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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Perfect listened to every word Ribbon had to say. He learned that it's best to do that when talking to women from a book he found in the desk of the guy they killed in the penthouse, but at least it was interesting. "I see... I'd be scared of Akane, just with a swing in the air, she could kill us." He said, before laughing lightly. "Yeah... She's a lot stronger than I am."
Ribbon sighed. "Arbitz is similar, but it would be us, and everything in a quarter mile around us. I can stop about four of his smaller shots or one big one before I'm exhausted, and he can fire a shot about every ten seconds. It really is no fun fighting against artillery fire. they dont bleed enough." Arbitz who was following a short distance behind perked up as he heard the words "artillery fire" before asking with a smile on his face. "What you guys talking about?"
CERBERUS177 said:
(that first sentence O-O...)
Furia shook her head, "Demons...that's what he commands, or well would have commanded. So...take that into perspective, Demons are what? Evil and not very good...I for one go against the rules of a demon, just like him, but I'm bound to the queen, and what she say's goes." she replied sadly, as she didn't really want to be bad, she wanted to be good, but the queen wouldn't allow that...but, she can't do anything to her if she doesn't see it right? "But...I guess I could ask him when I see him again." she said.
Kaz sighed, the girl completely ignored his attempt at flirting. oh well. Thinking about her predicament, Kaz sighed as he spoke "You know there is such a thing as a coup right? Besides, I doubt this Queen or whatever could actually manage to take over much of anything. No offense of course, but theres a lot of bastards out there who kick some serious ass.
Kisaki said:
"c'b fhatin kata what? That's not even English. "he stared at the girl on the ground.
"At least her seizures or whatever stopped "he sighed. He was wondering if he should just leave her on the ground.' She did try to kill me, he thought.
(('course its not XDDD Why would an eldritch witch use English for spells. Although that would be the gods she's contracted with speaking. also yes that is a language just a very obscure fictional language that I doubt you'll find a translation for XDDD))

Sora just lay there, locked in a completely dormant state, entirely at the outside world's mercy.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Ribbon sighed. "Arbitz is similar, but it would be us, and everything in a quarter mile around us. I can stop about four of his smaller shots or one big one before I'm exhausted, and he can fire a shot about every ten seconds. It really is no fun fighting against artillery fire. they dont bleed enough." Arbitz who was following a short distance behind perked up as he heard the words "artillery fire" before asking with a smile on his face. "What you guys talking about?"

"That's a lot... A lot of missles and... A lot more." Perfect said, rubbing the top of his head trying to think about how something like that could be stopped. He knew there were people who could stop it, but he had went rogue, so no help from them. If Arbitz ever went out of his way to try and blow them up. His line of focus was cut by Arbitz' question. He quickly turned around and looked back at him, "Ah.. Uh... Ribbon?"
(Looks like a mix between French and latin)

Jack finally choose to help Sora.

"I'm going to pick you up and take you to the nurses office. Please don't try to kill me " he picked her up from the floor.

"Y-yep your really heavy."

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester](('course its not XDDD Why would an eldritch witch use English for spells. Although that would be the gods she's contracted with speaking. also yes that is a language just a very obscure fictional language that I doubt you'll find a translation for XDDD))
Sora just lay there, locked in a completely dormant state, entirely at the outside world's mercy.

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https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/@Fukushima Akira



Realizing the last class was about to start soon, Moonstone quickly ran to the class. They stopped running when they reached the halls and just power-walked through, knowing that some schools has restrictions on running in the hall. When they entered class they looked shy and timid, but seeing Junchi there they quickly made their way towards them and sat down. They talked simple things with Junchi, leaving out the parts of their day involving a business with the black market and a criminal organization. They just spoke about they went out to town with Cody and Nico separately.

Junchi explained their side of the day, which involved skipping class, and after Moonstone forced more stuff out of them, saving a person from drowning herself and finding out they probably have a stalker. Hearing this news, Moonstone didn't hesitate to vow that they would help Junchi and the girl-which they learned was named Fricka-find the stalker. They then admired how nice they were to Fricka, as that wasn't something they themself felt like they could ever do for such a long period of time.

no slide
no slide
Extra Information


Health Class




Talking to Junchi


Wait for Health Class to begin

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


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[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Kaz sighed, the girl completely ignored his attempt at flirting. oh well. Thinking about her predicament, Kaz sighed as he spoke "You know there is such a thing as a coup right? Besides, I doubt this Queen or whatever could actually manage to take over much of anything. No offense of course, but theres a lot of bastards out there who kick some serious ass.

"I'm pretty sure they can't destroy everything from hell itself...And the queen tends to smoke kingdoms from the inside out..." she said, she kinda wish she caught the flirt earlier, but when she looked back on his words, that came up, "But I still have no idea where he went, so I can't ask him anything..." she said, almost pouting.
Roman said:
"Exactly. Owning a business is great and all, but the work never decreases, unless our business decides to take a turn for the worst." Cecil said, as he sat up and stretched. "A shower? Alright, I'll take one later, for now I'll just relax... I'll be right here when you get out." He said with a smile.
Maya smiled softly before going off into the bathroom to shower. After her shower, which hadnt taken too long, about 15 minutes at the most, she then stepped out of the bathroom having pulled on a T-shirt and a pair of shorts to wear until she had dried he hair and picked out something to wear for herself for later, she had a few dresses but had to look through them to see which she preferred since she hadn't worn them in while. But she left that task to one side for now. She walked back to the living room, drying her hair off with a towel. The small flowers that were normally in her hair slowly growing back as her hair began to dry. "Done~" she said walking over and sitting beside Cecil on the couch "Having fun relaxing?" She asked, tilting her head with a small smile.
JJKab said:
"Don't worry. I won't shoot... And Yeah, I want to learn how to dance..." Leon exclaimed, laughing softly, as he noticed that their food was arriving
Nico smiled brightly when their food arrived. She even started clapping.

"Yay!! The food is here,"

She giggled softly. She thanked the person who brought it out and started digging in. The chicken melted with her mouth.

"Soo good,"

She said with her mouth full.
charleen said:
Nico smiled brightly when their food arrived. She even started clapping.
"Yay!! The food is here,"

She giggled softly. She thanked the person who brought it out and started digging in. The chicken melted with her mouth.

"Soo good,"

She said with her mouth full.
Leon laughed softly, as she clapped

"You're a child" He joked, as he dug into his own food, chewing on it slowly

It tasted good, yeah
JJKab said:
Lena shrieked softly, giggling, as the world around her became almost black. She could make out Shuu's face.
She began taking off his shirt, with a sly smirk

(Not fade yet?)
((Nah, I think this would be a good time to fade so nobody gets too grossed out))
Nona said:
Leia looked down at herself briefly after he spoke "Oh, uhm, Thank you" she said softly as she looked up at him and smiled a little.
Satoshi began to run to the ocean. "Race ya there!" He laughed cheerfully, having some fun already.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu had stayed awake because Az was still not around. It would be best to stay awake while daylight was still a thing?
Lena purred softly, her shirt and skirt both off of her. She was in her underwear, nuzzled closely into Shuu.

"I love you" She whispered, kissing his chest lightly
CERBERUS177 said:
Serena blushed, "W-What?" she asked, "I...Alright...but I don't really do that for just anyone...really only my boyfriend makes me do that...because it's cute when he smiles and laughs." she said fiddling with a strand of hair.
Ryu finally blushed for once and got embarrassed. "O-Oops! Sorry um... I'm just saying I don't mind it is all..." He mumbled. "If you don't want to you don't have to."
Nona said:
Maya smiled softly before going off into the bathroom to shower. After her shower, which hadnt taken too long, about 15 minutes at the most, she then stepped out of the bathroom having pulled on a T-shirt and a pair of shorts to wear until she had dried he hair and picked out something to wear for herself for later, she had a few dresses but had to look through them to see which she preferred since she hadn't worn them in while. But she left that task to one side for now. She walked back to the living room, drying her hair off with a towel. The small flowers that were normally in her hair slowly growing back as her hair began to dry. "Done~" she said walking over and sitting beside Cecil on the couch "Having fun relaxing?" She asked, tilting her head with a small smile.
Cecil was still humming a tune in his head as Maya went to shower. He was having a constant flow of thoughts, things about their wedding and small things about what additions to the apartment he could make before he fell into a light sleep. Snoring softly, he laid with his hands behind his head. When Maya sat down beside him, Cecil blinked before he sat up, "I-I wasn't sleep. Just resting my eyes." He said, as he rubbed them a little. "Okay I was sleep..." He said, laughing lightly. "And yes, I am enjoying this entire day." Cecil added, pecking Maya's lips. "What about you?"
JJKab said:
Leon laughed softly, as she clapped
"You're a child" He joked, as he dug into his own food, chewing on it slowly

It tasted good, yeah
"But you loved it!!"

She exclaimed rolling her eyes slightly. Nico continued eating her meal, drinking her water a couple times.

"Soo.. what are your powers exactly?"

She asked curiously.
charleen said:
"But you loved it!!"
She exclaimed rolling her eyes slightly. Nico continued eating her meal, drinking her water a couple times.

"Soo.. what are your powers exactly?"

She asked curiously.
Leon looked out the window, and smirked, seeing clearly out in the distance at least two kilometers away

"I can see a sign clearly that is 2 kilometers away from here..." He exclaimed.

"Can you throw a punch at my face?" He asked, turning to look at the wall next to him, having Nico in the side of his eyesight.
TheDragoon said:
Ryu finally blushed for once and got embarrassed. "O-Oops! Sorry um... I'm just saying I don't mind it is all..." He mumbled. "If you don't want to you don't have to."
Serena giggled, "It's alright...I don't blame you. I know it's cute..." she said, "Sorry if I made you feel bad for saying that stuff...I understand now..." she said, she's guilty of sometimes going 'nyu' or 'mew' when she was looking in the mirror, just to call herself cute. Which made her feel embarrassed and blush a bit.
TheDragoon said:
Satoshi began to run to the ocean. "Race ya there!" He laughed cheerfully, having some fun already.
Leia blinked as he suddenly started running, was this what you did at the beach? Not really knowing what you did at the beach or how to have fun in general she decided not to think to hard about it (for once) and take on his challenge to a race as she began to run after him. Of course she didn't pass him and win since he technically had a head start but she did catch up with him, giggling softly as they reached the waters edge.
Nona said:
Colin quickly regained balance after Brutus nudged him. "Was that a friendly hello or an angry hello" he asked with a small laugh
"Friendly " she said with huge smile " bears are very miss understood creatures" she said petting his thick fur " i love foxes most next to Brutis

CERBERUS177 said:
I can't remember ;-;, I'll go look)
( hey where are we at ?)

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