a nice Napoleon swirl. "

Ai was still crossing her arms, not really liking the feeling of getting poked. It was strange, a sensation both there and not there at the same time. She considered turning physical but wondered if he'd just do the same thing out there. It'd probably feel just as weird. "Well of course I know about CROSS. I've been looking up stuff on them ever since you received that video a while back." Ai uncrossed her arms to pull up a few file folders, each containing the information on a different CROSS member. She thumbed through a few as he continued explaining how he wanted to make a new gang. These guys were pretty powerful, she had to admit. Strange, but not people to mess with. She raised an eyebrow up at him as he finally got to the requests from her. "So... are you asking me to find possible candidates for this gang of yours? As in accessing the schools student registry?" She didn't really care one way or the other what she had to do, it was more making sure she was doing the right thing. "And yes, a chat app is like child's play. If you want I can make it secure and unhackable and inaccessible by outsiders. I'd just have to remote install the app on their phones... easy enough. What would you need blueprints for anyways? And I'd like chocolate chip ice cream please."
Fiona frowned at the event before looking at the girl. "Oh, yes, that's perfectly fine." She nodded and began to pick at her fingernails. "So, what do you do in your free time?" She asked Sarin.


The girl walked off before Fiona spoke with a smile, Sarin instantly got back into reality as his face became blank, "You don't want to know..." He said before he gave a short sigh, rubbing the back of his head, "Sometimes, rarely, i hang out here and help the new cooks. Rarely." He said emphasising his point, before he gave a short sigh, "So i know your a baby-siter or something like that, but do you go to the college here? Or do you do something else," He said as a person with a large plate came towards them, the plate had a mix of things on it, prawns, lamb, lettus, tomato, as well as some sauce on the side, her gave a curt nod as he pulled out a 50$ and handed it to the person, "Keep it," He said sighing as the person walked away with a smile, he turned back to Fiona and sighed again, "If i may say, you would be good at the college, the only thing i currently use it for is the fact to control my mana magic, other than that i don't need," He said curtly with another smile and a laugh.

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