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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Ansom frowned. "I'm an ass?" He laughed. "I will not share you with anything. If I can't have all of you, I don't want any of you."

"Yeah it's all about you isn't it ansom. If you don't like it it won't work huh?" She asked as she half buttoned her shirt then got up grabbing her things then slowly starting for the door
"Yeah it's all about you isn't it ansom. If you don't like it it won't work huh?" She asked as she half buttoned her shirt then got up grabbing her things then slowly starting for the door

"All about me?" Ansom stood up. "You are a selfish bitch." He yelled, unable to contain his words. "I'm an ass because I won't let you cheat with me? I'm an ass because I don't want to hurt Yuki, my daughter?" He shook his head. "Stop being so manipulative. Stop being so iffy. Make up your damn mind."
"All about me?" Ansom stood up. "You are a selfish bitch." He yelled, unable to contain his words. "I'm an ass because I won't let you cheat with me? I'm an ass because I don't want to hurt Yuki, my daughter?" He shook his head. "Stop being so manipulative. Stop being so iffy. Make up your damn mind."

"Fuck you ansom!!! I should have never loved you!!" She screamed drunkenly before she stormed out of his apartment
Ansom followed Shira. "Come on. You're drunk. At least let me drive you home." He sighed.

"No ansom I'm so done with this. You always treat me like nothing! You act like everything needs to go your way! You say you love me and then you say I'm a stupid bitch!!" She screamed at him as she turned around nearly falling over and glaring at him
"No ansom I'm so done with this. You always treat me like nothing! You act like everything needs to go your way! You say you love me and then you say I'm a stupid bitch!!" She screamed at him as she turned around nearly falling over and glaring at him

"Calm down, Shira." Ansom said. "I just don't want to hurt you. I admit, I did let my anger get the best of me." He sighed. "If you really want me...you should've said so a long time ago. I think it's better if we stay friends."
"Calm down, Shira." Ansom said. "I just don't want to hurt you. I admit, I did let my anger get the best of me." He sighed. "If you really want me...you should've said so a long time ago. I think it's better if we stay friends."

"That's never gonna work ansom! I'm married but I can't keep my mind off you! I love yuki and I love you. It doesn't help that we always run into each other!!" She said starting to cry more
Izuku sighs softly wondering when he'd be able to go to class. He shrugs and decides to look around at all the people but quickly stops. He then sits down on a bench in the courtyard wondering what he'll be doing for the day while he waits for class.

(I have given you the badass DEKU)

Trix almost ran right into the bench having been lost in her own thought. She stopped short jumping and blinking at the person sitting there she chuckled slightly rubbing the back of her head "Sorry about that" She wondered who this person was, she didn't know many people who attended the school.
"That's never gonna work ansom! I'm married but I can't keep my mind off you! I love yuki and I love you. It doesn't help that we always run into each other!!" She said starting to cry more

Ansom sighed. "I don't see how you don't understand. I won't be happy with having to share your love. You want me to be happy, right?"

Astrid Finchett

Astrid wasn't one to normally be in these kinds of situations. Feeling vulnerable wasn't something she ever allowed herself to do, so being in this situation was completely new to her. Also Alejandro making her feel this way was also new, but that was another issue entirely. Without really meaning to, Astrid's grip tightening on Alejandro, their fingers lacing even closer together. As embarrassing as it was, it actually was really nice, to have someone close... though she'd never admit that to anyone, especially not him. Looking back she noticed that Alejandro was looking at her, which only made her heart race a little bit faster. Astrid internally cursed herself until she heard him laugh and ask if he looked funny. A smile found her own lips amidst her red face as she gave her own response. "No, not at all. I'm probably the one that looks weird with a face that matches my hair."

Weird was definitely the right word. Growing up, thinking of being in a school nurses office holding hands with a boy would have been a weird thought. She was never the type to imagine herself in any... domestic situations of any kind. Her life and childhood just didn't allow for that kind of normalcy. Then again, they lived underground in fear of the surface, so it's not like anything was normal anyways. When she was a little girl, she had dreamed of maybe finding a boy and settling down and doing all the things a normal family would do. Obviously that dream was dashed real quick, and her mindset changed to "do whatever it takes to survive, no matter what." Silly things like love didn't really matter where she came from. Hell, she was pretty sure her parents didn't love each other, much less her. But that was a time long in the past. This was right here, right now.

As she had mentioned leaving, Astrid took note of how Alejandro let go of her hand to start taking off the brace, getting ready to leave. She also noticed how cold her hand was, now that he had let go. For being so cold, both literally and in temperament, his hands were actually nice and warm. His words snapped her back into the reality of them leaving the nurses office, and she blinked as he rambled on about something before asking about leaving again. "Yeah, the window sounds perfect. I think school is out now so we should be able to slip away without the doctors noticing." With that, Astrid moved to get out of bed, sliding her legs over to the edge of the bed where they would touch the floor. She knew her arm wasn't healed enough yet to take it out of her sling yet, so she couldn't join Alejandro in the disassembling of the medical supplies stuck on them. It sucked, but she was pretty sure she knew her own body. Standing up, Astrid starting making her way over to the window, only to feel a wave of dizziness come over her as she moved away from the bed. She knew her body, but seemed to forget that she had a concussion. The redhead stumbled forward a bit, losing her balance, but thankfully the window ledge was close enough to the bed that she was able to catch herself with her good arm before she bit the floor with her face. Regaining her posture, Astrid took a moment to lean on the windowsill for a moment to catch her breath and let the dizziness subside. Damn those assholes from earlier. She wasn't necessarily a stranger to concussions, but she wasn't a fan of what they did to her. After another moment or two, she unlatched the window lock and pushed open the glass panes, a fresh breeze rushing into the room. "Yup. Window will work great. You wanna go first or should I?" Astrid asked as she turned back around toward Alejandro, completely dismissing the fact that she had almost fallen over or passed out not a minute before. 

Alejandro had finally gotten the brace off, after struggling a little. It seems he had gotten frustrated and just froze it to the point where it'd snap in half with a hard enough hit. He couldn't help but think about Astrid's response to his question. The color of her hair... Alejandro actually liked it. To him, it matched her fiery attitude. Tough, independent, etc. This made the blue haired boy ball his hand into a fist though. Wherever these thoughts were coming from, they needed to go. He stood up and wiggled his foot, happy to be okay once again. 


Growing up, and being so distant from everyone was how Alejandro lived. After spending time with Astrid, he began to wonder... Maybe he was doing it wrong. Maybe letting people in was a good thing. All he knew was, Astrid was different... In a good way. Not like the other people he met, but something about her just made him... Happy. Alejandro decided it was time he started opening up. Talk to more people and be a little less rude or whatever people considered him. Alejandro had looked towards Astrid, seeing that she almost fell, making an attempt to catch her, he was able to stop himself after seeing Astrid catch herself. He took a deep breath, glad she didn't fall. 


Alejandro took the last few steps he needed to be at the window. Oncw he was standing beside Astrid, looking out of the window, he looked at her. "We'll go together." He said, holding out his hand. "I don't want you falling or anything of the sort, so just take my hand. I have an idea." He said, nodding his head trying to get her to go along. 

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