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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~

...♆Kuroh still lay on his bed watching YouTube videos, laughing at each funny moment that revealed itself within the clips. He'd finished his chips and had moved onto a bowl of chocolate ice cream, taking spoonfuls of it every few moments as he watched the videos. Suddenly, a large crashed emitted from his window, along with two thumps. Kuroh, who'd let down his guard and was relaxed moments before, sprang up from his laying position and looked over to see Himeragi and a man who immediately complemented his hair. Due to Kuroh's rapid response, he'd dropped his bowl of ice cream onto the floor. Kuroh looked towards the bowl as his cold snack slowly left it's container and spread along his floor. Kuroh quickly looked back towards Himeragi and the male and spoke, a surprised and annoyed expression being evident on his face and in his voice he did so♆...

“ What the hell?! I almost shit myself! 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Sitting on his bed.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Find out what's going on.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker

Dante pointed at himeragi and laughed. "Blame her! She was the one who decided to crash through your window!"

> Himeragi Seiker <

''Says the one who through a fucking pole at me. And attacked me in the first place...''

Himeragi stated as she didn't realize Kuroh was in the dorm with them. She tried getting up but she looked dizzy and wounded as glass shards were stuck all over Himeragi's back and blood was evident.

''What the hell is your problem anyway? I kept telling you to leave me alone but you kept going on about this 'fate' crap..."

She said as she continued her effort to get up and stand not realizing the reason why her back was hurting so much.

Hakuru nodded,she figured playing along with him would make things more interesting, but it took her a second to actually manage to say it. "Y-Yes... m-master..." she said, the last part coming out a bit quieter.

Everest laughed as he pulled her into the bedroom with him and laid down on the bed, hugging her to his chest. "Then I promise I'll make you feel really good." (fade?)
Dante pointed at himeragi and laughed. "Blame her! She was the one who decided to crash through your window!"

> Himeragi Seiker <

''Says the one who through a fucking pole at me. And attacked me in the first place...''

Himeragi stated as she didn't realize Kuroh was in the dorm with them. She tried getting up but she looked dizzy and wounded as glass shards were stuck all over Himeragi's back and blood was evident.

''What the hell is your problem anyway? I kept telling you to leave me alone but you kept going on about this 'fate' crap..."

She said as she continued her effort to get up and stand not realizing the reason why her back was hurting so much.


 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh shook his head dismissively and slowly stood up off of the bed as Himeragi spoke to the other male. He looked at Himeragi, noticing the failed attempts to stand, along with the blood that seemed to be dripping behind her. Kuroh walked over to Himeragi and placed his left hand onto her lower back, and peered around her shoulder to inspect the damage that had occurred from the impact with the window. He swiftly spotted the glass and blood on her back. As he finished talking, he gave Himeragi a small smile♆...

“ You're back's in pretty bad shape, you're gonna have to stay off your feet for a while. Until you're well enough to stand, you can stay here in my room. All I'll need to worry about is the dorms supervisor. I can't have the mother of my children dying on me now, can I? 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Inspecting Himeragi's back.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Make sure Himeragi rests.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker
Last edited by a moderator:
 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh slowly stood up off of the bed, as Himeragi spoke to the other male. He looked at Himeragi, noticing the failed attempts to stand, along with the blood that seemed to be dripping behind her. Kuroh walked over to Himeragi and placed his left hand onto her lower back, and peered around her shoulder to inspect the damage that had occurred from the impact with the window. He swiftly spotted the glass and blood on her back. As he finished talking, he gave Himeragi a small smile♆...

“ You're back's in pretty bad shape, you're gonna have to stay off your feet for a while. Until you're well enough to stand, you can stay here in my room. All I'll need to worry about is the dorms supervisor. I can't have the mother of my children dying on me now, can I? 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Inspecting Himeragi's back.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Make sure Himeragi rests.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi soon realized it was Kuroh. This confused her for a moment. But she decided to put away the question. She soon nodded at Kuroh's suggestion to rest. Though she smiled a bit knowing that Kuroh's back. It probably was still Kuroh from before.

''Kristako misses you a lot y'know?''

@Wicked Jester
Dante looked at the two of them and blinked when the other man said "mother of his children" that meant these two had... whatever, none of his business.  Laughing he turned to the girl.  "It was only a small pole! And I always use date as an excuse for my actions, it takes all of the stress away! Just like I am fated to not do tonight's homework!"

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi soon realized it was Kuroh. This confused her for a moment. But she decided to put away the question. She soon nodded at Kuroh's suggestion to rest. Though she smiled a bit knowing that Kuroh's back. It probably was still Kuroh from before.

''Kristako misses you a lot y'know?''

@Wicked Jester

@Fukushima Akira

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi soon realized it was Kuroh. This confused her for a moment. But she decided to put away the question. She soon nodded at Kuroh's suggestion to rest. Though she smiled a bit knowing that Kuroh's back. It probably was still Kuroh from before.

''Kristako misses you a lot y'know?''

@Wicked Jester

Dante looked at the two of them and blinked when the other man said "mother of his children" that meant these two had... whatever, none of his business.  Laughing he turned to the girl.  "It was only a small pole! And I always use date as an excuse for my actions, it takes all of the stress away! Just like I am fated to not do tonight's homework!"

@Fukushima Akira

 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh continued smiling as he gently picked Himeragi up, placing one of his arms around her shoulders, and his free arm between her thighs, using her rear as a way to pick her up without worrying about touching the embedded glass that was protruding from her back. Kuroh listened to Himeragi talk as he walked over to his bed with her in his arms, almost forgetting that the other male was in the room, and gently created a multi-layered cover in which draped over his bed. The cover was to ensure that the blood wouldn't stain his bedsheets when he'd begin the extraction of the glass. Thinking about what Himeragi said, the last time they were together he still had the Daemonic corruption coursing through his veins from the demon blood he inherited from his mother. Because of the Daemonic genes of his mother and the Sanctum genes of his father clashing within him constantly, they affected the way he acted. Sometimes he'd become docile, other times he'd be consumed by pure lust. This of course, caused immense problems with Kuroh's everyday life. With the Sanctum genes, he was able to recover quickly from his and Himeragi's sexual encounters, and from his Daemonic genes, he was corrupted by lust, causing him to engage in the sexual encounters more frequently than what would otherwise be considered normal and healthy. Due to these two parts of him affecting his life in a heavy way, he approached his uncle, Kenji to help in the removal of his Daemonic genes. While the process was painful, Kuroh was able to bare through the pain and successfully remove and destroy his Daemon corruption. With the absence of the Daemon gene within him, it allowed the Sanctum gene to continue to develop and grow, and because of the void that was left from the Daemon gene's departure, the Sanctum genes were able to fill his being and complete his blood, causing him to become a full Sanctum, as opposed to a Half-Sanctum. It had been around a week since his transformation, and he already felt the affects of the Sanctum inheritance on his body. He no longer had any lust-filled moments, nor any overwhelming hunger for sexual contact. This meant that Kuroh was finally able to live a normal life, albeit with his powers. The removal of the Daemonic genes didn't affect his powers in the slightest. From as far as he could tell, his powers had gotten stronger, as had his overall physical capabilities. Snapping himself back to reality, Kuroh placed his right hand onto his cheek as he replied to Himeragi's question♆...

“ Yeah, I've been meaning to visit, I've just been too busy lately. Today's the only day I've been able to really relax, y'know? Is she well? 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Conversing with Himeragi.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Make sure Himeragi rests.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker
 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh continued smiling as he gently picked Himeragi up, placing one of his arms around her shoulders, and his free arm between her thighs, using her rear as a way to pick her up without worrying about touching the embedded glass that was protruding from her back. Kuroh listened to Himeragi talk as he walked over to his bed with her in his arms, almost forgetting that the other male was in the room, and gently created a multi-layered cover in which draped over his bed. The cover was to ensure that the blood wouldn't stain his bedsheets when he'd begin the extraction of the glass. Thinking about what Himeragi said, the last time they were together he still had the Daemonic corruption coursing through his veins from the demon blood he inherited from his mother. Because of the Daemonic genes of his mother and the Sanctum genes of his father clashing within him constantly, they affected the way he acted. Sometimes he'd become docile, other times he'd be consumed by pure lust. This of course, caused immense problems with Kuroh's everyday life. With the Sanctum genes, he was able to recover quickly from his and Himeragi's sexual encounters, and from his Daemonic genes, he was corrupted by lust, causing him to engage in the sexual encounters more frequently than what would otherwise be considered normal and healthy. Due to these two parts of him affecting his life in a heavy way, he approached his uncle, Kenji to help in the removal of his Daemonic genes. While the process was painful, Kuroh was able to bare through the pain and successfully remove and destroy his Daemon corruption. With the absence of the Daemon gene within him, it allowed the Sanctum gene to continue to develop and grow, and because of the void that was left from the Daemon gene's departure, the Sanctum genes were able to fill his being and complete his blood, causing him to become a full Sanctum, as opposed to a Half-Sanctum. It had been around a week since his transformation, and he already felt the affects of the Sanctum inheritance on his body. He no longer had any lust-filled moments, nor any overwhelming hunger for sexual contact. This meant that Kuroh was finally able to live a normal life, albeit with his powers. The removal of the Daemonic genes didn't affect his powers in the slightest. From as far as he could tell, his powers had gotten stronger, as had his overall physical capabilities. Snapping himself back to reality, Kuroh placed his right hand onto his cheek as he replied to Himeragi's question♆...

“ Yeah, I've been meaning to visit, I've just been too busy lately. Today's the only day I've been able to really relax, y'know? Is she well? 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Conversing with Himeragi.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Make sure Himeragi rests.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi soon smiled more as she replied.

''She's well. She also sparred me a couple times and she's...let's say we're nearing a draw. She's also at school too. She did though...did meet an incubus at one point and seemed to be a one night stand, if I hadn't tracked her down and taken her back home...And she did sort of rebelled a little bit when I was enrolling her to school. She's, a handful I guess...She's growing too fast. Makes me want to cry a bit.''

She said before she giggled a bit but then groaned from the pain of her back from giggling.

''Damn, guess I should stop laughing. Makes me feel like I'm a dying elder.......So how have you been?''

@Wicked Jester
Dante sighed as he read the mood. "You know? I'm just gonna wait over there..." walking to an empty corner of the room date materialized a laz-e boy recliner and say down to wait until he was prevalent again. 

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi soon smiled more as she replied.

''She's well. She also sparred me a couple times and she's...let's say we're nearing a draw. She's also at school too. She did though...did meet an incubus at one point and seemed to be a one night stand, if I hadn't tracked her down and taken her back home...And she did sort of rebelled a little bit when I was enrolling her to school. She's, a handful I guess...She's growing too fast. Makes me want to cry a bit.''

She said before she giggled a bit but then groaned from the pain of her back from giggling.

''Damn, guess I should stop laughing. Makes me feel like I'm a dying elder.......So how have you been?''

@Wicked Jester

 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~

...♆Kuroh continued smiling as he gently picked Himeragi up, placing one of his arms around her shoulders, and his free arm between her thighs, using her rear as a way to pick her up without worrying about touching the embedded glass that was protruding from her back. Kuroh listened to Himeragi talk as he walked over to his bed with her in his arms, almost forgetting that the other male was in the room, and gently created a multi-layered cover in which draped over his bed. The cover was to ensure that the blood wouldn't stain his bedsheets when he'd begin the extraction of the glass. Thinking about what Himeragi said, the last time they were together he still had the Daemonic corruption coursing through his veins from the demon blood he inherited from his mother. Because of the Daemonic genes of his mother and the Sanctum genes of his father clashing within him constantly, they affected the way he acted. Sometimes he'd become docile, other times he'd be consumed by pure lust. This of course, caused immense problems with Kuroh's everyday life. With the Sanctum genes, he was able to recover quickly from his and Himeragi's sexual encounters, and from his Daemonic genes, he was corrupted by lust, causing him to engage in the sexual encounters more frequently than what would otherwise be considered normal and healthy. Due to these two parts of him affecting his life in a heavy way, he approached his uncle, Kenji to help in the removal of his Daemonic genes. While the process was painful, Kuroh was able to bare through the pain and successfully remove and destroy his Daemon corruption. With the absence of the Daemon gene within him, it allowed the Sanctum gene to continue to develop and grow, and because of the void that was left from the Daemon gene's departure, the Sanctum genes were able to fill his being and complete his blood, causing him to become a full Sanctum, as opposed to a Half-Sanctum. It had been around a week since his transformation, and he already felt the affects of the Sanctum inheritance on his body. He no longer had any lust-filled moments, nor any overwhelming hunger for sexual contact. This meant that Kuroh was finally able to live a normal life, albeit with his powers. The removal of the Daemonic genes didn't affect his powers in the slightest. From as far as he could tell, his powers had gotten stronger, as had his overall physical capabilities. Snapping himself back to reality, Kuroh placed his right hand onto his cheek as he replied to Himeragi's question♆...

“ Yeah, I've been meaning to visit, I've just been too busy lately. Today's the only day I've been able to really relax, y'know? Is she well? 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Conversing with Himeragi.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Make sure Himeragi rests.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi soon smiled more as she replied.

''She's well. She also sparred me a couple times and she's...let's say we're nearing a draw. She's also at school too. She did though...did meet an incubus at one point and seemed to be a one night stand, if I hadn't tracked her down and taken her back home...And she did sort of rebelled a little bit when I was enrolling her to school. She's, a handful I guess...She's growing too fast. Makes me want to cry a bit.''

She said before she giggled a bit but then groaned from the pain of her back from giggling.

''Damn, guess I should stop laughing. Makes me feel like I'm a dying elder.......So how have you been?''

@Wicked Jester
Dante sighed as he read the mood. "You know? I'm just gonna wait over there..." walking to an empty corner of the room date materialized a laz-e boy recliner and say down to wait until he was prevalent again. 

 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh walked over to the cabinet while Himeragi spoke, picking up a large pair of tweezers, a rag, some rubbing alcohol and a wrapped up bandage, which was still in it's original packaging. He returned to Himeragi and positioned himself behind her, placing his tools onto the bedside drawers beside him. He inspected Himeragi's back and used the alcohol to sterilise the tweezers, so that it had no dust nor any germs on it's metal tangs. He then replied to Himeragi as he dabbed the rag in the rubbing alcohol and began applying it to the wounds, making sure to lightly touch the glass to see how deep it went. Even as he talked, he made sure his eyes never left where his hands went, as to prevent any accidents. Occasionally, his piercing blue eyes wandered over to the male who sat on a recliner for a brief moment, shortly before returning to her back♆...

“ It must be because of my Sanctum genes and your intoner genes. Both of our races seem to reach maturity a lot quicker than most other races. I'm not sure how I feel about my daughter having sexual relations with someone at her age, especially with an incubus. They take some of the life force of those they've had intercourse with. It's how they feed and survive. One time is fine, but multiple times is where it gets dangerous. So long as she doesn't sleep around I'm fine with it, after all, everyone has urges they need to satisfy, especially in their teens. I've been good, what about you? Other than your current situation, I mean~ 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Tending to Himeragi's back injury.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Fix Himeragi's back.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker
Last edited by a moderator:
Dante sighed as he read the mood. "You know? I'm just gonna wait over there..." walking to an empty corner of the room date materialized a laz-e boy recliner and say down to wait until he was prevalent again. 

 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh walked over to the cabinet while Himeragi spoke, picking up a large pair of tweezers, a rag, some rubbing alcohol and a wrapped up bandage, which was still in it's original packaging. He returned to Himeragi and positioned himself behind her, placing his tools onto the bedside drawers beside him. He inspected Himeragi's back and used the alcohol to sterilise the tweezers, so that it had no dust nor any germs on it's metal tangs. He then replied to Himeragi as he dabbed the rag in the rubbing alcohol and began applying it to the wounds, making sure to lightly touch the glass to see how deep it went. Even as he talked, he made sure his eyes never left where his hands went, as to prevent any accidents. Occasionally, his piercing blue eyes wandered over to the male who sat on a recliner for a brief moment, shortly before returning to her back♆...

“ It must be because of my Sanctum genes and your intoner genes. Both of our races seem to reach maturity a lot quicker than most other races. I'm not sure how I feel about my daughter having sexual relations with someone at her age, especially with an incubus. They take some of the life force of those they've had intercourse with. It's how they feed and survive. One time is fine, but multiple times is where it gets dangerous. So long as she doesn't sleep around I'm fine with it, after all, everyone has urges they need to satisfy, especially in their teens. 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Tending to Himeragi's back injury.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Fix Himeragi's back.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker


> Himeragi Seiker <

View attachment 158341

Himeragi made a noise in reply to the slight pain of the alcohol and rag on the wounds. Once Kuroh finished speaking, she started speaking.


Himeragi question as this is (I believe) the first time she had ever heard of a...race? She was pretty confused now. It was like a new term she had ever heard about. She knew about Gods and Goddesses, God Eaters, Angels, Demons, heck even Fae. Not even once had she heard about the Sanctum race.


> Himeragi Seiker <

View attachment 158341

Himeragi made a noise in reply to the slight pain of the alcohol and rag on the wounds. Once Kuroh finished speaking, she started speaking.


Himeragi question as this is (I believe) the first time she had ever heard of a...race? She was pretty confused now. It was like a new term she had ever heard about. She knew about Gods and Goddesses, God Eaters, Angels, Demons, heck even Fae. Not even once had she heard about the Sanctum race.

 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh's hand recoiled back as Himeragi released a small noise of pain. Something had changed within him, normally he'd continue with what he was doing, regardless of the pain due it being inevitable, however he was now rethinking things. He knew he had to clean the wound and extract the glass, otherwise there could be severe consequences on Himeragi's part, however one part of him didn't want to do it at all, as he knew that Himeragi would be in pain all through the procedure. He wanted to stop, as when she made the noise from pain, something fluttered within his body. He became hesitant, unsure. Shaking his head lightly, he returned to dabbing the wounds with the alcohol, using his hand to lightly touch the glass. The glass didn't seem to be in too deep, yet just pulling it out may be dangerous. Using his free hand, he picked up the now sterilised tweezers and placed the clamps onto Himeragi's back, allowing a piece of glass to be held within the tweezers grasp. He gently clamped the glass with the rubbers texture that was fitted onto the tweezers and gently began removing it from Himeragi's back. As he did so, he used his powers to enter Himeragi's skin and help keep the glass still in Himeragi together, preventing it from breaking apart. A few moments later, the biggest piece of glass was removed. He used the alcohol drenched rag to quickly cover Himeragi's open wound, doing this would cause a sting to occur, however Kuroh was prepared. He used his powers to hold the rag against the open wound, and then went to another piece of glass, repeating the process until all of the glass was removed. He then placed his hands over the wounds that was left from the glass' extraction and a light blue aura began to form. As this happened, the rag dropped off of Himeragi's back and onto the cover. Suddenly, the blue aura began to heal and close Himeragi's wounds, each time a wound was closed, stream would rise and a small amount of steam would leave the fixed piece of skin. After he was done, he stood up and sat on one of his swivel chairs. He closed his eyes and placed his hand onto his head, trying to remember what his father told him about their race. He spoke as he began recalling the conversation♆...

“ Oh right, I've never told you about the Sanctums. The run down version is that we're a warrior race originating from outside of this and all other universes. We exist outside of The Existence, the place where all life is born, and where Heaven and Hell, along with the multiverse, exist. My grandfather, Ragnarok is responsible for the creation of the Gods and Goddesses, God himself included. My grandmother, Ariadne, is the creator of all realms and The Existence. That's about all I know, I've yet to ask my dad for more details. All I know is that we're keeping our existence a secret, as we don't want to draw any attention to ourselves. My family prefers to live here without being constantly hounded by others, so we decided to just lie about what we are. After all, how would people react to a race who created the Gods and Goddesses, and are infinitely more powerful? They'd constantly challenge us to fights, hoping to prove themselves as the strongest. So can you keep it a secret? Please? Anyway, you're all patched up. I'd suggest you just take it easy for a while, you should be able to stand up and walk around, but don't try anything too tasking like running, I don't want to run the risk of your wounds reopening and hurting yourself. 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Tending to Himeragi's back injury.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Fix Himeragi's back.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker
 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh's hand recoiled back as Himeragi released a small noise of pain. Something had changed within him, normally he'd continue with what he was doing, regardless of the pain due it being inevitable, however he was now rethinking things. He knew he had to clean the wound and extract the glass, otherwise there could be severe consequences on Himeragi's part, however one part of him didn't want to do it at all, as he knew that Himeragi would be in pain all through the procedure. He wanted to stop, as when she made the noise from pain, something fluttered within his body. He became hesitant, unsure. Shaking his head lightly, he returned to dabbing the wounds with the alcohol, using his hand to lightly touch the glass. The glass didn't seem to be in too deep, yet just pulling it out may be dangerous. Using his free hand, he picked up the now sterilised tweezers and placed the clamps onto Himeragi's back, allowing a piece of glass to be held within the tweezers grasp. He gently clamped the glass with the rubbers texture that was fitted onto the tweezers and gently began removing it from Himeragi's back. As he did so, he used his powers to enter Himeragi's skin and help keep the glass still in Himeragi together, preventing it from breaking apart. A few moments later, the biggest piece of glass was removed. He used the alcohol drenched rag to quickly cover Himeragi's open wound, doing this would cause a sting to occur, however Kuroh was prepared. He used his powers to hold the rag against the open wound, and then went to another piece of glass, repeating the process until all of the glass was removed. He then placed his hands over the wounds that was left from the glass' extraction and a light blue aura began to form. As this happened, the rag dropped off of Himeragi's back and onto the cover. Suddenly, the blue aura began to heal and close Himeragi's wounds, each time a wound was closed, stream would rise and a small amount of steam would leave the fixed piece of skin. After he was done, he stood up and sat on one of his swivel chairs. He closed his eyes and placed his hand onto his head, trying to remember what his father told him about their race. He spoke as he began recalling the conversation♆...

“ Oh right, I've never told you about the Sanctums. The run down version is that we're a warrior race originating from outside of this and all other universes. We exist outside of The Existence, the place where all life is born, and where Heaven and Hell, along with the multiverse, exist. My grandfather, Ragnarok is responsible for the creation of the Gods and Goddesses, God himself included. My grandmother, Ariadne, is the creator of all realms and The Existence. That's about all I know, I've yet to ask my dad for more details. All I know is that we're keeping our existence a secret, as we don't want to draw any attention to ourselves. My family prefers to live here without being constantly hounded by others, so we decided to just lie about what we are. After all, how would people react to a race who created the Gods and Goddesses, and are infinitely more powerful? They'd constantly challenge us to fights, hoping to prove themselves as the strongest. So can you keep it a secret? Please? Anyway, you're all patched up. I'd suggest you just take it easy for a while, you should be able to stand up and walk around, but don't try anything too tasking like running, I don't want to run the risk of your wounds reopening and hurting yourself. 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Tending to Himeragi's back injury.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Fix Himeragi's back.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker

> Himeragi Seiker <

View attachment 158341

Himeragi nodded as to why the Sanctums would want to make their existences a secret and lie about their actual race. She soon smiled as she looked at Kuroh.

''I'll keep it a secret. Being hoarded by many just to challenge would be annoying. Thanks for treating my wounds...''

Himeragi soon looked behind Kuroh and saw Dante sitting on a recliner. She nearly forgot he was still here. She gave a slight glare. He probably heard what Kuroh was talking about. And of course, he probably might not be able to keep it a secret.

''Though I'm not sure if that boy will keep the secret a secret...And I feel a bit uneasy since we both did just fight a while ago...''

She said as she kept her voice quiet enough to only where Kuroh could hear her. And sound like a mumble to Dante.

@Wicked Jester
(Lol they did)

atrio did his best to catch her when they fell hitting the ground with him on top of her his eyes wide in embarrassment at how close they were and how she had moved upward slightly only getting her face closer to his


Evelyns breathing quickened as her face went bright red, her bust being pushed against Atrios chest, (( @Fukushima Akira This fine?)) "Sorry," She breathed out causing her to move slightly, she gave a breathless laugh, "My fault," She said as she tried to move but only put her face closer to Atrios.
 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh's hand recoiled back as Himeragi released a small noise of pain. Something had changed within him, normally he'd continue with what he was doing, regardless of the pain due it being inevitable, however he was now rethinking things. He knew he had to clean the wound and extract the glass, otherwise there could be severe consequences on Himeragi's part, however one part of him didn't want to do it at all, as he knew that Himeragi would be in pain all through the procedure. He wanted to stop, as when she made the noise from pain, something fluttered within his body. He became hesitant, unsure. Shaking his head lightly, he returned to dabbing the wounds with the alcohol, using his hand to lightly touch the glass. The glass didn't seem to be in too deep, yet just pulling it out may be dangerous. Using his free hand, he picked up the now sterilised tweezers and placed the clamps onto Himeragi's back, allowing a piece of glass to be held within the tweezers grasp. He gently clamped the glass with the rubbers texture that was fitted onto the tweezers and gently began removing it from Himeragi's back. As he did so, he used his powers to enter Himeragi's skin and help keep the glass still in Himeragi together, preventing it from breaking apart. A few moments later, the biggest piece of glass was removed. He used the alcohol drenched rag to quickly cover Himeragi's open wound, doing this would cause a sting to occur, however Kuroh was prepared. He used his powers to hold the rag against the open wound, and then went to another piece of glass, repeating the process until all of the glass was removed. He then placed his hands over the wounds that was left from the glass' extraction and a light blue aura began to form. As this happened, the rag dropped off of Himeragi's back and onto the cover. Suddenly, the blue aura began to heal and close Himeragi's wounds, each time a wound was closed, stream would rise and a small amount of steam would leave the fixed piece of skin. After he was done, he stood up and sat on one of his swivel chairs. He closed his eyes and placed his hand onto his head, trying to remember what his father told him about their race. He spoke as he began recalling the conversation♆...

“ Oh right, I've never told you about the Sanctums. The run down version is that we're a warrior race originating from outside of this and all other universes. We exist outside of The Existence, the place where all life is born, and where Heaven and Hell, along with the multiverse, exist. My grandfather, Ragnarok is responsible for the creation of the Gods and Goddesses, God himself included. My grandmother, Ariadne, is the creator of all realms and The Existence. That's about all I know, I've yet to ask my dad for more details. All I know is that we're keeping our existence a secret, as we don't want to draw any attention to ourselves. My family prefers to live here without being constantly hounded by others, so we decided to just lie about what we are. After all, how would people react to a race who created the Gods and Goddesses, and are infinitely more powerful? They'd constantly challenge us to fights, hoping to prove themselves as the strongest. So can you keep it a secret? Please? Anyway, you're all patched up. I'd suggest you just take it easy for a while, you should be able to stand up and walk around, but don't try anything too tasking like running, I don't want to run the risk of your wounds reopening and hurting yourself. 


His Dorm Room.[/SIZE]


Tending to Himeragi's back injury.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Fix Himeragi's back.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker

> Himeragi Seiker <

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Himeragi nodded as to why the Sanctums would want to make their existences a secret and lie about their actual race. She soon smiled as she looked at Kuroh.

''I'll keep it a secret. Being hoarded by many just to challenge would be annoying. Thanks for treating my wounds...''

Himeragi soon looked behind Kuroh and saw Dante sitting on a recliner. She nearly forgot he was still here. She gave a slight glare. He probably heard what Kuroh was talking about. And of course, he probably might not be able to keep it a secret.

''Though I'm not sure if that boy will keep the secret a secret...And I feel a bit uneasy since we both did just fight a while ago...''

She said as she kept her voice quiet enough to only where Kuroh could hear her. And sound like a mumble to Dante.

@Wicked Jester

Dante's ears perked up when they heard mention of him fighting, even if it was only a mumble that he caught nothing else of. Smiling as he continued to relax in the recliner he asked his question. "Ohhh? I heard someone speaking about me. does that mean I'm prevalent again?"

Evelyns breathing quickened as her face went bright red, her bust being pushed against Atrios chest, (( @Fukushima Akira This fine?)) "Sorry," She breathed out causing her to move slightly, she gave a breathless laugh, "My fault," She said as she tried to move but only put her face closer to Atrios.

"I-it was my fault n-not yours." He said as his blush grew deeper as she moved her face closer to his. He had no idea what to do, he was frozen in embarrassment and couldn't take his eyes off hers as he sat there with her
> Ayame <

Ayame soon followed Harumi in as they now waited in a line.

> Himeragi Seiker <

Little did the angel realized, the spearheads were spiritual. Meaning it could phase through physical objects. Which exactly what the spiritual spearheads did, and pierced the cocky opponent. Soon, Himeragi saw the pole come at her which she used a magical shield which blocked the pole but the momentum of the pole did travel through as Himeragi was now further up into the sky.

The spear heads were spiritual. Solid Iron probably won't do shit xD))

Harumi immediately pouted at the amount of people that were I front of them. "We will never get there." She whined childishly
"I-it was my fault n-not yours." He said as his blush grew deeper as she moved her face closer to his. He had no idea what to do, he was frozen in embarrassment and couldn't take his eyes off hers as he sat there with her


Evelyns blush kept getting deeper before it was a totally light pink taking over both cheeks, "N-no, i-it was mine," She said as she looked at Atrios eyes, she tried to move out again but only moved her face closer to Atrio, her face now directly in front of Atrios, there noses touching.

(( ¯\_>ᗜ>_/¯ ))

Evelyns blush kept getting deeper before it was a totally light pink taking over both cheeks, "N-no, i-it was mine," She said as she looked at Atrios eyes, she tried to move out again but only moved her face closer to Atrio, her face now directly in front of Atrios, there noses touching.

(( ¯\_>ᗜ>_/¯ ))

He froze and stared into her eyes not saying a thing as he felt her breath gently against his. It made her blush more

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