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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Sixxx said:
Amber curled up on the couch munching away on her food , soon finsihing she set the plate down on the other end of the coffee table giggling at the movie when ever the cat or dog talked
-(Zac)- @Sixxx

Zac smiled as he watched Amber scoff down the food, he laughed at the same time as Amber when they talked, "Pretty good movie, i'm surprised my sister got it," Zac said with another chuckle accompanied with a smile.


She saw a light in front of her, then, the white tiles of what can be the cafeteria, "Note to self, use Zac's portal's..." SHe said o herself in a low whisper as she sat up, her gloves crunching as she turned them into fists, she knew most of the people here where human's, her eyes turned a deep crimson at the thought, "Fucking pests," She whispered to herself in a low tone, she stood up instantly within a blink of an eye and disappeared from view, she was up in the rafting holding onto her neck.

-((Just trying to get into it, soz if i am intruding, just tell me to edit and it'll be gone,))-
Roman said:
Roman smiled and nodded, "Yeah. Lets do that." He said, sitting up. "I say we go to the beach and walk around there. We always go to the park, so let's try something different."
Mal smiled and nodded, "Yeah, the beach sounds like a nice place to just walk around" she said happily.
VenomSlayer said:
((Is she on school grounds? If so can she/he go to the cafeteria.))
(Yeah, she's exiting her dorm, and heading to the school. Can you begin?)
LunaCrosby said:
Mal smiled and nodded, "Yeah, the beach sounds like a nice place to just walk around" she said happily.
(((( I just so happen to be woke ))))

Roman smiled and gave Mal a nod, "Alright then. The beach it is, we'll head there after we eat. I'm starving." He said, laughing lightly as he put his feet on the floor and slipped on his house shoes. "I'm going to the kitchen."
VenomSlayer said:
((She's in the Cafeteria, just enter there, quick question, is she a half human or a human entirely?))
(Human.. all my characters are humans, deal with it... She is also Bisex, so...)

Chler slowly entered the cafeteria, yawning. She took a small nap, and was still kinda tired, and hungry, so she decided to buy herself a sandvich.
JJKab said:
(Human.. all my characters are humans, deal with it... She is also Bisex, so...)
Chler slowly entered the cafeteria, yawning. She took a small nap, and was still kinda tired, and hungry, so she decided to buy herself a sandvich.
((Ok ok, sorry if i offended,))


Evelyn let go of her throat, an instant thirst for blood erupting, she covered her ear's so she didn't have to hear the heart beats, she quickly used her speed to get out of the cafeteria, failing miserably bumping into a girl, her hands off her ear's as the red in her eyes started swirling. ((\_o-O-_/))
Sixxx said:
She smiled " thank you " she said blushing at him being ok with her sleeping on him " well im glad im not a nuisance "
Colin blinked "A Nuisance?" he laughed lightly and shook his head "No way! as I already said, I love having you around, If you had to stay another while it wouldnt bother me at all" he said softly.
VenomSlayer said:
((Ok ok, sorry if i offended,))

Evelyn let go of her throat, an instant thirst for blood erupting, she covered her ear's so she didn't have to hear the heart beats, she quickly used her speed to get out of the cafeteria, failing miserably bumping into a girl, her hands off her ear's as the red in her eyes started swirling. ((\_o-O-_/))
Chler shrieked, as she was knocked over by a girl who was running past her. Not expecting it, she fell to the ground, hitting the ground harshly with her head. She moaned, holding her head where she struck the ground, in pretty big pain
JJKab said:
"I meant AFTER. I didn't mean now." Greg laughed softly, his massage stopping, as he decided to lean over, and hug Ariel's back, leaning his cheek on her upper back
"Of course our pizza... we'll eat it in a bit..." He exclaimed, closing his eyes

"For now, my beautifull... What do you want to do? Stand up, maybe? Cause I am getting pretty "Hungary" " He said with a joke, smirking slyly
Ariel rolled her eyes and giggled at his pun "That was a pretty cheesy pun" she said as her giggled quieted down "but yes, standing up would be a plan"
Nona said:
Ariel rolled her eyes and giggled at his pun "That was a pretty cheesy pun" she said as her giggled quieted down "but yes, standing up would be a plan"
"Alright." Gregory niftly pecked Ariel's back of the neck, before standing up, and reaching for his shirt. He put it on rather quickly

"I'll get the pizza, love, you'll stay here. Don't. Move. An Inch" He exclaimed with fake threat in his eyes, followed with a laugh, as he went to the kitchen to get the pizza
JJKab said:
Chler shrieked, as she was knocked over by a girl who was running past her. Not expecting it, she fell to the ground, hitting the ground harshly with her head. She moaned, holding her head where she struck the ground, in pretty big pain

Evelyn growled slightly as she stood back up more people looking at the scene, "I don't have time for this," Evelyn said before she disappeared outside, the red in her eyes calming down slightly, she had enough of human's to last another 50,000 year's, she was over at a tree she saw, no heart beats, she plopped down and let her head go back, she tried to make a portal in front of her, it working for a split second before closing, "God dammit, you piece of-" She was cut off as a stick fell on her head, she looked up to see the culprit but it was a bird, she sighed as she relaxed. She looked back over at the cafeteria, she knew people could see her there but she didn't care, all she wanted was for them to not come over.
JJKab said:
"Alright." Gregory niftly pecked Ariel's back of the neck, before standing up, and reaching for his shirt. He put it on rather quickly
"I'll get the pizza, love, you'll stay here. Don't. Move. An Inch" He exclaimed with fake threat in his eyes, followed with a laugh, as he went to the kitchen to get the pizza
Ariel looked up at him from where she sat as he spoke. when he told her not to move an inch she shuffled an inch or two to the side and jokingly stuck her tongue out at him. "Alright" she then said.
Nona said:
Ariel looked up at him from where she sat as he spoke. when he told her not to move an inch she shuffled an inch or two to the side and jokingly stuck her tongue out at him. "Alright" she then said.
Gregory soon came over, carrying two plates. On them, there were 6 slices of pepperoni-cheese-tomato pizza each. He rested one plate on her knees, and one rested right next to the place he soon sat in

"Bone appetite" He exclaimed, taking one slice, and digging into it.
VenomSlayer said:
Evelyn growled slightly as she stood back up more people looking at the scene, "I don't have time for this," Evelyn said before she disappeared outside, the red in her eyes calming down slightly, she had enough of human's to last another 50,000 year's, she was over at a tree she saw, no heart beats, she plopped down and let her head go back, she tried to make a portal in front of her, it working for a split second before closing, "God dammit, you piece of-" She was cut off as a stick fell on her head, she looked up to see the culprit but it was a bird, she sighed as she relaxed. She looked back over at the cafeteria, she knew people could see her there but she didn't care, all she wanted was for them to not come over.
Chler slowly stood up, rubbing the place on her head where she was hit. She was pretty beat up, but she decided to have that damn dinner. So she walked towards the cafeteria's ordering place, and ordered a sandvich, soon sitting back down on the chair. The side of her head next to the temple seemed to have a bruise on there
Nona said:



School Courtyard


Slightly Bored


Laying on the grass



Interacting with:

No one



~Rosalie Dalton~

Having nothing better to do now, Rosalie was relaxing on the grass outside the school building in the courtyard, her school books laying beside her as she had read through the bits she needed to. She huffed quietly to herself as she had a quick look around, there wasn't many people around, not many people she knew anyways, this prompted her to take a mental note that she should probably should make some friends around here since the only friend she had made there had just left her in the middle of the night without so much as a goodbye, of course because of the nature of his job, she knew he would leave, but she didn't think so quickly or in the manner he did so she never tried making friends since then. She supposed since school had begun a she should probably start. Ah well, she'd try tomorrow. In her bored state she pondered what to do now that she had finished her school work and her evening was now pretty much free. As she thought over it, she used her powers to mimic the birds around her, a habit that she always did when passing time, which in turn made them answer her.


Evelyn sighed and cringed at the hearing of birds, she looked over at the tree where the sound came, she didn't have to try hard to see who it was coming from, she sighed as she kept going, she was instantly over there, "Could you please stop that?" Evelyn asked the woman as she was right in front of the girl.
VenomSlayer said:
Evelyn sighed and cringed at the hearing of birds, she looked over at the tree where the sound came, she didn't have to try hard to see who it was coming from, she sighed as she kept going, she was instantly over there, "Could you please stop that?" Evelyn asked the woman as she was right in front of the girl.
(And....... that's it...?)
JJKab said:
Gregory soon came over, carrying two plates. On them, there were 6 slices of pepperoni-cheese-tomato pizza each. He rested one plate on her knees, and one rested right next to the place he soon sat in
"Bone appetite" He exclaimed, taking one slice, and digging into it.
Ariel looked down at the plate for a moment before smiling at Gregory "Thank you ~" she chimed happily before taking a slice.
Nona said:
Ariel looked down at the plate for a moment before smiling at Gregory "Thank you ~" she chimed happily before taking a slice.
"No problemo..." Gregory exclaimed, smirking, as he took yet another bite, this time almost finishing his slice off.

"Well, Greg, I gotta tell you, you outdid yourself" He complimented himself with a gentle laugh
VenomSlayer said:
Evelyn sighed and cringed at the hearing of birds, she looked over at the tree where the sound came, she didn't have to try hard to see who it was coming from, she sighed as she kept going, she was instantly over there, "Could you please stop that?" Evelyn asked the woman as she was right in front of the girl.
Rosalie had been boredly looking up into the sky before a the shadowed view of a girl can into view, causing her to sit up and look at her "Huh?" She blinked before she realised what she meant "Oh, right" her voice sounded as the extra chirping had stopped "Sorry" she smiled lightly an echoed giggle accompanying it.
JJKab said:
"No problemo..." Gregory exclaimed, smirking, as he took yet another bite, this time almost finishing his slice off.
"Well, Greg, I gotta tell you, you outdid yourself" He complimented himself with a gentle laugh
Ariel giggled "Yeah, This is a pretty good pizza, I'm impressed" she said before taking another bite of the slice she took.

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