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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"I think I've watched too much of what you humans call TV. I saw a man say that banks are not to be trusted..." Perfect said, shaking his head. "I guess i shouldn't believe everything I hear and see, so we'll take it to the bank." Perfect then looked at Ribbon and rubbed the back of his head, "I feel like you'd buy cellphone cases and jewelry... Or hair dye and clothes..."

Ribbon smiled as her ribbons rose up menacingly and pointed themselves at perfect for his comment and she smiled sweetly, giving him a chance to correct his statement. "I'm sorry, did you say something?"
Ariel Reaver:

Ariel giggled softly and shook her head she didnt kiss him on the cheek or anything, since she didn't think those kind of things were allowed in class and she would be right too. "Is that so?, because you know, my friend may have to join our group too you know" she said as she glanced around "Either way, I think that were going to do okay at this class~" she said, smiling happily.

Rini Yelil:

As Misafune spoke, saying it was alright with him, a smile appeared on her face slowly growing before she let go of his sleeve. A gentle sigh of relief escaping her lips "Good, everyone else seems to be teaming up with friends too so..." She laughed softly "I'm excited for this class" she said after, now that she was in a group with someone she knew she was at least, the while book thing was still not something she was entirely excited about.

Elaena Rillas:

Elaena giggled a little when she said she felt cool, nodding in agreement. "Hmm, I guess walking it off could work out too" she answered with a small yawn "I think..." She said in a quieter voice the next time with a slightly confused expression before she looked up, noticing that the girl had began moving closer to her, she blinked a few times, she didn't think there was anything wrong with the distance between them, but she didn't really mind the girl moving closer either, Elaena wasn't a shy person really. "I should probably give you my name too, I'm Elaena" she said with a gentle smile.


((Did you ever reply to this? :0))


@Wicked Jester

((Okay, I guess he could tell the story? xD or start of somewhere else or idk. :'D can you maybe start off though?))

> Seol <




''Seol. Like the capitol of South Korea.''

She said calmly. She recognize the name now. Elaena. She had let her in on some of her powers. Though she wondered if Elaena remembers.
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((This is to appease for my missed replies  @Sixxx @Daniel reaving ))

Evelyn groaned as she was forced down onto the bed, she wasn't tired nor hurt. What is with this idiot? She thought to herself, she quickly opened a portal beneath herself and fell through into her world, she portal still open and able to see through.

-(Zac)- ((  \_o_o_/ @Sixxx ))
((Nope hadnt replied to this.))

Everest smiled and pointed a finger at her lazily before responding. "I tease everyone. It just means I like you. Its when I stop teasing you that you need to be worried."

Hakuru shrugged, "Well then I guess I don't have anything to worry about yet then, not like I would worry" she said, leaning back in her chair a bit, making two of the chair legs raise off the ground slightly.
Hakuru shrugged, "Well then I guess I dost't have anything to worry about y uet then, not like I would worry" she said, leaning back in her chair a bit, making two of the chair legs raise off the ground slightly.

Everest smiled quietly as he thought to himself, when I stop teasing you It usually means you're about to die, before looking down through the glass table top and at Hakuru who was leaning backwards before deciding to tease her again. "Is there a reason you're leaning backwards? Or are you just happy to see me?"
Everest smiled quietly as he thought to himself, when I stop teasing you It usually means you're about to die, before looking down through the glass table top and at Hakuru who was leaning backwards before deciding to tease her again. "Is there a reason you're leaning backwards? Or are you just happy to see me?"

"In your dreams, it'll take a lot more skill then that for that to happen" she said, attempting to not become flustered at his teasing. 
"In your dreams, it'll take a lot more skill then that for that to happen" she said, attempting to not become flustered at his teasing. 

Everest laughed and gently kicked Hakuru's leg underneath the table."you know you're pretty good at that. You're holding yourself at just the right angle to where I cant see It, but shOw enough skin that I can Imagine."
Everest laughed and gently kicked Hakuru's leg underneath the table."you know you're pretty good at that. You're holding yourself at just the right angle to where I cant see It, but shOw enough skin that I can Imagine."

Hakuru blinked, utterly failing and her face growing red. "The fact that you're looking confirms that you're a pervert" she said, quickly putting the chair back on the ground.
Haccusationsnked, utterly failing and her f ace growing red. "The fact that you're looking confirms that you're a pervert" she said, quickly putting the chair back on the ground.

Everest laughed, making no attempts to deny the accusation. "well If you're practically going to present It to me, why shouldent i look? Of course If you would like, you could always come over here and sit on my lap and I could do a lot more than just looking."
Everest laughed, making no attempts to deny the accusation. "well If you're practically going to present It to me, why shouldent i look? Of course If you would like, you could always come over here and sit on my lap and I could do a lot more than just looking."

Hakuru looked to the side, "I-I'm not going to do th-that" she said, it's not like he was telling her to do it, so technically her refusing wouldn't be something she couldn't do.
Hakuru looked to the side, "IitI'm not going to do th-that" she said, it's not like he was telling her to do it, so technically her refusing wouldn't be something she couldn't do.

Everest laughed at Hakuru's reaction and shrugged his shoulders. "Hey Its your choice. I'm not going to force you."
"Even if I were to want to, I work here so if anyone I work with saw, I wouldn't be able to live it down." she said.

((Last post for the nedt *next few hours.))

Everest laughed once more. "Just tell them you were "enjoying yourself". Its rather hard to argue against a comment like that."
((Last post for the nedt *next few hours.))

Everest laughed once more. "Just tell them you were "enjoying yourself". Its rather hard to argue against a comment like that."

(alright xD)

"I should have expected you to say something like that. I'm guessing that you dont get embarrassed over anything but your little nickname" she said.

> Kristako Seiker <

Kristako looked at the boy a bit surprised. He's only attending today? She soon realized a false reason but it seemed pretty true to her.

''Oh. They set you up in the wrong class I guess huh? Alright...Well, see ya~''

Kristako soon gave a smile and walked to her group of Junchi and Moonstone. She sighed and giggled a bit before speaking to them adjusting her glasses a little while giving a sort of embarrassed look.

''He's attending this class only for today. So it may not be good to let someone in on the group to only attend today and leave the next.''

@The Royal Keen


[SIZE=18.6667px]"Awww, that's disappointing," Moonstone sighed. They looked around the classroom like they were looking for more people, but eventually told Kristako and Junchi, "Well, we should just have us three to avoid our group looking crowded. What should we do now? Should we just wait for the teacher's next instructions?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Extra Information[/SIZE]

Health Class[/SIZE]​

Talking to Kristako and Junchi[/SIZE]​

Disappointed, Bored[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Interacting With:
Kristako and Junchi[/SIZE]​

Continue with class[/SIZE]​

@Jofune Tsurabisu[/SIZE]​


"It's just a normal tree, it's just convienetly placed so that it' close both to school, the exit of it, and the dorms, both male and female" Leon exclaimed with a smirk, approaching it, and lying down next to the tree, relaxing

[SIZE=24pt]Angelo Michael Mori Garcia[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Angelo laid down next to Leon while he face blushed slightly from embarrassment. "Ha, yeah, of course," he responded awkwardly in an attempt to hide his mistake. "Anything you wanna talk about until I'm ready to move again?" he asked as he began to use his shirt to wipe the rest of the sweat off his face and chest. Afterwards he pulled out a string and tied it around his hair to give him a large curly ponytail with curly bangs.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Extra Information[/SIZE]

Euphorian High School[/SIZE]​

Talking to Leon[/SIZE]​


[SIZE=10pt]Interacting With:





[SIZE=24pt]Angelo Michael Mori Garcia[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Angelo laid down next to Leon while he face blushed slightly from embarrassment. "Ha, yeah, of course," he responded awkwardly in an attempt to hide his mistake. "Anything you wanna talk about until I'm ready to move again?" he asked as he began to use his shirt to wipe the rest of the sweat off his face and chest. Afterwards he pulled out a string and tied it around his hair to give him a large curly ponytail with curly bangs.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Extra Information[/SIZE]

Euphorian High School[/SIZE]

Talking to Leon[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]Interacting With:



"Hmm. Yeah, what is your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?" Leon asked, relaxing, as he did not notice the guy's blush.

"I like guns, shooting them.. To the targets at the range.. I also like to just sit down and work on my PC... That's why I got my CD player with me" He pointed to his small portable CD player, relatively small one.
((This is to appease for my missed replies  @Sixxx @Daniel reaving ))

Evelyn groaned as she was forced down onto the bed, she wasn't tired nor hurt. What is with this idiot? She thought to herself, she quickly opened a portal beneath herself and fell through into her world, she portal still open and able to see through.

-(Zac)- ((  \_o_o_/ @Sixxx ))

River was just gone when she looked up. Then he spoke from behind her. "Honestly you can't hide from me." He told her truthfully 
River was just gone when she looked up. Then he spoke from behind her. "Honestly you can't hide from me." He told her truthfully 

((Wait, wasn't his name Atrio? I am very confused...))

Evelyn jumped slightly and turned, she sighed once she saw him, "Dammit, i didn't close the entrance," She said to herself in a low whisper, "How do you like my realm? Simple, but elegant no?" Evelyn said with a small chuckle.
((Wait, wasn't his name Atrio? I am very confused...))

Evelyn jumped slightly and turned, she sighed once she saw him, "Dammit, i didn't close the entrance," She said to herself in a low whisper, "How do you like my realm? Simple, but elegant no?" Evelyn said with a small chuckle.

(Sorry XP I always get that mixed up)

"even if you had closed the portal I could still follow." He told her before looking around the realm. "Simple but elegant." He repeated as if agreeing with her
(Sorry XP I always get that mixed up)

"even if you had closed the portal I could still follow." He told her before looking around the realm. "Simple but elegant." He repeated as if agreeing with her


"I very highly doubt that, it's my realm, instant access for me and my brother only. Only way you would be able to get through just closed then," Evelyn said and pointed to the sky where the portal used to be. A chair appeared behind her, and arm rest with black and gold in-crested into it as she fell backwards and landed on it with a "thud" and she stretched out her arms, "Who knew walking all day, getting thrown out of a portal, getting scolded by my father for letting my brother date someone and bash my head about 20 times because portals are dumb would make me tired huh?" She said with a blank face as she relaxed into the chair, "Might head home and go to sleep, i won't be late to classes then..." She said to no-one in particular as she held a hand to her chin.

"I very highly doubt that, it's my realm, instant access for me and my brother only. Only way you would be able to get through just closed then," Evelyn said and pointed to the sky where the portal used to be. A chair appeared behind her, and arm rest with black and gold in-crested into it as she fell backwards and landed on it with a "thud" and she stretched out her arms, "Who knew walking all day, getting thrown out of a portal, getting scolded by my father for letting my brother date someone and bash my head about 20 times because portals are dumb would make me tired huh?" She said with a blank face as she relaxed into the chair, "Might head home and go to sleep, i won't be late to classes then..." She said to no-one in particular as she held a hand to her chin.

"Does your realm have shadows?" He asked before he watched and listened to her words. "Well then I guess I shall be heading home if you are leaving." He said to her with a shrug
"Does your realm have shadows?" He asked before he watched and listened to her words. "Well then I guess I shall be heading home if you are leaving." He said to her with a shrug


Evelyn gave a little chuckle, "Guess so, i'll open a portal for you, you can't enter or exit this realm, it's what it's built for," Evelyn said before she opened a portal a couple feet from him, she opened one just to the left of the small couch and stood with a jump, unknown to her, the portal that Atrio would take is linked to her room, the black and red swirled around in the portal causing a black oval like shape in the middle.

Evelyn gave a little chuckle, "Guess so, i'll open a portal for you, you can't enter or exit this realm, it's what it's built for," Evelyn said before she opened a portal a couple feet from him, she opened one just to the left of the small couch and stood with a jump, unknown to her, the portal that Atrio would take is linked to her room, the black and red swirled around in the portal causing a black oval like shape in the middle.

Atrio looked to the portal then shrugged and walked through it then when he got to the other side he froze in confusion. "This isn't my room." He said to him self before sighing
Atrio looked to the portal then shrugged and walked through it then when he got to the other side he froze in confusion. "This isn't my room." He said to him self before sighing


Evelyn closed the portal as he entered, it leaving her by herself. She stood up straight and sighed, "Might as well shower," She quickly stripped as he clothes turned into a black mist and she entered her portal, she entered her room totally quiet, the black and crimson a warm site for her, she turned to go over to her draws and her eyes landed on Atrio.

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