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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

((So, I'll be resetting some characters and updating their CS [or rather, backdating them for some] will anyone be free to interact in a bit? :3))
((YES! Zac will be free! As well as Caspian since @TheMADQ Has not replied yet... -__- But hey, they'll be freer than cows on loan.))

((Alright, cool, Rosalie isn't getting a revamp or update plus, she knows Zac (sorta) so If you want to interact now we can :3 I can multi-task))
(;-; sadness)

atrio chuckled and gently pressed his lips to hers lovingly before hugging her. "Yeah." He whispered softly as he slowly closed his eyes to sleep with her


Evelyn gave a small laugh before she fell into a deep slumber, her grip loosened around Atrio as she lightly breathed in and out, the rain hitting the window.

-(Zac)- @Nona

Zac stepped through the portal, instantly he saw students walking around as he closed the portal behind him, his eye-patch now covering his red eye.

Evelyn gave a small laugh before she fell into a deep slumber, her grip loosened around Atrio as she lightly breathed in and out, the rain hitting the window.

-(Zac)- @Nona

Zac stepped through the portal, instantly he saw students walking around as he closed the portal behind him, his eye-patch now covering his red eye.

Rosalie Dalton

Finishing up her last class, Rosalie had packed away her books off the desk, which she found out she didn't need anyways since the class was an introductory one, which was kind of a waste, she could have went off and did something more fun than that but whatever. Having a quick conversation about the project word they'd be given with a a curly haired girl carrying around a rabbit, she swung her school bag onto her back and lifted her notebook into her hands, tucking a pen i her pocket. Today involved alot of talking, meaning she had to use her powers for most of the day to do so, controlling and creating sound was more tiring than one would think. So she took her notebook in plans to give her powers a rest soon. Leaving the classroom she now travelled down the corner to outside, taking in a breath of fresh air, rather refreshing since that weird teacher they had kept messing with the thermostat the whole class. She looked around a little as she went to set off for her dorm, her gaze stopping at a somewhat familiar face. She blinked a few times as she viewed him, her mind going to work at putting a name to he face.

Rosalie Dalton

Finishing up her last class, Rosalie had packed away her books off the desk, which she found out she didn't need anyways since the class was an introductory one, which was kind of a waste, she could have went off and did something more fun than that but whatever. Having a quick conversation about the project word they'd be given with a a curly haired girl carrying around a rabbit, she swung her school bag onto her back and lifted her notebook into her hands, tucking a pen i her pocket. Today involved alot of talking, meaning she had to use her powers for most of the day to do so, controlling and creating sound was more tiring than one would think. So she took her notebook in plans to give her powers a rest soon. Leaving the classroom she now travelled down the corner to outside, taking in a breath of fresh air, rather refreshing since that weird teacher they had kept messing with the thermostat the whole class. She looked around a little as she went to set off for her dorm, her gaze stopping at a somewhat familiar face. She blinked a few times as she viewed him, her mind going to work at putting a name to he face.

((Sorry, was AFK, also i have reset Zac until Sixxx makes Amber or verifies that she exists, so he is currently dating no-one,))

Zac looked over at the familiar face and smiled, "Hello Rosalie," He said with a gleeful smile, he walked towards her before stopping a few feet away, "Long time no talk," He said with a small smile.
((Sorry, was AFK, also i have reset Zac until Sixxx makes Amber or verifies that she exists, so he is currently dating no-one,))

Zac looked over at the familiar face and smiled, "Hello Rosalie," He said with a gleeful smile, he walked towards her before stopping a few feet away, "Long time no talk," He said with a small smile.

Rosalie Dalton

Rosalie stared at him with slightly furrowed brows as she recognised his voice, It was Evelyn's brother, the guy who held her by the throat when they first met, she felt her her hand subconsciously move up to rub at the side of her neck as she remembered the moment that happened. He seemed so...friendly now though, what was up with him? Her eyes glanced over his form for a moment before removing her hand from her neck to offer a small wave "Hello Zac, I thought I recognised you..." her voice sounded, her brows no longer furrowed in a scowl, she wasn't one to hold grudges so she wasn't really mad at him for doing what he did anymore, though her expression had a small hint of confusion to why he was suddenly friendly.

((Sorry the site wouldn't load for me for some reason :'I))
Last edited by a moderator:

Rosalie Dalton

Rosalie stared at him with slightly furrowed brows as she recognised his voice, It was Evelyn's brother, the guy who held her by the throat when they first met, she felt her her hand subconsciously move up to rub at the side of her neck as she remembered the moment that happened. He seemed so...friendly now though, what was up with him? Her eyes glanced over his form for a moment before removing her hand from her neck to offer a small wave "Hello Zac, I thought I recognised you..." her voice sounded, her brows no longer furrowed in a scowl, she wasn't one to hold grudges so she wasn't really mad at him for doing what he did anymore, though her expression had a small hint of confusion to why he was suddenly friendly.

((Sorry the site wouldn't load for me for some reason :'I))

((Yeah, me neither, that why the triple reply, but i know why, they added a Merge feature.))

Zac gave a small laugh and smile, "My sister finally found someone, so that is why my mood has changed," Zac said with a small smile before it disappeared and his face became blank, "Geez, she fell asleep," Zac said as he rubbed the back of his neck and his mood became blank, "Again, i apologise for what i did," He said as he looked away from Rosalie.
((My cat got attacked so were rushing her to the vet, cant reply now, sorry :'I))
((Yeah, me neither, that why the triple reply, but i know why, they added a Merge feature.))

Zac gave a small laugh and smile, "My sister finally found someone, so that is why my mood has changed," Zac said with a small smile before it disappeared and his face became blank, "Geez, she fell asleep," Zac said as he rubbed the back of his neck and his mood became blank, "Again, i apologise for what i did," He said as he looked away from Rosalie.

((Alright, we dropped her off so I'm back))

Rosalie Dalton:

Rosalie smiled a little at the news, she was happy for Evelyn that she found someone. Rosalie herself had found no one, not that she minded though, she wasn't actually searching at the moment. She tilted her head as he apologised and averted his gaze from her, a gentle smile appeared on her lips, he really did seem like he meant it this time. "Its okay, I forgive you" her voice answered.
((Alright, we dropped her off so I'm back))

Rosalie Dalton:

Rosalie smiled a little at the news, she was happy for Evelyn that she found someone. Rosalie herself had found no one, not that she minded though, she wasn't actually searching at the moment. She tilted her head as he apologised and averted his gaze from her, a gentle smile appeared on her lips, he really did seem like he meant it this time. "Its okay, I forgive you" her voice answered.

((Welcome back, hope the kitty gets better :((  -  ))

Zac turned his head back towards her and shot her a large smile and a small laugh, "Want to go somewhere more private? There are a lot of people staring at us," Zac said as he shot a group of people that where staring at them a glare.
"Alright... I guess I can stay in it for a little longer" she said. "But only until we figure out what we're doing" she said and nodded.

(I can see that xDD but dont worry, I get a notification when you post something)

Everest hugged Hakuru's body to himself and smiled, "Well I honestly wouldn't mind staying like this for a few more hours. Who wouldn't want a sexy half naked maid lying on top of them? And when you're in a situation where it could turn into so much more by the girl's own volition who would want to move?"
((Welcome back, hope the kitty gets better :((  -  ))

Zac turned his head back towards her and shot her a large smile and a small laugh, "Want to go somewhere more private? There are a lot of people staring at us," Zac said as he shot a group of people that where staring at them a glare.

((I hope so too : ( things don't look good))

Rosalie Dalton:

Rosalie looked at him for a moment, people were staring? She glanced around looking at the people around them before pulling a face, what was their problem? Turning to Zac again she then spoke. "Uhm, sure" she answered, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear "Why are they staring at us though...Is it my fault?" She replied, wonderingif the whole voice thing was weirding them out or something.
((I hope so too : ( things don't look good))

Rosalie Dalton:

Rosalie looked at him for a moment, people were staring? She glanced around looking at the people around them before pulling a face, what was their problem? Turning to Zac again she then spoke. "Uhm, sure" she answered, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear "Why are they staring at us though...Is it my fault?" She replied, wonderingif the whole voice thing was weirding them out or something.

((Sorry, i really do hope things go well :(  ))

Zac quickly made a portal beneath Rosalie and himself, they where instantly taken to Zac and Evelyns' world, the blackness comforted Zac as he entered, he saw Rosalie enter the realm as well and sighed before he quickly made a small couch behind himself as he sat down, "I wouldn't know, but it may be because of a certain someone my sister is dating," He sighed with a small frown, "What next? The sky is going to fall?" He said with a small humourless laugh.
((Sorry, i really do hope things go well :(  ))

Zac quickly made a portal beneath Rosalie and himself, they where instantly taken to Zac and Evelyns' world, the blackness comforted Zac as he entered, he saw Rosalie enter the realm as well and sighed before he quickly made a small couch behind himself as he sat down, "I wouldn't know, but it may be because of a certain someone my sister is dating," He sighed with a small frown, "What next? The sky is going to fall?" He said with a small humourless laugh.

Rosalie looked around as she had moved into this new realm where everything looked kinda dark "Spooky" her voice sounded as she let a silent laugh. Her eyes then travelled to look at Zac as he spoke, she tilted her head "I thought you were happy for her? You seem to be frowning now. I don't think I follow..." 
Rosalie looked around as she had moved into this new realm where everything looked kinda dark "Spooky" her voice sounded as she let a silent laugh. Her eyes then travelled to look at Zac as he spoke, she tilted her head "I thought you were happy for her? You seem to be frowning now. I don't think I follow..." 

((Umm are u ok?))

Zac gave a quiet laugh, "I am, she has finally found someone after 49,000 years alone, and the last person she was with used her as a killing machine, she hasn't slept since she killed that person, so i am very happy she did find someone," Zac said with a bored tone, "But 59,000 years alone hurts," Zac said in a quiet tone as he looked over at Rosalie with a smile, "And, if you don't like this place, we can head over to my world, your choice," Zac said with a shrug.
((Umm are u ok?))

Zac gave a quiet laugh, "I am, she has finally found someone after 49,000 years alone, and the last person she was with used her as a killing machine, she hasn't slept since she killed that person, so i am very happy she did find someone," Zac said with a bored tone, "But 59,000 years alone hurts," Zac said in a quiet tone as he looked over at Rosalie with a smile, "And, if you don't like this place, we can head over to my world, your choice," Zac said with a shrug.

Rosalie frowned....did he know he said two different numbers? Was it an accident or did the second number apply to himself, he didn't specify so she wasn't sure. "Ah, yeah, she told me about that actually" she said as she rubbed the side of her face. Her silver-grey eyes drifting around her surroundings as he asked did she want to move to somewhere else "Ah, here is fine" she said waving her hands a little "But, you have you're own world? That's pretty impressive, what's it like?" She looked at him with a curious expression.
Rosalie frowned....did he know he said two different numbers? Was it an accident or did the second number apply to himself, he didn't specify so she wasn't sure. "Ah, yeah, she told me about that actually" she said as she rubbed the side of her face. Her silver-grey eyes drifting around her surroundings as he asked did she want to move to somewhere else "Ah, here is fine" she said waving her hands a little "But, you have you're own world? That's pretty impressive, what's it like?" She looked at him with a curious expression.


Zac gave a shrug, "It ok, i can pretty much change anything in here, person or thing," Zac said in a bored tone as he relaxed into the couch and yawned, "A week of figuring out who to kill and who not to kill really takes it out of 'ya," He said in another bored tone, he made a couch behind Rosalie and shot her a smile, "Sit down if you want," Zac said with a smile but it was obviously forced, he turned his head so he was looking into the endless black above him and sighed, "Well, if you want to continue and questions, i'll be in my room, take the portal if you want," Zac said in a bored tone as he made a portal beneath himself, being taken to his home world and landing on his couch, he made a set of portals in his dimension, one leading towards the original world, and one leading towards his world, he didn't tell her which one to take back to the original one so she would be stuck if she chose the wrong one.

Zac gave a shrug, "It ok, i can pretty much change anything in here, person or thing," Zac said in a bored tone as he relaxed into the couch and yawned, "A week of figuring out who to kill and who not to kill really takes it out of 'ya," He said in another bored tone, he made a couch behind Rosalie and shot her a smile, "Sit down if you want," Zac said with a smile but it was obviously forced, he turned his head so he was looking into the endless black above him and sighed, "Well, if you want to continue and questions, i'll be in my room, take the portal if you want," Zac said in a bored tone as he made a portal beneath himself, being taken to his home world and landing on his couch, he made a set of portals in his dimension, one leading towards the original world, and one leading towards his world, he didn't tell her which one to take back to the original one so she would be stuck if she chose the wrong one.

Rosalie looked to the couch appearing behind her before sitting down. As she looked back over, he was already leaving, her mouth slightly open as she gave him a confused stare "Uhm...okay?" She said as he left, opening two different portals. Wait. Which was she supposed to go through? Now she was even more confused. Puffing up her cheeks she glanced from one to the other before taking the portal to his world. Stepping through it she then stopped 'Wait...this might be the wrong one' she thought to herself.
Rosalie looked to the couch appearing behind her before sitting down. As she looked back over, he was already leaving, her mouth slightly open as she gave him a confused stare "Uhm...okay?" She said as he left, opening two different portals. Wait. Which was she supposed to go through? Now she was even more confused. Puffing up her cheeks she glanced from one to the other before taking the portal to his world. Stepping through it she then stopped 'Wait...this might be the wrong one' she thought to herself.


Zac looked over at Rosalie once she appeared, "Oh, so you did follow me?" Zac asked with a sly smirk before he gave a laugh. Just then, someone knocked on the door, "Sir? You have been requested at the great hall... Your father wishes to speak with you," The person said before the shuffling of feet could be heard, meaning they left. Zacs' face had paled dramatically when the person spoke, he quickly snapped out of it and sat up, leaning over as he stared down at the ground.

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