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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

(( Is ok! Just i kinda don't want to go searching through the sea of messages, *Looks at it* My god, we need a bigger boat, *Like if you know the quote! Haha... We are all slaves to the like button ._. ))

(XDD its all good, I can probably find it)


Caspian pulled up the small hood she had over her head and quickly ran through the rain, it was heavier now. She quickly ran inside the girls dorms and held the door open for Allen to come inside, "I hate the rain..." She said before a small laugh escaped her lips, she closed the door and went up the stairs, "Follow me," She said with a sigh, she walked down the hallway until she found her dorm number, quickly opening the door, "Come on, your slower than a turtle at this point,"

(( Sorry if i am controlling your character a little to much ;-; ))

@VenomSlayer (Is this it?)

Caspian pulled up the small hood she had over her head and quickly ran through the rain, it was heavier now. She quickly ran inside the girls dorms and held the door open for Allen to come inside, "I hate the rain..." She said before a small laugh escaped her lips, she closed the door and went up the stairs, "Follow me," She said with a sigh, she walked down the hallway until she found her dorm number, quickly opening the door, "Come on, your slower than a turtle at this point,"

(( Sorry if i am controlling your character a little to much ;-; ))

(You haven't done anything major, so its all good x3)

Allen ran through the rain after her, geez it was really pouring. He was more then happy when they finally got inside, nodding and following her up the stairs and down the hallway. He blinked when she mentioned him being as slow as a turtle, "Sorry, you move pretty fast, i'm used to taking my time as I walk" he said and rubbed the back of his head as he wen inside after her.
(You haven't done anything major, so its all good x3)

Allen ran through the rain after her, geez it was really pouring. He was more then happy when they finally got inside, nodding and following her up the stairs and down the hallway. He blinked when she mentioned him being as slow as a turtle, "Sorry, you move pretty fast, i'm used to taking my time as I walk" he said and rubbed the back of his head as he wen inside after her.

(( My reaction: O . O ))

Caspian gave an exaggerated sigh before she took her jacket off and threw it on the couch, "Want anything to eat?" She asked as she looked over at Allen, her eyes flashing a dark gold before returning to normal again. Caaaaaspian, this is bad. Your eyes are changing colour. Again. WHAT!? Do i need more blood or something?! No, it is a simple angel think you will figure out shortly. Caspian hissed in annoyance inside her mind before she walked into the open kitchen, "Just ask, i should have it," She said in annoyance before she gave another sigh.

(xDDD a lot of what I say can be taken many way's, it makes things more interesting x3)

(( I think my proper reaction to this would be: View attachment Gunther Levi Oh, you touch my Tra la la.mp4 ))
(( My reaction: O . O ))

Caspian gave an exaggerated sigh before she took her jacket off and threw it on the couch, "Want anything to eat?" She asked as she looked over at Allen, her eyes flashing a dark gold before returning to normal again. Caaaaaspian, this is bad. Your eyes are changing colour. Again. WHAT!? Do i need more blood or something?! No, it is a simple angel think you will figure out shortly. Caspian hissed in annoyance inside her mind before she walked into the open kitchen, "Just ask, i should have it," She said in annoyance before she gave another sigh.

(( I think my proper reaction to this would be: View attachment 165702 ))

(I'm dying xDD send help)

Allen saw her eye's flash gold, something was going on that he didn't know about, but e figured if he asked her, he'd be asking about something that wouldn't concern him. He tilted his head when she asked if he had wanted anything to eat, "Hmm... I think i'd be alright with just a sandwich" he said.
(I'm dying xDD send help)

Allen saw her eye's flash gold, something was going on that he didn't know about, but e figured if he asked her, he'd be asking about something that wouldn't concern him. He tilted his head when she asked if he had wanted anything to eat, "Hmm... I think i'd be alright with just a sandwich" he said.

(( YEeeeeeeeesssSssSSSSSSssss My plan is working@! *Because i am a 12 year old who doesn't know english! AHAHAH KILL ME* ))

Caspian gave a short nod followed by a yawn, "G... Geez..." She said as she rubbed her eyes. Your body is beginning to change, i will be able to give you more of my power as well as increase your own, but your wings will forever change. Caspian sighed at hearing the Daemons words, "Sorry, Daemon says i need sleep..." She said before she yawned and stretched her arms out, "You can stay if you want... I-if you w-wish to that is..." She said as her cheeks gave a light pink.
(( YEeeeeeeeesssSssSSSSSSssss My plan is working@! *Because i am a 12 year old who doesn't know english! AHAHAH KILL ME* ))

Caspian gave a short nod followed by a yawn, "G... Geez..." She said as she rubbed her eyes. Your body is beginning to change, i will be able to give you more of my power as well as increase your own, but your wings will forever change. Caspian sighed at hearing the Daemons words, "Sorry, Daemon says i need sleep..." She said before she yawned and stretched her arms out, "You can stay if you want... I-if you w-wish to that is..." She said as her cheeks gave a light pink.

(:oooo I'm only a year older, finally i'm not the youngest person here!)

Allen looked at her, his face reddening slightly as well, "W-Well, if it's o-ok with you then I might as well." he said, looking off to the side to avoid eye contact, he had no idea why, but he couldn't look at her at the moment.
(:oooo I'm only a year older, finally i'm not the youngest person here!)

Allen looked at her, his face reddening slightly as well, "W-Well, if it's o-ok with you then I might as well." he said, looking off to the side to avoid eye contact, he had no idea why, but he couldn't look at her at the moment.

(( Wait... What...? I can't tell if that was a continuation of this already dead joke but i feel like it is. ))

Caspian gave a half heartened smile as she yawned again, "W... Well," She yawned halfway through her sentence, "I best get some sleep, looks like i'll need more now..." She trailed off from the topic as she stumbled out of the kitchen, "Night," She said as she lightly tapped Allen on the shoulder, "Their should be some blankets in the cupboard over there, if you need anything wake me up, K?" She said with a smile before she entered her room, closing the door behind herself. 
(( Wait... What...? I can't tell if that was a continuation of this already dead joke but i feel like it is. ))

Caspian gave a half heartened smile as she yawned again, "W... Well," She yawned halfway through her sentence, "I best get some sleep, looks like i'll need more now..." She trailed off from the topic as she stumbled out of the kitchen, "Night," She said as she lightly tapped Allen on the shoulder, "Their should be some blankets in the cupboard over there, if you need anything wake me up, K?" She said with a smile before she entered her room, closing the door behind herself. 

(Idek anymore)

Allen nodded as she closed the door. He pulled out the book he was reading earlier and leaned against the wall, he decided upon doing something quiet so he didn't bother her as she slept, and reading was the only thing he had thought of.
(Idek anymore)

Allen nodded as she closed the door. He pulled out the book he was reading earlier and leaned against the wall, he decided upon doing something quiet so he didn't bother her as she slept, and reading was the only thing he had thought of.


As Caspian entered the room, she fell to the ground gripping her side as she fell, "You... Prick..." She said referring to the Daemon. I was telling the truth. Enjoy the long night, dear Caspian. The Daemon said her name as if it was poison on it's tongue, Caspian pulled herself up through the immense pain as she tried to get into bed, as she tried to do so, she fell over again pulling over items from her side table, they smashed again the floor as she hissed in pain again from her side, "F...." She tried to say but her voice gave out, the pain to much.

As Caspian entered the room, she fell to the ground gripping her side as she fell, "You... Prick..." She said referring to the Daemon. I was telling the truth. Enjoy the long night, dear Caspian. The Daemon said her name as if it was poison on it's tongue, Caspian pulled herself up through the immense pain as she tried to get into bed, as she tried to do so, she fell over again pulling over items from her side table, they smashed again the floor as she hissed in pain again from her side, "F...." She tried to say but her voice gave out, the pain to much.

Allen blinked when he heard a thump, closing his book and waiting to see if he heard right. He quickly got up when he heard item's smashing against the ground and quickly opened the door, "Are you ok?!" he asked, he was confused as to what was going on, but mostly worried.

(It's fine)
Allen blinked when he heard a thump, closing his book and waiting to see if he heard right. He quickly got up when he heard item's smashing against the ground and quickly opened the door, "Are you ok?!" he asked, he was confused as to what was going on, but mostly worried.

(It's fine)


Caspian simply hissed in pain as she squeezed her eyes completely closed trying to minimise the pain as much as she can, the pain stopped for a couple seconds as she opened her eyes, her tired gaze looking at Allen before the pain shot back through her system, she wrapped her both her hands around her waist and squeezed as hard as she could.

(( ;~; I feel like it tis not, ))

Caspian simply hissed in pain as she squeezed her eyes completely closed trying to minimise the pain as much as she can, the pain stopped for a couple seconds as she opened her eyes, her tired gaze looking at Allen before the pain shot back through her system, she wrapped her both her hands around her waist and squeezed as hard as she could.

(( ;~; I feel like it tis not, ))

(ish ok, I promise x3 but I have to sign off, so i'll reply in a couple hours. now that I say it sounds like forever but sowwy, boi boi)

annabel sat there on the couch curled up against Aaron his arm around her as she looked to sato. "So what have you been up to sato?" Annabel asked

Aaron smiled and looked at Sato, awaiting his answer to Annabel's question. Sato sighed and looked at the two, "School. I'm working on becoming a better ninja. "
((So very sorry, brain not working so well ;-;))

Zac gave a slight blush to her words before he gave a small laugh, "Sure, i should get you that apple first though," He said before he removed his arms around Rosalie and stretched his arms over his head and stretched them out, he lowered them back to his sides and looked out the window again, a strike of lightning coming down with thunder, "Great, a storm," He said sadly before he moved his feet to the side of the bed.

Rosalie smiled softly as he moved. She then jumped a little as the thunder startled her, she turned to look at Zac as he mentioned the storm "I thought you said they were a normal thing around here, why are you getting sad about it?" She asked curiously as she sat up on the bed, moving the blanket so it wasn't covering her anymore.
"I-I was trying to get over something and that's why I was drawing back there," she sighed faintly to herself. 

"But I'm happy that you asked me to walk with you.." She said, smiling a little bit. 

"It's n-nice.. I haven't done this in a while, so it's like a breathe of fresh air," she murmured softly. 

Nai looked at Nico, a slightly saddened look on his face. He didn't know exactly what happened, but he still felt bad that it did. He put his arm around her shoulders and chuckled, "Well you'll be okay. We get to hangout now. And walking is fun to me, whenever you want to go out for one, let me know."

> Zenya White's Phone <





''What the-- This isn't Zenya, who is this?''

''Keep talking to her Talia, she's the weapon-maker..''

@Daniel reaving

"Eh?! O-Okay!" Talia said before putting the phone bacl to her ear. "H-Hi! My name is Talia, I'm one of Zenya's friends. She says you makes weapons... Is that correct?" She asked nervously. 
Hakosu let out a tiny giggle. "Ah well. That's what school is for, right?" She smiled and tilted her head. "I just hope I can learn how to control my abilities soon. I really wan't to impress my parents." She nodded a bit, a tiny little gesture of determination.

Saria nodded "Yeah, I get where you are coming from, I want to impress my parents as well, I mean, I know they care about me and my sister equally, I don't feel like they are pandering to her instead of me, its more along the lines of, I want to be able to impress them with my abilities as much as my little sister can" she laughed a little "My sister has this whole witch thing nailed down pretty well in comparison to me..." She looked over at Hakosu "But yeah, as you said, that's what we are here for" she smiled lightly.

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